

单词 余光

See also:

remainder after division
in excess of (some number)
(following numerical value) or more
residue (math.)
(archaic) I

External sources (not reviewed)

位于顶部的光电二极管吸收一部光 线 , 其 余光 线 则 传输至底部的光电二极管。
The top photodiode absorbs a portion of
[...] the light and the remaining light is transmitted [...]
to the bottom photodiode.
微深的颜色可以进一步降低任何余 的 光 线 影 响。
A subtle, dark tint further reduces any unwanted influences of light.
由于灯仍处于打开状态,橡胶布框架打开时将关闭遮光板,以免保护丝网遭受 余 曝 光。
Since the lamp remains on, shutters close when the blanket frame is opened in order to protect the screen
[...] from unwanted light exposure.
Vito谈到第一圈飞航过程时表示:“起飞时,我一直维持机身的稳定真的很不容易,同时我的眼 余光 也 看 到两位参赛者发生了意外,在抵达单圈终点之前,我仍努力地保持着领先位置,直到开始第二圈为止。
From the corner of my eye I could see the problems that the other two pilots had.
Bulletin 20-COMM-Q PowerFlex® ControlNet™ 光纤适配器为 PowerFlex 70、700、700S、700H 和 750 系列(带通信载波卡)交流变频器以及其他基于 DPI™ 的主机设备提供内部余光纤 ControlNet 连接。
Bulletin 20-COMM-Q PowerFlex® ControlNet™ fiber adapter provides an internal, redundant fiber ControlNet connection for PowerFlex 70, 700, 700S, 700H and 750-Series (with Communication Carrier Card) AC drives and other DPI™-based Host devices.
他和 奥阵的其他受训人员在那里度过了 2009 年余下的时光。据 Fekadu 说,同一时期 还有一个名称为“Demhit”的 Tigrayan 民兵组织也在 Een 接受训练。
According to Fekadu, a Tigrayan militia group known as “Demhit” was also training at Een during the same period.226 290.
Paraw是当地的帆船,游客可以租船游览分布在长滩岛各地的海滩、邻近海岛,或者在 光 旖 旎 的落 余 晖 中 扬帆远航。
Paraws are local sailboats that can be hired to visit the different beaches of Boracay,
[...] neighbouring islands or for a scenic sunset cruise.
我會依次請張光議員、余若薇 議員、陳偉業議員及湯家驊議員 發言;但他們在現階段不可動議修正案。
I will call upon Mr
[...] CHEUNG Man-kwong to speak first, to be followed by Ms Audrey EU, Mr Albert [...]
CHAN and Mr Ronny TONG respectively;
but no amendments are to be moved at this stage.
代理主席,我剛才聽到張光議員及 余 若 薇 議員清晰地就小班教 學提出了他們的意見,我是非常同意的。
Deputy President, I have heard
[...] Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong and Ms Audrey EU clearly [...]
state their opinions on small class teaching
earlier and I very much agree with them.
蹈火者仍在闪着光的余烬上跳着他们仪式性的舞蹈,这种舞蹈源自古色雷斯人纪念母 亲女神和她的儿子太阳神的一种仪式。
Thus, the Nestinari still perform their
[...] ritual dance on glowing embers, a dance [...]
which originated in an ancient Thracian
rite in honour of the Goddess Mother and her son, the Sun God.
它们均采用耐用无光黑漆饰面,配备蓝色 Kevlar 驱动单元音盆,有助于消除放映机或其 光 源 产 生的 余 反 射
Designed to be installed into concealed locations behind acoustically transparent screens or custom cabinetry, each speaker in the range is finished in durable matt black and comes
with blue Kevlar drive unit cones, which help to
[...] eliminate any unwanted reflections from projectors or other light sources.
在现代化的卡尔·杜伊斯堡公益中心科隆语言学院里, 语言学习将同时伴有丰富多彩的文化和 余 活 动 :从 光市 容 ,到登上科隆大教堂,再到前往波恩参观历史博物馆,不 [...]
The language course in the modernly equipped Carl Duisberg Training Center is
accompanied by a varied cultural and
[...] leisure program: it ranges from a city round trip, climbing [...]
the Cologne Cathedral, to a guided
tour through the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn.
