

单词 排泻物

See also:

a torrent
flow out swiftly

External sources (not reviewed)

得当的废弃物管理体系,特别注意不得以任何非法形式 泻 或 排 放 危 险废 物 及 废 气。
Proper waste management, with special
[...] attention to hazardous waste and emissions which may not be [...]
dumped or discharged in an unlawful manner.
牡蛎、贻贝、蛤、扇贝和其他双 壳贝物种在海里泻湖中 的养殖环境以天然饵料为食生长。
Oysters, mussels, clams, scallops and
[...] other bivalve species are grown with food materials that occur naturally in their culture environment in the sea and lagoons.
短链碳水化物不容 易或是根本无法被小肠吸收,当它们到达大肠后产生渗透作用,被结肠细菌分解,从而引起胀气、腹胀、 泻 、 便秘 、 排 气 和 疼痛。
They are poorly or not at all
[...] absorbed in the small intestine, exert an osmotic effect when they travel to the large intestine and “feed” the bacteria in the lower gut resulting in bloating diarrhea, constipation, gas and pain.
其中之一是把一些物 排除在 口粮之外,以及这将对家庭生活水平和国内通货膨胀产生怎样的影响。
One of them is the exclusion of some goods from [...]
the food ration, and how this will affect, on the one hand, households’
living standards and, on the other hand, domestic inflation.
通过将泻树、 橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品—— 物 性 阳 光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤细胞及其遗传免受太阳的侵袭。
By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which [...]
protects skin cells
and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將物排放入 公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
美國國會明確將某些種類的物排除在 D 部分藥物承保範圍之外。
) Certain
[...] categories of drugs were specifically excluded by Congress from being covered as Part D drugs.
故对中年以上患者有下列表现时应提高警惕,考虑患上结肠癌的可能:近期内出现排便习惯改变(如便秘、 泻 或 排 便 不 畅)、持续腹部不适、隐痛或腹胀;粪便变稀,或带有血液和粘液;粪便隐血试验持续阳性;原因不明的贫血、乏力或体重减轻等;腹部可触摸到肿块。
Therefore, it should be alerted for middle aged people or above with symptoms as follow, which could be colon cancer: change of habit of bowel
movement over a short period of
[...] time, such as diarrhea,  constipation, or unsmooth bowel movement, [...]
persistent abdominal discomfort,
vague pain or bloating; loose stool, the presence of blood or mucus in stool; repeated positive in occult blood test; unidentified anemia, week or weight loss, mass palpable in abdomen.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆物受害 者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符排雷行 动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
在儿童当中,最常见的疾病是通过呼吸 渠道感染的疾病(尤其是肺炎)、泻 、 疟 疾、营养不良以及各种新生儿疾病。
The most frequent complaints in children
are respiratory tract infections (particularly
[...] pneumonia), diarrhoea, malaria, malnutrition [...]
and various neonatal diseases.
中期回顧研究》採用該手冊作為排放量估算的客觀基礎,並 以適用於當地的排放因子及排放活動數據,同時考慮珠江三角 洲地區外已有的研究成果及估算經驗,對區內各類污 物排放 量作出科學的估算。
By adopting this Handbook as the objective basis of emission estimation, and the use of available local emission factors and data, the Mid-term Review provided a scientifically sound
estimation on the emissions
[...] of various pollutants in the Region, having regard to findings of studies and experience gained from emission estimation [...]
in other areas.
有关威尼泻湖未 来会议未能召开的例子非常明显地说明这种局面的危险。
The example of the aborted conference on the future
[...] of the Venice lagoon is a fairly [...]
good example of the danger of this situation.
部分细菌既会在食物中产生毒素,又会在人体内释出毒素,例如蜡样芽孢杆菌可产生致吐肠毒素及/或致 泻 肠 毒 素: 物 中 的 致吐肠毒素(即上文提及的耐热毒素)可令人呕吐,而在人体内释出的致腹泻肠毒素则可引致腹泻。
For example, Bacillus cereus is able to produce emetic and/or diarrhoeal toxins: emetic one (heat-resistant toxin mentioned before) in food that can cause vomiting; diarrhoeal one released inside the body can cause diarrhoea.
寻找一种可持续的缓释化肥——这是在一个人口迅速增长的时代实现全球粮食可持续生产的一个关键——的工作已经让科学家找到了一些治疗 泻 的 药 物 使 用 的一种成分。
The search for a sustainable slow-release fertilizer — a key to sustaining global food
production at a time of burgeoning population growth — has led scientists to an
[...] ingredient used in some diarrhea medicines.
因此,环保部以及环保组织一直要求开展污 物排 放 与 转移登记制度(PRTR)的试点/示范工 作。
Thus, environmental NGOs as well as MEP have been calling for the pilot / demonstrations of pollution release and transfer registry (PRTR).
太平洋岛国对人权理 事会通过的关于人权和气候变化的决议寄予了很大 的希望,要求所有国家给予人权事务高级专员办事 处制定的关于这一问题的报告适当的关注,在政策
[...] 和有关气候变化的方案中考虑自己在人权方面的义 务,还特别指出受到气候变化伤害最大的往往是最 不发达的和污物排放最少的国家。
