

单词 有棱有角

See also:


ridge corner
edge and corner
sharpness (of a protrusion)

有角 n

horn n

棱角 n

angle n

External sources (not reviewed)

Berker 作为官方的项目合作伙伴,负责用全新 K.1 系列来装饰,感谢其冷调的风格, 有棱有角 的 设 计完美地融入房屋装修中。
As an official project partner, Berker equipped the property with
its new Serie K.1, which thanks to the clear form
[...] language of its angular design fits perfectly [...]
into the house's concept.
设计草图经过修改,原先的圆润曲线化为尖锐 棱角 , 具 有 力 量 感的线条得到强化,DualTow 的精髓一跃而出。
As the sketches were successively adjusted, the early rounded curves
[...] gave way to sharper angles and more powerful [...]
lines of force, as the very essence of
the DualTow gradually emerged.
这款车型的造型设计由吉奥瓦尼•米切洛蒂操刀完成,与Touring设计的双门跑车 有 不 同 , 棱角 更 为分明,更显阳刚。
The car’s styling – penned by
Giovanni Michelotti – differed from that of the Touring coupé
[...] with a slightly more angular and muscular design [...]
暗地裡,他十分欣賞腕錶瑰麗的金質時標, 有 錶 鏈 的堅硬 棱角 設 計
The gold indices are a flamboyant touch that he secretly rather likes, along
[...] with the solidity and angularity of the bracelet.
(c) 免除除害劑容器上有棱紋的規定,因為有關規定已無 法有效區分除害劑及非除害劑產品。
(c) removing the ribbing requirement of pesticide containers, as it
[...] no longer serves any useful purpose [...]
in distinguishing the pesticide from other non-pesticide products.
预制混凝土柱子和墙上特制的镶边瓷砖形成鲜明对比,使得大跨度空间结构与 棱角 分 明的细部设计之间亦构成强烈的对比,相映成趣。
The contrast of the precast concrete columns and the special border tiles on the walls produces dynamic tension between the long span structure and its sharp detailing.
通常果一2瓣裂蒴果,通常称角果(siliqua)什么时候长度3 * 或超过宽度,或(silicula)什么时候长度少于3 * 宽度, 开裂或者不裂, 有时schizocarpic,坚果状,具节荚,翅果状的或,与否裂片,圆柱状 有棱 , 扁 平对隔膜平行的或具宽隔膜或, 裂爿2(或3-6); 假隔膜(持久的胎盘)绕行,很少使或具翅变平; 隔膜完全,在上打孔,退化至一凸缘,或缺乏; 花柱1,离生,废退,或无; 柱头头状或圆锥状,全缘或2裂,有时裂片和离生或合生。
Fruit typically a 2-valved capsule, generally termed silique (siliqua) when length 3 × or more than width, or silicle (silicula) when length less than 3 × width, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes schizocarpic, nutletlike, lomentaceous, or samaroid, segmented or not, terete, angled, or flattened parallel to septum (latiseptate) or at a right angle to septum (angustiseptate); valves 2(or 3-6); replum (persistent placenta) rounded, rarely flattened or winged; septum complete, perforated, reduced to a rim, or lacking; style 1, distinct, obsolete, or absent; stigma capitate or conical, entire or 2-lobed, sometimes lobes decurrent and free or connate.
Okina(原 Rstar)和 Ouna(原 Vstar)是日本制造的用于支持无线电学研究 的角棱镜。
Okina (formerly Rstar) and Ouna (formerly Vstar) were Japanese-made octagonal prisms to support [...]
radio science.
其核心理念不仅是以协同的方式将 环境与发展融合及结合起来,而 且还要有效地将可持续性考虑纳入经济和发展决 策,并确保通过可持续性棱镜处理 所 有 发 展 行动。
The core idea is not only to integrate and combine the environment and development in a synergistic manner, but also to mainstream effectively sustainability considerations into economic and
developmental decision-making and to
[...] ensure that all development actions are approached through the prism of sustainability.
(c) 免除現時除害劑容器上有棱 紋的理由,以及在免除該項規定 後,失明人士如何能分辨除害劑 產品。
(c) reasons for removing the ribbing requirement on pesticide containers and how the blind could distinguish pesticide products after such requirement was removed.
彩色蓝宝石水晶被切割得如宝石 棱角 分 明
