单词 | 後会有期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 后会有期—Hope see you again.I'm sure we'll meet again some day. [idiom.]See also:会有v—would havev 后期—late stage later period 后期adj—lateadj 会期adj—sessional
这些VRS後期选项的另一个 优点是它们不依赖於面,可让您删除空白背面页面,而不会有删除资料 很少的正面页面之风险。 graphics.kodak.com | Another advantage of these post VRS options is that they are side-independent, allowing you to delete blank back pages without the [...] risk of deleting a front page with very little data. graphics.kodak.com |
本公司亦将於股东周年大会上按股东周年大会通告载列的条款,就授予董事发行授权 提呈普通决议案,以配发、发行及处理不超过本公司於有关决议案通过当日之已发行股本 面值总额20%之股份,以及於截至下列时间(以最早者为准)止期间内任何时间,将相当於 本公司於授出购回授权後购回之股份面值总额之任何股份,加入将授予董事之发行授权 内:(a)本公司下届股东周年大会结束时;(b)细则或任何适用法例规定本公司须举行下届股 东周年大会之期限届满时;及(c)该授权於股东大会上以普通决议案撤销或修订当日。 centron.com.hk | Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital [...] of the Company in [...] issue as at the dateof passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by theCompany after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual generalmeeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held;and (c) thedate upon whichsuch authority [...]is revoked or [...]varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders. centron.com.hk |
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及第 3分部的条文须向本公司作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股本有关的购股权),而该等股本附有权利可於任何情况下在本集团 任何其他成员公司的股东大会上投票。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, [...] as at the LatestPractical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances atgeneral meetings ofanyother member [...]of the Group. equitynet.com.hk |
就本公司细则而言,董事向董事会发出载有下列内容之一 般通知,即被视作已根据本公司细则就任何有关合约或安排充分申报利益,该通知须 申明(a)该董事为个别公司或商号之股东,而将被视作在可能於该通知日期後与该公司 或商号订立之任何合约或安排中涉及利益或(b)该董事将被视作在可能於该通知日期 後与其关连人士订立之任何合约或安排中涉及利益;惟须在董事会会议上呈交该通 知,或该董事采取合理步骤确保该通知可在发出後下一个董事会会议上获得提呈及阅 读,该通知方为有效。 asiasat.com | Forthe purposes of this Bye-law, a general notice to the Board by a Director to the effect that (a) he is a shareholder of a specified company or firm and is to be regarded as interested in any [...] contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with that company or firm or (b) he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may after the date of the notice be made with a specified person who is connected with him, shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-law in relation to any such contract or arrangement; provided that no such notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at thenext Board meeting after it is given. asiasat.com |
(b) 其被视为於通知日期後与其有关连的特定人士订立的任何合约或安排中 拥有权益; 就任何上述合约或安排而言,应视为本细则下的充分利益申明,惟除非通知在董事会会议上发出或董事采取合理步骤确保通知在发出後的下一董事会会议上提出及宣读,否则 通知无效。 mainland.com.hk | shall be deemed to be a [...] sufficient declaration of interest under this Bye-law in relationto any such contract or arrangement, provided that no such Notice shall be effective unless either it is given at a meetingof the Boardor the Director takes reasonable steps to secure that it is brought up and read at the next Board meeting after it [...]is given. mainland.com.hk |
(C) 一名董事向董事会发出一般通知,表明其被视为於有关通知日期後可能与任 何指定人士、商号或法团订立的任何合约或安排中拥有权益,就任何上述合 约或安排而言,应视为充份利益申明,惟除非通知在董事会会议上发出或董 事采取合理步骤确保通知在发出後的下一次董事会会议上提出及宣讀,否则 [...] 通知属无效。 sisinternational.com.hk | (C) A general notice to the Directors by a Director thathe is to be regarded as [...] interested in anycontract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person, firm or corporationafter the date of such [...]notice shall be a [...]sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Directors or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Directors after it is given. sisinternational.com.hk |
陈伟仁先生提醒与会人士,在《2008年食物内防腐剂(修订)规例》的过渡期届满後, 有一种防腐剂「对羟基苯甲酸丙酯(食物添加剂国际编码系统编号216)」及其替代物不 再获准用於食物中。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr. W. Y. CHAN [...] reminded that after the transitionalperiod of Preservatives in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2008 was expired, one preservative, [...]propyl para-hydroxybenzoate [...](INS 216), and its alternative form would no longer be permitted to be used in food. cfs.gov.hk |
