单词 | 若干 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 若干 adjective —certain adjSee also:干 v—interfere v • do v • work v 干—shield • manage • dried food • tree trunk • in vain • ignore • foster • surname Gan • ☰ • male principle • surname Qian • main part of sth • kill (slang) • adoptive • fuck (vulgar) 干 n—stem n • cadre n 干 adj—dried adj • capable adj 干 pl—cadres pl
(丙) 未成年人契約的新法例,應僅限於現行法例中執行時可 能產生困難或導致不公平的若干方面 (第 3.8.4 段)。 hkreform.gov.hk | (c) New legislation on minors' contracts should be confined to the few aspects of the existing law which are likely, in practice, to cause difficulties or to lead to injustice (para. 3.8.4). hkreform.gov.hk |
投資者一旦失去 信心,市場在財政上可能受到損害:投資者可能不再長期投資有關公司,這 樣就可能使公司更難在集資市場取得投資者的支持,以致上市公司的資金成 [...] 本攀升;如投資者未能相信其獲得公平對待,並決定避 開 若干 上 市公司的證 券,則有關股份的流通量及估值均會大受影響。 legco.gov.hk | The absence of investor confidence can have financially damaging effects; investors may be discouraged from taking a long term interest in the company which may, in turn, erode investor support for fund raising in the primary market and may [...] lead to a higher cost of capital for the [...] listed company; liquidity and valuations [...]may be adversely affected if investors cannot [...]be confident that they will be treated equitably and decide to avoid the securities of certain listed companies. legco.gov.hk |
然而,為了管理建議管理費未有涵蓋 的 若干 有 限 營運開支的影響,本公司建議推行一項新的開 支限制的措施,據此,基金經理可豁免、扣減或償付其全部或任何部分管理費,以確保設立成 本及董事的袍金的影響(並無由管理費所涵蓋)在任何基金的開支水平並不超逾預定水平(其 限制性條款為基金經理可獲得償還在 36 個月期間內豁免、扣減或償付的任何款項,惟總開 支,包括該扣除款額,不可超逾預定水平。 cdn.sunlife.com | However, in order to manage the effect of certain limited operational expenses that are not covered by the proposed Management Fee, the Company proposes to introduce a new expense limitation provision whereby the Manager may waive, reduce or reimburse all or any portion of its Management Fee to ensure that the effect of establishment costs and Directors’ fees (which are not covered by the Management Fee) on any Fund’s expense levels does not exceed a predetermined level (with the proviso that the Manager may recoup any amounts waived, reduced or reimbursed within a 36 month period provided that total expenses, including such recoupment, do not exceed the predetermined level. cdn.sunlife.com |
調查結果在頗大程度上可以排除病毒傳入雞場 的 若干 可 能 途 徑,包括透過受污染的受精蛋傳入(因為有證據顯示雞場種雞的產 蛋量高於需求量),以及透過飲用水傳入(因為飲用水來自政府供水 系統的自來水)。 legco.gov.hk | A few of the possible pathways of virus introduction onto the farm could be largely excluded as a result of the investigation, including introduction by contaminated fertile eggs (based on the evidence that suggested breeders on the farm were producing more than enough eggs to meet demand) and introduction by drinking water (as the water used for this purpose is reticulated town water). legco.gov.hk |
再者,我們增加投資於美國的監 管及合規基礎建設,並在北美洲和亞太其他地 區產生若干額外訴訟費用。 hsbc.com.tw | Also, we increased investment in regulatory and compliance infrastructure in the US and incurred certain additional litigation costs in North America and Rest of Asia-Pacific. hsbc.com.tw |