The colored sapphire crystal is cut in degrees, like a precious stone.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁 角 区 倡 议——这 一地区有世界 最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area
in the Pacific Ocean,
[...] and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and [...]
provided a critical spawning
and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
它进而呼吁保留在说明《公约》文本期间采用的“ 有 建 设 性的棱 两可”,这不应与缺乏明确混为一谈。
The delegate called for the preservation of the types of ‘constructive ambiguities’, that arose during the elaboration of the Convention text and which should not be confused with a lack of clarity.
[...] valve body shown; angle-pattern body available.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨 有 组 织 犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛 角 度 审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
[...] 强调,咨询委员会重视中央支助事务厅在以下方面发挥的中央领导作用,即确保 从整个组织的角,处理有关建 设、主要维修和全面管理联合国设施的需要和优 [...]
In its report A/65/518, the Advisory Committee emphasized the importance it attached to the central leadership role of the Office of
Central Support Services in ensuring an
[...] Organization-wide perspective on the needs and [...]
priorities relating to construction,
major maintenance and the overall management of United Nations facilities.
利用丝光打磨的玻璃幕墙作为房间隔断,使得区域 划分不再显棱角分明
Satin-finished glass walls act as screens without separating the areas too harshly.
通常,托马斯·史翠克在用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料磨制原作的同时,也会备制第二份作品,第二件作品当然是 棱角 不 齐、形态万状的边角料制成,他一般对于第一件雕塑的结构提不起兴趣,但对于备制品倒是兴致盎然;为了充分利用边角料,他会挖空心思探索新复制品的结构。
Basically, Thomas Stricker takes a doubling of the origin, whereas he is less interested in the first structure, which he forms out of the concrete Styrofoam block, but in the second one, which he creates out of an unstructured, unpredictable messy rest.
其设计特征鲜明,一眼即可辨识,硬朗 棱角 , 穿过表壳的螺丝设计,开创钟表业先河,完美演绎出品牌的融合理念 !
Its design – brand new to the world of
watchmaking – was immediately
[...] recognisable: with sharper corners and screws which passed [...]
right through the case, it represented
the perfect illustration of the concept of fusion, the philosophy of the brand.
通过“文化多样性计棱镜 ” ,向非洲国家提供了制 定、修改和更新其文化政策的专业知识。
Expert advice was also provided to African countries to formulate, revise and update their cultural policies by means of the “Cultural Diversity Programming Lens”.
各位成员 也许知道,我是一名演员,但是在我扮演的 有角色 和 我打败的所有坏人中,有时候是以相当漂亮的武术 动作打败这些坏人的,但从来没有以我代表“确保道 路安全”运动扮演的角色最么重要和令人满足。
As members probably know, I am an actress, but of all the roles that I have played and all the villains I have defeated, sometimes with pretty cool martial arts moves, nothing has been as important or fulfilling as the role I have played on behalf of the “Make roads safe” campaign.
據了解,部分藥房雖然聘有藥劑師,但他們並無發揮「守門㆟」的有角色,對監管藥房售賣危險藥物採取「隻眼開、隻眼閉」的態度,使藥房的最後 監察防線崩潰。
It is understood that although some drugstores have employed pharmacists, these pharmacists have not done the job of "door-keepers" and as far as monitoring is concerned they wink at the sale of dangerous drugs by drugstores.
果干燥,二分果瓣,通常附着在果瓣柄上,成熟时分离,分果瓣背面不同程度扁平,横向或者圆柱状;每分果 有 5 条 主 棱, 一条背棱,2条侧棱,3条棱, 有时有4条与 主棱互生的次级棱,棱丝形到形成宽翅,薄或木栓质沟槽和分果的合生面通常有油管(在棱和棱之 有 沟 槽 ),很少果皮上有油管,有时不明显。
Fruit dry, of two mericarps united by their faces (commissure), and usually attached to a central axis (carpophore), from which the mericarps separate at maturity; mericarps are variously flattened dorsally,
