单词 | 心神恍惚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 心神恍惚—perturbed [idiom.]See also:心神—attention state of mind (Chinese medicine) psychic constitution 恍惚—absent-minded dimly dazzled vaguely distracted 恍神—be off in another world suffer a lapse in concentration
当他敲起巫鼓,配合名为 “祖伊克” [...] (joik) 的萨米吟唱圣歌,巫师慢慢进入恍惚出神的状态,据说那时他便可以和神灵相通,更可以传达神灵的信息。 visitfinland.com | It was originally used by medicine men as a tool, [...] along with the Sami chant called the [...] joik, to fallinto atrance in order to reach [...]a level of communication with the Spirits, [...]whose will was then conveyed to the community. visitfinland.com |
不同药物可改善患者的某些症状,如失眠、焦虑、精神恍惚、不安及抑郁等。 hsbc.com.hk | Different medications can also improve symptoms in patients with problems such as sleeplessness, anxiety, wandering, agitation and depression. hsbc.com.hk |
客户不必为此耗费心神。 sms-meer.com | The customer does not have to attend to anything. sms-meer.com |
此外,由于整个俱乐部和迪斯科岛舞蹈音乐和典型俱乐部TECHNO,精神恍惚,任何对这些物种和品种为主的混合物,大量资金。 cyprwakacje.com | Moreover, because large amounts throughout the island of clubs [...] and discos, dominated by dance music and the [...] typical club techno,trance and anymixture [...]of these species and varieties. cyprwakacje.com |
Dawas 先生开的医学证明表示,经查发现他非常焦虑,神情 恍惚。 daccess-ods.un.org | A medical certificate issued for Mr. Dawas indicated that he was found to be very anxious and in a state of shock. daccess-ods.un.org |
索伦设法打破她的恍惚和白玫瑰表明,Kludd绑架了她,并给她Allomere。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Soren manages to break her tranceandEglantine reveals [...] that Kludd had kidnapped her and given her to Allomere. seekcartoon.com |
民间社会需继续开展宣传活动,从当地开始传播相关信息,也可以在地方层 面上满足受害者的精神心理、医疗和社会需求。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Civil society was needed to transmit information campaigns, and pass on [...] information on the ground. It could also, at the local [...] level, deal with thepsychological,medical andsocial [...]needs of victims. unesdoc.unesco.org |
必须为这些人提供必要的精神、 心理和家庭支助,以摆脱痴迷的行为方式,从而恢复 他们的尊严,并鼓励他们融入社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such persons must be [...] provided the necessary spiritual,psychological andfamilial support [...]to break free from the addictive [...]behaviour in order to restore their dignity and to encourage social inclusion. daccess-ods.un.org |
在MSC Aurea SPA中心,神秘的巴厘岛按摩和经典的罗马水疗相融合。 msccruises.com.cn | For their well-being, guests may partake in the MSC AUREA Spa. Here, the magic of Balinese massage meets holistic water treatments, a legacy of Roman times. msccruises.com.eg |
他们将双腿交叉坐在一起一动不动,而且,他们的目光固定在一个对象之前,他们目不转睛地,将集中讨论一些抽象的主题他们的思想,直到他们进入恍惚失效。 mb-soft.com | They would sit motionless with legs crossed, and, fixing their gaze [...] intently on an object before them, would concentrate their thought on some abstract subject [...] until they lapsed intoa trance. mb-soft.com |
建议中详细描述 了领导干部如何保持所属人员精神心理健康(首先是在可预测的部队压力可能的 [...] 上升期)的工作方法大纲。 daccess-ods.un.org | The recommendations enumerate techniques to [...] be employed by officers for maintaining [...] the moral and psychological health of personnel, [...]especially during anticipated periods [...]of increased tension within military units. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们或许曾经有过非常愉快的出神体验,当我告诉他们这就是我们所谓的催眠与出神时,他们才恍然大悟,”她在讲座会上解释道。 systematic.edu.my | Most of us spend a good [...] part of ourday in tranceand I find it rather amusing when [...]I explain this to people,” she explained at the talk. systematic.edu.my |
