单词 | 煎牛扒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 煎牛扒—beef steakSee also:煎v—fryv 煎—sauté pan fry 牛扒n—steakn Oxn 扒—strip off dig up push aside crawl cling to braise rake up hold on to pull out
另一项研究也发现,在相同条件下煎熟的牛肉饼,经微波预 先处理的牛肉饼所含有的几种选定 [...] HCAs 的含量,比没有经微波处理的 减少三至九倍之多15。 cfs.gov.hk | Another study also found that compared [...] with non-microwaved beef patties fried under [...]identical conditions, the amount of selected [...]HCAs decreased three- to nine-fold after microwave pretreatment15 . cfs.gov.hk |
一项 有关烹煮羊肉和牛肉产生诱变物质的研究指出,并无证据证明使用微波 烹煮的羊扒、西冷牛扒、羊 腿或牛肉卷产生诱变物质9 。 cfs.gov.hk | A study examined mutagen production in [...] cookedlamb and beeffound no evidence of mutagenicity in microwave-cookedlambchops,sirloin steak, [...]leg of lamb or rolledbeef loaf9 . cfs.gov.hk |
一项研究 发现,用粟米油以传统方法煎熟或翻热的牛肉,PAHs 含量颇高,但以微 波烹煮或翻热的牛肉只含微量 PAHs1。 cfs.gov.hk | A study found that significant amount of [...] PAHs was formed when beef cooked incorn oil by conventional frying andreheating [...]whereas negligible [...]amount was formed when cooked by microwave cooking and reheating1 . cfs.gov.hk |
除夕夜及新年特选套餐亦各提供不同款式的前菜、主菜及甜品,如五香乳猪伴鹅肝、烤杂海鲜伴蒜味牛油汁、煎和牛及龙虾扒伴芥末汁及暖梨卷配辣椒冰淇淋等。 hk.sandsmacao.com | The New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Dinner Menus feature different sets of starters, main courses and desserts, including spiced suckling pig with foie [...] gras, broiled selection of seafood [...] with garlic blanc,seared Wagyu beef and lobster medallion [...]with mustard dip, and warm [...]pear strudel with chilli ice cream. sandsmacao.com |
欧陆餐厅贝隆亦将为宾客献上精致盛宴,推出六道菜肴套餐包括烟燻蓝鳍金枪鱼刺身、龙虾浓汤及香煎鹅肝,主菜则可选择智利海鲈鱼或美国USDA西冷扒,最 後奉上精选甜品。 yp.mo | The six-course anniversary menu at [...] Belon includes [...] Smoked Blue Fin Tuna Sashimi, Lobster Bisque, PanSeared Foie Gras, a main course selection of Chilean [...]Sea Bass or USDA [...]New York Strip and a Dessert Sampler. yp.mo |
晚饭时,牛扒和龙虾最受欢迎;午饍时,客人则多选择铁板烧。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Steak and lobster are popular dinner [...] choices, while teppanyaki is the lunchtime favourite. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
避免进食未经烹煮或未熟透的牛肉(如 牛扒或半熟的汉堡饱)。 hsbc.com.hk | Avoid eating raw or [...] undercookedbeef (steak orrare hamburgers, [...]for example). hsbc.com.hk |
客人可选鲜牛肉薄片、煎香葱吞拿鱼、烟三文鱼、巴马腿蜜瓜或蕃茄水牛软芝士为前菜,佐以Renato Ratti Dolcetto Colombe [...] DOC 2011可谓配搭一流。 yp.mo | Appetizers ranging fromBeef Carpaccio withTruffles,Seared Tuna with Chives, [...] Capsicum, Olives and Smoked Salmon, Parma [...]Ham with Melon and Buffalo Mozzarella & Tomato are accompanied by the Renato Dolcetto Colombe DOC 2011, a perfect combination. yp.mo |
除The COOK•厨外,还有The MEET•聚,一个独具特色的牛扒馆和海鲜、烧烤餐厅,以及The [...] BREW•酿,源自澳洲的啤酒酿造酒坊,结合各自的特色,致力成为上海最具创新理念的用餐和娱乐场所之一。 diningcity.com | The COOK, along with The MEET, [...] a specialty steakhouse andgrill, [...]and The BREW, an Australian-designed craft brewery, combine [...]as one of Shanghai’s most innovative dining and entertainment destinations. diningcity.com |
2、不粘锅,放3大匙橄榄油,置炉上开大中火,放入都掉多余面粉的牛排两面煎焦黄(图2),拣出牛排放入 电压力锅的内胆里。 maomaomom.com | 2: In a non-stick deep sauté pan, brownbeef ribs with 3 tablespoons olive [...] oil on medium-high heat. maomaomom.com |
利用全新套餐 [...] Bellini 早午餐菜单令您的早午餐更加美味可口,其中包括烤牛肉配 橄榄油煎蛋和干胡椒酱或山羊奶酪意大利饺配五朵百合等纯正的意式主菜。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Add some bubbles to your brunch with the Bellini Brunch Menu featuring rustic [...] Italian-inspired main courses like Grilled [...] Chopped Wagyu Beef Crostone with olive oil fried egg& green [...]peppercorn sauce or Goat Cheese Ravioli with Five Lilies. marinabaysands.com |
食物搭配:水煮牛肉,煎羊肩肉,炖兔肩肉,软心的巧克力蛋糕 sfgourmet.com | Food pairing: poachedbeef,pan friedshoulder [...] of lamb, stewed shoulder of rabbit, soft-centered chocolate cake sfgourmet.com |