(iii) 倘该等股份於联交所上市,本公司已在於香港流通之一份主要英文 日报上以英文及一份主要中文日报上以中文(即就公司条例第 71A 条於宪报刊发及刊登之报章)刊登广告,作出通知表明有意出售该 等股份,并已知会联交所该意图,而且由最後一日刊登该广告之日期後起已过三个月的期间。 mmg.com | (iii) where such shares are listed on the Stock Exchange the Company has caused advertisements to be inserted in English in a leading English language daily newspaper and in Chinese in a leading Chinese language daily newspaper circulating in Hong Kong, being newspapers issued and published in the Gazette for the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance, giving notice of its [...] [...] intention to sell such shares and has notified the Stock Exchange of such intention anda periodofthree months has elapsed since the date of the[...]last ofsuch advertisements. mmg.com |
倘董事会於任何系列优先股配发日期之前厘定,除经拥有该等系列优先股 面值四分之三的持有人书面同意,或经该系列优先股持有人於另行召开的 股东大会上通过特别决议案批准外,根据细则第 171 条,董事会不得将该 条所述可供分派款项的任何部分予以资本化,以致资本化後有关款项的总 额少於当时已发行的该等系列优先股及当时已发行且与该等股份在分占 利润方面享有同等权益的任何其他优先股於资本化後十二个月期间应付 股息(不包括任何相关税项抵免)总额,乘以董事会於该等系列优先股配 发日期之前可能厘定的倍數(如有)。 prudential.co.uk | If so determined by the board prior to the date of allotment of any series of Preference Shares, save with the written consent of the holders of three-quarters in nominal value of, or the sanction of a special resolution passed at a separate General Meeting of the holders of, such series of Preference Shares, the board shall not, pursuant to Article 171, capitalise any part of the amounts available for [...] distribution and referred [...] to therein ifafter such capitalisation the aggregate of such amounts would be less than such multiple,ifany,asmay bedetermined by the board prior to the date of allotment of such series of Preference Shares, of the aggregate amount of the dividends (exclusive of any associated tax credit) payable in thetwelvemonthperiod following such capitalisation on the Preference [...]Shares of such series [...]then in issue and any other Preference Shares then in issue expressed to rank pari passu therewith as regards participation in profits. prudential.co.uk |
(G) 董事会可於任何情况下决定,不得向於股东名册登记之股东(或转 让股份而言,於董事会厘定之日期後登记之股份)提供本细则第(A)段下的选择权, 而在此情况下,上述条文应与有关决定一并阅读并据此诠释。 hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk | (G) The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election under paragraph (A) of this Article shall not be made available to shareholders who are registered in the [...] register of [...] shareholders, or in respect of shares the transfer of which is registered, after a date fixed bythe Board and in such event the provisions aforesaid shall be read [...]and construed subject to such determination. hongkongfoodinvestment.com.hk |
对此類个别会议而言,本细则所有与公司大会或程序有关的规定都在必要变更後适用,例外情况是,必要的法定人數为兩人,且与股东或派 遣代理出席会议的股东持有该级别以面值发行股份至少三分之一股份(当举行延期会议以上限定的法定人數未出席时,任何持有该级别以面值发行股份至少三分 之一以上股份的兩名或持有相同數量股份股东派出的代表都构成法定人數),而 且每名亲自出席会议或派遣代表出席会议的该级别股份的所有人在投票表决 时,都可以就其所持有的每一股份投出一票,而且也有权要求进行投票表决。 vitasoy.com | To every such [...] separate meeting all theprovisions of these Articles relating to General Meetings of the Company or the proceedings thereat shall mutatis mutandis apply, except that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least holding or representing by proxy one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of the class (but so that if atanyadjourned meeting of such [...]holders a quorum as [...]above defined is not present any two persons holding or representing by proxy shares of the class shall be a quorum, whatever the number of shares held by them), and that every holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy shall, on a poll, have one vote in respect of every share of the class held by him and shall be entitled to demand a poll. vitasoy.com |
我/我们/本号〕现确认,在提交本投标表格时,除以下备注所指的豁免通讯外,〔我/我 们/本号〕并没有将建议缴纳的租金金额传达房屋署以外的任何人士、透过与任何其他人士的安 排 调 整 任 何 建 议 缴 纳 的 租 金 金 额 、 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 们 / 本号〕或该人应否提交投标表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式与任何其他人士串通;并承诺,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 竞 投 者 招 租 结 果 的 任 何 时 间 , 除 以 下 备 注 所 指 的 豁 免 通 讯外,〔我/我们/本号〕不会将建议缴纳的租金金额传达房屋署以外的任何人士、透过与任何其他人士的安排调整任何建 议 缴 纳 的 租 金 金 额 、 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 们 / 本 号 〕 或 该 人 应否竞投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式与任何其他人士串通。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever. housingauthority.gov.hk |
