单词 | 眼乾症 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 眼干症—dry eye syndromexeropthalmia (medicine)See also:干眼症—dry eye xerophthalmia (drying of the tear glands, often due lack of vitamin A) 眼n—eyen 症n—diseasen illnessn 症—bowel obstruction (fig.) sticking point abdominal tumor
事实上,角膜缺氧的早期徵状难以察觉, 而且和乾眼症的徵状相似,不少角膜缺氧患者会使用眼药水去纾缓徵状。 hkupop.hku.hk | Corneal oxygen deficiency is normally a result of wearing low permeable contact lens for long hours, which blocks sufficient oxygen from entering into the eyes. hkupop.hku.hk |
其他症状包括眼睛发 炎,皮肤结节或肿块。 cn.iherb.com | Other symptomsmay includeinflammation of the eyes, nodules or [...] lumps under the skin, and a general feeling of malaise. iherb.com |
印乾眼睑多余的药水, 如药水进入眼内应该不会造成伤害,眼睛不需进行冲洗。 lavedo.com | If the solution gets [...] into the eye it should not cause harm, the eye need not [...]be rinsed. lavedo.com |
您是否对任何药物过敏或服药期间产生敏感症状 ,敏感症状有:脸/眼睛/嘴唇肿胀、呼吸困难、皮肤出现红疹或痒。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | The symptoms of a drug allergy include one or more of the following: swollen face/eyes/lips, difficulty [...] in breathing or widespread itchy skin rashes. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
敏感症状有:脸/眼睛/嘴唇肿胀、呼吸困难、皮肤出现红疹或痒。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Thesymptoms of a drug allergy include one or more of the following: swollenface/eyes/lips,difficulty [...] in breathing or widespread itchy skin rashes. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
大多数美国人都患有口乾症,原 因在於他们可能须服用某些药物、出现唾液腺功能障碍,以及须接受放射性疗程和化学治疗医治癌症。 colgate.com.tw | A large majority of people in the United States are [...] sufferingfromdry mouthdue to medications [...]they may be taking, salivary gland [...]dysfunction and those who may be going through radiation and chemotherapy treatment for cancer therapy. colgate.com |
使用方法﹕每天早晚於洁面及爽肤後用於所需部位,然後再按正常护理程式做护理.适用於乾燥的 ,有黑眼圈及有眼纹的 眼睛。 bonjourhk.com | Usage: Morning and evening [...] gently pat around theeye area, starting at the inner corner of the upper lid and following thenatural eye contour. bonjourhk.com |
疾病如乾燥综合症和结缔组织病 (类风湿关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮、全身性硬化症、多发性肌炎或混合型结缔组织病),以及如第一型糖尿病、多发性硬化症、硬皮症、乾癣、发炎性肠道疾病,囊性纤维化和类肉瘤病可能也会直接或间接导致口乾。 colgate.com.tw | Diseases such as Sjogren’s Syndrome and connective tissue disease (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, polymyosistis or mixed connective disease), and conditions like type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, psoriasis, inflammatory bowelsyndrome,cystic fibrosis and sarcoidosis may also cause or contribute to dry mouth. colgate.ca |
调查发现76%被访者因长时间配戴隐形眼镜而出现角膜缺氧徵状,包括: 眼乾( 76 %)、眼累(75%)、出现红筋(61%)、视力模糊(45%)、眼痒(36%)、眼痛(28%)及流眼水(27%)。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the survey, as many as 76% experience COD symptoms, such as dried eyes (76%), weary eyes (75%), and blood shot eyes (61%). 45% respondents experience blurred vision, 36% experience itchy eyes, 28% and 27% report eyes with pain and tears respectively. hkupop.hku.hk |
Latisse®最常见的副作用 眼睛痕痒,或眼睛发红,结膜充血, 眼乾,眼睑红。 lavedo.com | The most common side effect for Latisse® are itchy eyes ane/or eye redness, conjunctival hyperemia, dryeye, and erythema of eyelid. lavedo.com |
