

单词 何须

See also:

feeler (of an insect etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

目前 正在制定一个详细的部署计划,并找出 何须 改 进 之处以便将来加以改进。
Work was ongoing to put into place a detailed plan for deployment, as well as to identify and implement any further improvements, as necessary.
这种免 除令人遗憾。何须用机 密来保护的合法利益如果通过一套例外规章来处理都要比这种覆盖 式的免除法更好。
These are unfortunate exclusions; any legitimate secrecy interests would be better dealt with through the regime of exceptions than through blanket exclusions of this sort.
董事会可接受何须予没 收股份交回,及在该情况下,细则中有关没收的 提述包括交回。
The Board may accept the surrender of any share liable to be forfeited hereunder and, in such case, references in these Articles to forfeiture will include surrender.
请参阅 Servlet 2.3
[...] 规范,以便详细地了解基本认证是 何 必 须被 J2EE 1.3 支持的,以及 HTTP 摘要认证如何能够被可选地支持。
See the Servlet 2.3 specification for
[...] details on how BASIC-AUTH must be supported by [...]
J2EE 1.3 servers and how a HTTP Digest
authentication can be optionally supported.
然而,资金使用的何改变必须在按 第 5(d)款所述由执行委员会核准的国 家年度履行方案中提前记录下来,并须接受第 [...]
9 款所述的独立核查。
Any changes in the use of the Funding must, however, be documented [...]
in advance in the Country’s Annual Implementation Programme,
endorsed by the Executive Committee as described in sub paragraph 5(d) and be subject to independent verification as described in paragraph 9.
塞浦路斯完全清楚移民所涉的人道主义责任;也明白无论 何 种 情况 下须尊重和维护人的尊严。
Cyprus was fully aware of the human dimension of migration and the need to ensure that individuals, in whatever circumstances, receive respect and enjoy their dignity.
此 外,施加的何限制必须符合 合理的目的,并必须在采用的手段与争取到达的目 的两者之间维持合理的对称关系。
Furthermore, any limitation imposed has to [...]
pursue a legitimate aim and keep a reasonable relationship of proportionality
between the means employed and the aim sought to be achieved.
协定范本与《综合战略》(35 C/22 号文件及更正)中的何偏差必须在 可 行性研究中 查明。
Any deviation from the model agreement, as
contained in the Integrated Comprehensive Strategy (35
[...] C/22 and Corr.), must be explicitly spelled out in the feasibility study.
无论何,出口国都须准备 为进口国的 利益颁发强制许可证。
The exporting country would need to be prepared, in any case, to [...]
issue a compulsory licence for the benefit of the importing country.
应该有一项谅解,即按照上述规则, 何 决 定 仍 须 在 有超 过半数成员出席时才能作出。
It should be understood that, in accordance with
the rules cited, the presence of a majority of the members would continue
[...] to be required for any decisions to be taken.
何方法须基于 以下根基,那就是可为局势向前发展提供一 个更具实质性和微妙的基础——目前尚欠缺这一根 基。
Any approach must proceed from a foundation [...]
– currently missing – that can provide a more substantive and nuanced basis for moving forward.
[...] 包括完全停止火箭弹袭击和走私活动在内的 何安 排须受到充分尊重和保障,这样才能持久,才会 有持久和平的可能。
The past eight years of terror and
the period of so-called calm have
[...] taught us that any arrangement must be fully respected [...]
and secured, including the total
cessation of rocket fire and smuggling, in order to be durable and to allow the possibility of lasting peace.
[...] 关闭共享服务中心曼谷和圣地亚哥分部的 何 决 定都 必 须 经 过 深入研究和分析,同 时还要考虑到效率和效果问题,还要与区域会议及财政委员会进行磋商。
It further noted that the FAO Council had stressed that any
decision on closing the SSC hubs in
[...] Bangkok and Santiago must be preceded by in-depth [...]
study and analysis taking into account
both efficiency and effectiveness concerns, and include consultations with the Regional Conferences as well as the Finance Committee.
我们也需要通过能力建设以及补充阿富汗人民 自身作出努力的方式,使阿富汗拥有更多的主导力 量,因为有一件事极其明确:不论国际社会进 何种 工作,都须与阿富汗和阿富汗人民密切合作,并且 为阿富汗和阿富汗人民的利益着想。
We also need to enhance Afghan ownership by way of capacity-building and by complementing the efforts of the people of Afghanistan themselves, because one thing is certainly clear: whatever the international community undertakes has to be done in very close cooperation with — and for — Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan.
如果有担保债权人不再对特定类型的设保资产主张担保权,则其须 将任何直接 的受让人或后继人的身份信息提供给设保人或由设保人指定的第三 方。
If the secured creditor no longer claims a security right in
the particular type of
[...] encumbered asset it must provide identification [...]
information of any immediate assignee or successor to
the grantor or to a third party designated by the grantor.
