

单词 李泽楷

See also:


plum n

surname Li

favor or beneficence
(of metals etc) luster


pond n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 16 公頃的土地,在無公開競投下,交給了以李嘉誠 先生次李澤楷為首 的盈動,授予他發展權。
Without conducting any open tender, the
Government awarded the development rights to the Pacific Century Group headed
[...] by Richard LI, second son of Mr LI Ka-shing.
李澤楷先生呈報彼被視為於據報由其擁有100%權益的公司Chiltonlink [...]
Limited被視為擁有權益的股 份中擁有權益。
Mr. Li Tzar Kai Richard reported [...]
that he was deemed to be interested in the Shares deemed to be interested in by Chiltonlink
Limited, which was reported 100% controlled by Mr. Li.
(一 ) 行 政長官董建 華先生於 1998 至
[...] 99 年 間,曾 與 盈 科主李澤楷見 面 及 討 論數碼 港 計 劃 [...]
共 多 少 次 ?
(1) How many times did Mr TUNG
[...] Chee-hwa meet Mr Richard LI, Chairman of the [...]
PCG, during the period from 1998 to 1999, regarding the Cyberport project?
盈保投資乃兩個酌 情信託-The Ocean Trust
[...] 及 The Starlite Trust的受控公司,李澤楷為該 兩個酌情信託的成立人。
(1) These interests were held through a discretionary investment company, PCI Investment Management Limited, being a controlled
corporation of two discretionary trusts, The Ocean Trust and The Starlite
[...] Trust, of which Richard LI Tzar-kai was the founder.
多德的瞳孔李祖泽罗宾 逊,解释不是作为一个事件,而是未来的文字作为一个基督来的时候会发生什么事的爱和力量,展现了他的存在迹象,他在十字架上的标志象征或神话介绍基督的圆满。
Dodd's pupil, JAT Robinson, interprets Christ's parousia not as a literal event of the future but as a symbolical or mythological presentation of what happens whenever Christ comes in love and power, displaying the signs of his presence and the marks of his cross.
倒不如批評一下李嘉誠李澤楷、李 澤 鉅 和李兆 基。
They should instead criticize LI Ka-shing, Richard LI, Victor LI and LI Siu-kei.
況 且 , 在他的權力範圍內 , 他 是 不 能 提 供我所 要
[...] 的文件,便 是 述 及 行 政長官李 澤楷在該年 內 的會面 及 所 談 論 事 [...]
情 的,以 及 有否作出決 定的文 件 。
Moreover, within his scope of authority, he is unable to provide the documents I have requested, that is, the
documents on the meetings between the Chief
[...] Executive and Richard LI during that year and [...]
the matters discussed, and whether decisions were made.
Ko从Joo1992年的雕塑作品“伟大的盐度”开始讨论,其包括四大块压缩盐块浸泡在人造汗液中,代表了亚洲历史人物成吉思汗、东京玫瑰 李 小 龙和 毛 泽 东 生 平所消耗的能量,及后引领我们到他在华盛顿特区史密森美国艺术博物馆的驻馆研究,Joo这科学家转变成为的艺术家,会在今年较后时间在这里研习进阶三维扫描与印刷技术。
Ko begins with Joo’s 1992 sculpture The Saltiness of Greatness, comprised of four massive compressed salt cubes soaked in synthetic sweat, representing the lifetime energy consumption of
Asian historical figures Genghis
[...] Khan, Tokyo Rose, Bruce Lee and Mao Zedong, and leads [...]
us to his residency fellowship at the
Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC, later this year, where Joo, a scientist-turned-artist, will study advanced 3D scanning and printing technologies.
李女士和泽尔马 唐先生重申以多学科方式处理儿童问题的重要性,国家一级 [...]
Both Ms. Lee and Mr. Zermatten reiterated [...]
the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in dealing with issues regarding
children, as it was already the case at the national level.
在 整 件事情 的 拼
[...] 圖 上,政府將行 政長官 的 角 色 隱 形,結果這個拼 圖 缺 了 最 重要的一角 , 我 別無選擇, 只 能採用 條例賦 予 的權力,讓 管有行政長官李 澤楷先生會面資料的 行 政長官 私 人秘書在 立法會席前 ,提交有關的 資料, 以 瞭 解 當 中有無利 益 輸 送 ,是否 存 在官商 勾 結 。
I am therefore left with no other alternative but to invoke the powers conferred by the Ordinance to order the Private
Secretary to the Chief
[...] Executive to produce before this Council the information he has in his possession in relation to any meeting held between the Chief Executive and Mr Richard LI [...]
to ascertain whether
or not any transfer of benefits or collusion between business and the Government exists.
山都平 121-XXM200
[...] 热塑性硫化弹性体牌号更高的泽度 提高了设计的灵活性,同时还可以采用特定的模具粒面处理与挤压型材的表面匹配。
The higher gloss levels of Santoprene [...]
121-XXM200 TPV grades increase design flexibility, and specific mold graining can
