

单词 太监

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

该神社于1951年由著名建筑设计师伊东 太监 理 , 现已被认定为历史遗迹。
The shrine was constructed in
[...] 1951 under the supervision of architect [...]
Chuta Ito, and it has been designated a site of historical significance.
中央机构太可能充分监督小 型供应商的活动,然而却可能需要建立必须 由地方政府参与的不同体制结构。
It is unlikely that a central agency can adequately oversee the activities [...]
by small-scale providers, but rather a different
institutional set-up may be required, for instance involving local governments.
Highly cost-effective
[...] Ethernet performance monitoring device providing [...]
complete network visibility for mobile backhaul,
Carrier Ethernet and PTN networks.
科纳克里法院太可能将监护 权 判给Kaba 先生而在离婚判决书或提交人应收到副本的其他书面判决中却又对 [...]
It is unlikely that the Conakry court would have
[...] granted Mr. Kaba sole custody without mentioning [...]
it in the divorce decree, or in another
written judgement of which the author would probably have received a copy.
合并并升级我们的研发设施将对中国客户大有裨益”,罗地亚工程塑料 太 地 区 总 监 F r a nk Laganier先生表示。
Bringing together and upgrading our research and development facilities will be
of great benefit to our China customers,” says
[...] Frank Laganier, Asia-Pacific Zone Director, Rhodia [...]
Engineering Plastics.
太子 港监狱取 消对遣返罪犯进行预防性拘留是最近刚刚采取的措施,无法推定不 存在任意拘留的风险。
The abolition of the practice of preventive detention of criminal deportees at the Port-au-Prince national penitentiary is too recent to infer that there is no risk of arbitrary detention.
太经社会方监测和评价指引包含 鼓励在发展指标和相关的监测和评价程序纳入性别平等维度的建议。
ESCAP programme monitoring and evaluation guidelines [...]
contain recommendations to encourage the incorporation of gender dimensions
into the development of indicators and related monitoring and evaluation procedures.
太技术监测》 和《增值技术信息服务》等免 费网络期刊探讨的专题计有:臭氧层保护、废物处理技术、生物技 术、食品加工以及非传统能源等,现仍为各成员国所广泛使用。
Those free, web-based
[...] periodicals, the Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor and the Value Added [...]
Technology Information Services (VATIS)
updates, which discussed such topics as ozone layer protection, waste technology, biotechnology, food processing, and non-conventional energy, continued to be used widely by member countries.
独立专家赞赏红十字委员会按照国际标准修复拘留场所,尤其 太子 港的民监狱。
He salutes the work done by the International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) to bring places of detention, in particular
[...] the civilian prison in Port-au-Prince, up [...]
to international standards.
监督和评估专家小组 (MEEG) 在欧洲和太地区制定监督和 评估方法以及各项联合 国全球行动(全民教育、联合国扫盲十年、艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育问题全球倡议、联合国千年 发展目标)目前采用的监督和评估方法的基础上,为拟定可持续发展教育十年的全球监督和 [...]
The Monitoring and Evaluation Expert Group (MEEG) provides guidance on the preparation of a global monitoring and evaluation [...]
(M&E) framework
for the DESD, drawing on the M&E approaches developed by the Europe and Asia-Pacific regions and the existing M&E systems of other United Nations global initiatives (EFA, UNLD, EDUCAIDS, MDGs).
Samuel Lee 于 2000 年加入 Equinix,现任 Equinix 亚太地区总裁,负监督公司亚太地 区 业务的管理、战略和发展。
Samuel Lee joined Equinix in 2000 and
now serves as President
[...] of Equinix Asia-Pacific, overseeing the management, strategy and growth of the company’s Asia Pacific operations.
根据《宪法》第 50 条和《国家环境保护法》第 25 条,巴甫洛格勒化工厂和
[...] 巴甫洛格勒机械厂例行向国家监测和监督机构、巴甫洛格勒市议会和该市公众报 告乌克兰国太空署的环监测结果。
In accordance with article 50 of the Constitution and article 25 of the national Environmental Protection Act, the Pavlograd Chemical Plant and the Pavlograd Mechanical Plant routinely communicate the findings of the environmental monitoring conducted by the
National Space Agency of Ukraine to the
[...] State monitoring and oversight agencies and the city [...]
council and the general public of the city of Pavlograd.
