单词 | 何等 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 何等—what kind?less common: how, what somewhat
学生有权选择任何等级教育的教学语言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pupils and students are provided with the right to choose the language of instruction at anylevel of education. daccess-ods.un.org |
我出任房屋署署长的时间虽然尚短,但我已经深深体会到,对很多人来说,房委会和房屋署的工作是何等重要和有价值。 housingauthority.gov.hk | In the short time that I have been in this post, I have [...] come torealize how important and valuable [...]the work of the Housing Authority and [...]Housing Department is to so many people. housingauthority.gov.hk |
政府可否告知本委员会:现时有何等地方纳入可考虑作填海的地 点? devb.gov.hk | Will the Government inform this Committee of the locations that have been included for consideration? devb.gov.hk |
最后,在战略性计划目标 5“支持防灾和减灾”项下,海啸的早期预警系统 [...] 已经取得重大进展,最近海地发生的破坏性地震表明,国际减少地震灾害平台(IPRED)以 及扩大其覆盖地区是何等意义重大。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Finally, under Strategic Programme Objective 5, “Contributing to disaster preparedness and mitigation”, excellent progress has been made in relation to tsunami early warning systems, while [...] the recent devastating earthquake in [...] Haiti demonstrateshow relevant IPRED is, [...]along with the need to expand the regions it covers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
缔约国请委员会:注意提交人所陈述的事实和有关情况何等相似;考虑当 时的社会、政治以及安全环境;注意提交人没有用尽所有国内补救措施;注意缔 [...] 约国的有关机构已经建立了一种全面的内部解决机制,以便通过符合《联合国宪 章》以及随后的条约和公约中的原则的旨在实现和平与民族和解的措施,处理和 [...]解决这些来文中所提到的案件;判定上述来文是不可受理的;要求提交人利用适 当的补救办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | 4.8 The State party asks the [...] Committee tonote howsimilar the facts [...]and situations described by the authors are and to [...]take into account the socio-political and security context at the time; to note that the authors failed to exhaust all domestic remedies; to note that the authorities of the State party have established a comprehensive domestic mechanism for processing and settling the cases referred to in these communications through measures aimed at achieving peace and national reconciliation that are consistent with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and subsequent covenants and conventions; to find the above-mentioned communications inadmissible; and to request the authors to avail themselves of the appropriate remedy. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们知道,在乍得东部,水是何等重要,其战略 意义又是多么大。 daccess-ods.un.org | And we know howimportantand strategic [...] water can be in that part of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组讨论了把教育 作为一种应急措施排在何等重要的地位的问题,认为必须懂得教育是一种不可或 [...] 缺的保护手段,从紧急情况一开始直到发展阶段就需将其列入人道主义对策之 中,以便儿童的教育及其未来能力的培养工作得以延续。 daccess-ods.un.org | The working [...] groupdiscussedhow to prioritize education [...]as an emergency measure which had to be understood as an essential [...]protection tool and which must be included in the humanitarian response from the very beginning of the emergency through to the development phase, allowing for the continuation of children’s education and building their future capacities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在何等程度上,培里的使团及大将军的继承危机 造成幕府的倒台? hkahe.com | To what extent did Perry's Mission and the Succession Crisis contribute to the downfall of the Bakufu? hkahe.com |
