

单词 疏松油脂

See also:


shortening (fat used in cooking cakes)

油脂 n

oil n
oils pl
grease n
greases pl
fat n
lipid n


Chinese red pine

油脂 adj

greasy adj

External sources (not reviewed)

NouriFusion® MultiVitamin爽膚水(中至乾性)能清除面上多餘的污垢 油脂 及 殘 餘物 疏 通 毛 孔,讓肌膚用後感覺滋潤潔淨,煥然一新。
Choose between Normal to Dry Toner with Witch Hazel,
[...] or Normal to Oily with Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Oil, to effectively [...]
reduce the appearance of
pores, leaving your skin feeling clean and fresh.
卡尔油 25 是一种硬松脂油,用于对卡尔底油处理过的木地板进行定期保养。
Carl's 25 is
[...] a hardening pine oil for the regular maintenance of wooden floors treated with Carl's priming oils.
視乎工作性質而定,建造業僱員須暴露於各種危害或危害 性物質,例如過量噪音、硅石、油 、 松脂 、 瀝 青、激光、鉛、鎘、 錳、壓縮空氣和石棉。
Depending on the job nature, workers of the construction industry are exposed to hazards such as excessive noise, silica, tar, pitch, bitumen, lasers, lead, cadmium, manganese, compressed air and asbestos.
目标 6,具体目标 3:协会提供了 94 219 次初级保健服务(全科医生和专科 医生、X 光线检查和其他检查),分发了 39 798
[...] 份药品,组办了 1 051 次敏感性 会议,检查骨疏松和进行 312 次乳癌检查(乳房摄影)。
Goal 6, target 3: The Association has provided 94,219 primary health-care services (general practitioners and specialists and X-rays and other examinations) distributed 39,798 medicines,
conducted 1,051 sensitization sessions
[...] and screening for osteoporosis and 312 screenings [...]
for breast cancer (mammography).
含有BELSIL® DMC 6038和HDK® T 30的化妆水适合油性及中性肤质,其中硅石除了能够吸 油脂 , 还 能掩盖细小的皱纹,是控油及抗衰老产品的理想选择。
The toner based on BELSIL® DMC 6038
and HDK® T 30 is
[...] suitable for oily and neutral skin, as the silylate is capable of absorbing oil and masking fine wrinkles, making it ideal for oil-controlling [...]
and anti-aging products.
此外,根據聖雅各福群會搜集所得的資料 顯示,膽固醇或油㆔脂高的情況,正影響香港約五分之㆒的正常㆟。
According to the data collected from St
James' Settlement, the conditions of high
[...] cholesterol or triglyceride level is now [...]
affecting about one fifth of the normal population in Hong Kong.
结果表明,现有野生朱鹮种群的最大繁殖地—花园繁殖区的栖息地组成为:马尾松林占73.1%,次 疏 林 占16.9%,农田占4.8%, 疏 灌 木 林占4. 2% , 油松 栎 类 混交林占1.0%。
The available habitat at the main breeding site of
Huayuan was composed of Chinese red pine 73.1%,
[...] secondary sparse forest 16.9%, paddy field 4.8%, sparse shrubbery 4.2%, and oil pine-robur mixed forest 1.0%.
阿嘎土是西藏建筑中常见的屋面防水材料 疏松 的 粘 土在加水反复拍打后板结,形成可靠的屋面防水层和保温层。
It stiffens when tampered with water and works as another layer of waterproofing and heat insulation.
一些代表团表示,应从表 3 里删除米糠油里“其他脱甲基甾醇”含量 油脂 委员 会出于下列原因而进行了重新考虑:对米糠油的真实性来说,这不是一个重要的身份特 征,表里提及的特定脱甲基甾醇已作了适当确定;分析方法很复杂,而且参考资料不易 [...]
Some delegations expressed the view that the level of “other
desmethylsterols” in
[...] rice bran oil should be deleted from Table 3 and reconsidered by the Committee on Fats and Oils (CCFO) for [...]
the following reasons:
it was not a significant identity characteristic for the authenticity of rice bran oil, which was adequately determined by the specific desmethylsterols mentioned in the Table; the methods of analysis were complex and the reference materials were not easily available, which created difficulties especially for developing countries; and, as it appeared from a study that low levels of other desmethylsterols could be found in rice bran oil, the “ND” level included in the current Table was not adequate.
沉淀碳酸鈣基本上是用来加强,充实和增加食物中的钙质,有助于预防缺钙引起的疾病,例如骨 疏松 症。
Precipitated calcium carbonate is used to
strengthen and enrich   food products, which
[...] helps prevent osteoporosis that is a disease [...]
caused by calcium deficiency.
世界卫生组织的骨疏松症国 际诊断标准是腰椎、股骨颈、或全髋、前臂1/3处的T值等于或小于-2.5。
