









External sources (not reviewed)

因为研究化学 需要高阶的解决问题技能计实验以及解决數学应用题的能力,所以需要坚实的 代數技能。
Because the study of chemistry requires high-level problemsolving skills, such as designing experiments and solving word problems, it requires a firm foundation in algebra.
But judged by the numbers of participants in past activities of the HCRF, their mobilizing power is obviously limited.
水泥行业使用料、溶剂、废油、 废旧轮胎等废弃物和不同种类的混合或纯生物 质燃料。
In the cement industry wastes such as plastics, solvents, waste oil, end-of-life tires, etc. and different types of mixed or pure biomass fuels are used.
本集团拥有直接来自业务经营收贸易账款及应付贸易账款等多 种其他金融资产及负债。
The Group has various other financial assets and liabilities such as trade receivables and trade payables, which arise directly from its operations.
我们特此明确排除任何由法令、普通法或其他法例直接或间接们与顾客之间的合约的任何关於货品或服务的任何保证、条款或其 他细则所约束。
Any warranty, condition or other term concerning the goods or any services which might otherwise be implied into or incorporated in the contract between us by statute, common law or otherwise is hereby expressly excluded.
在作出 判断时,本集团所衡量之因素包括投资项目之公平价值跌至低於其成本所涉及之时间及程度,以及获投资 公司之财务稳健状况及短期业务前景,并考业及业界表现、技术变动以及经营及融资现金流量等 因素。
In making this judgement, the Group evaluates, among other factors, the duration and extent to which the fair value of an investment is less than its cost, and the financial health of and short-term business outlook for the investee, including factors such as industry and sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flow.
即便该等款项在合约上已超过其应付日期,但鉴於相关交易 对手的信贷质素并无显着变更,该等款项并不会被视为减损款项,且由於考虑到通常支付方式以及况下存在的抵销应收账款 余额的因素,其仍被认作可收回款项。
Such receivables, although contractually past their due dates, are not considered impaired as there has not been a significant change in credit quality of the relevant counterparty, and the amounts are still considered recoverable taking into account customary payment patterns and in many cases, offsetting accounts payable balances.
(b) 两 项 或 以 上 罪 行 , 而 最 少 其 中 一 项 是 受 此 项 禁 制 的 , (3)不 是 简 易 程 序 治 罪 罪 行 起 诉 程 序 的 任 何 法 例 禁 制,( 除 非 起 诉 是 由 刑 事 检 察 长 或 任 何 其 他 人 士 提 出 , 或 代 他 提 出 或 经 他 同 意 提 出 的 , ) 亦 适 用 於 根 据 上 文 第 1 条 针 对 串 谋 触 犯 该 罪 行 的 起 诉 程 序 。
(3) Any prohibition by or under any enactment on the institution of proceedings for any offence which is not a summary offence otherwise than by, or on behalf or with the consent of, the Director of Public Prosecutions or any other person shall apply also in relation to proceedings under section 1 above for conspiracy to commit that offence.
煤炭价格素,如利率,汇率,通货膨胀或 通货紧缩和全球性和区域性的供应和需求影响。
Coal prices are affectedby numerous factors [...]
such as interest rates, exchange rates, inflation or deflation and global and regional supply and demand.
如 法 庭 不 接 纳 控 方 的 意 见 及 建 议,不 理 控 方 的 反 对,批 准 被 告 人 保 释,则 本 署 人 员 除 执 行 法 庭保 释 人 士 而 在 执 行 时 要 求 廉 政 公 署 采 取 行 动 的 任 何 条 件 外,便 没 有 法 律 责 任 采 取 任 何 的 措 施 以 确 保 被 告 人 再 次 出 庭 或 遵 照 有 关 规 定 行 事 。
Should a court reject the opinion and recommendation of the prosecution and, despite such objections, grant bail to an accused person, there then is no legal responsibility placed upon officers of this Commission to take steps to ensure his re-attendance at court or his behaviour other than the enforcement of any conditions which require I.C.A.C. action and which are placed upon the bailee by the court.
The remuneration committee considers factors such as market conditions, responsibilities and performance of each of the Directors in determining the remuneration package.
We have never asked either explicitly and implicitly for support from academics and friends, but we are also not afraid of pressure unrelated to academic excellence, including any intention to resort to public pressure or administrative intervention.
加国亦为全球 最大之锌矿及铀矿产地,并在开他自然资源方面位居世界 领先地位,譬如金、镍、铝和铅。
It is also the world’s largest producer of zinc and uranium and a world leader in many other natural resources such as gold, nickel, aluminum and lead.
当小孩开始观察并描土、布 料或纸张等材料的相似处、差異性和组成部分时(物理科学),他们就会学到有关於居 住於地球的各類型植物与动物(生命科学),并且研究地球如何由土地、空气、与水组 成(地球科学)。
As children begin to observe and describethe similarities, differences, and component parts of materials such as clay, cloth, or paper (physical science), they will learn about different types of plants and animals that inhabit Earth (life science) and will study how Earth is composed of land, air, and water (earth science).
