单词 | 乐於助人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乐于助人—willing help othersSee also:乐于—take pleasure in willing (do sth)
已设立超过 350 间分店,而且还在不停增长中,我们一直渴求热爱 Apple 及其产品、聪颖、热情、乐於助人和灵活多变的人才加入。 mammals.org | With more than 350 stores and counting, we’re always looking for smart, engaging, supportive and dynamic people who have a passion for Apple and its products to join the team. mammals.org |
相处久了之後,我发现他们毫无架子、勤劳、知足和乐於助人。 4tern.com | After we got to know each other for sometime, I found out Mara and Ulla [...] are humble, hardworking, appreciates andhelpful. 4tern.com |
贵公司的员工非常专业而且乐於助人。 servcorp.com.hk | Yourstaff are professional andvery helpful. servcorp.com.hk |
有关调查的样本资料及详细数据已在《民意网站》刊载,各界人士如对调查方法有任何疑问,研究组的成员会乐於解答,但不会就调查结果再作评述。 hkupop.hku.hk | Contact information and detailed figures of this survey have been published at the POP Site. Shall anyone have any [...] question regarding the [...] research design of the survey, members of the POP Team will be happy to answer them, but we will [...]not further comment on the findings. hkupop.hku.hk |
(e) 建造、维持、改善、发展、运作、控制及管理任何水务工程、气体工程、水库、道路、电车 轨道、电力、热力及照明供应工程、电话工程、酒店、会所、餐厅、浴室、崇拜场所、消闲 场所、游乐场地、公园、花园、阅读室、货铺、商店、乳品店、以及本公司可能认为直接或 间接有助於上述宗旨之其他工程及便利设施,并且对以上各项的建造、维持、改善、发展、 运作、控制及管理,作出贡献或以其他方式协助或参与。 cre.com.hk | (e) To construct, maintain, improve, develop, work, control, and manage any waterworks, gas works, reservoirs, roads, tramways, electric power, heat and light [...] supply works, telephone [...] works, hotels, clubs, restaurants, baths, places of worship, places of amusements, pleasure grounds, parks, gardens, reading rooms, stores, shops, dairies, and other works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to these objects,and to contribute or otherwise [...]assist or take part in [...]the construction, maintenance, development, working, control and management thereof. cre.com.hk |
(7) 从事下列所有或任何业务(即建筑商及承建商、装修商、石材商、砖瓦制造商、 矿主、石灰制造商、木材商、酒店经营者、持牌售酒商,以及房屋及地产代理), 以及从事本公司可能认为直接或间接有助於本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建商或其他身份)拥有权益之任何物业发展之其他业务。 ckh.com.hk | (7) To carry on all or any of the following business namely, builders and contractors, decorators, stone merchants, brick and tile makers, quarry masters, lime burners, timber merchants, hotel keepers, licensed victuallers, house and estate agents and other businesses the carrying on of which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested, either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise. ckh.com.hk |
徐理曾在新加坡、香港、马来西亚、曼谷、北京、上海、罗彻斯特、安阿伯、多伦多成功独奏演出; 曾参加:德国Schleswig-Holstein音乐节;杭州、上海及北京国家大剧院世界华人音乐家乐团新年音乐会;北京国际低音提琴音乐节特邀独奏家,并在中央电视台和北京电视台有专题报导和演奏会录影转播;泰国股票交易公司(Stock Exchange of Thailand)於2007年赞助其在曼谷独奏演出;2010受四川音乐学院邀请在成都进行协奏演出;同一年受香港中文大学之邀举办个人独奏会;此外,徐先生也曾在河南艺术中心的“走进音乐世界系列”中有过独奏演出,以及珠海电视台、珠海文体旅游局和珠海爱乐人文化公司主办的电视讲座文化大讲堂系列之“音乐会的那些事儿”主讲嘉宾。 artnetworking.com | In 2006 and 2008, Xu Li was invited twice to the International Beijing Double Bass Festival as a featuredsoloist, and his performance and interview were broadcasted national wise on China Central TV and Beijing Satellite TV. artnetworking.com |
威尼斯人剧场正诚邀澳门居民及旅客出席由澳门乐团呈献的浪漫爱情电影音乐之夜,为观众带来不朽於荷里活大银幕荡气回肠的动人乐曲。 yp.mo | The Venetian Theatre is inviting Macao locals and visitors to a romantic [...] evening of live music by the Macao Orchestra, [...] featuring some of the mosttouching musicever written for the silver screen. yp.mo |
请联络三藩市联合校区学生入学事务处, 我们乐於提供帮助! sfusd.edu | Find Special Education Services information on www.sfusd.edu under “Departments”. sfusd.edu |
