单词 | 管制站 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 管制站 noun —control point nSee also:管制 n—control n • controls pl 管制 v—regulate v 管制—supervision
倘若在配額制度下的駕駛者獲准隨意使用 任何邊境管制站,將 無助達到將車輛由現 有 管制站 分 流到 新管 制站的目的。 legco.gov.hk | If motorists under the quota system [...] were allowed to use [...] any border control points as they wished, it would not be conducive to achieving traffic diversion from the existing control points to the new control point. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 提升系統架構,以應付日後的業務需要和配合 新 管制站 落成 啟用。 legco.gov.hk | (e) upgrade system architecture to cater for future business needs and the [...] commissioning of new control points. legco.gov.hk |
當局亦已調撥資源,在邊境管制站設 立 偵緝犬隊, 協助打擊偷運動物活動。 legco.gov.hk | Resources had also been allocated to set up dog [...] teams at boundary control points to assist [...]in combating animal smuggling. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 提高處理出入境檢查的能力-加裝和改裝 e-道可把有關管制 站處理旅客的能力提升約 4%,並縮短旅客的輪候時間。 legco.gov.hk | (c) Enhance clearance capacity - Installing and modifying e-Channels can enhance the handling capacity of the relevant control points by about 4% and shorten the waiting time of visitors. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 照顧內地旅客的需要-內地旅客可使用電子通行證, 在 管制 站辦理 出入境手續,以及在留港期間辦理與出入境相關的申 請。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Accommodate the needs of Mainland visitors - Mainland visitors will be [...] able to use electronic EEP for immigration [...] clearance at the control points and for [...]making immigration related applications during their stay in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
預期類似的運作模式可擴展至其他 管制站 ,以 縮短貨車輪候清關的時間,從而提高效率。 legco.gov.hk | It was expected that similar mode of operation could be [...] extended to other control points with a [...]view to reducing truckers' waiting time for [...]clearance thereby enhancing efficiency. legco.gov.hk |
衞生署 已加強在邊境管制站 的 健康 檢查措施;藉着定點監 察 系 統 、化驗室監 [...] 察 措施、調查流行性感 冒 病類的爆發,以加強監察 本地流感情況; 以 及與內地有關的衞 生當局、世界衞生組織,以及海外衞生機構保持緊密聯繫, 掌握 關於人類受感染情況的最新資料。 legco.gov.hk | The Department of Health (DH) has stepped up health check [...] measures at border control points, enhanced [...]monitoring of the influenza situation locally [...]through sentinel surveillance, laboratory surveillance, and investigation of influenza-like-illness outbreaks, and maintained close contacts with relevant health authorities in the Mainland, the World Health Organization and overseas health authorities for latest information on human infections. legco.gov.hk |
此外,我們又會增加在電視台和電台播放政 [...] 府宣傳短片或聲帶的次數,以及張貼海報等,並繼續在出入 境管制站和跨 境運輸工具播放有關訊息,令公眾對禽流感的 [...]威脅保持警覺。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, we will increase the number of Announcement of Public Interest (API) broadcast on TV and radio, displaying [...] posters, etc. and continue such broadcast [...] at Immigration Control Points and in [...]cross-boundary conveyances, to keep public [...]vigilance to the threat of avian influenza. legco.gov.hk |
在這兩個管制站投入 服務後,預計旅客在落馬洲及羅湖的 管制站 內 輪 候的問題會大 為紓緩。 legco.gov.hk | With the commissioning [...] of these two Control Points, it was expected that the queuing problem at the Control Points at Lok Ma Chau and Lo Wu would be [...]much relieved. legco.gov.hk |
我們會 視乎不同管制站的實 際旅客類別和組合,決定有關 e-道設施的實際分 布。 legco.gov.hk | We will decide on the actual distribution of the relevant e-Channel facilities in the light of the actual passenger pattern and passenger mix at different control points. legco.gov.hk |
結合應用現代科技監察貨流的完整性, [...] 參與推行有關區域性措施的海關當局可在 其 管制站 提供更快捷的清關服務;以及 (c) [...] 中央人民政府薄熙來部長在二零零六年十一月十六 日舉行的第十八屆亞太經合組織部長級會議上,闡 述中國的願景,希望亞太經合組織致力推動所有成 [...] 員經濟體系於二零一零年或之前在其檢查站實施電 子清關。 legco.gov.hk | Coupled with the application of modern technology to ensure the integrity of cargo flow, the participating customs authorities will be [...] able to provide more speedy clearance of [...] cargoes at their control points; and (c) [...]the Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai of the [...]Central People’s Government announced, at the 18th APEC Ministerial Meeting on 16 November 2006, China’s vision that APEC should strive to achieve electronic customs clearance at the checkpoints of all APEC economies by 2010. legco.gov.hk |
