单词 | 砸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 砸—smashpoundless common: fail bungle muck up Examples:砸碎—smash to bits pulverize 砸夯—pound the earth to make a building foundation 砸毁v—destroyv
如果巫师被飞行的石块砸到了,将这个巫师和此玩家的所有棋子移出游戏,然后把石块 放在之前巫师所在的方格。 toco.be | When you hit a Sorcerer with a flying Rock, remove the Sorcerer and his entire team from the board, and put the thrown Rock at the square where the Sorcerer died. toco.be |
(c) 把石刑作为一种处决手段,而且被关押在监狱中的人继续面临石砸死刑,尽管司法总监已发出通知禁止石刑 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Stoning as a method of execution and persons in prison who continue to face sentences of execution by stoning, notwithstanding a circular from the head of the judiciary prohibiting stoning daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 被关押在监狱的人继续面临以乱石砸死的刑罚 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Persons in prison who continue to face sentences of execution by stoning daccess-ods.un.org |
8 时 10 分,一武装团伙砸开了Armanaz 卫生中心的车库门,并偷走了该中心 的救护车。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0810 hours, an armed group broke down the door of the garage of the Armanaz health centre and stole the centre’s ambulance. daccess-ods.un.org |
67 为声誉的凶杀可有许许多多的形式,包括在公开谴责她们的行为之后,可 直接将妇女和女孩处死、乱石砸死、强迫自杀和用硫酸致使妇女烧炙致死。 daccess-ods.un.org | Punishment usually has a collective dimension, with the family as a whole believing it to be injured by a woman‘s actual or perceived behaviour, and is often public in character. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们在曼德拉身上看到了英雄的身影,看到了一 种兄弟的精神,他是砸碎桎梏的人,是给予原谅的人, 是带来希望的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | We see a hero and a kindred spirit in Mandela — a breaker of shackles, a bringer of forgiveness, a creator of hope. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,青年党继续严重地违反人道主义和人 权法,包括对与政府有关的平民实行即决处决,非法逮捕和拘留,以及构成酷刑 [...] 和其他不人道、残忍和有辱人格做法的行为,例如鞭笞、截肢和用石块砸人。daccess-ods.un.org | Al-Shabaab, on the other hand, continues to perpetrate serious violations of humanitarian and human rights law, including summary executions of civilians associated with the Government, unlawful arrest and detention [...] and acts amounting to torture and other inhumane, cruel and degrading practices, such as [...] flogging, amputation and stoning. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告还指出,妇女极容易被判处相当于酷刑和 [...] 其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚,比如 用石头砸死或者鞭笞,这些是国际法所禁止的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report also noted that women were disproportionately targeted by sentences that amounted to torture and other [...] cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or [...] punishment, such as stoning and flogging, [...]which were prohibited under international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这张获奖图片里,一个男孩站在阿巴格罗旭地区臭名昭着的电子废料场里,正准备砸烂一个电脑显示器来获得里面值钱的零件。 unicef.org | Mr. Löffelbein’s winning image shows a boy at the infamous electronics dump in Agbogbloshie, preparing to throw a computer monitor to the ground to extract its valuable contents. unicef.org |
比如,打棒球砸了邻居家的窗户,或是平分晚餐账单,Chase的用户能够立即转账,而无需支票或现金。 ba-repsasia.com | For example, when a baseball breaks a neighbor’s window or when settling a dinner bill, Chase customers can transfer the money immediately, without the hassle of checks or cash. ba-repsasia.com |
但你应该手头上有一个基本的急救箱,所以当你使用老虎钳时砸了你的关节,你也有所准备。 hkcarworld.com | But you should have a basic first-aid kit on hand, so when you bash your knuckles after using your vise-grips, you'll be all set. hkcarworld.com |
因为前方的冰河非常危险,不说也许你不知,有人曾被大冰块在这里砸死。 4tern.com | There was an accident, where tourist died because of the fallen ice. 4tern.com |
Chung拍摄了从砸破的玻璃窗到一团糟的孩子等场景,在后期制作中加上电话。 ba-repsasia.com | Chung photographed each scene, from the broken window to the messy toddler, and then the phone was added in post-production. ba-repsasia.com |
一个约有 20 人的武装恐怖团伙进入市政大楼和 Khisham 分区 Jadid Bakkarah 村的信息部门,打砸并毁坏两处的家具,然后朝着不明方向离去。 daccess-ods.un.org | An armed terrorist group, estimated to number approximately 20 persons, entered the municipality building and information unit of the village of Jadid Bakkarah, subdistrict of Khisham, smashingand destroying the furniture in both before leaving in an unknown direction. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,他们可能会把玩具朝其它表面上砸,会撬开玩具的舱室,或试图往玩具里 面塞其它东西。 cpsc.gov | For example, these children might bang the toy on other surfaces, pry open compartments on the toy, or try inserting other objects into the toys. cpsc.gov |
乘客被困在电梯内应按下应急按钮或用电话求救,并耐心等待救援人员到来, 切忌用力砸门、撬门和攀爬电梯。 newera.edu.my | Be patient and wait for rescuers to come. Do not bang on the lift door, force open the lift door or climbup the lift. newera.edu.my |
也有定居者被投向他们车辆的石块砸伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Settlerswere also injured by [...] stones thrown at their vehicles. daccess-ods.un.org |
在你开始砸钱到计算机上之前,务必要保证工作 环境整洁有序,做到最基本的要求。 glenraven.com | Before you start spending dollars on computers, make sure the basics are covered by a clean, well-organized work environment. glenraven.com |
Shava 在内的受害人,他们报告说,一群丹麦青年强行 进入门厅,一大盆植物砸到他父亲的腿,他自己脸上挨了一拳,右臂上挨了棒球 棍似的家伙一棍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The police interviewed witnesses and the victims, including Mr. Shava, who reported that a group of young Danes had forced their way into the entrance hall, that a full plant pot had been thrown at his father’s leg, and that he himself hadreceived a punch to his face, and had also been struck with a bat-like instrument on his right arm. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,老鼠是被砸死了,可是那个珍贵的玉盂也被打破了。 chinesestoryonline.com | For sure, the mouse was killed, but the precious vase was broken also. chinesestoryonline.com |
第二,别把自己身体搞砸,只因为了赚多点钱。 4tern.com | No doubt money is important, earn an enough amount will do. 4tern.com |
在 他 的《 国 家 与 革 命 》中 ﹐列 宁 认 为 无 产 阶 级 革 命 目 的 是要砸碎旧的 国 家 机 器 ﹐ 取 而 代 之 的 是 无 产 阶 级 专 政 和 苏 维 埃 政 府 。 hkahe.com | In his pamphlet, The State and Revolution, Lenin suggested that the proletariat revolution was to smash the old state apparatus. hkahe.com |
例如确保孩子不会触及电源而触电,不会被放置在高处的不稳的重物砸伤,不会接触火炉或正在加热的水壶,不会跌入水池或水盆中溺水,不会爬上靠近窗台的椅子等等。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | I look for potential sources of electrocution, heavy items that are poorly balanced on shelves, boiling water on a stove, standing water of any depth, and chairs that are placed close to windows. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
野牛复仇记》(Burrito Bison Revenge)是一款风靡有趣的射击类游戏,玩家在游戏中的任务极为简单,就是要让游戏的主人公————一头名为“卷饼野牛”的野牛砸向糖果小熊,获取分数。 burrito-bison-r...cn.uptodown.com | Burrito Bison Revenge is a catapult game in which our goal is simple: Launch the main character (a bull) as far as possible counting with the help of gummy bears. burrito-bison-r...en.uptodown.com |