另一个普遍的看法是,可持续发展背景下的绿色经济这一概念对所有国家都 有用,不论其发展水平和资源禀赋 何 , 这 一概念 须 是 十 分广泛而灵活的,而 不是基于严格的国际规则或标准。
Another widely shared view was that the concept of a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication
was a useful one for all
[...] countries, irrespective of the level of development and resource endowment, and that it must be sufficiently [...]
broad and flexible and
not based on rigid international rules or standards.
为在中东建立无核武器区所做的何 努 力都 必 须 从 基 本步骤入手,其中 包括以色列的核裁军,以色列加入《不扩散核武器条约》,并将其所有 核设施置于国际原子能机构的全面保障监督之下。
Any attempt to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East must begin with basic [...]
steps that include the nuclear
disarmament of Israel, its accession to NPT and placement of all its nuclear installations under IAEA comprehensive safeguards.
须更换任 何已损坏的橡胶零部件,因为它们可能滋生微生物而 污染流体。
Any damaged rubber parts must be replaced as [...]
they could harbor microorganisms that can contaminate the fluid.
伊拉克常驻联合国代表团向非政府组织委员会成员及经济和社会事务部政 府组织科致意,谨此附上伊拉克
2005 年关于已解散政治实体的第 21 号法律a副 本;并提及 2009 年 11 月 11 日普通照会,谨此进一步告知,“伊拉克妇女总联合
[...] 会”没有在伊拉克主管非政府组织的官方部门注册,伊拉克 何 组 织都 必 须 在该 部门注册后方可开展工作。
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York presents its compliments to the members of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations and to the Non-Governmental Organizations Branch of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat and requests that legal measures be taken to end the representation of the “General Federation of Iraqi Women” in official international and regional
forums owing to the fact that the
[...] Federation is one of the dissolved political entities [...]
in accordance with the provisions of Iraqi law No. 21 of 2005.
各 国还有义务在何时候都必须尊重 国际法规定的不可克减的权利或已经取得强 制法地位的权利,例如所有人都有免遭酷刑和禁止被迫失踪的权利。
States are also obliged at all times to respect rights that are non-derogable under international law or that have attained the status of jus cogens, such as the right of all persons to be free from torture and the prohibition against enforced disappearances.
因 此,为推动预先问责,确保自由贸易协定不会侵犯职业健康权,国家 须 在 签何自由 贸易协定前开展人权影响评估。
Therefore, in order to facilitate prospective accountability and ensure that free trade agreements do not violate the
right to
[...] occupational health, States must conduct human rights [...]
impacts assessments prior to signing any free trade agreement.
第5/98/M 号法律第10 条,对在教学设施内保障自由进行任何宗教的学习 及教育作出了规定,向学生提供何 宗 教 的教育 须 在 有 能力施教且不妨碍其教 学自主的教育场所行之。
Freedom to learn and to teach any religion in educational establishments is established under article 10 of Law 5/98/M. The teaching of any religion is ministered with pedagogic autonomy within the appropriate institutions.
根据管理国提供的资料, 在 2005/2006
[...] 年度就圣赫勒拿进行宪政辩论期间,没有与特里斯坦-达库尼亚进 行协商。目前正在积极协商其他的改革提案,总督将继续拥有对特里斯坦-达库 尼亚的立法权力,但宪法要求,在制定 何 法 律 之前, 须 与 岛屿委员会进行协 商(见上文第 64 段)。
According to information provided by the administering Power, Tristan da Cunha was not consulted during the 2005/2006 constitutional debate on St. Helena, but is being actively consulted about the current proposals for constitutional reform, whereby the Governor would continue to have legislative authority
for Tristan da Cunha,
[...] but for the first time would be constitutionally required to consult the Island Council before making any laws (see [...]
para. 64 above).
[...] 设保人是否必须与借款人同为一人;(b)担保协议是否对所有相关的义务实行担 保;(c)担保权是否须服从任何法律 限制;(d)贷款中是否必须有明确的支付时 间表;(e)是否有任何特别权利或义务(例如道路权或场地通行权);(f)是否有任 [...] [...]
何特别义务保全设保资产;(g)是否有任何义务不得转让设保资产或在该资产上 设定另一担保权;(h)在发生违约和强制执行时如何可以通知设保人和其他利益 相关方;(i)是否应当提及非司法执行;以及(j)是否应当有关于解决纠纷的条 款。
These matters include the questions whether: (a) the grantor has to be the same person as the borrower; (b) the security agreement secures all the relevant obligations;
(c) the security right is
[...] subject to any legal restrictions; (d) there must be a clear payment [...]
schedule in the credit; (e)
there are any special rights or obligations (such as rights of way or rights of access to a site); (f) there are any special obligations for the preservation of encumbered assets; (g) there are any obligations not to transfer the encumbered asset or create another security right in it; (h) ways in which the grantor and other interested parties could be notified in the case of default and enforcement; (i) there should be a reference to extrajudicial enforcement; and (j) there should be a dispute resolution clause.