系統旨在加強對管制站前線 人員和運作的管理,以及方便 管理人員監察出入境檢查的情况。 legco.gov.hk | It aims at enhancing frontline workforce and [...] operations management at control points and facilitating management’s monitoring [...]of immigration clearance. legco.gov.hk |
海關助理關長(下稱“助理關長”)補 充,由於海關在新 管制站設置的電 腦 系統只 涉 及 擴 展 其他管制站的現有電 腦 系統,有關 費 用可由總 目 710 電 腦化計劃 分目 A007GX項下的整 體 撥款支付,因此 無需財務委 員會( [...] 下 稱 “財 委 會 ”)另 行審批 撥款。 legco.gov.hk | The Assistant Commissioner of C&ED (AC of C&E) added that as the [...] computer systems for [...] C&ED at the new control point merely involved an extension of the existing computer systems from other control points, the [...]cost incurred would be [...]funded by the block allocation under Subhead A007GX of Head 710 - Computerization and no separate funding approval from the Finance Committee (FC) was required. legco.gov.hk |
該署與海關定期在各個邊境管制站採 取 聯合行 動,偵查動物和禽鳥的走私活動,包括供應予寵物業的動物 [...] 和禽鳥的走私活動。 legco.gov.hk | Joint operations are being carried out with C&ED at [...] various border control points regularly [...]to detect smuggling of animals and birds, [...]including those for pet trade. legco.gov.hk |
在該等情況下,貨物資料 無法透過資料系統呈交,管制站的清 關手續須轉由人手處理。 legco.gov.hk | Under such circumstances, cargo data cannot be lodged through ROCARS and customs [...] clearance at the LBCPs has to be reverted [...]to manual processing. legco.gov.hk |
一方面的士、公共小型巴士及非專營巴士業認為當局應讓他們在 新設的邊境管制站營運,但過境巴士營辦商卻關注到容許各類公共交 通車輛在新設的邊境管制站營運所帶來的潛在問題,以及因而引起的 交通問題。 legco.gov.hk | Whilst the taxi, public light bus and non-franchised bus trades consider that they should be allowed to operate at the new BCPs, the cross-boundary coach operators are concerned about the potential problems of allowing different types of public transport vehicles to operate at new BCPs, and the resultant traffic problems. legco.gov.hk |
入境事務處處長(下稱"入境處處長")補充,增加使用自動化設 備 (例如"e-道 "),以及理順管制站的運作程序,有助紓緩前線 入境事務人員的工作量,以便重行調配部分現有的前線入境事 [...] 務人員執行有關非本地懷孕旅客的出入境管制措施。 legco.gov.hk | Director of Immigration (D of Imm) added that the increased use of automation such as [...] "e-Channels" and the streamlining of operational [...] procedures at control points would help [...]reduce the workload of frontline immigration [...]staff, so that some of the existing frontline immigration staff could be redeployed to implement the immigration control measures related to non-local pregnant visitors. legco.gov.hk |
另一名成員建議政府改善邊境管制站 e道鑑別旅客指紋的速度及準確度。 forum.gov.hk | Another member suggested the Government improve the speed and accuracy of fingerprint recognition in [...] e-channels at border control points. forum.gov.hk |
漁護署一直致力在機場、公眾貨物裝卸區和邊境 管制站進行 各種有關動物和禽鳥的反走私宣傳工作,向旅 客、持份者和有關人士派發載有非法進口動物和禽鳥罰則的 警告單張和其他宣傳資料。 legco.gov.hk | Leaflets and other promotional materials containing warning messages about the offences associated with illegal import of animals and birds are distributed to travellers, stakeholders and parties concerned, with particular efforts at the border control points. legco.gov.hk |
有關系統包括支援各管 制站出入 境檢查工作的「快檢通系統」,以及支援處理簽證、許可證 及旅遊通行證等申請及提供相關檔案管理工作的「個案簡易處理系 統」。 legco.gov.hk | These include [...] the “Entry/Exit Processing and Records System” (EXPRESS) which supports the immigration clearance process at control point counters, [...]and the “Application and [...]Investigation Easy System” (APPLIES) which supports the handling of applications for visas, permits, travel passes, as well as relevant records management service. legco.gov.hk |
(f) 鑑於各陸路管制站所能 處理跨境交通的數量有限,過境巴士服務是 根據一項由本港及內地有關當局聯合管理的過境配額制度運作。 devb.gov.hk | 0555 (f) Cross-boundary coach services are operated under a cross-boundary quota [...] system jointly administered by the Hong Kong [...]and the Mainland authorities [...]because of the limited handling capacities of the land control points. devb.gov.hk |