be used to match the surface aspect of extruded profiles.
在这个自愿调整基金资金用 途方案框架内,执行局可在重大计划 IV--文化范围内找出几个需要补充资金支持的旗舰计划 以供接纳这些资金,如关于《文化与发展》问题的工作重点 5、关于文化间对话,“阿拉伯 计划”和跨部门计划《泰戈尔、聂鲁达和 泽 尔 之 对立统一的普遍性思想》等的工作重点 6 等。
In this context of voluntary redeployment of funds, the Executive Board could identify several flagship programmes under Major Programme IV – Culture that need additional financing, such as, for example, main line of action (MLA) 5 on culture and development, MLA 6 on intercultural dialogue, the Arabia Plan and the intersectoral programme “Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aimé Césaire for a reconciled universal”.
执行局第 180 EX/58 号决定建议以泰戈尔、聂鲁达和泽 尔 这些先驱提出的、始终具 有意义的主张为基础,促使教科文组织进行实质性的探讨并继续就“普遍性”与“多样性” 的对立统一问题采取行动,它符合本组织自 1945 年通过其《组织法》以来在联合国系统所 肩负的“智力警戒”使命。
The Executive Board, in 180 EX/Decision 58, proposed to take the pioneering and everpertinent message of Tagore, Neruda and Césaire as the starting point for engaging the Organization in substantial reflection and renewed action on a universal reconciled with diversity in keeping with UNESCO’s intellectual watch mandate within the United Nations system since the adoption of the Organization’s Constitution in 1945.
另一方面,事件演化成為李嘉誠李 澤 楷 兩 父 子對電盈股 權的爭奪戰。
On the other hand, the incident has evolved into a battle for PCCW shares between
[...] LI Ka-shing and his son, Richard LI.
他的研究项目包括开发第一个横跨大西洋的海底光波系统,从美国 泽 西 州 到英国和法国的海底光缆系统 [...]
His research projects included the development of the first
transatlantic undersea lightwave system,
[...] TAT-8 from New Jersey to the UK and [...]
France, fiber optic guided missile systems,
development of high speed UV curable coatings for optical fiber and even controlled release insecticide products to protect outdoor telecommunications systems.
資訊科技及廣播局局長鄺其志先生致函P CC 的 李 澤 楷 先 生 ,述明香港特區政府對數碼港計劃的立場。
Mr K C KWONG, Secretary for Information
Technology and Broadcasting (SITB), issued a
[...] letter to Mr Richard LI of PCC stating the [...]
HKSAR Government's position on the Cyberport project.
代 理主席,在 決
[...] 定發展數 碼 港 的事宜上,董 建 華先生是擔 當 着 一 個 很 重 要 的 角 色 ,據我們瞭 解 , 當 政 府與盈 科 集 團 商 討 數 碼 港 發展計 劃 期間, 董 先 生李 澤楷先生曾有 幾 次 的會面。
Madam Deputy, in deciding the development of the Cyberport project, Mr TUNG Chee-hwa played a very important role.
TUT1 擁有長實之股份權益只為履行其作為信託 人之責任及權力而從事一般正常業務;並可以信託人身分獨立行使其持有長實股 份權益之權力而毋須向 Unity
[...] Holdco 或上文所述之 Unity Holdco 股份持有人李嘉誠 先生、李澤鉅先生李澤楷先生 徵詢任何意見。
TUT1 is only interested in the shares of CKH by reason only of its obligation and power to hold interests in those shares in its ordinary course of business as trustee and, when performing its functions as trustee, exercises its power to hold interests in the shares of CKH independently without any reference to
Unity Holdco or any of Mr. Li
[...] Ka-shing, Mr. Li Tzar Kuoi, Victor and Mr. Li Tzar Kai, Richard [...]
as a holder of the shares of Unity Holdco as aforesaid.
李澤楷,我早已指 出他是傷天害理“8號仔”,偷呃拐李澤楷。
I have already pointed out that Richard LI, Chairman of PCCW, is ruthless, devoid of human [...]
feelings and dishonest.
由BELSIL® GB 1020 和 BELSIL® ADM 6058CN 组合而成的新配方可以使护发素的护理效果倍增,氨基硅油乳液可以精准修复头发受损部位,新型硅胶混合物BELSIL® GB
[...] 1020 可帮助头发重建疏水保护层,重现健康 泽。
Another new formulation combines BELSIL® GB 1020 and BELSIL® ADM 6058CN to amplify the care effect of hair conditioners: the amino silicone fluid emulsions precisely repairs damaged hair,
while the new gum blend BELSIL® GB 1020 helps to regenerate the hydrophobic protective layer and
[...] restore a healthy sheen.
對於當局此方面的努力,我謹此致意,並希望 其事事順利,在醫學界樹楷模。
We salute these efforts and we wish them well and hope that they can be an example
[...] for all of us to follow.