(4) 除非董事会另行同意(同意可能按董事会不时全权决定之该等条款及 该等条件之限制,及董事会有权全权酌情决定给予或撤回有关同意,而 须 给 出任 何理由 ),股东名册上之股份不会转移至任何登记分册,而任何登记分册之股份亦 不会转移至股东名册或任何其他登记分册,及所有转让和其他所有权文件须交回作 登记之用,及如为登记分册之任何股份,则于相关注册办事处进行登记,及如为股 东名册之任何股份,则于办事处或根据法例存置股东名册之其他地方进行登记。
(4) Unless the Board otherwise agrees (which agreement may be on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine, and which agreement the Board shall, without giving any reason therefor, be entitled in its absolute discretion to give or withhold), no shares upon the Register shall be transferred to any branch register nor shall shares on any branch register be transferred to the Register or any other branch register and all transfers and other documents of title shall be lodged for registration, and registered, in the case of any shares on a branch register, at the relevant Registration Office, and, in the case of any shares on the Register, at the Office or such other place at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Law.
于有关收回任何催缴到期款项的任何诉讼或其他法律程序的审讯或聆 讯中,根据该等细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一位持有人记录于股东名 册,作出催缴的董事会决议案正式记录于董事会的会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式 发给被起诉的股东,即属证明被起诉股东名称的足够证据;且毋须证明作出催缴的 董事的委任,亦须证明任何其他 事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债具决定性的 证据。
On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
f. 船舶若因包括承运人过失在内之任何原因,未于或约于预定日期或广告日期出航,承运人有权用其他船舶或运
[...] 输工具替代,而不论其是否为承运人所拥有或经营,并以该船舶载运重新登船的旅客,或依其选择,退还已缴 的船费或按比例退还部份船费,而 须 对 任 何 种 类 的损坏或损失负进一步责任。
If the Vessel does not sail on or about the scheduled or advertised date for any reason whatsoever, including fault of Carrier, Carrier shall have liberty to substitute any other Vessel or means of transportation, regardless whether owned or operated by Carrier, and to re-berth Guests thereon or, at Carrier’s option, to refund the
passage money paid or a pro rata portion thereof without further
[...] liability for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever.
旅客认可且同意承运人及/或其促销伙伴享有专有权可在何性质的图画媒体中使用及/或纳入旅客的任何摄 影、影像、音效和其他视觉肖像,以便进行商业交易、广告、销售、宣传或其他,而 须 对 旅 客负 何 责 任或 赔偿,而且对此等肖像的所有权利、所有权和产生的利益(包括所有全球著作权)须完全属于承运人,而旅客 或从旅客处获得任何权利或利益的任何人不得提出任何索赔。
The Guest agrees and consents that the Carrier and/or its promotional partners shall have the exclusive right to use and/or include any photographic, video, audio and other visual portrayals of the Guests in any pictorial medium of any nature whatsoever for the purposes of trade, advertising, sales, publicity commercially or otherwise without any liability or compensation whatsoever to the Guest and all rights, title and interest (including all worldwide copyrights) therein shall belong to the Carrier absolutely, free from any claim by the Guest or any person deriving any rights or interest from the Guest.
正如上文所说,我们认为其它提供这种援助的机构,尤其 是包括世界卫生组织 (WHO)
[...] 和联合国粮农组织 (FAO) 在内的相关国际机构须确定如何 使其政策建议和技术援助更加适应发展中国家知识产权领域的需要。
We consider, as noted above, that it is imperative that other sources of such assistance, particularly the concerned
international institutions, such as
[...] WHO or FAO, recognise how they might make their [...]
policy advice and technical assistance
more attuned to the needs of developing countries in the IP area.
2008 年 12 月,当题为《惠及全民的发展:澳大利亚 2009-2014
年援助方案残疾战略》的战略文件发布时,Nongebatu 女士指出,她作为一个残
[...] 疾妇女,志愿领导由冲突后国家所罗门群岛的残疾人组成的、为残疾人服务的倡 导组织,至关重要的是要提供针对尤其是少女和妇女的残疾领导人的具体培训, 并且须充分探讨何支持女性领导者和潜在领导者。
At the launch of the strategy paper entitled “Development for All: A Disability Strategy for the Australian Aid Programme 2009-2014”, in December 2008, Ms. Nongebatu, stated that as a woman with disability, heading an advocacy organization of and for people with disability in Solomon Islands — a post-conflict nation — on a volunteer basis, it was crucial to provide specific training of leaders with
disabilities, especially girls
[...] and women, and that support for women leaders and potential leaders must be explored fully.




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