

单词 太平绅士

See also:


place name
peace and security

External sources (not reviewed)

太平绅士韦伯公司通过数字文 件形式提供技术性说明,这使得我们可以为全波兰的客户提供服务。
Moreover, JP Weber offers the technical feasibility of accounting with digital documents making it possible to provide services for clients all over Poland.
文化认 知是我公司商业战略的基石,这也使 太平绅士韦 伯 公司始终将客户的感受作为自身工作的衡量标 准。
Cultural awareness is a cornerstone of our business strategy, enabling our team to fully integrate with our customers, ensuring that customer experience remains a positive benchmark for JP Weber.
太平绅士韦伯 公司有很多专家,他们能够把 复杂的融资设计转换成完美的设计成功的进入市场。
JP Weber are localized experts, able to turn complex multifaceted financing schemes, into seamless and successful go to market strategies.
太平绅士和社 区领袖组成的独立委员会会对拘留所进行暗访,确保被拘留 者不受虐待。
Independent Boards consisting of over 50
[...] Justices of the Peace and community leaders [...]
make unannounced visits to the places
of detention to ensure there is no ill-treatment of detainees.
太平绅士韦伯 公司欢迎您就具体问题与我们进 行深入探讨。
JP Weber will be pleased to discuss specific problems.
太平绅士韦伯 公司的投资咨询凭借在错综复杂的波兰投资程序中为资深的决策者提供私人咨询服务 已经打下了专业且稳固的基础。
JP Weber Investments has established its professional roots via personally accompanying senior decision makers through the intricate and complex Polish investment process.
太平绅士韦伯 公司提供咨询的100多个投资项目中,向您展示了我们已经被证实的市场成 功诀窍和最佳实践方法。
With more than 100 investment projects at JP Weber Advisory, we represent proven market knowhow and best practice.
本指南太平绅士韦伯 集团以及波兰信息和外商 投资局合作,通过总结给外国投资者提供咨询的 经验编写。
This guide is a result of the JP Weber Group’s combined experience with PAIiIZ gained through advising foreign investors.
太平绅士韦伯 公司在国际投资者和希望在波兰进 行直接投资的企业家中享有较高声望。
JP Weber is a prestigious address for international investors and entrepreneurs wishing to invest directly within the teritorry of Poland.
太平绅士韦伯 公司的外部会计包括两个核心内容——向财政当局作纳税申报和向管理机构作公开报 告。
External accounting by JP Weber connects two central elements – tax declarations for the financial authorities and transparent reporting for the management.
本指南由来太平绅士韦伯 公司的专业人士编写, 他们都是各自领域的专家,并且在为外国企业提供 咨询方面非常有经验,同时本指南在专业知识方面 也得到波兰信息和外商投资局很大的支持。
This guide was prepared by professionals from JP Weber who are experts in their field and experienced in advising foreign companies as well as the professional know-how from PAIiIZ who supported this guide.
在囚人士 有权向行政长官呈请或与巡视 太平绅士 就 任 何有关监狱内的待遇会面。
Prisoners have the right to petition the Chief Executive or see
[...] visiting Justices of the Peace about any matter [...]
regarding prison treatment.
新昌营造集团常务副主席王英伟SBS 太平绅士 致 欢迎辞时特别提到:「我要感谢大家的支持,我有信心集团在2011年的发展一定会比往年更好。
With the support of those of you gathered here, we are confident
that we can scale even greater heights in
[...] 2011,” said Mr. Wilfred Wong, SBS, JP, Executive [...]
Deputy Chairman of Hsin Chong Construction Group.
国际标准、团队合作和专业水准 太平绅士 韦 伯 公司的核心价值理念。
International standards, team work, and professional excellence are core values at JP Weber, priming our team for success.
在绿色制造网络(GMN)国际公司的内部,我们与 来自全球三十五个国家的多家 著名会计师事 务所 协同工作,使太平绅士韦伯 公司不断获得最佳实 践的新知,并能从后备的国际专业人士那里获益。
Within GMN International, we work with world renowned accounting firms from over 35 countries globally, enabling JP Weber to gain best practice leaning´s, as well as benefits from a solid base of international professionals.
