单词 | 後半叶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 后半叶—latter half (of a decade, century etc)See also:后半n—latter partn 半n—halfn 半adj—semi-adj 半—incomplete (after a number) and a half
这件鼻烟壶最可能的制作期间是乾隆後半叶,但我们不能排除十九世纪初的可能。 e-yaji.com | The likely date for this [...] bottle isthe second half of the Qianlong period [...]but we cannot rule out the early nineteenth century. e-yaji.com |
翡翠是乾隆後半叶才风行,那麽,要是染色海象牙的盛行跟翡翠的时兴有关系,海象牙也是在十八世纪晚年才受欢迎的。 e-yaji.com | Jadeite did not become [...] fashionable until the second half ofthe Qianlongreign,partly [...]in response to the Qianlong emperor’s [...]obsession with the stone, so if the artificial staining of walrus ivory arose from a fashion for jadeite, then the likelihood is that the material did not become popular until the latter part of the eighteenth century. e-yaji.com |
不过,本壶的形式、风格掏膛、品质等,都符合乾隆後半叶的作风。 e-yaji.com | This may suggest the beginning of the decline we have proposed for this and other technically less painstaking solutions to detailing, but otherwise, shape, [...] style, hollowing, and quality would all allow, even if they do not dictate, [...] a datein thesecond half of the Qianlongera. e-yaji.com |
细腰葫芦形的烟壶在乾隆後半叶是很受欢迎的,乾隆隆晚年到嘉庆朝,烟壶内壁不施釉也很流行。 e-yaji.com | The gourd form was a popular one at the Qianlong court, and the unglazed interior was common during the latterpart of the reign and into the Jiaqing period. e-yaji.com |
只是圈足内壁差不多全部是白色的,这好像是十八世纪後半叶圈足与套料 往往不完全接合的问题。 e-yaji.com | Neatly defined though it appears to be around the outer footrim, when the bottle is inverted, we discover that the inner footrim is almost entirely in the ground colour. e-yaji.com |
黄胎套黄料的配色好像是乾隆朝发展的,大概是乾隆中叶或後半期发展的。 e-yaji.com | The combination of yellow on yellow seems to have evolved at some time during the Qianlong period, [...] probably in the middleorsecond half of the reign. e-yaji.com |
民意研究计划主任锺庭耀分析:「以5分为一级计,问责官员的整体民望在『七一游行』後急跌了一级半,当中叶刘淑仪的评分更插水式下跌18.4分,而董建华在同期的评分则暴跌10.7分,远甚於其他官员,证明他们是民愤的焦点,拖累整个领导班子。 hkupop.hku.hk | Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, made the following analysis: "Using a difference of 5 marks to represent one grade, the popularity of the principal officials has dropped by 1.5 grades after the 'July 1st Demonstration'. hkupop.hku.hk |
如果这的想法大体上是对的,如果清代中叶的鼻烟壶一般掏膛完整或者非常完整,而粗糙的掏膛的十九世纪以後才来的趋势,我们可以结推测,掏膛彻底的石料宝贵扁椭圆形光素烟壶大概是十九世纪前半叶制作的。 e-yaji.com | If we assume this general progression and link it to the belief that plain mid-Qing jade bottles tended to be well if not extremely well hollowed and that there was a tendency from probably the mid-nineteenth century onwards to more rudimentary hollowing, we can arrive at the tentative [...] suggestion that a [...] very well hollowed plain jade bottle of a precious material but of the flatter oval shape is likely to date from the first half of the nineteenth century. e-yaji.com |
张源长先生曾在香港税务局的利得税、物业税及薪俸税部门工作4年半,转至一间四大国际会计师事务所工作8年後,加入陈叶冯会计师事务所,现为本公司执行董事,专注於香港及中国税务,并就转让定价、汇款、个人所得税等跨境税务事项为跨国机构提供专业意见。 crowehorwath.net | After serving in the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department under [...] the Profits Tax, [...] Property Tax and Salaries Tax Sections for four anda halfyears, Albertjoined a "Big 4" international accounting [...]firm in Hong Kong [...]and practised for 8 years before joining CCIF CPA Ltd. and is now an Executive Director of Crowe Horwath Tax Services (HK) Ltd. crowehorwath.net |
二十世纪前半叶,上海为东亚的文化经济中枢,因而被视为中国现代化的摇篮,其中包括: 中国的电影院与剧院。 seagate.com | Because of Shanghai's status as [...] the cultural and economic centre of East [...] Asia for thefirsthalf of thetwentieth century, [...]it is viewed as the birthplace [...]of everything considered modern in China, including the Chinese cinema and theatre. seagate.com |
本公司将於股东特别大会上提呈普通决议案,以供股东考虑及酌情批准(i)签立该协议 及与此相关的所有事宜及(ii)委任新核数师为本集团核数师,以填补陈叶冯会计师事务所辞任後的临时空缺,召开大会的通告载於本通函第25至26页。 cre8ir.com | A notice convening the SGM at which ordinary resolutions will be proposed to Shareholders to consider and, if though fit, to approve (i) the execution of the Agreement and all matters relating thereto and (ii) the appointment of the New Auditors as auditors of the Group to fill the casual vacancy following the resignation of CCIF, is set out on pages 25 and 26 of this circular. cre8ir.com |
如在指定的续会时间之後半小时内,未有法定人数出席,该续会即须解散。 epro.com.hk | If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is [...] not present within halfan hour from the [...]time appointed for holding the meeting, [...]the meeting shall be dissolved. epro.com.hk |
Waihi Beach的巨大汉堡包含了一半的沙拉叶、一粒切片番茄、两大培根、3至4片的小黄瓜、四分之一的洋葱、番茄酱、起司酱、2片180gram的牛肉片。 4tern.com | Waihi Beach jumbo [...] hamburger containshalf a lettuce, a whole [...]chopped tomato, three fried eggs, two large slices of shoulder [...]bacon, three or four gherkins, a quarter of an onion, mustard, tomato sauce and a special cheese sauce and 2 slices of 180gram beef patties. 4tern.com |
倘於会议的指定举行时间後半个小时内并无法定人数出席,则大 会(倘按股东要求召开)将会解散,惟於任何其他情况下,大会 [...] 将延後至下一星期同日(或倘该日为相关地区公共假日,则为该 公共假日之下个营业日),按董事会决定之时间及地点举行,或 董事会厘定的其他日期、时间或地点举行,惟无须就该续会发出 通知。 taunggold.com | If,within half an hourfromthe time [...] appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened by or [...]upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved, but in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week (or if that day be a public holiday in the Relevant Territory, then to the next business day following such public holiday), at the same time and place or to such other day and at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board and no notice of such adjournment need be given. taunggold.com |
董事可选出一位董事议的主席,并决定其任职的期限;但如没有选出主席,或在 [...] 任何会议上,主席在指定举行会议的时间之後半小时内仍未出席,则出席的董事可在 与会的董事中选出一人担任会议主席。 sandschinaltd.com | The Directors may elect a chairman of their meetings and determine the period for which he is to hold office but if no such chairman is elected, [...] or if at any meeting the chairman is [...] not present within halfan hour afterthe [...]time appointed for holding the meeting, the [...]Directors present may choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting. sandschinaltd.com |