我们乐於见到已有数间专业团体及专上学院,正研究利用无线网络、无线射频辨识系统、蓝芽及红外线等资讯传输技术,发展供视障人士在室内及室外走动之导航仪器;日後,视障人士将无须限於使用手杖走在引导径上进出各大厦及商场、到巴士站、铁路站及月台列车出入口等。 hksb.org.hk | We are pleased to see that a number of professional institutions are doing research on applying new data transmission technology such as WIFI, RFID, Blue Tooth, Infra-Red and etc, in the development of new mobility aids to assist the visually impaired in indoor and outdoor navigation, other than using a walking cane on tactile guide paths to go in and out of buildings, shopping malls, locating bus stops, entrance and exit gate inside rail stations and on platforms. hksb.org.hk |
(b) 相 信 有 关 样 本有助 於证实或 否 定该人是否涉 及 有 关 罪 行 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) for believing that the sample will tend to confirm or disprove his involvement. hkreform.gov.hk |
6.5.1 倘若申请人及/或其弥偿人於任何由本处所管理的学生资助/贷款计划尚有已经要求 偿还但仍未偿还的助学金及/或贷款及/或学生車船津贴,本处监督将会个别考虑申 请人的资助/贷款发放及有权停止向你发放资助/贷款。 sfaa.gov.hk | 6.5.1 If you and/or your Indemnifier [...] has/have any arrears of grant and/or loan and/or student travel subsidy under any financial assistance/loan scheme administered by the Agency, the Agency reserves the right to withhold the payment offinancialassistance/loan to you. sfaa.gov.hk |
(6) 兴建及维修或有助於或促使兴建或维修道路、电車轨道、堤岸、桥梁、污水渠、 公园、游樂场地、学校、教堂、市场、工厂、工场、阅览室、浴室及其他本公 司可能认为直接或间接有助於本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)拥有权益之任何物业发展之樓宇、工程及便利设施。 ckh.com.hk | (6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or procure the construction or maintenance of roads, tramways, embankments, bridges sewers, parks, pleasure-grounds, schools, churches, markets, factories workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise. ckh.com.hk |
本年度,更增设「关爱企业」和「关爱伙伴」以嘉许企业、团体、机构和支持者,他们除了为本会提供义工服务外,亦有鼓励公司员工参与义工服务、聘用视障人士、传授知识技巧和乐於捐助。 hksb.org.hk | This year, we added two awards - “Caring Corporations” and “Caring Partners” to commendate corporations, service clubs, agencies and supporters for supporting their employees or members to participate in volunteer activities, offering job [...] opportunities to visually impaired persons, sharing business [...] expertise with usor providingdonations to our various projects. hksb.org.hk |
本公司不应於开曼群岛与任何人士、商号或法团开展贸易,除非有助於本公司於开 曼群岛以外开展的业务;但本条的任何规定概不得视为阻止本公司於开曼群岛达成 及完成合约,以及於开曼群岛行使於开曼群岛以外开展其业务所必需的一切权力。 fortune-sun.com | The Company shall not trade in the Cayman Islands with any person, firm or corporation except in furtherance of the business of the Company carried on outside the Cayman Islands; provided that nothing in this clause shall be construed as to prevent the Company effecting and concluding contracts in the Cayman Islands, and exercising in the Cayman Islands all of its powers necessary for the carrying on of its business outside the Cayman Islands. fortune-sun.com |
此外,迫切的需要是远远超乎那 些「人们乐於拥有的、应有的、可取的或有益的事物」, 但亦未达到「非到最後才会需要」或公众「不可或缺」 的地步。 devb.gov.hk | The compelling need is far beyond “something nice to have, desirable, preferable or beneficial” but does not go as far as the “last resort” or something that the public “cannot do without”. devb.gov.hk |
社会责任 ] 三星电子全力支持车路士足球学校英国暑期游学团协助青少年实现足球梦 on August 26, 2011 (香港 – 2011年8月26日)领导全球消费电子品牌三星电子香港有限公司掀起全城足球狂热,更透过足球这项全民运动回馈社会,除了早前於乐富「蓝球场」 (Blue Pitch) 举办「Samsung X Chelsea爱心足球日」,由三位英国车路士学校教练远道到港亲身教授分别来自九龙医院及香港红十字会甘乃迪中心共30名小朋友,共同创造无隔膜的共融社区。 samsung.com | CSR] Samsung joined hands with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Set up Samsung Digital Hub to bring new hopes to children from underprivileged families on August 22, 2011(Hong Kong – August 22, 2011) Samsung Electronics Co. samsung.com |