单词 | 乐於 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乐于—take pleasure inwilling (do sth)Examples:乐于助人—willing help others 生于优患,死于安乐—thrive in calamity and perish in soft living life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure [idiom.]
不过,与预委会进行像我刚才所说的 那些接触,是有用的,也是我乐於见到的。 legco.gov.hk | But contacts with the Preliminary Working Committee along the lines I have described [...] are useful and I am happyfor them [...]to take place. legco.gov.hk |
我们希望消除这项掣肘後,政府当局在发现巴士 服务有不足之处时,会更乐於行使法例所赋予的权力。 legco.gov.hk | With the removal of such a constraint, we hope that the Administration [...] will be able to discharge its authority empowered by the [...] legislationmorereadily when service [...]deficiencies are detected. legco.gov.hk |
不 过 , 我 们 不 愿 见 到 法庭乐 於批准保 释 的 倾 向 会 被 控 方 用 作 藉 口 , 理 所 当 然 的 申 请 延 期 聆 讯 。 hkreform.gov.hk | However, we would not wish the readiness of a court to grant bail to be relied upon by the prosecution to seek adjournments as a matter of course. hkreform.gov.hk |
请联络三藩市联合校区学生入学事务处, 我们乐於提供帮助! sfusd.edu | Find Special Education Services information on www.sfusd.edu under “Departments”. sfusd.edu |
有关调查的样本资料及详细数据已在《民意网站》刊载,各界人士如对调查方法有任何疑问,研究组的成员会乐於解答,但不会就调查结果再作评述。 hkupop.hku.hk | Contact information and detailed figures of this survey have been published at the POP Site. Shall anyone have any question [...] regarding the research design of the survey, [...] members of the POP Team will be happy [...]to answer them, but we will not further comment on the findings. hkupop.hku.hk |
他提醒众人法国是其中一个乐於向世界上的危机与不幸施予援手与支持的国家。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | He reminded everyone that France is the country in the world, that does the most for its expatriates in terms of services and support in case of crisis or misfortune. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
她的努力展示了好学、乐於教导及服务的精神。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | All her efforts demonstrate her willingness to know, to teach and to serve. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
那 是 一 个 符 合 实 际 的 利 率 ,我乐 於采用。 hkreform.gov.hk | That is a [...] realistic rate andI am happy to adopt it. hkreform.gov.hk |
已设立超过 350 间分店,而且还在不停增长中,我们一直渴求热爱 Apple 及其产品、聪颖、热情、乐於助人和灵活多变的人才加入。 mammals.org | With more than 350 stores and counting, we’re always looking for smart, engaging, supportive and dynamic people who have a passion for Apple and its products to join the team. mammals.org |
她乐於帮忙,便和 Nick 一起搭公车,一 直到他学会怎麽搭车。 brcenter.org | Happy to help, she rodethebus with [...] Nick until he learned the bus routine. brcenter.org |
我们努力不懈地改进每一客舱的产品与服务,以配合商务和休闲旅客不断变改的需要,而这些,都是我们乐於聆听每一位旅客意见的成果。 dragonair.com | We’re constantly improving our products and our services in all our classes to match the changing needs of our business and leisure travellers – and we do that by listening to our passengers. dragonair.com |
集现代新潮与古老传统於一身的东京,一方面乐於提供最新的文化与科技潮流,一方面又相当重视其历史传承。 seagate.com | Both a modern and an ancient city both, Tokyo willingly offers the latest trends in culture and technology while holding on strongly to its past. seagate.com |
不仅是作为技术性的员工,同时也是作为乐於在多样性环境中表现的独一无二人员。 seagate.com | Not just as skilled, high-tech workers, but as unique individuals inspired to excel in a diverse environment. seagate.com |
我们乐於见到已有数间专业团体及专上学院,正研究利用无线网络、无线射频辨识系统、蓝芽及红外线等资讯传输技术,发展供视障人士在室内及室外走动之导航仪器;日後,视障人士将无须限於使用手杖走在引导径上进出各大厦及商场、到巴士站、铁路站及月台列车出入口等。 hksb.org.hk | We are pleased to see that a number of professional institutions are doing research on applying new data transmission technology such as WIFI, RFID, Blue Tooth, Infra-Red and etc, in the development of new mobility aids to assist the visually impaired in indoor and outdoor navigation, other than using a walking cane on tactile guide paths to go in and out of buildings, shopping malls, locating bus stops, entrance and exit gate inside rail stations and on platforms. hksb.org.hk |
贵公司的员工非常专业而且乐於助人。 servcorp.com.hk | Your staff are professional andvery helpful. servcorp.com.hk |
企业乐於尝试新技术和新的办事方法。 gemconsortium.org | Companies like to experiment with new technologies and with new ways of doing things. gemconsortium.org |
