

单词 买官

See also:


purchase n

surname Guan
organ of body

External sources (not reviewed)

Likewise, Cuba cannot acquire supplies and drugs required for organ and tissue transplants.
如果只出售较大的罐,就会阻止种植者 买 , 因 为 官 方 管制 购 买 更容 易,而且适用也更难,常常需要办理特殊手续。
If only larger cylinders are available, growers are
[...] discouraged from buying them as official control on purchases [...]
is easier, and application more
difficult, often requiring special procedures.
大约 100 名外官、牙买加政府官员和 秘书处 工作人员参加了正式启动仪式和专题讨论会。
About 100 diplomats, Jamaican Government officials and staff [...]
members of the secretariat participated in the official launch and the symposium.
在 2009 年 10
[...] 月 26 日的全体特别会议上,帕特里克·鲁滨逊 官 ( 牙 买 加 )和 权敖昆法官 (大韩民国)分别当选法庭庭长和副庭长。
At the extraordinary plenary session of 26
[...] October 2009, Judge Patrick Robinson (Jamaica) and Judge [...]
O-Gon Kwon (Republic of Korea) were
re-elected to the positions of President and Vice-President of the Tribunal, respectively.
在某些国家,如英国和买加, 有些政 官 员 有 权签发证书说明公布信息将会危害受保护的 利益,从而有效地将该信息列为机密。
In some countries – such as the United
[...] Kingdom and Jamaica – certain officials have the power to [...]
issue certificates to the effect that
disclosure of the information would harm a protected interest, thereby effectively rendering the information secret.
联邦司法局发布了针对外国人在瑞 买 房 的 官 方 大 纲。
The Federal Office of
[...] Justice has issued official guidelines for foreigners wishing to purchase real estate.
5月1日开始生效的新条例的规定,禁 买 卖 人体 器 官 , 禁 止对18岁以下青少年身上移植活体器官。
On May 1, new regulations came into effect that include a ban on the trade of human organs and on live organ transplants from persons under the age of 18.
[...] 些形式的直接责任。墨西哥官员在错误地公布信息后要承担行政责任,而 买 加 的 官 员 如 果 在公布信息的问题上违背了信息权法——在以上提到的保护规定之外——则要承担法律责 [...]
The Swedish law, for example, provides for liability under the penal code and also imposes some forms of direct liability, in Mexico officials are
administratively liable for wrongful
[...] disclosures while in Jamaica officials remain legally [...]
liable disclosures which breach the
right to information law – outside of the protections noted above – including under the Official Secrets Act.
1934年,美国总统罗斯福将联邦储备 买 卖 黄金 的 官 价 升 至每盎司35美元,联帮储备局与欧洲的中央银行一直致力维持这个兑换价至1968年。
In 1934 the American president
[...] Roosevelt raised the official purchase and sale prices [...]
of gold of the Federal Reserve to USD35
per ounce, the Federal Reserve and the European central banks had been devoting efforts to maintain this conversion price until 1968.
官支持买方对 协议的解释,认为协议要求削减所有折让和折扣;但认为应修 改合同,以便仅削减公布的折让和折扣。
The judge found in favour of the buyer on the construction [...]
of the agreement, holding that it required the deduction of all
allowances and discounts whatsoever; but held that the contract should be rectified to deduct only published allowances and discounts.
阿尔及利亚认为,《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪 公约及其补充议定书》提供了打击这一现象的一整套 立法举措。阿尔及利亚借鉴这些举措,拟订并通过了
[...] 关于打击洗钱和资助恐怖主义、腐败、以及最近关于 打击贩运人口、移植买卖器官、网络犯罪和劫持儿 童等行为的法律。
The United Nations Convention on Transnational Organized Crime and its additional protocols provided a comprehensive legislative framework for fighting organized crime, and had led Algeria to adopt laws against money-laundering and
financing terrorism, corruption and, more recently, human
[...] trafficking, trafficking in organs, cybercrime and [...]
child abduction.
曾担任德里高等法院(印度最重要高等 法院之一)法官和孟买高等 法院(印度最大和最古老高等法院之一)首席大法官。
He served as a judge in the High Court of Delhi (a premier High Court in India) and then was the Chief Justice of [...]
the Bombay High Court,
one of the largest and oldest High Courts in India.
米兰·卢基奇案辩护团前成员耶莱娜·拉希奇对五项藐视法庭罪指控认罪, 据指控,此人以金钱买在检察官诉 米 兰·卢基奇和斯雷多耶·卢基奇案中被 传唤作为米兰·卢基奇的辩护证人的三人进行虚假陈述。
Jelena Rašić, a former member of the Milan Lukić defence team, pleaded guilty to five charges of contempt for procuring false statements in exchange for money from three persons to be called as witnesses for the defence for Milan Lukić in
继执行委员会核准最终淘汰管理计划后,总共培训或正在培训 80 名制冷技术员和 65 名海官员;还购买了一 台碳氢充加站和 7 套维修工具包。
Following the approval of the TPMP by the Executive
Committee, a total of 80 refrigeration
[...] technicians and 65 custom officers have been or are in [...]
the process of being trained; and a
hydrocarbon charging station and 7 service tool kits have been procured.
官指出:“如果[买方]在下级法院中提出了这一点,被告可能会作 出完全不同的陈述”。