十 余 年 来太 平 绅 士 韦 伯公 司 活 跃 于 投 资 领 域 ,我 公司过往的业绩已得到客户的认可,这也使我们成 为了众多高要求客户信任的商业合 作伙伴。
Boasting more than ten years of investment experience, our proven track record has enabled us to evolve into a trusted business partner for numerous demanding customers.
若读者参照本指南中提供的信息而采取或未采 取某些行动,由此给您带来的任何损失 太平 绅士韦伯集团公司、波兰信息和外商投资局以 及本指南的各合著者均不负任何损失的赔偿责 任。
JP Weber Group companies, Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency and the coauthors in person reserve that they cannot be held responsible or liable for any damages (or losses) that may arise with regards to action taken or not taken in accordance with the information presented in this guide.
是日嘉宾及讲者包括:深圳市人民政府副秘书长 高国辉先生,广东省科学技术协会合作交流部部长 郑德胜先生丶香港创新科技署署长 王荣太平绅士丶立 法会议员 谭伟豪博士丶香港城市大学校长 郭位教授丶香港中文大学副校长 黄乃正教授丶香港贸易发展局制造业拓展总监 周瑞怰先生丶香港科技园公司高级经理 林挺博士丶香港生物科技研究院有限公司生物制品部及GMP顾问服务部经理 杨树英博士丶海康生命科技有限公司事业发展总监 汤浩博士丶华大基因香港研发中心有限公司执行总监 王立志先生丶深圳市新产业生物医学工程有限公司总经理 饶微先生等。
Dr. the Honourable Samson Wai-Ho TAM, JP, Legislative Council Member; Prof. Way KUO, Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of City University of Hong Kong; Prof. Henry N.C. WONG, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mr. Ralph CHOW, Director of Product Promotion, Hong Kong Trade Development Council; Dr. Stephen LAM, Senior Manager, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation; Dr. Ken YEUNG, Unit Head, Biologics Unit and GMP Consultation Service Unit, The Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology; Dr. Curt TANG, Corporate Development Director, Hai Kang Life Corporation Limited; Mr. Alex WONG, Executive Director, BGI-Hong Kong Co.
救世军定向日」首席赞助机构煤气公司执行董事暨营运总裁关育 太平绅士 表 示 :「煤气公司跟救世军一样用心服务香港市民,今年适逢是煤气公司150周年纪念, 希望借着『救世军定向日』让参加者追踪煤气公司服务市民的历史:例如1864年的第一个煤气厂房旧址和现存最古老的煤气街灯位置。
Mr. James YC Kwan, JP, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of Towngas, the Principal Sponsor said, “Both Towngas and The Salvation Army have been dedicated to serving the people in Hong Kong.
他現為香港大學亞洲研究中心傑出 士 、 第 一 太平 公 司 董事、九倉(控股)有限公司 董事、環貿通科技有限公司董事及 LG Asian Smaller Companies Fund 董事。
He is now a
[...] Distinguished Fellow, Centre of Asian Studies of the University of Hong Kong, Director of First Pacific Company Limited, [...]
Director of The Wharf
(Holdings) Limited, Director of eBizAnywhere Technologies Limited, and Director of LG Asian Smaller Companies Fund.
轻松航绅士55的设 计使得其能轻松舒 适的航行,完美的船身设计和升帆后绝佳平衡保 障了其惊人的航行速度和单体帆 船中独一无二的航海性能。
Its excellent hull rigidity and perfect balance under sail, guarantee surprising sailing speeds with sea keeping second to none among mono hulls.
常设论坛任命论坛成员 Valmaine Toki 女士编写太平洋区域非殖民化问题 研究报告,提交论坛第十二届会议。
The Permanent Forum appoints Valmaine Toki, a member of
the Forum, to undertake a study on
[...] decolonization of the Pacific region, to be submitted [...]
to the Forum at its twelfth session.
鄭 先生太平紳士,並獲香港特區政府頒授銀紫荊星章。
Mr. Cheng is
[...] a Justice of the Peace and is awarded the [...]
Silver Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong SAR Government.
甘先 生 亦為澳 洲新 南威爾斯太 平紳士。
Mr. KAM is also
[...] a Justice of the Peace for the State of [...]
New South Wales in Australia.