Based on the measurement by a bone densitometer of lumbar vertebrae, hip and 1/3 of the forearm, the World Health Organization's international diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis is a T score of less than or equal to -2.5.
年龄在50岁或以上的男性,及绝经或围绝经的女性,长期服用糖皮质激素、或者有上述提到的骨 疏松 症 风 险因素的人,建议您及早接受骨密度检测。
Men 50 years or older, menopausal and peri-menopausal women, people taking corticosteroids or other long-term medications
outlined above, or people with other
[...] risk factors for osteoporosis should consider [...]
having a bone density exam as soon as possible.
第四届骨疏松症会 议将于2013年12月12-15日在香港举行,由国际骨 疏松 症 基 金会 (IOF) 和香港骨疏松基金会 (HKOF)、香港骨疏松学会 (OSHK) 联合组织。
The 4th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, organized by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) in cooperation with the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation and the Osteoporosis Society of [...]
Hong Kong, will take
place on December 12-15, 2013 in Hong Kong.
[...] 疾病以及诸如糖尿病、癌症(特别是老年妇女中最常见的癌症)、高血压、心脏病、 白内障、骨疏松和老 年痴呆症这样的老年病时,缺乏医疗保健服务或获得此类 [...]
Furthermore, the lack of or limited access to health-care services for diseases and geriatric conditions such as diabetes, cancer (in particular the forms of cancer most prevalent among
older women), hypertension, heart
[...] disease, cataracts, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s [...]
disease, prevent older women from fully enjoying their human rights.
魚類和海產及其製品” 是市 民從膳食攝入多溴聯苯醚的主要來源,佔總攝入量的 27.3%,其次是“ 肉
[...] 類、家禽和野味及其製品” 、 “ 穀物及穀物製品” 和油脂類” ,分別佔總攝 入量的 20.7%、 15.9% [...]
和 15.9%。
The main dietary source of PBDE was “fish and seafood and their products” which contributed to 27.3% of the total exposure, followed by
“meat, poultry and game and their products” (20.7%), “cereals and their
[...] products” (15.9%), and “fats and oils” (15.9%).
薰衣草也常被用来作为美容及消炎用品,有清洁皮肤、抗炎及均 油脂 分 泌 的功效,为很多乳液,按摩油及其他护理产品所添加。
Lavender contains calcium, iron and vitamin A. In aromatherapy, lavender is
considered relaxing and soothing; for that reason, it is a popular ingredient in
[...] lotion, massage oil and other products.
马来西亚代表团作油脂委员 会主席发言时告知食典委,该委员会讨论了拟议的 清单草案,并要求对这些物质及其清单编制过程提出意见,同时忆及议题 [...]
2 中已经提到 的执行委员会的建议及其以前提出的有关意见。
The Delegation of Malaysia, speaking as Chair
[...] of the Committee on Fats and Oils, informed the Commission [...]
that the Committee had discussed
the Proposed Draft List and asked for comments on the substances and the process for its development, while recalling the recommendations of the Executive Committee and its earlier comments in this respect, as already mentioned under Agenda Item 2.
如果要暴露在外,可在流体出口涂 上一油脂以防止潮气进入。
Fill fluid ports with grease if left exposed, [...]
to seal out moisture.
元件要进行清洁以去除油、油脂和 松 散 颗 粒。
Components are
[...] cleaned to remove oil, grease, and loose particles.
戴上手套 —
[...] 处理照片时戴上棉质手套可避免手上 油脂 粘 在 照片上, 同时将扫描仪内积聚的灰尘和污垢数量减到最少。
Wear gloves — wearing cotton gloves while handling photographs
[...] may reduce the oils from your hands [...]
getting on the photos and
minimize the amount of dirt and dust that collects in the scanner.
如果使用氰基丙烯酸酯粘 合剂,应事先采用异丙醇油脂。
If bonding with cyanoacrylate
[...] adhesives, prior degreasing should be [...]
done with isopropyl alcohol.
对2毫米具叶柄的叶无柄或; 叶片狭椭圆形到长圆形, 2-5.5(-7) * 0.6-1.3(-1.5) 厘米; 厚纸质,背面浅;片状腺体散布小圆点;
[...] 近边缘内的腺体多少紧密;主要侧脉5-或配对,形成突出边脉 疏松 的 第 三级网脉; 基部狭,边缘下弯,先端钝到圆形。
Leaves sessile or petiolate to 2 mm; blade narrowly elliptic to oblong, 2-5.5(-7) × 0.6-1.3(-1.5) cm; thickly papery, abaxially paler; laminar glands scattered dots; intramarginal glands ± dense; main lateral veins 5- or 6-paired,
