

单词 许可人


被许可人 n

licensee n

许可持有人 n

license holder n

See also:

可人 n

licensor n

External sources (not reviewed)

如果被侵权,所有人 或许可人可以采取法律措施。
In the case of infringement, the proprietor or licensee can take legal steps.
在下述情形下可能出现同样 的情况:(a)设保人寻求取得排他性许可,这种情况将作为知识产权本身的转让 处理;(b)许可人如被 提供额外保护,这种额外保护超出其简单终止许可协议所 得,将愿意发放非排他性许可;(c)被 许可人 作 为次 级 许可人 仅 在 能够取得次级许可人权利和任何对次级次级 许可人 应 付 次级 许可人 的 次 级 许 可 使用费 受付权上的担保权的情况下,愿意发放非排他性次级许可;(d)购置款融资非由 所有权人作为转让人或作许可人提 供 ,也非由 许可人 作 为次 级 许可人提 供,而是由第三方出贷人提供。
The same situation could occur where: (a) the grantor seeks to acquire an exclusive licence, which is treated as a transfer of the
intellectual property
[...] itself; (b) a licensor would be willing to grant a non-exclusive licence on credit if it is granted additional protection beyond that which it would get by simply terminating the licence agreement; (c) a licensee, as a sub-licensor, is willing to grant a non-exclusive sublicence only if it can acquire a security right in the rights of a sub-licensee and any rights to payment of sub-royalties payable to the sub-licensee by a sub-sub-licensee; and (d) the acquisition financing is provided not by the owner as transferor or as licensor, nor by the licensee as sub-licensor, but by a third-party lender.
在两次地区性会议上,就社区广播 许可人 的 法律、透明许可和优惠费率问题提 供了政策咨询。
Policy-makers advised on
[...] legislation, transparent licensing and discounted [...]
tariffs for licensees for community radio at two regional meetings.
[...] 化的激励是基于把专用特许授予商业伙伴,其基础是:这种排他的专用特许能够向 许可 人提供 必要的激励,使其承担投资于开发和商业化的风险。
The incentive for commercialisation is predicated on the conferring
[...] of an exclusive licence to a commercial [...]
partner, on the basis that the exclusion
of others provides the necessary incentive to the licensee to bear the risk of investing funds in development and commercialisation.
相反,还有人可能会争辩说,知 识产权所人和许可人可实现 同等结果,具体方法是确保所有 人 和 许可人或 其有担保债权人:(a)取得许可人作 为次 级 许可人 从 次级 被 许可人 处 收 取的一 定比例次级许可使用费的受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并且也是 在许可人的有 担保债权人在相关知识产权登记处进行登记之前在该登记处登 记有关通知;(b)取得许可人作为次 级 许可人 从 次级 被 许可人 处 收 取的一定比 例次级许可使用费受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并首先在普通知 识产权登记处登记有关通知;或(c)取得 许可人 的 有 担保债权人的排序居次协 议。
By contrast, it might also be argued that
intellectual property
[...] owners and licensors could achieve an equivalent result by ensuring that they or their secured creditors: (a) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered a notice thereof in the relevant intellectual property registry before any registration in that registry by a secured creditor of the licensee; (b) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered first a notice thereof in the general security rights registry; or (c) obtained a subordination agreement from the secured creditor of the licensee.
正如上文所提到的,除了法律和行政方面的考虑以外,只 有当强许可人认为 以比专利权所有人(或其特许人)低得多的价格出售药品,同时他的 投资将得到合理回报时,强制许可才会有效。
As noted above, aside from the legal and
administrative aspects,
[...] compulsory licensing will only be effective if the compulsory licensee sees the [...]
possibility of a reasonable
return from his investment while also supplying at a significantly lower price than the patentee (or his licensee).
战略包括发放非专有许可, 许许可人 同 时 为人道 和商业目的发放产品许可,向公私合作伙伴发放许可,以开发,例如,可使被忽 略市场受益的产品;发放有条件许可,这要求获许可者,例如,以降低的价格向 贫穷市场出售某一产品。
Strategies include issuing non-exclusive licenses, allowing licensors to license a product for humanitarian and commercial purposes simultaneously; licensing to a publicprivate partnership to develop a product that may, for example, benefit a neglected market; and conditional licensing, which requires social responsibility on the part of the licensee, for example, to sell a product at a reduced price to poor markets.
在潜在的许可人和第 三方之间安排三方合作关系可能比较困难。
It may be difficult to arrange three-way partnerships
[...] between potential licensees and third parties.
[...] 22810的实施将要求制造商,以确保在保修期内出售的一块水密完整性,我们鼓励球迷急于测试他们使用真实情况作检查经常 许可人 的 手表在夏天的办法。
In this regard, before the implementation of the future ISO 22810 which will require the manufacturer to ensure the watertight integrity of the piece sold during the warranty period, we encourage fans
eager to test them in real conditions of use to have it checked
[...] routinely by a watch licensee, at the approach [...]
of summer.
