

单词 月宫

See also:

first note in pentatonic scale
surname Gong
castration (as corporal punishment)

External sources (not reviewed)

附属履行机构( 履行机构) 第三十三届会议于2010年11月30日至12月4日 在墨西哥坎昆月宫酒店举行。
The thirty-third session of the
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) was
[...] held at the Moon Palace Hotel, Cancun, Mexico, from 30 November to 4 [...]
December 2010.
附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组( 特设工作 组 ) 第十五届会议于2010年11月29日至12月10 日在墨西哥坎昆月宫酒店 (Moon Palace Hotel)
1. The fifteenth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under
the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) was
[...] held at the Moon Palace Hotel, Cancun, Mexico, from 29 November 2010 to [...]
10 December 2010.
盛大的开幕庆典引得中央大街上万人攒动,当浪琴表全球优雅形象大使林志玲从 月宫 殿 神秘现身,以极致娉婷的时尚catwalk秀出腕上的心月系列腕表,优雅风采顿时倾倒众生。
The grand opening ceremony attracted tens of thousands of people on the Central Avenue, and
when Lin Chi-ling mysteriously appeared
[...] from the PrimaLuna palace and showed the [...]
PrimaLuna watch on her wrist in extremely
dainty fashion catwalk, her elegance conquered the crowd.
正在编制喀布尔博物馆收藏品清单;加强了 JAM MINARET 项目;在赫拉特举办了传统制砖法的讲习 班;在吴哥和柬埔寨举办了发展文化旅游的国家研讨
会;为吴哥和暹粒地区保护与管理机构发展吴哥文化 旅游活动而确定了向其提供技术研究的计划;举办了
[...] 第六次关于保护巴雍寺(2001 年 12 月)、王宫、巴雍寺和吴哥窟(第二阶段)的国际研讨会;日本政府 [...]
保护吴哥窟小组(日本的 WASEDA 大学)正在修复 吴哥窟北图书馆;修复
PRE RUP 寺庙:完成了由大 地技术和结构工程学会(I.GE.S)实施并由意大利(该项 目第三阶段的主要资助者)批准的该项目第二阶段工 作。
Ongoing inventory of collections of Kabul Museum; Consolidation of Jam Minaret; Workshop for traditional tile-making in Harar; Organization of a national seminar for the Development of Cultural Tourism at Angkor and in Cambodia; Definition of programme of technical assistance to the APSARA for development of cultural tourism at Angkor; Organization of Sixth
International Symposium for preservation
[...] of Bayon Temple (December 2001), Royal Plaza, [...]
the Bayon and Angkor Wat (Phase II); Ongoing
restoration of northern library of Angkor Wat by Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor (University of Waseda, Japan); Restoration of Pre Rup Temple: Completion of Phase II of project by I.Ge.
在月饼的种类搭配上,“月香”、 “ 月 满 宫 ” 、“八宝汇”和“群星聚”四款“香传”系列月饼礼盒内含多种口味,令人应接不暇,以“群星聚”礼盒为例,12块月饼就有12种不同口味。
Combining embroidered satin and classical elements, the China Grand, one of the four kinds of gift box available, is designed as a drawer and features Chinese scenery, and the moon cakes are baked using a combination of Chinese traditional and modern techniques.
a. 2003 年 5 月有关该宫殿的最后执行设计和总的干预计划得到指定建筑师的认可, [...]
(a) Final executive designs and the master plan for
[...] interventions in the Palace were received from [...]
the assigned architect in May 2003 and
reviewed internally by UNESCO.
这张照片拍摄的是埃尔维斯·普雷斯利 1970 年 12 月 21 日宫会见理查德·M· 尼克松总统的情形。
This photograph shows Elvis Presley meeting with President Richard M.
[...] Nixon at the White House on December 21, 1970.
9月 29 日 11 月 1 日,天宫 1 号空间实验舱和神舟 8 号飞船成功射入轨 道。
On 29 September and 1 November, space module Tiangong 1 and Spaceship Shenzhou 8 were successively launched into orbit.
离 1990 年 10 月 3 日两德统一仅两月后,波茨坦宫 殿 花 园与柏林的古迹一同收入了 1991 年 1 月 1 日的 UNESCO-世界文化遗产名单。
On January 1st,
[...] 1991, only two months after the reunification of Germany on 3.10.1990, the palace and gardens of [...]
Potsdam, along with the
Berlin sites, were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
总统将于1月19日在白宫为中 华人民共和国胡锦涛主席的正式国事访问主持仪式。
