单词 | 後半场 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 后半场—second half (of sporting competition)See also:后半n—latter partn 半n—halfn 半adj—semi-adj 半场—half-court half of a game or contest 半—incomplete (after a number) and a half
与此同时埃弗顿在2-2战平纽卡斯尔之後已经越来越进入比赛状态,尽管在上半场时他们还没有被引起注意。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Everton meanwhile come into the game after [...] the2-2 draw with Newcastle, a game they should have been out ofsight by half-time. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
倘当日为香港公众假期或香港交易所旗下证券市场半日市的日子或美国及伦敦於当日同为银行假期,则不设收市後期货交易时段。 htisec.com | If it is a Hong Kong public [...] holidayor there ishalf-day trading in the HKEx securities market or it is a bank holiday in both the UK and United States, there would be noAfter-HoursFutures [...]Trading Session on that day. htisec.com |
本期净损益则因合约精算 利益 [...] 27 亿日圆以及少數股权利益 13 亿日圆等之计入,致生 296 [...] 亿日圆之亏损(前一年度同期则为 211 亿日圆之获利)。 本期第 3 季合并累计期间(以下称「本期第 3 季累计」)之 DRAM 市场,其前半期受到 PC 用 DRAM 需求之压力,市场价格亦迈向高水准,但於 8 月之後,因需求停滞且供应增加,导致供需失衡且急 速惡化,价格暴跌。 elpida.com | During the initial nine months of FY 2010 (April 1, 2010 to December 31, [...] 2010), tight [...] PC DRAM supply and demand supported high market prices inthe 1Q andthe fronthalf of the 2Q,but inthe 3Qpricing activity was negatively [...]affected by quick deterioration [...]of supply and demand, a result of stagnant demand and higher supplies from August onward. elpida.com |
快捷半导体的场截止阳极短路沟槽式IGBT 提供业内领先技术,能够解决当今设计中面临的能源效益及对小体积要求的难题。 ipress.com.hk | FairchildSemiconductor?™s field-stop shorted-anode [...] trench IGBTs provide industry-leading technology to meet the energy [...]efficiency and form factor challenges encountered in today? ipress.com.hk |
晚上7时30分点算开始时,集会人士主要聚集在最接近舞台的两个足球场,而第三个足球场则约半空置。 hkupop.hku.hk | When the headcount began at 7:30pm, most of the participants were mainly assembled at [...] the two soccer pitches closest to the stage. hkupop.hku.hk |
董事可选出一位董事议的主席,并决定其任职的期限;但如没有选出主席,或在 [...] 任何会议上,主席在指定举行会议的时间之後半小时内仍未出席,则出席的董事可在 与会的董事中选出一人担任会议主席。 sandschinaltd.com | The Directors may elect a chairman of their meetings and determine the period for which he is to hold office but if no such chairman is elected, [...] or if at any meeting the chairman is [...] not present within halfan hour afterthe [...]time appointed for holding the meeting, the [...]Directors present may choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting. sandschinaltd.com |
随着上半年市场气氛改善,本集团大部 分物业项目的销量大幅反弹。 shuion.com | Ridingon improved market sentiment in the first halfof 2009, the sales [...] volume for most of our projects rebounded significantly. shuion.com |
如在指定的续会时间之後半小时内,未有法定人数出席,该续会即须解散。 epro.com.hk | If at such adjourned meeting a quorum is [...] not present within halfan hour from the [...]time appointed for holding the meeting, [...]the meeting shall be dissolved. epro.com.hk |
我记得我们初次见面的那个傍晚,我抵达威灵顿机场後,就乘搭巴士前往威灵顿市区。 4tern.com | I remembered the first evening that we met. 4tern.com |
(1) 根据透过内部资金分派的 62.795 百万美元以年利率为 1.7%的短期存款的帄均有效利率计算 (於考虑马来西亚及香港金融市场後)。 mediachinesegroup.com | (1) Based on the average effective interest rate on short term deposits of 1.7% per annum (taking into consideration of both the Malaysian and Hong Kong financial markets)on USD62.795 million to be distributed via internal funds. mediachinesegroup.com |
上半年市场竞争仍然激烈,板块业绩好转是由於积极的市场营销策略及更严格的成本 控制措施。 mmg.com | Improved segment result was achieved by proactive marketing strategies and more stringent cost-control measures. mmg.com |
相对地,市民对文字传媒及互联网的满意率则较低,报章、互联网及杂志的满意率分别只有38%、33%及10%,而前两者的平均量值分别为3.1及3.3,即接近「一半半」,後者的平均量值则为2.4,即接近「几不满意」。 hkupop.hku.hk | Comparatively speaking, people's satisfaction with the printed media and the internet was lower, as the respective satisfaction rates of the newspaper, the internet and the magazine were 38%, 33% and 10% only, mean values of the [...] former two were 3.1 and 3.3 respectively, [...] meaning closeto "half-half" whereas that of [...]the latter was 2.4, which was close to "quite dissatisfied". hkupop.hku.hk |