第三方产品”) 可由第三许可人依据 随附第三方产品向贵方提供的独立许可条款提供保修服务。
(“Third Party Products”)
[...] they may be warranted by the third party licensor under separate license terms provided [...]
to You with the Third Party Product.
因此,在有担保债权人和所有 人/许可人 原先 没有签订协议的情况下,为有效强制执行其在产品上的担保权,有担保债 权人:(a)需征得所有人/许可人同意 ;或者(b)依赖知识产权相关法律和援用穷 竭原则。
As a consequence, in order to enforce effectively its security right in the product, in the absence of prior agreement between the secured creditor and the owner/licensor, the secured creditor would: (a) need to obtain the consent of the owner/licensor; or (b) rely [...]
on the relevant law
relating to intellectual property and the operation of the exhaustion doctrine.
如果知识产权法是这样规定的,有担保债权人可以续展 登记或起诉侵权人,也可以通过与所有 人 、 许可人 或 被 许可人 的 约 定成为所 有人、许可人或被许可人(见 A/CN.9/700/Add.5,第 2-5 段)。
Should intellectual property law so provide, the secured creditor could, for example, renew registrations or pursue infringers or agree with the owner, licensor or licensee that the secured creditor will become the owner, licensor or licensee (see A/CN.9/700/Add.5, paras. 2-5).
连接服务和/或本网站的所有知识产权权利应属于Recruiterz或任何第三方 许可人 等 权 利。
All intellectual property rights connected with
the Services and/or the Website shall remain vested in Recruiterz or
[...] any third party from whom such rights are licensed.
网站上所有内容,包括但不限于设计、文字、图片、照片、动画、视频、信息、软件、音乐、声音以及其他文件及其选择和安排(“网站内容”),均为公司或 许可人 的 专 有财产,保留所有权利。
All content on the Web site, including but not limited to designs, text, graphics, pictures, animation, video, information, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and
arrangement (the "Site
[...] Content"), are the proprietary property of the Company or its licensors with all rights [...]
您同意,本网站个别程序的具体设计和结构等方面属于道康宁、其关联公司 许可人 的 商 业秘密和/或版权材料。
You agree that aspects of this website, including the specific design and structure of individual
programs, constitute trade secrets and/or copyrighted material of Dow Corning, its
[...] affiliated companies and its licensors.
客 户不得进行或允许出现任何可能损害WGSN或 许可 人专有 权利和/或知识产权的行为或疏漏。
The Client shall not commit or permit any act or omission that would impair WGSN’s or its licensors’ proprietary and/or intellectual property rights in the WGSN Content.
[...] 如果改进技术属于官方文件所列的“禁止出口” 名录,中国的商务部将不予批准该转让,改进技 术也就不能返回许可人的手中。
However, if the technology covered in the improvements falls into the ‘prohibited for exportation’ category as outlined in the official guide, China’s
Ministry of Commerce will not approve such a transaction, and the improvements
[...] will not be granted back to the licensor.
(k) 改进、回授权和回让权的所有权:对于被许可技术的改进和调整,谁拥有 IP 权利?这里既包括被许可使用中产生的改进,也包 许可人 对 原 有技术所作 的改进。
(l) Ownership of improvements, grant-back rights and assign-back rights: Who will own IP rights relating to improvements and adaptations to the licensed
technology, whether arising
[...] from the licensed use of the technology or made by the licensor to the original [...]
版权的机密性和其它知识产权:除非本网站另有规定,本网站所有的商标、版权、内容、信息、经营方式、图示、外观设计、文件标识、按钮图标、图像、音频剪辑、数字下载、数据汇编、软件、本网站发布的本网站所有内容的汇编以及本网站的“外观”(以下统称为“知识产权”),均属于道康宁及 许可人 的 财 产。
Copyright Confidentiality and Other Intellectual Property: Except as otherwise provided on this website, all trademarks, copyrights, content, information, business methods, graphic representations, designs, documentation logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software and the compilation of all content on this site posted on this website as well as the "look
and feel" of this website (collectively, "the
[...] intellectual property") is the property of Dow Corning and its licensors.
Whereas A and B enter into this non-disclosure agreement (‘Agreement’) relating to the confidential information to be disclosed by A to
B in connection with
[...] the Technology Licence Agreement entered into between A and B on _______ in which A is the licensor and [...]
B is the licensee (the ‘TLA’).
除许可协议中授予的权利外,DS SolidWorks 和许可人保留 该软件的一切知识产权、所有权和其它权益。
Except for rights granted pursuant to such license agreement, DS SolidWorks and its licensors reserve all intellectual property rights, title and interest in such software.
工业品外观设计的许可使用, 是指外观设计的所人(许可人) 允许另人(被许可人)以任何双 方议定的目的使用其外观设计。
Industrial designs are licensed when the owner of the design (licensor) grants permission to another person (the licensee) to use the design for whatever mutually agreed purposes.