太子港国家监狱中,有 3 875 名被羁押者,占 据空间 1 995 平方米,每名囚犯仅 0.51 [...]
平方米,远远低于 2.5 平方米的国际标 准,而这是安全和人权方面的最低限度。
In the national penitentiary in Port-au-Prince, 3,875 [...]
detainees occupied 1,995 square metres, or 0.51 square metres per
prisoner, far below the international norm of 2.5 square metres, which reflects a basic minimum in terms of safety and human rights.
在现场的网络布建上,IES-3062GT和IES-1062GT工业以太网交换机可依据每个楼层与中控室的距离,采用 太 网 连 结网 监 视 器 与千兆主干网络,或是采用光纤传输方式连接摄像机和千兆主干网。
Depended on the distance from the level at issue to the central control room, IES-3062GT and IES-1062GT is installed to connect to the IP cameras and link to the Gigabit backbone network or deployed to enable optic fiber connections to the cameras and the Gigabit backbone network.
但在中国股市显示企稳迹象前监管 机构 不 太 可 能推出国际版,而中国股市最早在2013年下半年才有望企稳。
But that launch is unlikely to come until China’s own stock markets show signs of stability, which is unlikely until the second half of 2013 at the earliest.
通过使用可选的Visual Guardian™
[...] Lite管理软件,FTB-8120/FTB-8120NG和FTB-8130/FTB-8130NG Transport Blazer模块允许您执行远程测试和数据分析,也可以通过标准 太 网 进 行远 监 测。
Through the optional Visual Guardian Lite™ management software, the FTB-8120/FTB-8120NG and FTB-8130/FTB-8130NG Transport
Blazer modules allow users to perform remote testing and data analysis,
[...] as well as remote monitoring via standard Ethernet.
帕劳指出,虽然已就有监管北太平 洋 和南太平洋公海区域底层捕捞活动 的区域渔管组织和安排进行了谈判,但有关公约尚未生效,而且不包括毗邻帕劳 的一些公海水域。
Palau noted that,
[...] although RFMO/As with competence to regulate bottom fisheries had been negotiated for the high seas areas [...]
of the North and South
Pacific, the relevant conventions were not yet in force and did not cover some of the high seas areas adjacent to Palau.
空间段由五颗卫星组成,其中除其他外将安装以下设备:使用多种频率监 测电离层状况的无线电物理系统(电离层探测仪);测量电离辐射情况的设备; 监测磁场和波活动的系统;在 150 至 400
[...] 兆赫频率传播无线电信号的双频发射 器;全球定位系统接收器;以监测 太 阳 活 动情况的诊断系统。
The space-based segment comprises five satellites aboard which, inter alia, the following equipment is to be installed: radiophysical systems that use a wide range of frequencies (ionosondes) for monitoring the state of the ionosphere; equipment for the measurement of ionizing radiation; a system to monitor magnetic and wave activity; a dual-frequency transmitter of radio signals at
frequencies of 150 to 400 MHz; global positioning system (GPS) receivers; and a
[...] diagnostics system to monitor solar activity.
在担任公司首席运营官后,Upin将负 监 督 公 司 太 阳 能 、碳纤维和热技术业务部门,以及企业营销方面的工作。
In his position,
[...] Upin will oversee the operation of the solar, carbon fiber [...]
and thermal technology business units and corporate marketing.
职能部门18 认同人员更替 和招聘延误的问题在不同部门(计划部门或支持部门)和不同人员职位类别(P 或 G 级别) 情况各异,但认为一岗监测太复杂
The competent section18 agrees that the issues of staff turnover and recruitment delays are not the same depending on the sectors (programme or support) and staff category (P or GS).
