

单词 熟门熟路

See also:


way of doing sth
the right social connection

External sources (not reviewed)

加强了与联系学校项目网中学校的交流与对话,并通过新版“大伏尔加河 路 ” 门 户 网 站收集 记录了联系学校项目网中学校的良好做法。
Communication and dialogue with ASPnet schools were strengthened and
good practices by ASPnet schools were documented through the new version of the
[...] Great Volga River Route (GVRR) web portal.
委员会还鼓励缔约国开展宣传运动,使公共管理 门 和 普 通民 熟 悉 这些机 构的作用、工作和利用这些机构所提供服务的方式。
The Committee also encourages the
State party to carry out
[...] awareness-raising campaigns to familiarize the public administration [...]
and the general public with
the roles, work, and ways to access the services provided by these organs.
应当邀请在教育门之外工作熟 练专 业人员,到学校、大学或其他教育机构 讲课,使职业界与课堂建立更紧密的联系。
Skilled professionals working outside education should be invited to teach in schools, universities or other educational institutions in order to link the world of work more closely to the classroom.
图书馆和信息服务作为通向信息高速路门户的作用得到了加强,重点是加强公共和学校图 [...]
The role of libraries and information services as gateways
[...] to information highways was enhanced, focusing [...]
on public and school libraries as
effective means of broadening access to education and knowledge.
在出生的时候,儿童能够分辨某些音节并识别出人类语言,但是尚不清楚这些未 熟 的 神经 回 路 是 如何处理语音的。
At birth, children can discriminate some syllables and recognize human language,
[...] but how these immature neural circuits process speech remains [...]
我提出的修正案,主要是提到代理主席 熟 悉 的 香港 路 有 限公 司 (“港鐵”)近期發生的事件。
In my proposed amendment, I mainly
mentioned a recent incident involving the MTR
[...] Corporation Limited (MTRCL), which the Deputy President is most familiar with.
(f) 有需要解決香港道路標誌不足的問題,並在本港更 廣泛應用全球衛星定位系統的技術,方便對本港路不熟悉的來港內地司機。
(f) there was a need to rectify the inadequacy of signage on Hong Kong roads and widen the application of the global positioning
system technology in Hong Kong to facilitate visiting Mainland
[...] drivers who were not familiar with the roads in Hong Kong.
[...] 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全门工作;提熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; [...]
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of
encouraging more women to serve in
[...] the reformed security sector of the host Government, [...]
through the provision of gender
expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
社会经济的不稳定造成了国营和私营 门 高 度 熟 练 劳 动力外移、调频率的 人员更替和工作人员低士气,不利地影响了服务产出率。
Socio-economic instability has resulted in the migration of highly skilled labour, high staff turnover and low staff morale in the public and private sectors negatively affecting service delivery.
(a) 有些時候,巴士車長須行走熟悉的 路 線 ,又或在之前一 日在某路線當夜更後還要駕駛另一路線早更第一班車(下 稱 "路線轉換安排")
(a) Bus drivers were sometimes required to serve unfamiliar routes or to drive the first trip of a day service of one route after having served the night service of another route (the route switch arrangement)
此外,还必须和路管理部门联系 ,以便该地 区能与公路连接。
Furthermore, connection to the
[...] public road must be agreed with the office managing the roads.
可以直接请门已熟悉的公司或机构,它们在有关的专门知识领域很出名或者以前已有 同教科文组织合作的经验。
Invitation can be sent to those
[...] firms/institutions the Sector already familiar with, is known [...]
to be well-regarded in the area of
expertise or has prior experience working for UNESCO in the same area.
欧洲目前正在进行Telematic的全面开发,计划在全欧洲建立 门 的 交 通(以 路 交 通 为主)无线数据通信网,并开发先进的出行信息服务系统(ATIS),车辆控制系统(AVCS),商业车辆运行系统(ACVO),电子收费系统等,主要解决道理安全和替代性交通工具的问题。