forming prominent intramarginal vein,
[...] tertiary reticulation lax; base angustate, [...]
margin recurved, apex obtuse to rounded.
20 ] 放大到同等倍数以便 比较的透析膜外表面视图,可看疏 松的结构。
20 ] In a view enlarged by the same factor for
[...] comparison, the looser structure of the [...]
outer membrane can be seen.
医药行业主要用作生产维生素C的原料,轻工行业用作表面活性剂的原料,山梨醇具有良好的保湿性能,可代替甘油用于牙膏、卷烟、化妆品生产中用作保湿剂;用食品工业中,山梨醇是一种甜味剂,具有吸湿性,防止食品干裂,保持新鲜柔软;不引起血糖升高,可作为甜味剂和营养剂生产糖尿病人的专用食品;在浓缩牛奶中加入山梨醇可延长保存期,对鱼肉酱、果酱蜜饯有明显的稳定和长期保存的作用,能改善香肠的色香味;化学工业中的应用,山梨 脂 肪 酸 类代替胡 油 , 山梨 醇 松 香 酯 是常用建筑涂料的原料。
Pharmaceutical industry mainly used as the material for the production of vitamin C , light industry used as the material of surfactant ; Sorbitolum has good moisturizing properties, and can be used to replace glycerin toothpaste, cigarette, cosmetics production as moisturizing agent; In the food industry, Sorbitolum is a sweetener, has the hygroscopicity, prevent food weather-shack, keep fresh soft; Don't cause glucose leels, it can be used as sweetener and nutrition agent for the production of diabetics special food; adding Sorbitolum into concentrated milk can prolong the retention period; it offers surimi, jam candied fruit obvious stability and long-term preservation effect, can improve the sausage color; The
application of Chemical
[...] industry, Sorbitolum fatty acid can replace siritch, Sorbitolum rosin ester is a common [...]
raw material of architectural coatings.
还有遗传控制方案、哮喘和过 敏控制方案,以 及最后但并非最不重要的骨疏松症 护理计划。
There is also a genetic control programme, an asthma and allergy control programme and, last but
[...] not least, an osteoporosis care plan.
F、KR-120醛酮树脂与硝基纤维素、聚酰胺树脂、醇酸树脂、丙烯酸树脂、马来酸酐 脂 、 松 香 树 脂 等 混合用于塑料表 油 墨 、 塑料复合油墨、铝箔油墨、烫金油墨、金银卡纸油墨、防伪油墨、粘合薄片油墨、透明油墨、热转印油墨等可显著提高光泽度、附着力、流平性、快干性等。
F, KR-120 aldehydes and ketones resin can be mixed with nitro-cellulose resin, polyamide resin, alkyd resin, acrylic resin, maleic anhydride resins, rosin resins, using in plastic sheet printing ink, plastic composite inks, aluminum foil printing ink, hot ink , gold and silver cardboard inks, security inks, adhesive sheets ink and transparent inks, thermal transfer ink, etc. They can significantly improve the gloss, adhesion, flow leveling, drying, and so on.
101 该方案还与近海 石油和天然气业界协作,努力协调海洋采矿 疏 浚 和 近海 油 勘 探 与生产方面的 国家环境政策和立法,且建模显示这种活动对本格拉海流大型海洋生态系统项目 区海洋环境的累积影响(见 www.bclme.org)。
The projects are pulling together the results from several previous studies and making recommendations to the Governments of Namibia and South Africa
about the impact that
[...] diamond mining may have on the environment over extended periods of time.101The Programme also collaborated with the offshore oil and gas industry in [...]
an effort to harmonize
national environmental policies and legislation for marine mining, dredging and offshore petroleum exploration and production, and to model the cumulative effects of such activities on the marine environment of the Benguela Current large marine ecosystem region (see www.bclme.org).
(e) 為了保育「大牌檔」,當局同意於處理中西區大牌檔牌照 轉讓時給予更大彈性,准許持牌人把牌照轉讓給家人,同 時與持牌人展開改善工程項目,改善大牌檔鄰近地方的環 境衞生,例如供應煤氣、加強排水 疏 導 煮 食 油 煙 , 以及 搭建新簷篷等;以及
(e) to preserve “Dai Pai Tongs”, we agreed to give greater flexibility to operators in Central and Western District to transfer their licences to their family members and embarked on a project with the licensees to improve environmental hygiene in the vicinity of the stalls (e.g. supply of town gas, better discharge of water and cooking fume, new canopies etc.); and




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