拍摄後,半按快门按钮会进入到下一张图片的拍摄。 us.leica-camera.com | After taking the picture, press the shutter buttonhalfway downto take [...] the next picture. en.leica-camera.com |
根据WSTS统计,2004前三季全球半导体市场销售值达1,576亿美元,较2003年同期成长33.2%;销售量达3,290亿颗,较2003年同期成长23.3%,ASP则由0.44上昇至0.48美元,不过销售额年成长率由上半年的36.4%,下降到2004年前三季的33.2%,单月销售值成长率正逐步下滑,显示半导体景气正逐渐趋缓中。 tsia.org.tw | According to the WSTS, cumulated [...] revenue of worldwide semiconductormarketof the previous [...]three quarters of 2004 reached US$157.6b, [...]a 33.2% increase from the same period last year; sales quantity reached 329b ICs, up 23.3% over the same period last year; ASP grew from US$0.44 to US$0.48. However, year-on-year revenue growth rate fell from 36.4% in 1H to 33.2% in the first three quarters of 2004, showing that the monthly revenue growth is declining and the semiconductor industry is slowing down. tsia.org.tw |
(a) 裁判员必须带有哨笛,而且吹响它来指示每一半场比赛的开始与结束。 irblaws.com | (a) The referee must carry a whistle and blow the whistle to indicate the [...] beginning and end of each half of the match. irblaws.com |
在半场暂停时,球队、裁判员和巡边员都 可离开比赛围场。 irblaws.com | During the interval the teams, the referee and the touch judges may leave the playing enclosure. irblaws.com |
倘於会议的指定举行时间後半个小时内并无法定人数出席,则大 会(倘按股东要求召开)将会解散,惟於任何其他情况下,大会 [...] 将延後至下一星期同日(或倘该日为相关地区公共假日,则为该 公共假日之下个营业日),按董事会决定之时间及地点举行,或 董事会厘定的其他日期、时间或地点举行,惟无须就该续会发出 通知。 taunggold.com | If,within half an hourfromthe time [...] appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened by or [...]upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved, but in any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week (or if that day be a public holiday in the Relevant Territory, then to the next business day following such public holiday), at the same time and place or to such other day and at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board and no notice of such adjournment need be given. taunggold.com |
在澳洲,由於新产品要到本财政年度下半年才推出市场,因此电讯产品在当地的销售额温和下跌。 vtech.com | In Australia, sales declined moderately as new products have been scheduled for [...] introduction in the secondhalf of the financial year. vtech.com |
感谢董事长徐名璋、副校长邱立仪、赖玉娟及司仪郑弘、学生代 联会指导老师杨俭乐及所有参加的学生、家长、教师、职员、董事们;从活动流程策划、学 [...] 生节目表演、抽奖礼品、餐点供应、音响、场地布置、节目单,到最後场地整理善後等等, 都能顺利完成,全要归功於大家的团队合作精神,让我再次的谢谢大家! clsphoenix.org | I am also grateful to all the students, parents, teachers, staff, and Board Chairman Rockwell Hsu, Vice Principals Li-Yi Tien, and Tina Lai ; MC Jeff Jeng and Student Council Advisor Melody Young, for tending to all the details of the event, including the entertaining [...] programs, raffle prizes, food preparation, [...] audio equipment, venuedecoration and [...]the program, etc. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. clsphoenix.org |
个半小时的现场拍摄工作便足以说明这个制作有多庞大:节拍强劲的背景音乐衬托下,大热剧集 [...] Heroes 的数名主要演员涂上全副化妆,穿好与拍摄主题呼应的华丽服装,在简约朴实的布景中摆好姿势,外头是忘得不可开交的摄影师、助理摄影师、场景设计师与搭建人员、工作室与公关代表、服装师、化妆师、相片编辑,还有数码技术人员东奔西跑,每项现场拍摄工作都动员超过二十人。 mammals.org | How big was [...] evidentin just one half-hour sessionon the [...]set. Backed by a constant stream of booming music, several actors [...]from the cast of the hit show Heroes in full makeup and theme-appropriate dress posed on an ingeniously simple but convincing set, attended by a churning scrum of photographers, photographer’s assistants, set designers and builders, studio and personal PR reps, clothing stylists, make-up artists, photo editors, and digital techs. mammals.org |
是次协作构思历时一年,以Mihara [...] Yasuhiro标志性的双物料制作,保留鞋侧的原始Zip设计;鞋子後半部以马毛包裹,前半部则由毛巾物料制成,利用漂染方式染成独特的豹纹图案,制作时更加进一种特别物料以保持鞋身坚固。 think-silly.com | The design takes shape over one year, and made in Mihara Yasuhiro [...] signature duo-material. Keeping the original zip [...] detail,the back half of the shoeis wrapped [...]with horsehair; the front half is [...]made in toweling material, with tie-dye leopard print effect. think-silly.com |
不过,由於时间不足,集会又因下雨而草草收场,我们只收集了中後场区的数据,而前场区则援用去年的数字,即平方米人口密度为2.81人,亦与我们今年录得中间场区的数字2.83吻合。 hkupop.hku.hk | The average is very close to the density we obtained from the fourth pitch this year, 2.83 persons per square meter. hkupop.hku.hk |