光議員及余若薇 議員詢問政府當局會 否把高年級學額數目由現時的3 974 [...]
個增至 8 000個。
Mr CHEUNG Man-kong and Ms Audrey EU asked [...]
whether the Administration would increase the number of senior year places from
the current level of 3 974 to 8 000.
相较于上游去年成为整体产业亏损重灾区,下游封装厂由于具有成本控制优势,加上各厂掌握不同区块订单,LED封装厂去年多有小幅获利表现,包括艾笛森(3591)税后盈余0.29亿元、华兴(6164)税后盈余0.33亿元、东贝(2499)税后 余 1 . 5 5亿 元与 亿 光 ( 2 3 93 )税后 余 5 . 4 2亿 元。
Upstream areas become whole industry losses last year, compared to downstream FengZhuangChang because it has advantage of cost control, plus GeChang master order different blocks, LED FengZhuangChang last year more than a slight profit performance, including YiDiSen after-tax, 029 million yuan (3591), huaxing after-tax, 033 million yuan (6164), the after-tax 155 million yuan dong bei (2499) and light the after-tax, 542 million yuan (2393).
光議員和 余若薇議員都 提 及 南 亞 裔 兒童的 教 育 問 題,我 們 承認這 [...]
是 一項困 難 的 問 題 , 不 過 ,事實上我們並無將 之 置 諸 不 理的。
Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong and Ms Audrey EU have raised [...]
the issue of the education of children of South Asian ethnic origin. We
admit that this is a knotty problem, but as a matter of fact, we have not ignored it.
012943 余若薇議員 政府當局 劉健儀議員 主席 黃光議員 余議員詢問以下兩種情況是否有重要分 [...]
別:(a)內地合約生產商獲得一般權利, 可自由使用有關的知識產權圖利;及 (b)合約生產商獲得知識產權後,只可生 產該知識產權擁有人指示生產的貨物。
WONG Ting-kwong Ms EU asked whether there [...]
was a material difference between the following two scenarios: (a) a contract
manufacturer in the Mainland was granted a general right to freely exploit the relevant IPR for its own benefit; and (b) the contract manufacturer was granted the IPR only for the production of goods ordered by the owner of the IPR.
除了被无汞,LED显示屏提供重要的能源相比,冷阴极 光 灯 (CCFL)技术 余。
In addition to being mercury-free, LED displays deliver significant energy savings compared to cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) technology.
吳靄儀議員、黃成智議員、葉國謙議員、 張光議員、余若薇 議員、甘乃威議員、謝偉俊議 員、梁家傑議員、李卓人議員、陳健波議員及陳鑑 [...]
林議員就項目FCR(2012-13)43及 FCR(2012-13)44發 言。
Dr Margaret NG, Mr WONG Sing-chi, Mr IP Kwok-him,
[...] Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong, Ms Audrey EU, Mr KAM Nai-wai, [...]
Mr Paul TSE, Mr Alan LEONG, Mr
LEE Cheuk-yan, Mr CHAN Kin-por and Mr CHAN Kam-lam spoke on items FCR(2012-13)43 and FCR(2012-13)44.
代理主席,我很支持張光議員和余 若 薇 議員剛才對小班教育提 出的意見。
Deputy President, I greatly support
[...] Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong and Ms Audrey EU's earlier [...]
views on small class teaching.
尿道激光治疗:使用光去除多余的 前 列腺组织。
Transurethral Laser Therapy: Uses focused laser energy to remove prostate tissue.
将美国冷白型或日光型荧光灯转换至3200K的钨丝 光 源 并 去除 余 的 绿 色。
Converts U.S. Cool White or Daylight type fluorescent lamps to 3200K photographic tungsten and removes the excess green.
(b) 黃光議員和余若薇 議員同意,本條例草 案應包括一項一般條文,禁止作出誤導價 [...]
(b) Agreement by
[...] Mr WONG Ting-kwong and Ms Audrey EU that the [...]
Bill should include a general provision to prohibit misleading price indication
在充满空气,如海绵状植物叶片或脊椎动物肺部进一步的困难,出现多个过渡之间的细胞和生物组织 光 学 系 统的 余 部 分 之间的空域和细胞成分,折射率叶肉组织。
In air-filled tissue such as the spongy mesophyll of plant leaves or vertebrate lungs
