

单词 令堂



(honorific) your parents

See also:


an order n
order n
command n
season n
warrant n

make sth. happen
government position (old)
honorific title

(main) hall
of the same clan
large room for a specific purpose
relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family

External sources (not reviewed)

事 實證明,自從 1998 年 政 府 推 行
中 學 教 學 語 言 政 策 以 來 ,教育界 普遍 認同母 語 教 學有助提高 學 生的認
[...] 知及學習 能力, 這 不 但令課堂 內 的 討 論 氣 氛 變 得 活 [...]
躍 , 更 可 加 速 教 學 的 進度和加強學 習 的 深 度。
Since our launch of the MOI policy for secondary schools in 1998, the
education sector has generally agreed that mother tongue teaching helps enhance the
[...] students' cognitive and learning ability.
舉例而言,假如政府在㆒宗訴訟 案件裏敗訴兼被法庭令支付對方堂 費 , 但從無獨立機構去評估或核算有關堂費是否 [...]
For example, when the Government loses a litigation
[...] case and is therefore ordered to pay out costs to [...]
the other party, no independent evaluation
or audit has ever been exercised.
今年3月,衞生署令回收李眾堂藥 廠所生產的全部兩款產品, 但翌日卻宣布只是其中一款產品,即含有減肥西藥的輕便裝。
However, according to the announcement made the following day, only one of the two products, that is the "Po Chai Pills Capsule Form" contain slimming western drugs and had to be recalled.
特區政 府 開 徵 銷 售 稅 , 只令“購堂 ” 的 美 譽毀於一 旦 。
If the Government of the Special Administrative Region (SAR) should levy a sales tax, it would only
[...] ruin our reputation as a "shoppers' paradise".
门户开放国际组织表达了类似的关切并介绍了2011 年贝贾亚省令关闭教堂的情况。
ECLJ stated that although Algerian government officials assert a record of religious tolerance, the government had been cracking down on Christians out of its concern that the number of Christians was growing.38 Open Doors
International (ODI) expressed similar concerns and presented the case of Bejaïa Province
[...] where the Governor ordered in 2011 the closure [...]
of churches.39 30.
所以,如果政府不 落實修改法例,便不能確保香港“購物 堂 ” 的 美譽,甚 令 本 港 成為 騙徒的堂。
Hence, if the Government does not amend the legislation, Hong
Kong's reputation of "a
[...] shopping paradise" can hardly be maintained; worse still, Hong Kong may be reduced to a swindlers' paradise.
租金及勞工 成本隨著門店數目增加而上升,以及為應付市場競爭加劇而額外投入之推廣費, 令 華潤 堂二零零八年的盈利受壓。
Rising store rentals and labor costs associated with higher store number, as well as the additional advertising costs incurred to deal with intensifying competition, also imposed pressure on the operation’s profitability for 2008.
在上星期的會議,三個多小時的鳴鐘 令 議 事 堂 無 法 正常議事,讓立 法會陷於空轉的狀態,連公民黨的湯家驊議員也覺得,發言期間被打 斷是很沒有意思。
The Council was running like an idling engine. Even Mr Ronny TONG from the Civic Party thought that it was annoying to be disrupted in the course of his speech.
九八五年該堂成立新執 行委員會後,便開始對延遲續批的業主,濫收費用,另就重建及更改土㆞用途而發出 同意書方面收取新費用,由幾萬元至幾十萬元不等,這個做 令 黃 維 則 堂 與 其 「小業 主」之間出現嚴重糾紛。
And since the setting up of the new Executive Committee of the Tong in 1985, the Tong charged sublessees excessive fees for late renewals and charged additional fees for giving consent to redevelopment and change in land use, in amount ranging from several ten thousand to several hundred thousand dollars.
基層居民要與業主對簿堂,實在是 令 人 難 過的事情,而這位業主 便是政府。
It was most regrettable that the grassroots had [...]
to take their landlord to Court, and this landlord was none other than the Government.
但西諺有云:「每朵雲邊都可找到銀光」,施政失誤導致七一大遊行,我們可能要「多謝」特首,給香港帶來下列的「好處」:(一)市民同氣連枝,加強了社會凝聚力,發揮了「團結就是力量」的精神;(二)在大遊行和抗炎事件中,讓全世界看到香港市民可愛可敬的一面;(三)衝擊了百多年下來的政治冷感,令港人關心政治;遊 令 市 民 上了 堂 公 民課,更明白普選的重要性,也可能會令更多年青人登記做選民;(四)令祖國不得不施恩救港(如CEPA);(五)令中央政府明白,不能找個可信賴但無能力的人治港;以後要找個不單信得過還要有才幹及有民望的人,才不會自找麻煩。
Poor management by the government leads to the public demonstration on July 1. We may have to "thank" the Chief Executive for bring the following "good things" for Hong Kong: (1) Citizens become more united and the society shows higher cohesiveness.