It asked all Member States to study seriously the forthcoming report on the question by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and urged them to integrate their human rights obligations into policies and programmes dealing with climate change, at the same time bearing in mind that the least
developed countries which had
[...] contributed least to greenhouse gas pollution would be the worst [...]
affected by climate change.
一种是全公司的企业碳足迹(CCF),另一种是产品碳足迹(PCF),它涵盖了特定产品或服务的整个生命周期,包括供应链、污 物排 放 控 制技术。
Alternatively, a Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) covers the entire lifecycle of a specific product or service, including the supply chain, use and disposal.
[...] 威胁儿童和妇女健康的基本措施,这些措施的重点是 预防因疟疾、呼吸道感染和儿童泻 造 成 死亡和弄清 威胁孕妇的各种危险迹象。
While guaranteeing families’ capacity to adopt basic domestic measures that help in dealing with conditions that threaten children’s and women’s health, with a focus on the prevention of mortality
due to malaria, respiratory infections and
[...] children’s diarrhoea, and in the identification [...]
of signs of danger to pregnant women.
舍弗勒集团的产品不断为环境保护作出贡献,例如,通过减少摩擦和延长机器使用寿命,或通过减少燃料消 耗以及车辆污物排放。
The Schaeffler Group’s products provide a lasting contribution to environmental protection, for example, through
reduced friction and extended machine operating life or through the reduction of fuel
[...] consumption and emissions in vehicles.
本章概述了香港、內地,以及其他國家所制定的空氣質素標準和空 氣污物排放限制。
This section provides an overview of air quality
[...] standards or air emission limits established [...]
in Hong Kong, Mainland China and also other countries.
如果可能, 做粪便显微镜检查和培养,这有助于确定泻 原因
If stool microscopy and culture is possible, it may help to determine the cause.
[...] 儿童基金会一直率先对各种问题开展深入统计分析,推动编写了一系列部门专项 报告,包括有关泻病、 疟疾、儿童和孕产妇营养、获得安全饮用水及环境卫生 [...]
At the global level, UNICEF has taken a leading role in conducting in-depth statistical analyses on a range of issues, contributing to
a series of sector-specific reports
[...] including those on diarrhoeal disease, malaria, [...]
child and maternal nutrition, access
to safe drinking water and sanitation, and HIV/AIDS.
肌食症是一种饮食失调疾病,患者会疯狂进食,然后扣喉,或服用 物 令 自己 肚 泻 , 希 望以作补偿和避免增加体重。
Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of
binge eating followed by
[...] self-induced vomiting or diarrhoea, sometimes with drugs, to compensate [...]
and to prevent weight gain.
在工业化市场经济国家中,比如美国、韩国以及日本,公开的污 物排 放 与 转移清单已将 投资人、生产商、消费者、政府、环保组织以及公共大众有效地团结在一起,环境表现欠佳的企 业在资本市场、产品市场都会受到惩罚,从而环境绩效好的企业能够实现环保与经济效益双赢 (Dasgupta 等人,2004;Konar 和 Cohen,1997;Decker 等人,2005;Agarwal 等人,2010)。
In industrialized market economies such as the United States, Korea, and Japan, investors, producers, consumers, governments, environmental organizations, and the public have been effectively united by their publicly accessible pollutant release and transfer inventories to deliver both environmentally and economically desirable outcomes (Dasgupta et al. 2004; Konar and Cohen 1997, 2001; Decker et al. 2005; Agarwal et al. 2010).
为履行实现欧洲联盟气候与能源一揽子计划所 设定的国际目标的国家义务,波兰制定了在 2020 年 之前建成首个核能反应堆的提案,该议案也是出于
[...] 对以下需要的考虑,即确保长期电力供应安全、维 持可接受的能源价格、减少污物排 放 和 增加对可 再生能源的重视程度。
The proposal to start up Poland’s first nuclear power reactor by 2020 had been a response to the country’s obligation to meet international targets set by the European Union’s climate and energy package and was based on the need for long-term security of electricity supply, the
maintenance of acceptable prices for
[...] energy, reduced emission of pollutants and the increased [...]
importance attached to renewable energy sources.
通过下列三个措施,有可能实现健康、可持续的水资源管理: 1) 减少污物排放, 2) 从终端方法转变为源头方法,以及 [...]
3) 增强地表的吸收能力和自然净化能力。
Achieving healthy and sustainable water resources
management is possible by three steps: 1)
[...] reduction of pollutants emissions, 2) shift from [...]
an end-of-pipe to a source approach
and 3) enhancement of absorbing capacity and self-purification of landscape.
此外,应教育部的要 求,用马罗沃语和英语再版了《珊瑚礁和雨林:所罗门群岛马罗 泻 湖 环 境百科全书》,并发放给 学校。
In response to demands from the Ministry of Education, Reef and Rainforest: An environmental encyclopaedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, in Marovo and English, was reprinted and distributed to schools and with a view to piloting development of a supporting teacher manual.




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