further difficulties arise from
[...] multiple transitions in refractive index between cellular [...]
components, between cells and airspaces
and between the biological tissue and the rest of the optical system.
李慧琼議員就由張光議員動議, 余 若 薇議員修正的議案動議 修正案的議題經提出待議,付諸表決,並獲得通過。
Question on Hon Starry LEE’s amendment to Hon
[...] CHEUNG Man-kwong’s motion as amended by Hon Audrey EU proposed, [...]
put and agreed to.
我酷爱夏天和古铜色皮肤,但要防止皮肤过早老化、出现皱纹、色彩不均和皮肤癌,每个人都应该使用防晒产品,让您能够享受 光 之 余 , 能够拥有古铜肤色或保持肌肤亮白。
I love summer and I love getting tanned, but in order to prevent premature aging, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and skin cancer, one must use sun protection lotion to protect yourself, so that you can get a healthy nice tan.
光議員對 余若薇議員的 意見亦有同感 ,由於沒 有 設 立法團 校 董 會 的 學校對 香 港的教育發展貢獻良 [...]
多, 他亦希望就 教育統籌局局長對於這些學校所作的言論表 達 不 滿 。
Echoing the
[...] views of Ms Audrey EU, Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong also wished [...]
to express his disapproval of SEM’s remarks about non-IMC
schools which had contributed a lot to the development of education in Hong Kong.
光議員及余若薇 議員關 注到, 根據立法會 秘書處擬備的背景資料簡介第16段,有報 章 [...]
報 道 , 截 至 2005年 9月 1日,在申請重 新 評閱答卷的 6 604名 2005年中 學會考考生中,有378名 考生在有關 科目中取得較先 前 為 佳 的評級。
Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong and Ms Audrey EU referred [...]
to paragraph 16 of the background brief prepared by the LegCo Secretariat
and expressed concern about the press report that as at 1 September 2005, 378 of the 6 604 candidates who had lodged applications for remarking of their scripts in the 2005 HKCEE had been awarded higher grades in the subjects concerned.
015931 涂謹申議員 主席 政府當局 黃光議員 余若薇 議員 劉健儀議員 葉劉淑儀議員 涂謹申議員 考慮到其他事務委員會及委員會的會議日 期,以及委員可出席會議的時間,委員同 意取消原定於2011年 7 月 12日舉行的下次 會議,並改於2011年 8月第一個星期舉行下 次會議。
Ms Audrey EU Ms Miriam LAU Mrs Regina IP Mr James TO Having regarding to the meeting schedules of other Panels and committees and the availability of members, members agreed that the next meeting scheduled for 12 July 2011 would be cancelled, and the next meeting would be held in the first week of August 2011.
[...] 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期 余任 务 方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 [...]
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take
expeditious action and show progress in the
[...] accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional [...]
period including the drafting
and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
001155 – 003057
[...] 主席 助理法律顧問4 唐偉章教授 張光議員 余若薇議員 理大簡介其對助理法律顧問4 [...]
於 2012年 1 月 27日發出的函件 的回應,該函件要求澄清第6 條 (a)至 (o)段載列的各項權力 的性質有否任何不同之處,以
致有必要就行使(g)及 (h)段下 的權力訂明特定的條件,但其 他權力則無須符合該等條件。
Ms Audrey EU Briefing by PolyU on its response [...]
to Assistant Legal Adviser 4 ("ALA4")'s letter dated 27 January 2012 seeking
clarification on the difference in the nature of the powers enumerated in paragraphs (a) to (o) of section 6 which necessitated the specific condition(s) under which the powers in paragraphs (g) and (h) might be exercised but not in respect of the other powers.




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