The judge noted that “if the point had been raised [by the buyer] in the Court [...]
below, the defendant might have conducted its case differently”.
[...] Nicole Quesfiaux 女士(法国)和 Pathick Robinson 法官先生(牙买加)共同主持。
To this end, the IBC set up in 2002 an ad hoc drafting group (IBC-DRAGR) made up of eminent members of the IBC and outside experts and
chaired jointly by Ms Nicole
[...] Questiaux (France) and Mr Patrick Robinson (Jamaica), which was [...]
invited to make any relevant proposals
concerning the elaboration of the envisaged instrument.
官职收买人心 ,难道还不如用兵征服他们吗?
Besides, isn’t it much better to win their hearts by positions than to conquer them by force?
这些案件 包括,一起案件是一名受雇为安保干事的官员被控违反东道国(也是该官员的国
籍国)颁发的火器储存证书,不当储存自己的私人火器;第二起案件是当事官员 被控欺诈、同谋、贪污和盗用资金;第三起案件是当事官员被控虚报房租补贴;
[...] 第四起案件是当事官员(联合国志愿人员,根据相关东道国协定被视为本组官 员)被买并出 口钻石;第五起案件是当事官员被控虚报抚养津贴和取得申请 签证的便利。
Those cases included one in which an official employed as a security officer had allegedly stored his private firearm improperly in breach of the firearm storage certificate issued by the host country, which was also the official’s State of nationality; the second involved allegations of fraud, conspiracy and embezzlement and conversion of funds by the official concerned; the third involved allegedly fraudulent claims for rental subsidy by the concerned official; the fourth case related to the alleged purchase and export
of diamonds by the
[...] concerned official (a United Nations volunteer deemed an official of the Organization [...]
under the relevant
host country agreement); and the fifth case involved allegedly fraudulent claims for dependency entitlements and facilitation of visa applications by the concerned official.
果粉以及几乎所有人都知道iPhone在三周多以前进行全球首发,但是在中国无法通 官 方 渠道 购 买 , 因 为这两家公司,尤其中国联通资格不够。
Apple enthusiasts and almost anyone else will know the iPhone made its global debut
more than 3 weeks ago, but it has been
[...] unavailable through official channels in China [...]
due to broader incompetence by these 2 telcos, especially Unicom.
2009年2 月,儿基会赞助三名教育官员参 加在 买 加 举行的“友善儿童 学校”的研讨会。
In February 2009, UNICEF
[...] sponsored three (3) Officers of the Ministry of Education to participate in a “Child Friendly Schools” workshop which was held in Jamaica.
任择议定书第 3 条将以转移官为目的买卖儿 童界定为“以有偿转移儿童器 官为目的提供、送交或接收儿童”。
Article 3 of the Optional Protocol defines the sale of children for the purpose of organ transfers as “offering, delivering or accepting” a child for the purpose of “transfer of organs of the child for profit”.
在起草小组联合主席 Patrik Robinson 法官(牙买加) 主持的这次会议上,起草小组 考虑了各观察员在委员会第九次会议上所发表的意见和看法,对《草稿》全文进行了首次修 订。
In the course of the
[...] meeting, chaired by Judge Patrick Robinson (Jamaica), joint Chairperson [...]
of the IBC-DRAGR, the Group
took account of the comments and observations that had been made by the observers at the ninth session and embarked on the first revision of the outline’s text.
但最高 法院官指出,买方设 法在上诉中“作出新的辩护”,即提出其在治安法庭未提 到的问题。
The judge of the Supreme Court, however, stated that the buyer was trying [...]
“to run a new defence” in appeal, i.e. to raise
an issue that it had not raised in the Magistrate Court.
在班达里大法官担任首席大官期 间, 孟 买 高 等 法院首次实现了满编 60 名法官 的职责分工,而且在他的建议下,孟买高等法院的核定编制从 60 名法官增加到 了 75 名。
During the tenure of Justice Bhandari as the Chief Justice, the Bombay High Court achieved the distinction of functioning on a full strength of 60 judges for the first time and on the recommendation of Justice Bhandari, the sanctioned strength of the Bombay High Court was increased from 60 to 75 judges.
3条第1款(a)项(一)b、第1款(a)项(一)c、第1款(a)项 (二)及第5 款的规定,将为非法收养、使儿童从事强迫劳动和为牟利而转移儿童官的目的买卖儿 童的行为定为刑事犯罪
(a) Define and criminalize the sale of children in accordance with the Optional Protocol, and in particular the sale of children for the purpose of illegal adoption, for the engagement of the child in forced labour and for the transfer of organs of the child for profit, in conformity with article 3, paragraphs 1 (a)(i) (b) 1(a)(i) c., 1(a)(ii) and 5 of the Optional Protocol
还有迹象表明,非官方进口商向以前的独 官 方 进 口商 买 了 进 口许可 证,相关的进口活动被算了两次:一次是有许可证的进口商,另一次是无许可证的进口商。
There are also indications that non-official
[...] importers had purchased an import license from the previously sole official importer, and [...]
that the associated imports
were accounted for twice: once for the licensed importer and once for the non-licensed importers.




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