其實, 當 時,廣為人 知 的,便 是 行 政長官為了這項目,曾親 自 見李 澤 楷 先生不 少 於兩次, 其中一 次 可能包括他李 澤楷先生前往以 色 列 進 行 視 察。
In fact, at that
[...] time, it was widely known that the Chief Executive had personally met with Mr Richard LI on at least two occasions [...]
for this project.
是次高峰會榮幸地邀請了多位政府官員及主辦機構主席主持開幕典禮,包括商務及經濟發展局局長劉吳惠蘭太平紳士、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部潘永華教授、亞洲及大洋洲信息產業組織主席Dr. Ashank
[...] Desai、二零零八年亞洲及大洋洲信息產業組織榮譽主 李 澤 楷 先 生、高峰會籌備委員會主席吳長勝教授、高峰會籌備委員會副主席黃梓惠女士、高峰會程序籌備附屬委員會主席莫乃光先生及資訊及軟件業商會主席吳國聲先生。
The Summit was officially opened by Mrs. Rita Lau, JP, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, The Government of the Hong Kong S.A.R., together with Prof. Pan Yong Hua, Director of General Education and Technology Department of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong
Kong S.A.R, Dr. Ashank Desai,
[...] Chairman of ASOCIO, Mr. Richard Li, Honorable Chairman [...]
of ASOCIO 2008, Dr. C S Ng, Organising
Committee Chairman of the Summit, Mrs. Satti Wong, Organising Committee Vice Chairman of the Summit, Mr. Charles Mok, Head of the Summit Programme Sub-committee and Mr. Aldous Ng, Chairman of Information and Software Industry Association (ISIA).
[...] 電訊盈科;如果沒有電訊盈科,便沒有小股東要跳樓:“傷天害理8號仔, 偷呃拐李澤楷”, 大家從最近的私有化官司可看得一清二楚,請問政 [...]
If not for Residence Bel-Air, PCCW would not have existed; and if not for PCCW, a small shareholder would not have jumped off the building: "the stock with the code of eight is
a disgrace against morality and common
[...] sense, and Richard LI is always prepared [...]
to achieve self-serving ends by hook or by crook".
行政長官在 1998 年年中至 1999 年年初 或 年 中,會晤李 澤楷先生 多 少 次 , 有否談 論 過這問題, 如 何 談 論 , 在 談 論 中有否作出決 定,這 些資料 現 時是付 之 闕 如 ,是沒有的,即 使 主席讓 他 再 次作答 , 他 也 不 能回答這 些問 題 。
There is a complete lack of information about, during the period from mid-1998 to early or mid-1999, the number of times the Chief Executive had met with Mr Richard LI, whether this issue was discussed, how it was discussed, and whether any decisions were made during the discussion.
為甚麼有錢人的子女都能進入大學,便是因為他們可以補習,這所 大學不收便讀另一所,一年不合格便讀第二年,英國的大學不行便去法
[...] 國,法國的不行便去加拿大,到處都試過,最後可能要花10年才畢業; 甚至不畢業也不要緊,李澤楷般,他即使未畢業,其他人也以為他畢 了業,他繼續做他的總裁。
They can try everywhere and spend 10 years before graduation.
我们估计,实际上,选举前和选举后的活动同选 举本身一样重要,因此需要在选举前、后和期间提供 支助活动,以便吸取经验教训、发展能力和建立机构 记忆,以此改进布隆迪的选举进程并为我们区域建立 一个堪楷模的民主政体。
We estimate that, in fact, pre- and post-electoral activities are just as important as the elections themselves, which will make it necessary to provide support activities before, after and during the electoral period in order to learn lessons, develop capacities and create institutional memory with a view to improving electoral processes in Burundi and establishing en exemplary democracy for our region.
同样, 他作为统治者和领导人的爱国主义、公德心、正直、勇气和战斗精神使其成为国家尊严的象 征,令我们各国人民无比自豪,是今世后代学习 楷 模。
Similarly, his patriotism, public-spiritedness, honesty, courage and militancy, as a ruler and leader, have made him a symbol of national dignity, a source of great pride to our peoples and an example to be followed for present and future generations.
中心有望成为类似地区中心发展楷 模 ,充分利用现有资源,创造围绕共同目标的新协作关 系和新合作方法。
The institute holds the promise to become a model for development of similar regional centres, optimizing use of existing resources, and building new synergies around shared objectives and new methods of cooperation.
为此,中国政府作为绿色经楷模的 先驱,大力倡导环境友好型投资:利用可再生能源、节能环保技术,作为实现其未来可持续发展的框架( 中国的下一个五年计划2010-2015 年)。
In response, the Chinese government is spearheading eco-friendly investment as a pioneer of the green economy model – using renewable resources, energy conservation and eco-technologies as framework for its sustainable future development (China’s next five year plan 2010–2015).




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