此外,莫里森又与伦敦交响乐团灌录「爵士遇上交响乐」、於皇家阿尔拔堂与伦敦爱乐演出、又於高文花园皇家歌剧院演出音乐会。 hkphil.org | James has recorded Jazz Meets the Symphony with The London Symphony Orchestra, performed concerts at the Royal Albert hall with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. hkphil.org |
标语手环、丝带和红鼻子已取代贴纸,全国人民也乐於佩带,并引以为傲。 ipress.com.hk | Statement wristbands, ribbons and red noses have replaced lapel stickers and are worn with pride across the nation. ipress.com.hk |
渐渐地,她开始对人热 情起来,并乐於与人交往了。 animalsasia.org | Slowly, Jane has warmed up to people, and now she is much more willing to communicate. animalsasia.org |
1982 年我们不知天高地厚地, 接下了团契主席职 位, 没想到这却是非常关键的一年,当时查经班是周五聚 会, 许多契友都是在美国校园中信主的,乐於参加团契, 却没有参加主日崇拜的习惯。 mccc.org | In 1982 we naively accepted the task of the chair of the Fellowship, it turned out to be a key year. Our Bible Study met on Fridays, many members became Christians when they were students in American universities, and were glad to attend the Fellowship, but didn't have the habit of going to Sunday worship. mccc.org |
在某些情况下,即使其他货车束手无策,U 20依然乐於挑战。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | When others reach the end of their tether, [...] the U 20 is eager to really get going. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在浩瀚无垠的机械制表领域,即使被认为是无法实现的目标,我们均非常乐於迎接这项挑战。 iwc.com | If something within the infinite range of mechanical watchmaking is considered unachievable, it has traditionally presented us with a challenge,” was the wording of another ad. iwc.com |
本年度,更增设「关爱企业」和「关爱伙伴」以嘉许企业、团体、机构和支持者,他们除了为本会提供义工服务外,亦有鼓励公司员工参与义工服务、聘用视障人士、传授知识技巧和乐於捐助。 hksb.org.hk | This year, we added two awards - “Caring Corporations” and “Caring Partners” to commendate corporations, service clubs, agencies and supporters for supporting their employees or members to participate in volunteer activities, offering job [...] opportunities to visually impaired persons, sharing business expertise [...] with usor providingdonations to [...]our various projects. hksb.org.hk |
这份行动力来自於山竹果与其它新种植物的惊人故事,我们乐於将这些故事告诉需要山竹果效益的使用者。 xango.com.tw | It is the action of the amazing story of the mangosteen and other new botanicals being told to those who need its benefits. xango.co.uk |
来自 Guildford College 及 Bournemouth and Poole College 的代表,将在「英国大学及衔接课程讲座」後简单介绍学校的环境、教学方针及学生学习情况,亦乐於在会後与有兴趣报读的学生及家长会面。 britishunited.net | After the HKDSE Pathways Seminar, representative of Guildford College and Bournemouth and Poole College will introduce the Colleges, detailing in aspects like location, facilities and teaching and learning. britishunited.net |
此外,迫切的需要是远远超乎那 些「人们乐於拥有的、应有的、可取的或有益的事物」, 但亦未达到「非到最後才会需要」或公众「不可或缺」 的地步。 devb.gov.hk | The compelling need is far beyond “something nice to have, desirable, preferable or beneficial” but does not go as far as the “last resort” or something that the public “cannot do without”. devb.gov.hk |
城市常用灯光塑造身分,强调心目中最佳特质,@Neighborhoodist乐於接受缺陷,提到「美国洛杉矶居民无论好恶,都必须承认Staples中心的紫色光害与聚光灯,已成为这座城市的一大特色」,@harry_verhaar则回应,「好的照明不会造成大量光线外泄,让人们能舒适入眠,不受光线干扰」;也有人论及办公大楼照明太过浪费,@elyanaja提到美国圣地牙哥「一栋『永续』能源公司的办公室灯光日夜不灭」,实在很「讽刺」。 thisbigcity.net | Neighborhoodist celebrated the flaws by saying ‘while in LA, love or hate it, purple light pollution and spotlights from Staples Center is definitely part of the spectacle character’. thisbigcity.net |
澳门特别行政区行政长官何厚铧於2001年11月20日发表的2002年度施政报告中表示:「政府多个部门正共同策划和觅地兴建一个寓学习於活动的青少年科技馆,让广大青少年在轻松愉快的环境下开拓视野,领略不可思议的科学奥秘」,并发展成一个「集求知、休闲和娱乐於一体的区域,成为学生、市民度过闲暇的好去处」。 msc.org.mo | In his Policy Address 2002 published on November 20, 2001, the Chief Executive, Mr. Edmund Ho, disclosed: “Several departments of the government are planning and search for a place to build a new youth technology museum with the objective to provide a facility where youngsters will be able to broaden their minds in a friendly, happy environment, while gaining more knowledge of the cutting edge technologies that drive our world today”, and it will be a [...] “place with integrated function for [...] learning, rest andamusement,and a good place [...]for students and citizens to spend their leisure time”. msc.org.mo |