四道菜色分别为意大利野菌沙律、自制意粉、顾客自选牛仔 柳或香煎鳟鱼,并以合桃忌廉配焦糖香梨及白松露为这个别致的餐饮体验划上一个完美的句号。 yp.mo | The set menu [...] features a warm porcini andchanterelle mushroom salad, home-made tagliolini, and the guest’s choice of vealtenderloin orpan fried ocean [...]trout, and a walnut [...]cream with caramelized pear and fresh truffle for dessert. yp.mo |
要吃美味的牛扒和喝红酒,可以前去Goodman (495 775 98 88;www.goodman-steak.ru)。在那里可找到 牛扒、墨 鱼圈、烧排骨、薯条、Guinness啤酒、霖酒和可乐汽水等,另外那里的露台也是全莫斯科最好之一。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | To have tasty steaksandred wine, drop by any of the Goodman restaurants (495 775 98 88; www.goodman-steak.ru). There you'll find steaks, calamari rings, [...] spareribs, French [...]fries, Guinness, rum and coke and one of the best terraces in Moscow. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
悠闲水烟、时髦酒吧、美味牛扒三文 治......和安里值得你慢慢细味。 ilovelkf.hk | Sharks, Shisha and Cocktails Await you at Bloop - LKF’s New Shisha Lounge ... ilovelkf.hk |
悠闲水烟、时髦酒吧、美味牛扒三文 治......和安里值得你慢慢细味。 ilovelkf.hk | We sat down with Andrew Bull, resident DJ of [...] Disco Disco in the late 70s, to talk about the early ye... ilovelkf.hk |
精选菜式:蒸金目鲷,松叶蟹配日本圆萝卜蓉、天妇罗松叶蟹脚,沙追鱼,舞茸菇,南瓜、澳洲和 牛扒饭伴 黑松露照烧汁等。 yp.mo | Menu Includes: Steamed Alfonsino, Snow Crab and Vegetables dressed with Grated Turnip Sticky Sauce yp.mo |
被评选为港澳最佳扒房之一的高雅扒房,客人可在温和典雅的环境及浪漫的气氛下细尝美食,更可亲睹厨师於开放式的厨房为您精心烤制美味 牛扒。 cn.sandsmacao.com | Rated the best steakhouse in Hong Kong and Macao, Copa features an open [...] kitchen, allowing you to appreciate our chefs while they work to perfect your juicy, [...] sizzling, grilled prime beef steak. sandsmacao.com |
中心地处密西西比河三 角洲,它是为低薪的非裔美国工人和所有在极端贫困中煎熬的 人,为他们的尊严和人权而奋斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Located in the Mississippi delta, the Center fights for the dignity and human rights of low-wage African-American workers and all those who languish in extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於现时有关丙烯酰胺的资料有限,我们无须改变就基本膳食习惯 所作的健康饮食建议:即应保持饮食均衡,多吃蔬果,不进食过量煎炸和肥腻食物。 cfs.gov.hk | At present, the data on acrylamide are not sufficient to warrant changes in basic dietary advice on healthy eating, i.e., have a balanced and varied diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and should moderate consumption of fried and fatty foods. cfs.gov.hk |
根据他们的文化,亲人被残暴杀害的状况以及逝者没有得到适当安 葬的事实仍使他们备受煎熬。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under their culture, they remain still tormented by the circumstances of the violent deaths of their beloved ones, and the fact that the deceased did not have a proper burial. daccess-ods.un.org |
名列香港及澳门顶级扒房之一的高雅扒房推出一系列令人垂涎欲滴的精致牛排及海鲜佳肴,由澳门币79元起,包括法国鹅肝配草莓批及草莓酱、9小时慢煮澳洲和 牛扒,以及由餐厅糕点厨师余世强独家设计的9种香料冻糕配粟子芒果脆卷。 cn.sandsmacao.com | Hong Kong and Macao's premium steakhouse offers a succulent selection of special dishes to satisfy steak and seafood lovers starting at just MOP 79 per dish, including a French foie grasterrine with strawberry [...] sauce, a nine-hour sous vide grilled [...] Australian wagyuflatironsteak and anine-flavour [...]parfait with warm chestnut mango [...]strudel designed by in-house pastry chef Yu Sai Keung. sandsmacao.com |
如果您是一名系统管理员,正在承受着如下的煎熬:发疯地寻找配置某个服务的JBoss AS配置文件;痛苦地敲着冗长的JBoss管理命令行;眼花缭乱地在n个终端窗口中切换对JBoss服务器实例的监控,那么您应该立即停下来,关注一下JBoss社区新开源的项目Jopr。 javakaiyuan.com | If you are a system administrator , are suffering the torment of the following : crazy looking for the configuration a service JBoss AS configuration file ; painfully knocked long JBoss management command line ; dazzling in n a terminal window, switch to the JBoss monitoring server instance , you should immediately stop , look at JBoss new open source community projects Jopr . javakaiyuan.com |