我的同胞拉蒙·阿特米奥·布拉乔博士 50 年前提出这项崇高倡议,我感到 鼓舞的是,这项倡议实质上旨在建立一个更友好的全球社会,促进全世界和平、 尊重和相互接纳的文化,而没有任何等级,我首先作为巴拉圭人,再以巴拉圭共 和国外交部长的身份,认为实现这项倡议并非难以企及。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a Paraguayan, first and foremost, but also as Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Paraguay, I felt it necessary to bring to your attention this noble initiative, which was started over 50 years ago by my compatriot Dr. Ramón Artemio Bracho, and whose core objective is to build a more fraternal global society, thus promoting a culture of peace, respect and mutual acceptance worldwide, without any distinction whatsoever. daccess-ods.un.org |
我认为,我们今天已经听到 [...] ——并且将从我们所剩同事那里听到——改进这些 职能何等重要,无论从人道主义角度或战略角度来 [...]讲,这都是至关重要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | I think we have heard today — and will hear from the rest of [...] our colleagues —how important it is [...]to improve these functions as both a humanitarian and a strategic imperative. daccess-ods.un.org |
在报告所述期间,安理会的决议、主席声明和实 [...] 地访问非常多,这表明全球和平与安全遇到的挑战是何等严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vast number of Council resolutions, presidential statements [...] and field visits during the period covered by [...] the report shows the seriousness [...]of global peace and security challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
噢,这是何等艰难啊!但神给我能力去宽恕,祂也开始打开天上的仓库,把恩典倾注在我的生命中。 magdalenatoday.com | But as God enabled me to forgive, He began to open the floodgates of His grace upon my life. magdalenatoday.com |
我们能够利用财务咨询团队内的专门知识,并全面动员事务所其他领域的资源,帮助您成功实施解决方案,无论其何等复杂。 deloitte.com | We are able to draw upon specialist knowledge within Financial [...] Advisory and work across other areas of the firm to help you successfully implement a [...] solution no matter howcomplex it may be. deloitte.com |
(i) 作为控股公司於其所有分公司经营业务,并协调政策及收购及持有由任何公 司、法团或企业(不論属何等性质及於何处注册成立或经营业务)发行或担 保之任何种類股份、股额、债权股证、债券、按揭、责任及证券,或由不論 在百慕达或其他地方的任何政府、元首、统治者、专员、信托、地方主管部 门或其他公共机构发行或担保之任何股份、股份、股额、债权股证、债券、 责任及其他证券;以及可以不时按其认为於当时可取的方式,改变、转移、 处置或以其他方式处理本公司之任何投资 perfectech.com.hk | (i) To carry on business as a holding company in all its branches and to coordinate the policy and to acquire and hold shares, stocks debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking of whatever nature and wherever constituted or carrying on business, and shares, stock, debenture stock, bonds, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government, sovereign ruler, commissioners, trust, local authority or other public body, whether in Bermuda or elsewhere, and to vary, transpose, dispose of or otherwise deal with from time to time as may be considered expedient any of the Company's investments for the time being perfectech.com.hk |
在成 本法分析开始时,吾等须决定估算及采用何等类别成本。 jinhengholdings.com | At the inception of the cost approach analysis, we decide which type of cost will be estimated and will be used. jinhengholdings.com |
可以预期,每年的六四和七一,不论中央和特区政府的管治如何有效,社会气氛何等祥和,只要群众运动的组织者不太脱离参与群众的诉求,每年总会有数万人自动参与。 hkupop.hku.hk | It can be expected that, every year on 4 June and 1 July, no matter how effective the governance of the [...] Central Government and the HKSAR [...] Government are, and how peacefultheatmosphere [...]ofthe society is, provided that the organizer [...]of the movement does not deviate too much from the demands of the public, several ten thousands of people will voluntarily show up every year. hkupop.hku.hk |
(d) 当 局 根据何 等准则界 定 申 报 的 违 例 建 筑 物 属 於 较 低 潜 在 风 险 ? bd.gov.hk | (d) the criteria for determining whether the UBWs reported pose lower potential risks; and (e) whether the UBWs reported will be demolished? bd.gov.hk |
这整个事件说明 这政权的为首人物及其儿子们是何等的凶残傲慢,他们不仅在利比亚而且在 [...] 其他国家也蔑视人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | This whole episode [...] illustrates justhow brutal andarrogant [...]the person who headed the regime and his sons were and the contempt [...]that they showed for human rights not just in Libya but also in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