laterally or terete; each
[...] mericarp has 5 primary ribs, one down the back (dorsal rib), two on the edges near the commissure (lateral ribs), and two between the dorsal and lateral ribs (intermediate ribs), occasionally with four secondary ribs alternating with the primary, the ribs filiform to broadly winged, thin or corky; vittae (oil-tubes) usually present in the furrow (intervals between the ribs sometimes called the valleculae) and on the commissure [...]
face, rarely also
in the pericarp, sometimes obscure.
[...] 家的小学入学率和毕业率有所改善,但毕业率在斐济、巴布亚新几内亚、苏里南 瓦努阿图和佛角有所下降。
Primary enrolment and completion rates have improved in most
small island developing States, but completion rates
[...] declined in Fiji, Cape Verde, Papua New [...]
Guinea, Suriname and Vanuatu.
为了避免立体内视镜的这些缺点和高花费,有些系统使用配 有棱 镜 的 单一内视镜,棱镜可以将影像分成两个独立的影像,之后再送往两个摄影机,其余的影像处理和立体内视镜系统相同,此一系统可以获得较佳的影像分辨率和较高的亮度,3D效果明显但不真实。
To avoid the drawbacks and high cost of
stereo-endoscopes, certain systems use a mono-endoscope
[...] equipped with a prism that separates [...]
the image into two identical images, which
are then sent to two video cameras.
[...] 花被(3或者)4或5,通常离生,镊合状,裂 有棱 , 横 向地具脊或具长柔毛;同数的雄蕊花被裂片; [...]
花丝在芽中内折; 不发育子房宿存。
Male flowers subglobose, apex abruptly
truncate; perianth (3 or)4 or 5, usually free,
[...] valvate, segments angled, transversely [...]
crested or villous; stamens as many as perianth
lobes; filaments inflexed in bud; rudimentary ovary present.
首 先,自由行無 疑 為內地人士來 港 提 供 了 很 大 方便, 不過, 既然香港已 經是中 國的一部分, 為了更方便珠 江 三 角 洲 ( “ 珠 三 角 ” ) 4 000 萬名潛 在 旅 客 , 我 早 在 2001 年年底 , 已 經 在本會 要求特區 政 府向在珠角 有 戶 籍 的 人士劃一發 出“訪 港 旅 行 證 ” , 持 證者可以像 回 鄉 證 一 樣 , 在有效期內, 無 限 次 數來港 旅 遊、探親或 公 幹 。
First, it is undeniable that the Individual Visit Scheme is of great convenience to mainlanders visiting Hong Kong. However, as Hong Kong is already a part of China, to offer greater convenience to the 40 million potential visitors in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), I urged the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) in this Council, in as early as the end of 2001, to issue "travel permits for visiting Hong Kong" to registered residents in the PRD Region.
提出建议的各国与佛角 有 着良 好 的相互关系 , 佛 得 角 政 府信赖它们,没有它们的支持,便难以取得更大的成果。
access to water, improving health and satisfying other basic needs of the population. The States that made recommendations had good mutual relationships with Cape Verde and the Government was relying on them, since without their support, it will be difficult to achieve additional results.
[...] 叶片正面在脉间或接近脉的角上通常粉黄绿到白色,斜卵形或近圆形, 5-20 * 4-13 厘米, 通有角度地 浅裂, 背面的稀少或者适中多毛的在脉上,正面具柔毛,稀少被绒毛,或者非常稀少微糙,基部5或6脉,第三脉细,随机网状,基部深心形,边缘细齿或细圆齿,先端渐尖或锐尖。
Leaves all basal; stipules triangular; petiole 5-19 cm, hirsute-villous or
sparsely villous; blade adaxially often pale
[...] green to white on angles between or near [...]
veins, obliquely ovate or suborbicular,
5-20 × 4-13 cm, often angularly shallowly lobed, abaxially sparsely or moderately hirsute on veins, adaxially pilose, sparsely tomentose, or very sparsely scaberulous, basally 5- or 6-veined, tertiary veins fine, randomly reticulate, base deeply cordate, margin denticulate or crenulate, apex acuminate or acute.




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