在最近广受好评的热播电影《北京遇上西雅图》里,吴秀波成功塑造了一个新好男人的形象,而在现实生活中他也是一位追求不凡品质 绅士。
In his latest movie "Beijing Meets Seattle", Wu Xiubo successfully portrays the stylishness of the new man, a gentleman in everyday life who is always in pursuit of the extraordinary.
其他一些小组成 员,与妇发基金东亚和东南亚区域方案主任一道,强调了问责机制的重要
[...] 性,来自太平洋共同体秘书处的Imrana Jalal 女士指出了太平洋岛 国批准和 执行《公约》将获得的益处以及在这方面面临的制约因素。
Other panellists, along with the UNIFEM Regional Programme Director for East and South-East Asia, stressed the importance of accountability mechanisms, and Ms. Imrana Jalal, from the Secretariat of the Pacific
Community, pointed out benefits as well as
[...] constraints faced by Pacific island States in ratifying [...]
and implementing the Convention.
江诗丹顿自Trophée Bailli de Suffren赛事创立之初,便一直与保持着紧密联系;並為能夠延續这项由19世纪末 绅士 水 手 们所传承至今的经典古董游艇比赛的精神而引以自豪;这种蕴涵谦和有礼、 平 竞 争 、尊重传统及气度优雅的真正运动精神,也同时是江诗丹顿所珍视的价值。
Vacheron Constantin has been associated with the Trophée Bailli de Suffren from the outset and is proud to contribute to the safeguarding of the spirit of
Grand Classic Yachting
[...] displayed by the gentlemen sailors of the late 19th century; a true sporting spirit allied to values cherished by Vacheron Constantin: courtesy, fair play, respect for [...]
tradition, and elegance.
伯爵始终致力于推广马球运动,这项高难度 绅士 运 动与品牌大胆、高品质、和精准的价值观不谋而合,同时伯爵也出资举办同名世界杯马球赛,与棕榈滩马球俱乐部的名声鹊起息息相关,而时至今日,还冠名赞助USPA金杯赛。
Committed to promoting this extreme sport, which mirrors its own values – daring, high standards, and precision – it has been connected with the promotion of polo at Palm Beach since its beginnings, through supporting the World Cup and today sponsoring the famous USPA Gold Cup to which it lends its name.
致力推動本地馬球文化的香港馬球發展及推廣協會日前正式成立,為隆盛其事,香港馬球發展及推廣協會於今日下午舉行了盛大的成立典禮暨新聞發佈會,並邀請了國際馬球聯合會(Federation of International Polo, FIP)
及多位嘉賓出席支持,包括香港馬球發展及推廣協會副主席李自忠先生、國際馬球聯合會執行委員Asad Jumabhoy先生和國際馬球聯合會大使及市務委員Roderick Vere
[...] Nicoll先生, 以及中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會副會長余國 樑 M H 太平 紳 士 等 聚 首一堂,共襄盛舉。
In attendance were Mr. Harvey Lee, Vice Chairman of the HKPDPF along with Mr. Asad Jumabhoy, Executive Committee, Federation of International Polo (FIP), Mr. Roderick Vere Nicoll, FIP
Ambassador and Marketing Committee, and Mr.
[...] Tony Yue, MH JP, Vice-President of HK Sports Federation [...]
and Olympic Committee.
扶靈嘉賓包括:財政司司長曾俊華先生、Panasonic Corporation 副社長坂本俊弘先生、香港大學校長徐立之教授、日本駐港總領事(署理)松永大介先生、其士集團主席周亦卿博士、清華大學副校長陳吉寧教授、北京大學副校長李岩松博士、中央駐港聯絡辦公室教育科技部部長潘永華教授、陳瑞 太平 紳 士 以 及香港公開大學校長梁智仁教授。
Pallbearers included Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary of HKSAR; Mr. Sakamoto Toshihiro, Vice President of Panasonic Corporation; Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Hong Kong; Mr. Daisuke Matsunaga, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong (Acting); Dr. Chow Yei Ching, Chairman of Chevalier Group; Professor Chen Jining, Vice President of Tsinghua University; Professor Li Yansong, Vice President of Peking University; Professor Pan Yong-hua, Director General of Education; Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR; Mr. Michael Chan, JP; Professor John C. Y. Leong, President of The Open University of Hong Kong.




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