

单词 李斯特氏菌



listeria bacillus

See also:


Joseph Lister (1883-1897), British surgeon and bacteriologist
Ferenc (Franz) Liszt (1811-1886), Hungarian composer


Li Si (c. 280-208 BC), Legalist philosopher, calligrapher and Prime minister of Qin kingdom and Qin dynasty from 246 208 BC


the Korean Yi or Lee Dynasty (1392-1910)

External sources (not reviewed)

有研究已证实预先切开的水果或会受沙氏菌斯特菌量金黄葡 萄球菌污染。
Studies have already confirmed that pre-cut fruits m ight be contaminated withSalmonella,Listeriamonocytogenes and high counts of Staphylococcus aureus.
同时,细菌(例如沙氏菌李氏化学品 (霉菌毒素)污染引发了几次食品恐慌事件,意味着食品安全是公众主要关切的 [...]
At the same time, several food scares, caused by
[...] bacterial (e.g.Salmonella and Listeria) and chemical [...]
(e.g. mycotoxins) contamination meant
that food safety was an issue of major public concern.
指引列明九類经由食物传播的主要致病菌 ( 例如沙氏菌斯特菌肠杆菌 O157 及霍亂弧菌等) 的安全水平, 并把即食食品的微生物质素分级,以反映食物的衞生情况。
These guidelines stipulate the safety limits of nine major food borne pathogens such as Salmonellaspecies, Listeria monocytogenes,E. coli O157 and Vibrio cholerae, as well as providing a classification of microbiological quality of ready-to-eat food for reflecting the hygienic status of the food concerned.
Actero(TM)李斯特菌菌培养基是第一种获得着名的AOAC PTM认证的增菌培养基,它将是FoodChek取得早期和长期成功的促进剂。
Actero(TM) Listeria Enrichment Media, [...]
the first enrichment media to be awarded the prestigious AOAC PTM Certification, will
be the driver of both the early and long-term success of FoodChek as a company.
公司总裁兼首席执行官William J. Hogan表示:“这些检李斯特菌些种的产品能在不足24小时内(包括增菌阶段)即可出检验结果,它们现在可以在所有内部和外部实验室使用,以及供所有食品生产商使用。
WilliamJ. Hogan, President and CEO, stated: "The combination of these Listeria spp. game-changing [...]
detecting products, with
test results in less than 24 hours (including the enrichment phase), are now available for use in all in-house and external laboratories, and by all processors.
通过了步骤 5/8 里有关即食食品中李斯特菌物标准拟议草案(应用 食品卫生通用原则来控制即食食品中李斯特菌附录 II(CAC/GL 61-2007),省略 了步骤 6 和 7,对第 3.1 部分快餐的第 3 个小点做了少量文字修改,其中将不会出李斯 特菌长,为的是与其他能防李斯特菌的组合分开冷冻,以及在脚注 8 里使措 词更易可读。
The Commission adopted the Proposed
Draft Microbiological
[...] Criteria forListeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (Annex II to the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Controlof Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (CAC/GL 61-2007)) at Step 5/8, with the omission of Steps 6 and 7, with small editorial amendments in the third bullet point of Section 3.1 Ready-toEat foods in which growth of L.monocytogenes will not occur, in order to separate freezing from other combinations that could prevent the growth of L. monocytogenes, andin footnote [...]
8 to make the wording more easily readable.
6 个 不 合 格 的 样 本 中 , 2 个 发 现李 斯 特 菌这 2 个 受 污 染 的 三 文 治 样 本 均 有 芝 士 成 分 。
L. monocytogeneswere found in 2 out of the 6 unacceptable samples. Both these two sampleswere with cheese ingredient.
当单核细胞增李氏为是食源性病原体(熏鱼是被牵连的 商品之一)时,一些国家的风险管理者采用“零容忍”办法,而另外国家的风险 [...]
管理者选择按每克产品菌落形成单位100 cfu/g的微生物学标准(最高水平细菌 量)。
When Listeria monocytogenes was recognized [...]
as a food-borne pathogen (smoked fish was one of the incriminated commodities),
risk managers in some countries adopted a “zero tolerance” approach, while risk managers in others chose a microbiological criterion in terms of colony-forming units per gram of product (this provides a maximum level of bacterial presence) of 100 cfu/g. An FAO/WHO risk assessment showed that predicted illness depends on how many non-compliant products reach the market.
我们之前的“当班出结果”的大肠杆菌0157检测试样(包括增菌阶段)和现在的“当天出结果”李斯特菌些种检测试样均获得了AOAC PTM认证,为FoodChek向全球食品生产商推广其专利的MICT纳米技术检测平台打开了大门。
Securing the AOAC PTM Certification, previously with our "same shift" E. coli O157 assay (including enrichment phase), and now with the "same day" Listeria spp. assay opens the door for FoodChek to introduce its patented MICT nanotechnology testing platform to all processors worldwide.
51. 食典委通过了对控制食品中单合细胞增李斯特菌Listeria monocytogenes)应 用 食品卫生通用原则的准则草案,并根据巴西和危地马拉在其书面评论中的建议作了修正, 重新在标题中插入“即食食品”,并在第 9.3 节中插入参考预包装食品标签通用标准的文 字。
The Commission adopted the Draft Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Listeriamonocytogenes in Foods with amendments, as proposed by Brazil and Guatemala in their written comments, to reinsert “ready-to-eat foods” in the title and to insert a reference to the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods in Section 9.3.