永泰已向買方作出若干聲明及保證,包括在股份銷售完成日期餘下集團的經審計綜合資 產淨值不會低於 1,129,350,000 港元,為按照南聯編制南聯集團截至二零一一年十二月三 十一日止年度的經審計綜合賬目所採用的會計原則及慣例以及該 物業之價值為 1,129,350,000 港元(該價值為編制南聯集團截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之經 審計綜合賬目所使用的價值,該價值是以仲量聯行有限公司對於二零一一年十二月三十 一日就南聯在麗晶中心之權益(包括構成該物業的單位及車位以及將構成經分派業務一 部分的麗晶中心的其他單位,即麗晶中心 B 座的 505 至 510 單位)的獨立估值為基準) 之基準計算得出。 wingtaiproperties.com | Wing Tai has provided certain representations and warranties to the Purchaser, including that the audited consolidated net asset value of the Remaining Group as at the date of the Share Sale Completion will not be less than HK$1,129,350,000, calculated in accordance with accounting principles and practices adopted by Winsor in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 and on the basis that the Property is valued at HK$1,129,350,000 (which was the value used in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of the Property by Jones Lang Lasalle Limited as at 31 December 2011 of Winsor's interest in Regent Centre, which included those units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses). wingtaiproperties.com |
(b) 按區議會或分區地政處劃分,各區積壓的新界小型屋宇建造申請數 目 若干? devb.gov.hk | (b) the number of applications awaiting processing in each district with a District Council or District Lands Office devb.gov.hk |
此外,由於近期政府因應全球經濟狀況作出干預,故普 [...] 遍預期政府對金融服務業的監管及監督將會大幅提升,包括可能提高資本要求、限 制 若干 種 類 交易架構及加大監管權 力。 prudential.co.uk | Furthermore, as a result of the recent interventions by governments in response to global economic conditions, it is widely expected that there will be a substantial increase in government regulation and supervision of the financial services industry, including [...] the possibility of higher capital [...] requirements, restrictions on certain types of [...]transaction structure and enhanced supervisory powers. prudential.co.uk |
1 1 在「其他」項下呈列之主要項目為 若干 物 業 相關業務、未分類的投資業務、集團集中持有之投資公司、攤薄聯營公司權益所 得增益、信貸息差變動對指定以公允值列賬之本身長期債務公允值的影響,以及滙豐之控股公司及融資業務。 hsbc.com.tw | 1 The main items reported under ‘Other’ are certain property activities, unallocated investment activities, centrally held investment companies, gains arising from the dilution of interests in associates, the effect of changes in credit spread on the fair value of our own long-term debt designated at fair value, and HSBC’s holding company and financing operations. hsbc.com.tw |
(4) 根據本行就該物業在土地註冊處進行的隨機查冊以及如該集團所確認,該物業 A 座及 B 座若干部分 已藉於 2000 年 1 月 28 日簽訂的按揭書(註冊摘要號碼﹕TW1333609)按揭予廖創興銀行有限公司;藉於 1997 年 3 月 27 日簽訂的按揭 書(註冊摘要號碼﹕TW1129536)按揭予 Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi Limited;藉於 2001 年 11 月 30 日簽訂的按揭書及 租金轉讓書(註冊摘要號碼分別為 TW1444139 及 TW1444140)按揭予中信嘉華銀行有限公司;以及藉於 2007 年 10 月 5 日簽訂的按揭書及租金轉讓書(註冊摘要號碼分別為 07101500720272 及 07101500720287)按揭予中國工商銀行 (亞洲)有限公司。 wingtaiproperties.com | (4) As per our random searches at the Land Registry in respect of the property and as confirmed by the Group, certain portions in both Towers A and B of the property have been mortgaged to Liu Chong Hing Bank Limited by Mortgage dated 28 January 2000 vide Memorial No.TW1333609; the Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi Limited by Mortgage dated 27 March 1997 vide Memorial No.TW1129536, CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited by Mortgage and Rent Assignment both dated 30 November 2001 vide Memorial Nos. wingtaiproperties.com |
在停止經營的業務方面,除了若干情 況 須特別處理外,一般來說,應評稅 利潤是根據上一課稅年度基期結束以後至停止營業日期為止所賺得的利潤計算。 apwcpa.com | On cessation of a [...] business (subject to certain circumstances [...]where special treatment would apply), the assessable profits [...]are generally based on the profits for the period from the end of the basis period for the previous year of assessment to the date of cessation. apwcpa.com |