特别是在审查和监控 ESG
[...] (环境,社会和治理)方面的考虑很重要,有关怎样做审查 监 控 ,还 有 太 明 确 的部分,这 成为金融界今后的课题。
Consideration for ESG (Environment, Society, and Governance) aspects
[...] in screening and monitoring is especially needed, [...]
but there is no clear standard for
how far and on which issues a financial institution should carry out screening and monitoring.
预计在这方面可以开展的活动包括:持续观察和长 监 测 太 阳 光谱辐照的情 况,以改进我们关于太阳电磁辐射对地球环境包括气候的影响的知识和了解; [...]
进行持续观察,以确定大气、海洋和陆地表面的变化特性,并利用这种信息来 建立气候变化模型;持续观察臭氧层的变化情况及其对环境和人类健康的影 响。
Activities foreseen in this context
are: continued
[...] observations and long-term monitoring of solar spectral [...]
irradiation to improve our knowledge and understanding of the influence of solar electromagnetic radiation on
the Earth’s environment, including the climate; continued observations to characterize changes in the atmosphere, oceans and land surface, and the use of such information for climate change modelling; and continued observations of changes in the ozone layer and their effects on the environment and human health.
出席当天下午颁奖仪式的有耀中的行政人员和部门主管,以及CIE代表,包括行政总裁Ann Puntis女士、传讯及客户关系监Janet Morris女士、太区总 裁Ben Schmidt博士、中国高等学校发展经理Stella Jiang女士,及中国学校发展经理Lina Li女士。
Attending the afternoon ceremony were YCIS administrators and division heads, and CIE representatives,
including Ms. Ann
[...] Puntis, CIE CEO, Ms. Janet Morris, CIE Director of Communications and Customer Relationships, Dr. Ben Schmidt, CIE Regional Director Asia Pacific, Ms. Stella Jiang, [...]
CIE Senior Schools
Development Manager for China, and Ms. Lina Li, CIE Schools Development Manager for China.
缔约国认为,离婚判决书不提及孩子 监 护 问题 不 太 可 能 ,因此提出,提交 人未能证明孩子的监护权已经判给父亲。
Considering it unlikely that the custody of the child would not have been mentioned in the divorce decree, the State party is of the view that the author has not established that custody of the chid was granted to the father.
正在开发 Coronas-Foton 卫星 以继监测太阳活 动、对地球的磁层进行综合研究并探讨在太阳内部和近 [...]
The CoronasFoton satellite is being
[...] developed to continue the monitoring of solar activity, [...]
to conduct comprehensive research on
the Earth’s magnetosphere and to explore the connection between processes occurring in the Sun and in the near-Earth plasma and processes occurring on Earth.
艾默生网络能源在交直流电源、精密制冷、嵌入式计算和电源、一体化机架和机柜、转换开关、动力和环 监 控 、 连接 太 阳 能 和风能等领域为客户提供不断创新的解决方案和专业技术。
Emerson Network Power provides innovative solutions and expertise in areas including AC and DC power and precision cooling systems, embedded computing and power, integrated racks and enclosures, power switching and controls, infrastructure management, and connectivity.
新西兰通过定期巡逻进行空监督 ,帮 助 太 平 洋 岛屿国家检查非法、无管 制和未报告的捕捞活动。这些国家提供了关于优先领域和行动时机的信息,以便 使监督工作能协助实施更广泛的国内和国际监测和执行方案。
New Zealand assisted Pacific Island countries in targeting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing by providing aerial surveillance through regular patrols, [...]
and those countries
provided information on priority areas and timing in order to direct surveillance to support wider national and international monitoring and enforcement programmes.
未成年人审前羁押时间延长仍然引人关注,戈纳伊夫监狱(在那里未成年人 与成年人混在一起)以及戴尔马斯的 33 个过度拥挤情况十分严重监狱(大太子 港地区)情况尤甚。
Prolonged pretrial detention of minors remained a concern, in particular in the Gonaïves prison, where minors are mixed with adults, and in the Delmas 33 prison (in greater Port-au-Prince), where overcrowding is severe.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、
[...] 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能监测、 诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) [...]
食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框
架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and
developing base-level capacity to ensure
[...] national ability to monitor, diagnose, report [...]
and respond to pest and disease outbreaks;
(b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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