The President will host Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of
[...] China, at the White House on January 19 for an [...]
official State visit.
2003 年 12 月 5 日,白宫任命了工作队的 16 名成员。
On 5 December 2003, the White House named the 16 [...]
members of the Task Force.
在亚历山大图书馆(埃及亚历山大,2002 年 10 月),教科文组织总部(巴黎,2002 年 12 月)和发现宫(青 年科学托拉斯论坛,巴黎,2002 年 12 月)举行了 COMEST 的主要 会议,这些会议提出了有关信息社会的伦理,教育伦理及环境和可持续发展面向“科学技术 [...]
Major COMEST meetings took place in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
[...] (Alexandria, Egypt, October 2002), at UNESCO Headquarters (Paris, December 2002), and in the Palais de la Découverte [...]
(Youth Forum on Trust
in Science, Paris, December 2002), introducing new initiatives on the ethics of the information society, the ethics of education, and the ethics of environment and sustainable development towards a “New contract between science and technology and society”.
7月22日,来到宫城县 南三陆町的复兴商店街「南三陆SAN SAN商店街」,并且享用了海胆盖饭。
Minami-sanriku San San Shopping Street in Minami-sanrikucho in Miyagi Prefecture has [...]
an original menu with plenty of sea
urchin, and I went there to taste that on July 22.
在本报告所述期间,委员会在书记官长的支持下于 4 月 18 日在 和宫举办 纪念法院成立六十五周年的活动,书记官处所有工作人员都参加了这 [...]
During the period under review, the Committee, with the
Registrar’s support, organized an
[...] event at the Peace Palace on 18 April, involving the [...]
entire Registry staff, to commemorate
the sixty-fifth anniversary of the Court.
许多举措包括继续开展 2010 年 6 月发布的白宫部落民族 会议进展报告中突出提到的活动。
Many involve the continuation of activities
[...] highlighted in the White House Tribal Nations Conference [...]
progress report released in June 2010.
2011年3月11日,日本宫城发 生里氏9级地震,其后伴随而来的是海啸和核电站爆炸。
On 2011 March 11, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake [...]
struck Japan, followed by at least 360 aftershocks, tsunami and nuclear plant explosions.
2002 年 6 月 19 日,国宫举行 了一场仪式,马尔泰利先生在国民议会议长、参议长 以及最高法院院长见证下,取消了一项以前的总统法令,并指示国家出版社公布 [...]
2011 年 5 月 9 日修订的《海地宪法》。
On 19 June 2012, at a ceremony at the National Palace, in the presence of [...]
the Presidents of the National Assembly, the Senate
and the Supreme Court, Mr. Martelly cancelled a former presidential decree and sent instructions to the national press to publish the Constitution of Haiti as amended on 9 May 2011.
捐助由MALTCO彩票公司首席执行官John Katakis博士和马耳他总统George Abela阁下交接,于2月7日在San Anton宫殿举行。
The donation was made to the President of Malta,
H.E. Dr. George Abela by MALTCO LOTTERIES’ CEO Dr. John
[...] Katakis, at San Anton Palace in Attard last Tuesday 7th February.
2009 年 4 月 15-24 日在万宫举办了巡回展览“毋忘”。
display of the travelling exhibition
[...] “Lest We Forget” at the Palais des Nations from 15 to [...]
24 April 2009.
裁研所与安全世界基金会协作,就冲突中的网络空间和外层空间资源于 2011 年4月6日在万国宫举办 了一次集思广益讨论会,出席者有外交官、私营部门的 [...]
UNIDIR, in collaboration with Secure World Foundation, held a brainstorming session on cyber- and outer space resources in
[...] conflict on 6 April 2011 at the Palais des Nations with [...]
the attendance of diplomats,
private sector experts and representatives from military and international organizations.
这层宫内膜会在月经出 血期间被清除。
This uterine lining is purged during menstrual bleeding.
在这方面,我们注意到并感到关切的是,正如宫 1 月 18 日一份报告所说的那样,美国增派了约 11 274 名的美国军队。
In that regard, we note and are concerned by the presence of approximately 11,274 additional United States troops, as stated in a report issued by the White House on 18 January.