(a) 上述股息應全部或部分以入賬列作繳足的配發股份的形式支付,惟有資格 收取股息的股東將有權選擇收取現金股息(或董事會釐定 的 若干 部 分 )以 代替上述配發股份。 gca.com.hk | (a) that such dividend be satisfied wholly or in part in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up, provided that the Members entitled thereto will be entitled to elect to receive such dividend (or part thereof if the Board so determines) in cash in lieu of such allotment. gca.com.hk |
他們亦提議了一些規管措施,例如訂 立 若干標 準和限制,或設立資格評審制度以確保服務質素等。 forum.gov.hk | They also suggest some regulatory measures such as setting up certain standards and restrictions, establishing an accreditation system to ensure service quality, etc. forum.gov.hk |
整體毛利率由二零零六年上半年的 15.1%下降至二零零七年上半年的 11.3%,原因主要在於: (i) 銅加工業務佔集團總營業額比重有所增加,惟其毛利率未及集團的其餘業務; (ii) 二零零 六年上半年國內氧化鋁價格正處於異常高位,集團氧化鋁貿易業務因而受惠,氧化鋁平均 售價遠高於其他時期; 及 (iii) 隨着若干長期 銷售合同於二零零六年完結,集團面對氧化鋁價 格下滑的調節能力受到影響。 mmg.com | Overall gross profit margin dropped from 15.1% in the first-half of 2006 to 11.3% in the first-half of 2007, which was mainly attributable to: (i) copper fabrication accounted for a higher percentage of the Group’s turnover than before; however, its gross profit margin was not as high as that of the other business segments; (ii) in the first-half of 2006 the Group’s alumina trading business was particularly benefited from the absurdly high prices of alumina in the PRC market, thus the average selling price of alumina for that period was much higher than that of others; and (iii) the withstanding power of the Group to downside price adjustments of alumina was reduced because certain long-term sales contracts were ended in 2006. mmg.com |
(ix) 在截止認購日及期權終止日(如有)或之前,已按牽頭經辦人表示滿意的格式及內容向其交付註 明日期為截止認購日或期權終止日(視屬何情況而定) 的 若干 法 律 意見書,以及已交付牽頭經辦 人可合理要求與發行可換股債券相關的該等其他決議案、同意書、授權書及文件。 ifn.com.hk | (ix) on or before the Closing Date and the Option Closing Date (if any), there having been delivered to the Lead Manager certain legal opinions, in form and substance satisfactory to the Lead Manager, dated the Closing Date or the Option Closing Date, as the case may be and such other resolutions, consents, authorities and documents relating to the issue of the Convertible Bonds, as the Lead Manager may reasonably require. ifn.com.hk |
託管協議的條款允許發行人將 存於託管戶口的任何資金作若干臨時 現金投資。 citictel.com | The terms of the Escrow Agreement permit the Issuer to invest any funds credited to the Escrow Account in certain temporary cash investments. citictel.com |
所有由董事會或任何委員會或以董事或委員會成員身份行事之人士真誠作出之行為,儘管 其後發現董事會或該委員會任何成員或以上述身份行事之人士之委任 有 若干 欠 妥 之處, 或該等人士或任何該等人士不合乎資格或已離任,有關行為應屬有效,猶如每位該等人 士經妥為委任及合乎資格及繼續擔任董事或委員會成員。 clh.com.hk | All acts bona fide done by the Board or by any committee or by any person acting as a Director or members of a committee, shall, notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any member or the Board or such committee or person acting as aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified or had vacated office, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified and had continued to be a Director or member of such committee. clh.com.hk |
這些行動可能涉及根據當時可接受的 [...] 市場慣例的已售業務的審核,例如英國規定要糾 正 若干 過 往 退休金及按揭兩全保單買家、影響產品的稅務體制變更以 [...] 及已售產品及行業慣例(在後一種情況中包括已結束業務)的監管審核。 prudential.co.uk | These actions could involve a review of business sold in the past under acceptable market practices at the time, [...] such as the requirement in the UK to [...] provide redress to certain past purchasers [...]of pension and mortgage endowment policies, [...]changes to the tax regime affecting products and regulatory reviews on products sold and industry practices, including, in the latter case, businesses it has closed. prudential.co.uk |