那麼多間堂中,最令我印 象深刻的是St Mary of the Angels。
Among so many churches, the church that captured my attention is St Mary of the Angels.
委員 並要求政 府 慎 重 考慮, 如 果 推 行 中 央 屠 宰雞隻,令香港美食堂 的 美 譽 受 損 , 更 會 影響從事家禽 業 人士的生計。
Panel members also urged the Administration to cautiously consider whether a central slaughtering system for chickens should be introduced for it would affect Hong Kong's reputation as a place for fine cuisine and dishes, as well as the livelihood of many people employed in the poultry trade.
當局並可 考慮規定㆞方法院只能在特殊情況㆘,行使有關頒發繳 堂 費 命 令 的 權 力。
Consideration will also be given for the
[...] District Court to make orders for costs exercisable [...]
only in exceptional circumstances.
(二 ) 由於廢物循環再造產業的投入較大、回報較低,因此,政府 應參考發達國家的推動環保和廢物再造產業政策,擬定 本地的優惠政策,包括提供土地和稅務優惠、技術支援等, 以鼓勵商界投資廢物回收再造產業;及 (三
) 在擴大產品環保責任制的同時,擴大現行回收可供循環 再造廢物的工作,並鼓勵社會採用環保產品;政府應避免
[...] 將環保徵費普及化或將其演變為另類消費稅,以免將香港 變成“稅、費之都”,打擊香港的購物 堂 美 譽 , 令 市 民的 生活習慣受影響和刺激通脹。
(b) since waste recycling industries require considerable investments but yield relatively low returns, the Government should therefore, by making reference to the policies of developed countries on promoting environmental and waste recycling industries, formulate local preferential policies, including providing land and tax concessions, technology support, etc., so as to encourage the commercial sector to invest in waste recovery and recycling industries; and (c) while broadening the scope of product eco-responsibility, present efforts in recovering recyclable waste should be extended, and the use of green products by society should be encouraged; the Government should avoid making environmental levies prevalent in Hong Kong or charging to another kind of consumption tax, so as not to turn Hong Kong into a ‘taxes and levies
capital’, tarnish Hong Kong’s
[...] reputation as a shoppers’ paradise, affecting people’s [...]
daily habits and boosting inflation.
但是,這樣卻威脅了香港美食堂的 地位 , 令市 民從此要吃貴雞。
However, this has threatened Hong Kong's
[...] position as a Gourmets' Paradise and the people have [...]
since been made to consume chickens at higher costs.
延至九㆕年十月,行政當局才就 處理這事提出其立法建議,但這些建議並未正視小業主的理據,卻處處偏袒黃維 堂, 令爭取恢復土㆞業權的小業主對政府完全失去信任。
It was not until October 1994 then the Administration proposed to introduce legislation to rectify the situation, but these proposals did not address the arguments put forward by sublessees and were in all respects taking sides with the Tong, making sublessees completely lose confidence in the Government in fighting for the restoration of land ownership.
令人遗憾的是,报告避而不谈一个事实,即阿族 当局继续维护用混凝土填埋贾科维察市中心两度被 毁的塞尔维亚堂遗址这个令人义 愤填膺的决定。
Unfortunately, the report passes over in silence the fact that the ethnic Albanian authorities continue to defend the outrageous decision to pave over with concrete the remains of the Serbian church in the centre of Djakovica that has been destroyed twice.
在Thames Foyer大堂,重新推出令人眩 目的玻璃屋顶花园暖房将提供完美情调的下午茶。
Within the Thames Foyer, the re-introduction of a stunning winter garden [...]
gazebo beneath an ornate glass dome will provide
the perfect ambience for afternoon tea.
在眾所期盼的新加坡F1夜間賽車進行之前,Oris身為 AT&T Williams F1車隊的官方腕錶合作伙伴,與車手Nico Rosberg齊聚堂,舉辦了一令人驚艷的腕錶發表會。
Ahead of the first Formula One night race in Singapore Oris, the Official Watch Partner of the AT&T Williams Formula One team organised a very special event with Williams’ driver Nico Rosberg.
可是,這項工作最大的困難是,一些早期 興建的學校在設備上未能配合,例如沒有足夠地方闢建 堂 , 令 中 央派 飯存在困難。
And, many schools also wish to implement on-site meal portioning; in other words, by centralizing meal portioning, food will be apportioned according to the capacity of individual children, so as to reduce food wastage. But the biggest hindrance to on-site meal portioning is that the facilities of schools built in the early days cannot cope with this practice; for instance, these