Europe is currently undertaking comprehensive development of Telematic
plan across Europe to create a
[...] dedicated traffic (mainly for road traffic) wireless data [...]
communications networks, and developing
advanced travel information service system (ATIS), vehicle control systems (AVCS) commercial vehicle operation system (ACVO), electronic toll collection systems, mainly addressing the issue of traffic safety and the alternative transportation means.
這種做法,會否令駕駛學院的學員有較多機 熟 習 區 內某路 線以 致形成有利考試的因素,而對私㆟教車師傅的學生,則造成不公平現象?
Will this practice provides students of
driving schools with more
[...] opportunities to familiarize themselves with a certain route in their districts, [...]
thereby giving them
a competitives edge which is unfair to students of private instructors?
所有这些都说明已被教科文组织各 门熟 知的 ID’ART 公司在拿到施工合同之前 就已提前做了很多事情。
All these factors lead to the conclusion that ID’ART, a company already well known to UNESCO, had done significant work on the project well before the architectural and engineering contract was awarded to it.
下午三點鐘,當我看見那Ngaio的路牌 和 熟 悉 的 景色,心裡放下了心中大石。
At 3pm, when I
[...] saw that Ngaio road sign and the familiar scenery, I [...]
felt relief.
周先生在能源領域擁有逾10年之豐富工作經驗,擁有廣闊 之商界路,熟悉全 球能源環境和市場。
Mr. Zhou has 10 years of extensive
working experience in energy field with broad business
[...] network, and is familiar with global energy [...]
environment and market.
尽可能创造最有利的营商环境;进一步制定立法,将私有权置于优先地 位并为其提供保证;给予更大的创业自由;减少国家管制和许可程序; 消除行政阻力和官僚障碍;实行市场手段和制度;为小企业主广 门路, 使 其能够获得信贷和原材料资源以及政府对其产品的订购
Creating the most favourable business environment possible; further developing legislation to prioritize and provide reliable guarantees for private ownership; giving greater freedom of entrepreneurship; reducing Government regulation and licensing; eliminating bureaucratic barriers and obstacles; introducing market instruments and systems providing small business owners with wide access to credit and raw material resources and to Government orders for their products
替休車長”均曾接受 所駕駛巴士路線的訓練,亦不會獲安排駕駛 熟 悉 的 路 線。
They will not be
[...] arranged to serve unfamiliar routes.
[...] 然是经济严重依赖自然资源的发展中国家的一个关注问题。由于资源收入的波 动、在掌握和管理这些资源方面的困难以及因此而造成的政策问题,采掘部门会 影响到国家的经济发展速度;不正常的汇率、因素以及其他市场也会影响到其他 生产部门的发展,特别是那些可能大大增加正规 门 非 熟 练 工人就业机会的部门 发展。
Low economic growth rates are linked to the extractive sector through high volatility of resource revenues, difficulties in absorbing and managing these resources, and the policy problems they create – through distorted exchange rate, factor and other markets – for the
development of other
[...] productive sectors, particularly those that could add significantly to unskilled job creation in the formal sector.
在印度尼西亚,一批妇女成功进行了安排, 使门用于道路建设和灌溉项目的资金转用于修建公共厕所和盥洗室。
In Indonesia, a group of women have succeeded in arranging for investments earmarked for roadbuilding and irrigation to be diverted to the construction of public lavatories and wash places.
例如,考虑到交通门(尤其路交通)大量和不断增长的能源使用、对化石燃料的依赖、温室气体排放量 以及对客运和货运需求的持续不断增长,大韩民国政府已承诺通过关键的交通战 [...]
略推动绿色增长,其中包括:(a) 转向低碳交通和物流;(b) 加强交通需求管理;
(c) 发展低碳交通基础设施和技术;(d) 通过行人优先区、自行车共享、公交专 用区鼓励人力交通;以及(e) 整合土地使用和交通规划。
For instance, in
[...] consideration of the transport sector’s (especially road transport) high and [...]
growing energy use, reliance
on fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the relentless growth in passenger and freight transport demand, the Government of the Republic of Korea has pledged to promote green growth through key transport strategies that include: (a) shifting to low-carbon transport and logistics; (b) reinforcing transport demand management; (c) developing low-carbon transport infrastructure and technology; (d) encouraging human-powered transport through pedestrian priority zones, bicycle-sharing and public-transport-only zones; and (e) integrating land-use and transport planning.
另一部分原因是毗邻重要的西欧市场,容易获得能源,工业 门 发展 成熟,政治稳定以及教育水平高。
This is partly due to its proximity to the important markets of Western Europe,
its easy access to energy, its
[...] welldeveloped industrial sector, its political stability [...]
and its high educational standard.
区域中心采用打击非法贩运火器、弹药和爆炸物问题机构间培训班的方法为 司法人员提出一个为期四天的创新性专业培训课程,其目的是要让安全 门 这一熟悉打 击小武器非法贩运和减少贩运案件有罪不罚的情况。
The Regional Centre used the Inter-Institutional Course on Combating Illicit Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition and Explosives methodology to create an innovative four-day specialized training
course for justice
[...] officers aimed at familiarizing that branch of the security sector with the combat [...]
against the illicit trafficking
in small arms and at reducing impunity in cases of trafficking.
第三个案件涉及 Chaker
[...] Marri 先生,据称他于 2009 年 9 月 3 日在位于奎 达的路支大学门口被 身着制服的边境部队人员和身着便衣的特工人员绑架。
The third case concerned Mr. Chaker Marri, allegedly
[...] abducted in front of the University of Balochistan, located in [...]
Quetta, by Frontier Corps agents
in uniform and secret agents in civilian clothing on 3 September 2009.
在计划与经济事务部和治理委员会的领导下,已成立了 15 个
[...] 部门工作组,以审查减贫战略的实施情况,并制定该国经济、社会和基础设施部 门继续发展的门路线图 ,以纳入减贫战略第二阶段,并最终成为利比里亚 [...]
2030 年崛起远景项目的一部分。
Led by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs and the Governance Commission, 15 sectoral working groups were established to review implementation of the
poverty reduction strategy
[...] and produce sectoral road maps for continued [...]
development of the country’s economic, social and infrastructural sectors to feed into the second phase of
the poverty reduction strategy, ultimately forming part of the Liberia Rising Vision 2030 Project.
第㆓,㆒旦不幸發生意外,尤其是在㆒些比較落後的㆞區,旅客在外㆞㆟ 路不 熟,孤 立無援,醫療及善後工作便要由旅行社妥善安排,我認為旅行社要第㆒時間前 赴事發的國家,提供㆟力及金錢的支援,盡快安排旅客返港,或者安排旅客的家屬前 往事發㆞點,同時要代表旅客向直接引起意外的㆟士爭取賠償,保障旅客的利益。
At the same time, the travel agent has an obligation to claim compensation from the party directly causing the accident on behalf of their clients to protect the interests of the travellers.
审计委员会还指出,绩效审计也使外聘审计员使用其独特的地位 门路 和专 长,增加一个组织的价值,找出哪些活动和业务可以更具成本效益的方式进行, 提出适当改进建议(同上,第 14 段)。
The Board further states that performance auditing also enables external auditors to use their unique position, access and expertise to add value to an organization by identifying ways in which activities and operations can be delivered more cost-effectively and making appropriate recommendations for improvement (ibid., para. 14).
在这方面,特派团将同各国家利益攸关方和国 际安全部门改革伙伴,包括西非国家经济共同体几内亚比绍特派团,澄清实施国
[...] 防、保安和司法部门改革的计划,包括几内亚比绍政府、葡语共同体和西非经共 体在 2011 年通过的西非经共体/葡语共同体的安全 门 改 革 路 线 图
In this regard, the Mission will work closely with national stakeholders and international security sector reform partners, including ECOMIB to clarify plans for the implementation of reforms in the defence, security and justice
sectors, including the ECOWAS/CPLP
[...] security sector reform road map adopted by the Government [...]
of Guinea-Bissau, the CPLP and ECOWAS in 2011.




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