宸㍻霞刮润惚⑪币,压附闷、娼舞、佩葎眉岳咀殆贫,低议哘尔郡哘否叟竃⑬压陈汇圭 中。 amda-imic.com | On the other hand, continual exposure to stressors may lead to over-increased immunity, causing allergic reactions or articular rheumatism that may destroy other tissues in our bodies. amda-imic.com |
在黎巴嫩,人口基金参与了服 务提供者能力建设工作,以确保为冲突后社区的妇女提供高质量的精神、心理和生殖健康服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Lebanon, UNFPA is involved in the capacity [...] development of service providers for [...] ensuring qualitymental, psychosocial and reproductive [...]health services to women in post-conflict communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
而F1已不仅是一项运动赛事,其已然成为令人目眩神迷、心神向往的活动,且为孕育赛车新星的幕后推手。 oris.ch | Formula One also became more than a sport; it became glamorous and the drivers became stars. oris.ch |
这 是 痴 迷 于 物 质 享 受 者 的 结 局, 那 么 那 些 [...] 完 全 控 制 和 掌 握了心 神与思想 的 灵 性 寻 求 [...]者 又 如 何 呢? download.yatharthgeeta.com | This is the fate of the worshipper who is attached to sensual objects. But what is the lot of the seeker [...] who has mastered hismind and heart? download.yatharthgeeta.com |
调查显示,59%被访市民比较关心特首施政报告的消息,23%比较关心「神舟六号」的消息,15%谓程度一样。 hkupop.hku.hk | POP took this opportunity to measure people's relative concern for these two events. hkupop.hku.hk |
? 通常会出现食慾不振、羽毛竖立、发热、心神不定、肚泻、易怒,甚至死亡。 eservices.qhms.com | The symptoms are loss of appetite, ruffled feathers, fever, malaise, diarrhea, irritability and death. eservices.qhms.com |
2013年1月,65DAYSOFSTATIC将首次开展中国内地巡演并确定莅临上海北京举办专场,请你提前打开电源,让如丝般游离的静电之声从双耳穿越你的脑干,此时恍惚眩晕的你仿佛置身另一星系,让我们一起在冬日齐聚现场,让这股音乐的湍流和噪声融化、燃烧你所有的愤恨与不解。 yugongyishan.com | AND what we really meant above all these, is that 65DAYSOFSTATIC is going to have their very debut China mini-tour in January of 2013. yugongyishan.com |
每晚,当夜幕降临主题公园,在可容纳5000人的露天阶梯剧场中,参观者络绎不绝。他们和迈克——热情洋溢而富有感染力的音乐主持,还有DJFX——顽皮烂漫的卡通人物,一起,踏声之海音之浪乐之波,恍若一跃而入心中的梦想世界,开始天马行空的探索,追寻蓝色音符,那令人梦寐以求的神秘之音。 eca2.com | Every night, before a 5,000-seat open-air amphitheatre at Futuroscope’s lake, Mike, an exuberant DJ, and DJFX, a mischievous cartoon character, dive into the very heart of their own dream, sweeping visitors along with them as they [...] head off on a [...] madcap adventure into a wonderland of soundwaves and music on their quest for the Blue Note –the mythical sound that every musician dreams of finding. eca2.com |
缓翌,泌惚压壌㌔燕中贫页闻喘犯穷甜序佩阻梁业贫幅峙议霞协,萩 参纱贫10~15°C朔议峙序佩冩网。 tdk.co.jp | In case of measuring the temperature of the windings by thermocouple, 10 to 15°C more would be allowable. tdk.co.jp |
关西国际会议的举办次数占据了整个日本的30—40%,拥有国立京都国际会馆、“大阪国际会议场”、“INTEX大阪(大阪国际展览中心)”、“神户国际会议场·神户国际展示场”、“淡路梦舞台国际会议场”等众多集会设施,国际会议的承办体制齐备。 kansai.gr.jp | The number of international conferences held in Kansai accounts for 30% to 40% of the total nationwide, and there are many convention facilities available, such as the Kyoto International Conference Center, the Osaka International Convention Center, the Intex Osaka (International ExhibitionCenter,Osaka), the Kobe International Conference Center and the Kobe International Exhibition Hall, and the Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, providing sufficient capability to hold such international conferences. kansai.gr.jp |
这座城市的规模令我感觉恍若乡村,也很意外阿根廷出於自愿或被迫,兴建大批低密度、低成本住宅,这种模式无法长久,南非的发展与社会问题虽出於政治历史沿革,却已不再独树一格,都市化对城市的冲击散见於全球,也必须尽快向其他城市学习。 thisbigcity.net | South Africa’s developmental and social issues, although inherited from historical political design, are no longer unique. thisbigcity.net |