至於准許綠色專線小巴及的士在延長開放時段(午夜 12 [...] 時至上午 6 時 30 分 )進入落馬洲管制站經營的試驗計劃,有關檢討工作將於 [...]2004 年完成。 devb.gov.hk | The review of the trial scheme of allowing [...] Green Mini-buses and taxis to operate at [...] the Lok Ma Chau Control Point during the [...]extended hours (12:00 midnight to 6:30 [...]a.m.) will be completed in 2004. devb.gov.hk |
落馬洲、落馬洲支線及深圳灣管制站 的 客 流亦會非常繁忙,預計期間每日平均分別約有86,000、151,000及97,000人次出入境。 news.gov.hk | Passenger traffic at the Lok Ma Chau, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line and Shenzhen Bay control points will also be heavy, with daily average forecasts of 86,000, 151,000 and 97,000 passengers. news.gov.hk |
(a) 適時更換系統不但可讓海關人員在上述兩個邊 境 管制站 為貨 物及車輛提供無間斷和有效率的清關服務,並有助海關應付 在上述邊境管制站不斷 轉變的運作需要。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Timely replacement of the MXRVSSs will not only allow C&ED to provide uninterrupted and efficient customs clearance services for cargoes and vehicles at the two BCPs, but also enable C&ED to cope with evolving operational needs at the BCPs. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 項目 011 管理為讓的士進入落馬洲管制站而設 的派籌制度,03-04 年 度的開支是否比預期少? devb.gov.hk | (b) if the expenditures in 2003-04 for item 011 which governs the quota system for taxis entering the Lok Ma Chau Terminal have been less than expected. devb.gov.hk |
舉行這些會議的目的,是討論有關各項公共運 輸服務的規劃、規管、監察或管理方面的事宜,例如交通應變安排、 西鐵及輕鐵天水圍支線的啟用、鐵路、巴士及渡輪服務的票價優惠 /減費計劃、巴士-巴士/巴士-鐵路/巴士-專線小巴轉乘計 [...] 劃、公共交通服務的乘客設施、道路安全、公共運輸交匯處改善工 [...] 程、專線小巴營辦商遴選工作、專線小巴行駛三號幹線的試驗計劃、 優質的士及公共小巴服務、非專營巴士的營運、落馬 洲 管制站 改善工程、過境巴士總站設施的劃設、碼頭租約、渡輪服務安排、的士 營運及復康巴士服務。 devb.gov.hk | These meetings were held to discuss various matters relating to the planning, regulation, monitoring and management of public transport services, such as transport contingency arrangements, opening of the West Rail and Tin Shui Wai extension of the Light Rail Transit, fare concession/reduction schemes for rail, bus and ferry services, bus-bus/bus-rail/bus-green minibus interchange schemes, provision of public transport passenger facilities, road safety, improvement of public transport interchanges, green minibus operators selection exercise, green minibus trial scheme for operation on Route 3, quality taxi and public light [...] bus services, [...] non-franchised bus operation, improvement of the Lok Ma Chau Control Point, provision [...]of cross-boundary coach [...]terminating facilities, pier tenancy agreement, ferry service arrangements, taxi operation and rehabus services. devb.gov.hk |
乌克兰与波兰共同担任 2012 年欧洲足球 协会联合会欧洲足球锦标赛的主办国,乌克兰在机场和其他边 界 管制站 点 扩 大了 获取国际刑警组织被盗和遗失旅行证件数据库的范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | As co-host, with Poland, of the 2012 Union of European Football Associations European Football Championship, Ukraine is expanding access to the INTERPOL Stolen and Lost Travel Documents database to airports and other border control points. daccess-ods.un.org |
問題: 政府所進行的過海隧道的交通顧問研究及為讓的士在延長開放時段進入落馬洲 管制站而設 的派籌制度預計將於何時完成? devb.gov.hk | Question : For the traffic consultancy on road harbour crossings and the ticketing system for taxi access to Lok Ma Chau Control Point during the extended hours, when will they be expected to complete? devb.gov.hk |
2011 年 跨 境 旅 運 統 計 調 查 是 透 過 在 邊 界 管 制 站 與 跨 境 旅 客 及 司 機 面 談,以 搜 集 有 關 跨 境 旅 運 ( 例 如 行 程 目 的 、 起 點 和 終 點 ) 及 旅 客 的 社 會 經 濟 特 徵 的 資 料 。 devb.gov.hk | Regarding additional manpower resources, we created five posts in the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) in 2009 in order to take up the planning and implementation of the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project, including one engineer to plan and manage the village reprovisioning works mentioned in (a) above. devb.gov.hk |
在2004-2005年度,顧問服務部為多個不同的客戶設計及生產了共24幅摸讀地圖,包括九廣東鐵馬鞍山支線、入境處羅 湖 管制站 、 嶺 南大學、馬鞍山公園、香港傷殘青年協會,以及九廣東鐵九龍塘站。 hksb.org.hk | The Consultancy Service Unit designed and supplied a total of 24 tactile maps [...] to her clients in 2004/05 for the KCRC East [...] Rail, Lo Wu Control Point, Lingnan University, [...]Ma On Shan Park, H.K. Federation [...]of Handicapped Youth and the KCRC Kowloon Tong Station. hksb.org.hk |