值得一提的是,3 月 14 日在索马宫发生 了自杀式袭击,4 月 4 日 在索马里国家大剧院重新开放一周年之际,也发生了袭 击事件,导致 11 人死亡,其中包括索马里足球联合会和奥运联合会的负责人。
It is worth mentioning the
[...] suicide attack at Villa Somalia on 14 March and the 4 April attack during the first anniversary [...]
of the reopening
of the Somali National Theatre, which killed 11 people, including the heads of Somalia’s Football and Olympic Federations.
两百多年前,来自突尼斯的第一位驻美国穆斯林大使受到杰斐逊总统的款待--因为是莱麦丹斋月,杰弗逊总统为他的客人安排了日落晚宴,这是有记载的第一个 宫 斋 月 晚 宴 (掌声)。
The first Muslim ambassador to the United States, from Tunisia, was hosted by President Jefferson, who arranged a sunset
dinner for his guest because it
[...] was Ramadan — making it the first known iftar at the White House, more than 200 [...]
years ago.
美利坚合众国代表报告了在妇女的机制领域取得的进展,该代表 向会议通报说该国家设立了:(a)白宫 妇 女和女孩问题理事会,该理事会负 责协调应对同工同酬、家事假、儿童保育、对妇女的暴力行为问题和妇女 的医疗卫生等领域的问题;(b) 设立了宫制止 对妇女暴力行为问题顾问 和全球妇女问题无任所大使的职位,其工作重点是努力将妇女问题纳入外 交政策。
The representative of the United States of America
reported on progress in the areas of women’s machinery, informing the Meeting of the establishment of (a)
[...] the White House Council on Women and Girls, which provided a coordinated response to issues such as equal pay, family leave, child care, violence against women and women’s health; and (b) the position of White House Advisor on Violence [...]
against Women and Ambassador-at-Large
for Global Women’s Issues, whose work focused on integrating women’s issues into foreign policy.
当天晚上,在金边和宫举行 了开幕仪式,出席开幕仪 式的有柬埔寨首相洪森、联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克、柬埔寨首相特使 [...]
兼柬埔寨地雷行动管理局副局长普拉克·索克宏恩阁下和地雷幸存者、青年活动 家宋科萨。
In the evening an opening ceremony took
[...] place at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh featuring [...]
the participation of Cambodian Prime
Minister Hun Sen, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Helen Clark, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister of Cambodia and Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority Prak Sokhonn, and landmine survivor and youth activist Song Kosal.
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和 宫 颈 癌 检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理性细胞检查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切割外科手术治疗;乡村产科护理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。
Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical care, such as training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.
关于第 33 款的增编(A/64/6(Sect.33)/Add.1)是按照拟议方案预算 第 33.11
[...] 段提出的,其中秘书长指出,他将向大会第六十四届会议提出 全面修缮和装修万宫项目(又称为“战略遗产计划”)的详细提议。
The addendum to section 33 (A/64/6 (Sect. 33)/Add.1) was submitted pursuant to paragraph 33.11 of the proposed programme budget, in which the Secretary-General indicated that he would submit detailed proposals with respect
to the project for the renovation and
[...] refurbishment of the Palais des Nations in [...]
Geneva (known as the “strategic heritage
plan”) to the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session.
[...] 该机构提出的许多效率问题都涉及联合国的作用,在这方面,“禁雷运动”对近 几月来在 非政府组织和联合国之间开始的建设性对话表示赞赏。
In addition, the ICBL noted that many efficiency issues they have raised touch upon the role of the United Nations and, in this regard, expressed
appreciation for a constructive dialogue that has
[...] started in recent months between non-governmental [...]
organisations and the UN.




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