感应器的作业原理是侦测任何等於地心引力的加速度,并於垂直坠落时将磁头停靠在磁碟上以避免接触碟片,这项动作会於 8 寸的距离与 [...] 3/10 秒内完成。 seagate.com | The sensor works by [...] detecting any changes in accelerationequal to the force of [...]gravity and parks the heads off the disc [...]to prevent contact with the platter in a free fall of as little as 8 inches and within 3/10ths of a second. seagate.com |
另外,《时效公约》第 23 条规定,不论在何等情况下,时效期限自开始计算之日起不得超过十年。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, article 23 of the Limitation Convention stipulates that a limitation period shall inany event expire not later than ten years from the date on which it commenced to run. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果说这些行动的存在说明了 加强这方面协调的必要性,但也足以表明要把各国性质千差万别、而且各自的特点、地位和 运作方式往往不一而足的机构吸收进来或联合起来是何等困难。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The existence of these initiatives attests to the need for such coordination, and at the same time highlights the difficulty of associating or federating national bodies which are so diverse in nature and which have characteristics, statutes and ways of operating which are often very different. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在何 等程度上,幕 府 末 年 的 统 治 为 明 治 维 新 奠 下 基 础 ? hkahe.com | To what extent was the foundation of the Meiji Modernization laid down by the late Tokugawa rule? hkahe.com |
MTS 的责任仅限于实际损失;在任何情况下,MTS 对于 客户或任何第三方因任何原因(包括延迟交付、客户安装和/或使用产 [...] 品,无论是否可以预见)而遭致的任何特殊、附带或结果性损害或损失 概不承担任何责任,而无论责任请求是依据何等理据提出。 mts.com | MTS’ liability is limited to actual damages; in no event will MTS be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages or losses incurred by Customer or any third party for [...] any reason, including arising from delays [...] in delivery,installation and/oruse of [...]the Product by Customer, regardless of the theory advanced. mts.com |
你回家去,到你的 亲属那里,将主为你 所做的是何等大的事,是怎样怜悯你, 都告诉他们。 sallee.info | Man begged to go with Jesus “Go home to your family and [...] tell them how muchthe Lord has done for you andhow Hehas had [...]mercy on you. sallee.info |
试想一下,如果我们不是光在那里为自己的事工场所辩解,而是把我们集体的力量投资于消除这种属灵的不义,并且说“是的,作为普世教会,我们决不容许这种情形继续下去!”,那将会产生何等的影响啊 conversation.lausanne.org | Imagine the impact if, rather than simply continuing to justify our own arenas of ministry, we invested our collective energy in addressing this spiritual injustice, and said, “Yes, we as a worldwide church are not going to allow this to continue. conversation.lausanne.org |
政府称 2011-12 年将会推广綠化屋顶和垂直綠化,并在政府建筑工程加强綠化、 园境及树木管理的工作,政府可否告知本委员会上述工作所涉及的开支,以及在 未來三年(即 2011-12 至 2013-14 年度)将计划在何等政府建筑物加强綠化? devb.gov.hk | Would the Administration inform this Committee of the expenditures involved in the above initiatives, and what government buildings in which greening practices will be enhanced in the coming three years (2011-12 to 2013-14). devb.gov.hk |
条约》没有普及这点认定和重申,充分执行 1995 年和 2000 年审议大会的最后文件和关于《条约》无限期延长的决定是何等重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact that the Treaty is not yet universal highlights and emphasizes more than ever before the need to fully implement the Final Documents of the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences, including the decision to extend the Treaty indefinitely. daccess-ods.un.org |
(5) 受限于与该等细则相反之任何规定,依据该等细则召开及举行之任何 股东大会,股东均可经通过普通决议案,随时免除任何任期尚未届满董事之董事职 务,不论该等细则及本公司与该董事所达成任何协议之何等规定(但并不影响任何 此类协议之任何赔偿申索)。 aactechnologies.com | (5) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Articles or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement). aactechnologies.com |