奶 类 食 品 是 助李 斯 特 菌温 下 繁 殖 的 理 想 媒 介 。
Dairy products are good media to support
[...] thegrowth ofL. monocytogenes at low temperature.
在美国李氏导致100起事件和18人死亡,召回约5000个新切的甜 [...]
瓜,而与花生酱有关的沙门氏菌爆发导致43个州的500多起事件,召回价值 10亿美元的产品。
In the United States
[...] of America,a Listeriaoutbreak resulted [...]
in 100 cases and 18 deaths, leading to recalls of about 5
000 freshly cut cantaloupes, while a Salmonella outbreak linked to peanut butter resulted in more than 500 cases in 43 states and led to recalls worth US$1 billion.
大约3年前克的鸽子受到一次严重的沙氏菌肠杆菌的感染,因为卫生保健薄弱,压力大,迫使PHARMAGAL BIO开始做医药研究,并发明了几种疫苗,它们对预防巴拉米哥,大肠杆菌,和疱疹病毒等很有效。
Since there was a strong infection of
[...] pigeons inSlovakia some three years ago that strongly resembled Salmonella andEColli, [...]
due to weak hygiene
and high stress,it was necessary for PHARMAGAL BIO  to start research.
继 2006 年第一阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及: (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii) “最后的说书人”项目,与来自俄西伯利亚的多尔干土着人民合作,记录他们的生活和文 化传统;(iii)“电视农社”项目,与玻利维亚的农社和 Markas 社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土着运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发 展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪录片;(v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查新闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions; (iii) the project “TV Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story within the larger context of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural and biological resources; (v) a documentary and investigative journalism project by and with the Matsiguengas from Peru.
李 斯 特 菌气 荚 膜 梭 状 芽 胞 杆 菌 等 致 病 菌 通 常 存 在 于 泥 土 中 。 如 没 把 蔬 菜 清 洗 干 净 , 这 些 致 病 菌 或 会 污 染 三 文 治 制 成 品 (1) 。
Vegetables if not properly cleansed would be contaminated with Listeriamonocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens commonly found in soil(1).
The most beautiful
[...] piece for piano solo, Liszt wasagenius.
食物安全中心今日(二月二十二日)呼吁零售商停售由Carolina Culinary Foods 制造的一批怀疑李斯特菌的即食鸡柳。
The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (February 22) appealed to retailers and the public to stop selling or consuming a batch of chicken breast stripsproduct manufactured by Carolina Culinary Foods, owing to suspected contamination withListeria monocytogenes.
他们提出,最初不得不离开伊 朗和国的原因之一是他们曾担任律师和议员的父亲在阿富汗结下了很多 敌人,而这些人是现政府的官员,他们担心,仅仅是因为自己的国就会 遭到杀害。
They submitted that one of the reasons why they had to leave the IslamicRepublic of Iran initially was that their father, who was a lawyer and Member of Parliament, had made many enemies in Afghanistan, who are now officials in the present Government, and they fear to be killed ifreturned, simply on the basis of their name.
此类管制不适用于与肠出血性大肠埃氏菌O157和其他产生志贺样毒素的 血清型相关的核酸序列,但志贺样毒素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码除外。
These controls do not apply to nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.
Mrs.Santosh Rani, wifeof renowned Salmonella scientist Dr. [...]
Y K Kaura, a resident of Hisar city in Haryana state says that
in old times (about 50 years back) it was a common practice of soaking mustard oil cake, salt, grains, etc. overnight.
Both are technological breakthroughs; the first product an enhanced enrichment medium for the detection of Listeria spp.
The Circuit,” for example, looks at the construction and reconstruction of personal identity as showcased in the work of Vaudeville-era comics who played
versions of themselves, such as George Burns and Gracie Allen, Abbott
[...] and Costello, Shaw andLee,and TheMarx Brothers.
这一因素考虑到了劳动者薪 酬的增加并不会自动的导致可用收入的增长,但是会李斯特退金的名义用于 个人退休金储蓄(政府鼓励)。
This factor takes account of the fact that an increase in workers’ emoluments does not automatically result in an increase in disposable income but is put towards saving for individual pensions (encouraged by the State) under the Riester reform.
一个用李斯特金的中等收入者只需要 20 年就可以在未来享有伤残-养老保险补助 金李斯特金,从而跨过最低保障的门槛。
Someone with an average income who takes full
advantage of the incentives
[...] under the Riester retirement scheme will need just 20 years to benefit, in future, from old-age income under the statutory disability and old-age insurance scheme and theRiester retirement [...]
scheme and beyond the
threshold of need in the sense of the minimum guaranteed income.




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