(A) 董事會須制定妥為保管印章的措施,而印章須經董事會或董事會就此授權的 委員會批准後方可使用,而每份需要蓋上印章的文據須由一位董事及秘書或 董事會就此委任的若干其他 人士或由兩名董事簽署,但董事會可於一般情況 下或就任何特定情況議決(在董事會決定有關蓋章方式的限制所規限下)有 關簽署可以該決議案指定的親筆以外 的 若干 機 印 方式附加於股份或債權證的 證書或代表任何其他形式證券的證書,或該等證書毋須由任何人簽署。 sisinternational.com.hk | (A) The Directors shall provide for safe custody of the seal which shall only be used with the authority of the Directors [...] or of a committee [...] authorised by the Directors in that behalf; and every instrument to which the seal shall be affixed shall be signed by one Director and the Secretary or some other person appointed by the Directors for the purpose or by two Directors Provided that the Directors may [...]either generally or [...]in any particular case resolve (subject to such restrictions as to the manner in which the seal may be affixed as the Directors may determine) that such signature may be affixed to certificates for shares or debentures or representing any other form of security by some mechanical means other than autographic to be specified in such resolution or that such certificates need not be signed by any person. sisinternational.com.hk |
此等服務包括上市經紀服務、付款代理人 及其他當地代表服務、會計、審計、法律及其他專業顧問服務、公司秘書服務、印刷、刊發及 翻譯服務,以及提供及協調若干營運 基金所必要的監督、行政管理及股東服務。 cdn.sunlife.com | These may include listing broker services, paying agent and other local representative services, accounting, audit, legal and other professional adviser services, company secretarial services, printing, publishing and translation services, and the provision and co-ordination of certain supervisorial, administrative and shareholder services necessary for operation of the Funds. cdn.sunlife.com |
2010 年 2 月,澳洲上市公司 [...] Silex Systems Ltd 於澳洲交易所作出的聲明中, 表示已與 Solar Systems 的管理人就收購 Solar Systems [...] 的資產訂立一 項有條件協議,待若干安排落實以後,該協議將預期於 2010 [...]年 3 月中完 成。 clp.com.cn | In February 2010 Australian listed company, Silex Systems Ltd, in a statement to the Australian Stock Exchange, advised that it had entered a conditional agreement to acquire the Solar Systems assets from the [...] company’s Administrators and that subject to [...] finalisation of various arrangements, [...]completion was expected to take place in mid-March 2010. clp.com.hk |
除若干編列上的變動外,採納這些新訂╱經修訂的準則和詮釋對集團的 [...] 財務報表並無重大影響。 clp.com.cn | Apart from certain presentational [...] changes, the adoption of these new/revised standards and interpretations has no significant [...]impact on the Group’s financial statements. clp.com.hk |
(1) 為賺取該項利潤而借款所付的利息(但須符 合 若干 條 件 )及租用建 築物或土地的租金 apwcpa.com | (1) Interest on funds borrowed (provided certain conditions are satisfied) and rent of buildings or land occupied for the purpose of producing the profits. apwcpa.com |
茲亦分別提述由Top Mix、TTM、TTM香港及美維於二零一 零年三月二十五日就(其中包括)達成完成該等交易 的 若干 條 件 而刊發的公布(「達成條件公 布」)、於二零一零年四月九日就(其中包括)完成該等交易而刊發的公布(合稱「該等公布」)及由 Meadville Holdings (BVI) Limited於二零一零年四月二十九日就(其中包括)美維撤銷於開曼群島 註冊並於英屬處女群島存續而刊發的公布。 opc.com.hk | Reference is also made to the announcements issued by Top Mix, TTM, TTM HK and Meadville on 25 March 2010 in relation to, among others, fulfillment of certain conditions to completion of the Transactions (the “Fulfillment of Conditions Announcement”), on 9 April 2010 in relation to, among others, completion of the Transactions, respectively (together, the “Announcements”) and to the announcement issued by Meadville Holdings (BVI) Limited on 29 April 2010 in relation to, among others, the deregistration of Meadville in the Cayman Islands and continuation into the British Virgin Islands. opc.com.hk |