他知道,检测和认证局稍後会安排与业界举行会议,进一步讨論有关发展藍图。 cfs.gov.hk | He understood that HKCTC would arrange meetings with the trade later to discuss further [...] on the development plan. cfs.gov.hk |
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。 asiasat.com | (B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, [...] such sum in such currency as theBoard may from time to time determine to be [...] reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Boardmay from time to time determine) forevery certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine. asiasat.com |
欧洲化学品 管理局应定期向欧洲委员会推介需列於候选清单中的高关注 物质,欧洲委员会随後会决定是否有必要将此物质列入授权 清单中(附件十四)。 tuv-sud.cn | The EC will determine whether it is necessary to include the substances into the Authorisation List (Annex XIV). tuv-sud.cn |
待授出购回授权之决议案获通过後,并假设在最後实际可行日期後及直至股东周年大会举行时再无发行或购回股份,本公司将获准於截至(i)本公司下届股东周年大会结束;或(ii)任何 [...] 适用法律或组织章程细则规定本公司须举行下届股东周年大会之限期届满;或(iii)股东在本公 [...]司股东大会上通过普通决议案撤销或修订(以较早发生者为准)的期内购回最多183,000,000股 股份,占本公司期内已发行股本之10%。 cre8ir.com | Subject to the passing of the resolution granting the Repurchase Mandate and on the basis that no further Shares are issued or [...] repurchased after the [...] Latest Practicable Date andup to the Annual GeneralMeeting,the Company [...]will be allowed to repurchase [...]a maximum of 183,000,000 Shares which represent 10 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company during the period ending on the earlier of (i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; or (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by any applicable laws or the Articles of Association to be held; or (iii) the revocation or variation by an ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in general meeting of the Company. cre8ir.com |
缴付的部分还款如不足以清偿全部到期应缴的款项,会先用以清偿逾期附加费;如有余额,会用 作清还利息;再有余额,会用作清还贷款本金部分的逾期欠款;最後会用作清还特区政府因追讨 逾期欠款所支付的所有费用。 sfaa.gov.hk | Any partial repayment made by you [...] which does not [...] discharge in full any amount due and payable shall be applied in or toward the discharge of: firstly the surcharge, secondly (any balance thereof) the interest, thirdly (any balance thereof) the overdue principal portion of the loan and finally allcosts incurred by the Governmentfor the recovery of theoverdue amount. sfaa.gov.hk |
除该等条文所规定者外,兑换股份在各方面与发行兑换股份时已发 行的普通股享有同等地位,并在本公司细则第 6(C)条第 5(C)段及本 第 7 段条文的规限下,赋予兑换股份持有人权利获得於兑换日期後记录日期普通股所获派付或作出的一切分派,惟倘於兑换日期後记 录日期就本公司截至该兑换日期前止任何财务期间作出任何分派, [...] 则兑换股份持有人将无权获得有关分派。 wuling.com.hk | The Conversion Shares shall, save as provided for in these provisions, rank pari passu in all respects with the Ordinary Shares in issue at the time the Conversion Shares are issued, and shall, subject to the proviso of paragraph 5(C) in this Bye-law 6(C) and this [...] paragraph 7, entitle the [...] holders thereof toall distributions paid or made on the Ordinary Shares by reference to a RecordDate fallingafter the Conversion [...]Date, provided that [...]if a Record Date after the Conversion Date is in respect of any distribution in respect of any financial period of the Company ended prior to such Conversion Date, the holders of the Conversion Shares will not be entitled to such distribution. wuling.com.hk |
尽管如上文所述作出任何没收,於任何被没收股份被出售、重新配发或以其他方式 处置之前,董事会有权随时准许於全部缴清相关股份的催缴股款及到期利息及应计费用後或其认为适当的进一步条款(如有)後购回被没收股份。 soundwill.com.hk | Notwithstanding any such forfeiture as aforesaid the Board may at any time, before any shares so forfeited shall have been sold, re-allotted or otherwise disposed of, [...] permit the shares forfeited to [...] be bought back uponthe terms ofpayment of all calls and interest due upon and expenses incurred in respect of the share, and upon such further terms (if any) as itthinks fit. soundwill.com.hk |
业界谘询論坛与会人士稍後会获告知解决方法,例如有关建议如何处理以“实际称重"计算的预先包装食物,或每包装 并无既定重量的预先包装食物(例如重量不一的鸡只),而这些食物每食用分量的营养素 含量应是相若的。 cfs.gov.hk | This included the suggestion of treating prepackaged food products that were sold at a “catch-weight” status or as it came with no predetermined exact weight for each package, such as chicken, due to the variation of weight among chickens, where the nutrients should be the same per unit of serving. cfs.gov.hk |