schools may not have sufficient
[...] space for setting up a cafeteria, thus making it difficult [...]
for them to implement on-site meal portioning.
福斯太平洋区总经理Paul Slupecki 说:“ 福斯主要客户与福斯公司的专家们聚集 堂 在 令 人 鼓舞的气氛中进行了建设性的对话,特别强调了使用福斯仪器取得的创造性工作。
FOSS Pacific general manager Paul Slupecki said: “Gathering key customers together with FOSS specialists creates a real positive and inspiring atmosphere, with plenty of robust and constructive dialogue.
好像剛才提到的鐵路上蓋項目,由於地盤大部分又狹 又長,加上月台和車站堂等設施, 令 樓 盤的基座升高最少 10 至 40 米,建 成“屏風樓”的機會明顯較高。
Just like the abovementioned developments on top of railway stations, since most of such sites are
narrow and elongated in shape and
[...] the platforms and the lobbies of the stations have [...]
already made the bases of such developments
rise by at least 10 m to 40 m, so the likelihood of constructing screen-like buildings is obviously higher.
福斯主要客户与福斯公司的专家们聚集 堂 在 令 人 鼓舞的气氛中进行了建设性的对话,特别强调了使用福斯仪器取得的创造性工作。
Gathering key customers together with FOSS specialists created an inspiring atmosphere with constructive dialogue highlighting the innovative work being done with FOSS instruments.
(i) 向 國際旅遊業界宣傳,讓
他們知道香港未來一年內 落成的一 系列新的旅遊基建,並承 着 現 有 豐富的旅遊資源,更突 出香 港多元化
[...] 的旅遊體驗,使 香港超越固有的「美食和 購物堂」 形象,令他們認同 2006 年是到香港旅遊的最佳時機,為 [...]
香港設計和推廣特色 行 程組合
(i) to promote to the international trade the series of tourist attractions that will be opened in the coming year and leverage on the existing tourism resources to build a new image of Hong
Kong beyond the traditional image of a
[...] shopping and dining paradise, and offering a rich [...]
and diversified experience for our visitors.
香港的政治制度 和架構有先天 性 的 缺 陷 , 而 這 也反映在議堂 內 , 令 挺 政府的黨 派 吃 盡 苦 頭 , 因為他們若 挺 政府,便不為選民 所 贊 同,但 如 果順從 民 意 投 票 , 便 會 受 政府責難, 因此“ 轉  ” 頻頻, 兩 頭 不 是人,令 人同情 。
It is because if they support the Government, they will not be supported by the voters; but if they vote according to the wish of the people, they will be reproached by the Government.
機管局亦繼續開 闢 新的收入來源, 舉 例 來說,機 管 局
[...] 預期二零零四至 零五年度,已 竣 工的機場客 運 大 樓 東堂 擴 建部分,令零 售 方面的 收入增加15%左右。
For example, AA expects that its retail revenue
would increase by around 15% in year 2004/05 as a result of the
[...] completion of the Passenger Terminal East Hall expansion.
希慎道店向利舞台致敬,電影院堂 設 計 令 人 印 象深刻;這次則以Prison為題,帶出地方掌故。
The Hysan Avenue shop (Hong Kong) is a tribute to the iconic Lee Theatre, with mesmerizing cinema-inspired interior design; the latest shop situated on Caine Road (named after Captain William Caine, a 19th Century figure in Hong Kong police) , takes ‘prison’ as its theme.
在关于南部非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的高层会议上,来自赞比亚、津 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们与联合国系统 的九名行政长官共聚堂,会议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 面面临的主要挑战并明确联合国系统在支持各国工作方面的作用。
The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho met together with nine United Nations system Executive Heads, had the objectives of identifying key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts.
(i) 本公司可按董事會認為合適之有關條款向本公司、其
任何附屬公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有關控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 屬 公 司 之 董 事 及
[...] 真 誠 僱 員 提 供 財 務 援 助,令彼等可買入或認購或以其他方式收購本公司 [...]
或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份繳足),而 有關條款可包括一項提述,倘董事不再擔任董事,或
僱員不再受僱於本公司或有關其他公司,則以有關財 務援助買入或認購或以其他方式收購之股份須或可按 董事會認為合適之有關條款售予本公司或有關其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the
Company or any subsidiary of any such
[...] holding company in order that they may purchase [...]
or subscribe or otherwise acquire
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