所有的绘 图、数据、设计、加工、设备、流程、工程修改、发明、行业机密、版 权、掩膜作品、源码、目标码、专利、专利应用、技术、计算机和/或软 件及其所有部分、商标及其他一切信息(包括在生产任何产品,或出售、
提供或根据许可履行任何产品相关服务(包括任何和所有衍生作品)时, 由 MTS
[...] 或为 MTS 开发、制造或提供的技术或其他性质信息),将始终 属于 MTS(或许可人,如 有)的专有知识产权,并且 MTS 可以将其用 于任何目的,并提供予包括 [...]
MTS 在内的任何人或实体。
All drawings, data, designs, tooling, equipment, procedures, engineering changes, inventions, trade secrets, copyrights, mask works, source code, object code, patents, patent applications, know-how, computer and/or Software and all parts thereof, trademarks and all other information, technical or otherwise which was developed, made or supplied by or for MTS in the production of any Product or the performance of any Service sold, rendered or licensed hereunder, including
any and all derivative
[...] works, will be and remain the sole property of MTS (or its licensors, if any) and [...]
MTS may use them for any
purpose and for any other person or entity, including MTS.
注意到必须兼顾设保人和有担保债权人等所有利益攸关方的利益,无论设保 人是知识产权所有人、许可人还是 被 许可人
Noting the importance of balancing the interests of all stakeholders, including grantors, whether they are owners, licensors or licensees of intellectual property, and secured creditors
俄罗斯方块控股有限责任公司是俄罗斯方块全球版权所有者,俄罗斯方块有限责任公司是其独 许可人。
Tetris Holding, LLC is the owner of Tetris rights worldwide and The Tetris
[...] Company, LLC is its exclusive licensee.
[...] 委员会的核准为前提,军事及安全机构也可依照其他 许可人 适 用的条件并在 不妨碍其他无线电频率用户的情况下使用其他经分配的频率,但是这些机构应 [...]
Military and security agencies may also use other allocated frequencies, subject to the approval of the Council,
in accordance with the same conditions
[...] applied to other licensees and without prejudice [...]
to other users of radio frequencies,
provided that they shall be exempted from licensing fees
最后,在允许平行进口(即未经权利持 有人或许可人的同 意,即将该产品进口到 某国)的时候,只要该产品已经被其权利持人、被许可人或其 他被授权人投入进市 场,就不需要强制许可来解决反竞争问题。
of the title holder of his/her licensees) provided that the product has been put on the market elsewhere by the right holder, his/her licensee or other authorised person.
[...] 除前一节(第10.1节)表达的内容以及法律允许的最大程度外 许可人 或 任 何第三方 许可人 不 对 该dexway产品、包含的软件或者按照该许可证提供的任何其他服务作出任何保证或承诺(明示或暗示,或由成文法、普通法、惯例、用途或任何其他方式);该dexway产品和技术援助服务也“按同样方式处理”,即使有可能存在错误或故障,一旦此许可证被签署,用户就必须接受而无权投诉和追索。
With the exception of those expressed in the previous section
(section 10.1.) and by the
[...] maximum degree allowed by law, the licensor nor any third-party licensees [...]
offer any other guarantees
or promises (expressed or implied, or by statute, common law, custom, use or any other manner) about the dexway product, the software incorporated or any service supplied under this license; the provision of the dexway product and technical assistance services are “as is”, even if there might be errors or failures, the user accepts them without recourse to complaints once this license is signed.
WGSN内容”:指WGSN或许可人报告 、记分卡、 产品比较、方法、电子表、图形、表格、图表、图 [...]
像、数据、情绪板、评估工具、公式、算法及网站上 提供的,或通过其他形式向客户提供的,或作为服务 和其他改进/修改结果输出的所有其他专有内容和资料
WGSN Content”
[...] means WGSN or its licensors’ reports, scorecards, [...]
product comparisons, methodologies, spreadsheets, graphics,
tables, charts, images, data, mood-boards, assessment tools, formulas and algorithms and all other proprietary content and material provided on the Site or to the Client in other forms or as an output of the Services and any enhancements and modifications thereto, regardless of the means of access or delivery
菲斯科保留在法律要求时或者我们合理地认为为(a)满足政府的要求;(b) 符合法律的要求或对我们提起的法律程序的要求;(c) 保护或捍卫菲斯科、我们的网站、我们的用户或我们网站上任何资料的第三 许可人 的 合法权利或财产;或(d) 在紧急情况下为保护我们网站的用户或公众的健康或安全,而必要时透露我们通过我们的网站或其他方式收集的任何可识别个人身份的信息或其他信息的权利。
Fisker reserves the right to disclose any personally identifiable information or other information we collect through our websites or otherwise if we are required to do so by law or if we reasonably believe that the disclosure is necessary in order to (a) fulfill a government request; (b) conform with the requirements of law or to comply with legal process served on us; (c) protect or defend the legal rights or property of Fisker, our websites or our users, or third-party licensors of any material on our websites; or (d) in an emergency to protect the health or safety of the users of our websites or the general public.




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