售賣貨品條例訂明,貨品在售賣賣及 交付時均須屬必需,但若干法律 專著的作 ,例如 Anson 及 Winfield 等 人均曾辯稱,根據英國一八九三年售賣貨品法(Sale of Goods Act 1893) 所載明的同樣字眼,重要者僅係交付貨品的時間而已。 hkreform.gov.hk | The Sale of Goods Ordinance states at the time of sale and delivery but several writers, including Anson and Winfield, have argued, on the identical wording found in the Sale of Goods Act 1893, that it is only the time of delivery that is important. hkreform.gov.hk |
倘於完成日其可變現價 值與賬面值有所不同,資產淨值付款可於完成日期兩年期內 按 若干 資 產 及負債的價 值作出調整。 sis.com.hk | The Net Asset Value Payment is subject to adjustment on the value of certain assets and liabilities, if their realisable values are different from the carrying amounts at the date of completion, within a two years period. sis.com.hk |
整體毛利率由二零零六年的 11.2%下降至二零零七年的 8.9%,原因主要在於: (i) 若干長期 銷售合同於二零零六年完結,因而影響集團對氧化鋁價格下滑的調節能力; 及 (ii) 銅加工業 務佔集團總營業額比重有所增加,惟其毛利率未及集團的其餘業務。 mmg.com | Overall gross profit margin fell from 11.2% in 2006 to 8.9% in 2007, primarily attributable to the facts that: (i) certain long-term sales contracts were ended in 2006 and thus affecting the Group’s withstanding power to cope with downward price adjustments of alumina and (ii) copper fabrication business, which margin was lower than those of other business segments, accounted for a larger portion of the Group’s total turnover in 2007. mmg.com |
當金融商品交易相對人顯著集中於一 人,或金融商品交易相對人雖有若干 , 但 大多從事類似之商業活 動,且具有類似之經濟特質,使其履行合約之能力受到經濟或其 他狀況之影響亦相類似時,則發生信用風險顯著集中之情況。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Significant concentration of credit risk exists when counter-parties in financial instrument transactions significantly concentrate on one individual, or when there are a number of counter-parties in financial instrument transactions, but these counter-parties are engaged in similar business activities and have similar economic characteristics so that their abilities to perform contractual obligations would be concurrently affected in similar economic changes or other situations. english.taiwanmobile.com |
由於根據 股權轉讓合同及CNG車輛轉讓合同應付之總代價超過1,000,000港元,而根據上市規則 第14.07條就股權轉讓合同計算之若干 相 關適用百分比率高於0.1%但所有該等適用百 分比率均低於5%,故根據上市規則第14A.32 條,股權轉讓合同的訂立僅須遵守申報 及公告規定,而獲豁免遵守獨立股東批准之規定。 towngaschina.com | As the aggregate consideration payable under the Equity Interests Transfer Agreement and the Vehicle Transfer Agreement exceeds HK$1,000,000 and certain of the relevant applicable percentage ratios calculated pursuant to Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the Equity Interests Transfer Agreement exceed 0.1% but all such applicable percentage ratios are below 5%, the entering into of the Equity Interests Transfer Agreement is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirement but is exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Rule 14A.32 of the Listing Rules. towngaschina.com |
就本段而言,不應計入董事或其聯繫人作為受託人 或保管受託人持有而彼或任何彼等概無擁有實益權益之任何股份、董事或其聯繫人於其 中之權益為復歸權或剩餘權之信託內組成之任何股份(倘及只 要 若干 其 他 人士有權收取 其收入)、董事或其聯繫人僅以單位持有人擁有權益之授權單位信託計內組成之任何股 份。 clh.com.hk | For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or any of them has no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director or his associate(s) is/are in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, any shares comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are interested only as a unit holder. clh.com.hk |