这是一种活性及滋养性的黏土状眼膜,有助改善眼部因睡眠不足而引起的倦态浮肿眼袋、乾纹及皱纹现象,更能淡化眼周斑点,持久使用能令柔弱的眼部得到充足的营养和水份,充满弹性,眼袋及黑眼圈情况渐渐改善,重现活力神采。 aster.com.hk | To improve the wrinkle phenomenon and swolleneye asa result of lack of sleep. aster.com.hk |
9] 2006年及以前采用的字眼为「乾净社会」,2007年改为「廉洁乾净社会」,以配合英文翻译和题目原意。 hkupop.hku.hk | In 2007, it was changed to "corruption-free society" to highlight the original meaning of the question. hkupop.hku.hk |
对于眼睛来说,这一点尤为重要,因为许多眼睛症状被发现时,已经出现了不可逆的变化。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | This is especially important with [...] regard to your eyes, because by the [...] time wenoticesymptoms of many eyediseases irreversible [...]damage has already been done. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
今天,3,000平方尺的现代化中心已扩大到提供广泛的眼科服务,包括屈光手术,治疗老花眼,白内障手术,角膜移植,青光眼和糖尿病反眼的筛查和治疗,年龄相关性黄斑变性的治疗,眼部 管理炎症和葡萄膜炎,视网膜服务,oculoplastics手术,近视儿童和更多的控制程序。 compareclinic.com | Today, the 3,000 sq ft modern centre has expanded to provide a wide range of eye services, including refractive surgery, presbyopia treatment, [...] cataract surgery, corneal [...] transplants, glaucomaand diabete eye screening and treatments, age-related macular degeneration treatments, management of ocular inflammations anduveitis, [...]retinal services, [...]oculoplastics surgery, myopia control programmes for children and more. compareclinic.com |
他健康的眼睛后来出现了导致其另一眼失明 的同样症状。 daccess-ods.un.org | He later began to [...] experience the samesymptoms inhisfunctional eye that had led to blindness inthe othereye. daccess-ods.un.org |
急性青光眼属急症,如 高压状况未能在数小时内舒缓,就可能引致永久失明。 hsbc.com.hk | Acute glaucoma is a medical emergency. [...] If the high pressure is not reduced within hours, it can permanently damage vision. hsbc.com.hk |
2006年及以前采用的字眼为「乾净社会」,2007年改为「廉洁乾净社会」,以配合英文翻译和题目原意。 hkupop.hku.hk | The expression 「clean society」 was used in 2006 and before. In 2007, it was changed to 「corruption-free society」 to highlight the original meaning of the question. hkupop.hku.hk |
特征有:当眼睛向下看时,上眼睑挛缩的“上眼睑退缩症”;甲状腺“凝视症”;“角膜暴露症”,症状从轻微的干 眼症到很严重的角膜暴露证导致的角膜溃疡;由于眼周肌肉扩张导致的“视神经受压症”。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Common features include: upper eyelid retraction with the upper lid lagging when you look downward; [...] thyroid “stare”; corneal exposure [...] ranging from mild dryeyes to seriousexposure [...]causing corneal ulcers; and optic nerve [...]compression, caused by the enlarged muscles surrounding the eye. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
3.独家添加玻尿酸:帝康散光日抛不只有较佳的含水保湿性,镜片在保湿涵水效能的玻尿酸Hyaluronic Acid成份浸泡後,利用玻尿酸的亲水保湿性在角膜表面形成屏障作用,防止水份的散失,达到角膜环境的恒定含水作用,缓长时间配戴隐形眼镜所 产生的乾涩感 ,而且镜片挺立不论取戴都顺手,让眼睛湿润水亮。 mobile.taiwanexcellence.org | The Basic design ideas for“TICON Wonderful Daily Disposable Contact Lens”is to create the effect of iris enlargement with selection of natural beautiful colors. mobile.taiwanexcellence.org |
不可不知,长时间配戴隐形眼镜会增加角膜缺氧风险。有调查发现,在职人士因长时间配戴隐形眼镜而经常蒙受 眼乾、眼累及出现红筋等角膜缺氧徵状困扰,但因对问题的成因认知不足而采用不正确方法处理。 hkupop.hku.hk | A recent survey tells how work-savvy workers attempt to maintain in good shape but have poor understanding of the root cause of discomfort - Corneal Oxygen Deficiency (COD). hkupop.hku.hk |