然而,有另一个部门持不同看法,坚持 不应把资历过高的应徵者,不让其获 考虑聘任为助理专业人员。
Yet another department held a different view and insisted that a candidate who was overqualified should not be precluded from being considered for appointment as an assistant professional.
二零一一年受日本核事故、北非及中东社会动荡以及欧洲持续的主权债务危机大事件影响,所引起的金融不确定性已对商品市场 造成打击,股本及债务市场受压,故使价格下跌及需求减少。
The pressures on equity and debt markets, driven by the financial uncertainties, had a knock-on effect on commodity markets, where prices decreased and demand weakened.
The open-data bandwagon got a little bigger on Tuesday as UN-Habitat opened its data to the world through its new UN-Habitat Transparency Initiative.
(C) 董事可进行其认为必需或权宜的所有行动或事宜,以便根据本 条细则(A)段条文任何资本化。倘可予分派的股份不足 [...]
一股,董事可全权制订其认为适宜之相关条文(包括规定合并 及出售全部或部分零碎股权且将所得款项净额分派予有权享有 之股东,或可不理会或向上或向下凑整全部或部分零碎股权,
或将零碎股权的利益拨归本公司而非相关股东),而受上述影响 的股东不会因任何目的成为及视为单一类别股东。
(C) The Directors may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (A)
of this Article with full power to the
[...] Directors tomake such provisions as [...]
they think fit in the case of shares becoming
distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the shareholders concerned), and no shareholders who will be affected thereby shall be, and they shall be deemed not to be, a separate class of shareholders for any purposes whatsoever.
听音乐或戴着耳机会降低您对周围各种声音的反应能力急车辆报 警器或其他车辆发出的喇叭声。
Listening or wearing headphones reduces your ability to hear sounds around you such as emergency vehicle sirens or the horn from another motorist.
预期向本公司股东寄发通函的日期为本公布刊发後15个营业日以上,此乃由於需要提供根据上市规 则要求要约的主要交易的详细内容,特别是本公司需要委任外聘顾问以编制载入通函的 相关会计师报告资料、根据上市规则第十八章由合资格的人士报告有关Anvil储量及资源量,以及 根据上市规则第十八章由合资格估算师编制有关Anvil储量及资源量的估值报告。
The expected despatch date of the circular to Company Shareholders is more than 15 business days after the publication of this announcement due to the detailed content requirement for a Major Transaction such as this Offer under the Listing Rules and, in particular, the need for the Company to commission external advisers to prepare for inclusion in the Circular relevant accountants’ report materials, a competent person’s report in relation to Anvil’s reserves and resources in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Listing Rules, and a valuation report prepared by a competent evaluator in relation to Anvil’s reserves and resources in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Listing Rules.
部分上述实作会将位 址转译和其他功能的负担机 CPU 和记忆体。
Some of these implementations place the burden of address translation and other functions on the host CPU and memory.
可适用的产脑暨周边设备、零组件与装罝、消费性电子产品、电信设备、电源供应器及电池等 [...]
─ 事实上,欧洲的 EN 60950-1、EN 60065 与EN 62133 所涵盖的产品项目皆为其列。
Applicable products includecomputers and [...]
peripherals, components and devices, consumer electronics, telecommunications
equipment, power supplies and batteries - in fact all products covered by European standards EN 60950-1, EN 60065 and EN 62133.
乙) 郑维志、郑维新、郑文彪及郑维生均为一家族信托基金之受益人,该信托基金之资产包括间 [...]
接拥有由 Brave Dragon Limited 及 Wing Tai Garment Manufactory (Singapore) Pte
Limited 实益拥有之 110,595,862股本公司股份,详情已在下列「主要股东」内载述。
CHENG Wai Chee, Christopher, CHENG
Wai Sun, Edward, CHENG Man Piu, Francis and
[...] CHENG Wai Keungwere beneficiaries [...]
of a trust which assets include indirect interests
in 110,595,862 shares of the Company beneficially owned by Brave Dragon Limited and Wing Tai Garment Manufactory (Singapore) Pte Limited as set out under “Substantial Shareholders” below.
讨论 癫痫的成因﹑教导学生怎样应对癫痫﹑认识许多患癫痫的成功知名人士类﹐都会有助那个学生 觉得受到了解和支持。
Discussions of the causes of epilepsy, teaching students to respond to seizures, becoming aware of many productive, well-known individuals with epilepsy, and so on will help the student feel understood and supported.
经考虑上述因素後事(包括独立非执行董事)认为,要约的条款属公平合理,并符合本 公司及本公司股东的整体利益。
Having considered the above, the Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) consider that the terms of the Offer are fair and reasonable and are in the interests of the Company and the Company Shareholders as a whole.
上海也业球队的发源地,包括 上海申花足球俱乐部 (隶属 中国超级联赛) 上海大鲨鱼篮球俱乐部 (隶属 中国篮球协会) 及 上海金鹰队 (隶属 中国棒球联赛)。
Shanghai is also home to a number of professional sports teams, including Shanghai Shenhua of the Chinese Super League, the Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association, and the Shanghai Golden Eagles of the China Baseball League.




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