

单词 年青人

青年人 ()

young person

See also:



年人 n

adult n

青年 n

the young n
youth n
young people n
youths pl


youthful years
young person

External sources (not reviewed)

因 此,伊斯兰会议组织设在孟加拉国、尼日尔和乌干达 的三所大学,继续为发展目标在伊斯兰会议组织成员 国内培年青人。
Consequently, the three OIC universities in Bangladesh, Niger and Uganda have
[...] continued to prepare youth in OIC member States [...]
for development goals.
该项目 的目的是促进儿童年青人的身 心健康。
The project aims to promote
[...] children’s and young persons’ mental [...]
and physical health.
它还力求发展参与对话和辩论的意愿,鼓 年青人 掌 握自 主权,自由、大胆地表达他们的观点。
It also seeks to foster the desire to engage in dialogue and debate,
[...] and to encourage youth to take initiative [...]
and express their opinions freely and courageously.
在教科文组织总部,哲学日活动得到了众多群众的积极参与,提高了教科文组织在众多哲 学家和知识分子以年青人、中 小学生和大学生中的可见度。
At UNESCO Headquarters, the Day attracted a large number of enthusiastic visitors and raised the
Organization’s profile in philosophical and intellectual
[...] circles and also among young people, including [...]
pupils and students.
深入分析亦顯示,『80後年青人對 『民主』和『自由』兩項指標的評分,都明顯低於『非80後』,印證年青世代對民主自由的訴求。
Further analysis shows that our 'post 80s' have rated 'deomcracy' and 'freedom' significantly lower than the 'non post 80s', verifying the quest of democracy and freedom among the younger generation.
有鑒於最新的民調以及社會行動均顯示 反對高鐵的聲音主要來年青市 民,本人 按照《財務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動 議政府在各方反對下仍強行興建廣深港高 速鐵路,政府必須年青人清楚 解釋及介 紹廣深港高速鐵路的重要性及成本效益, 以減少香港年青市民對政府興建高鐵的不 滿。
That, as the latest opinion poll and social campaign indicate that those who oppose the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) are mainly young people, I move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure that, as the Government still pushes through the
construction of the XRL
[...] despite opposition from various fronts, the Government must clearly explain and introduce to the young people the importance and cost-effectiveness of the XRL, with a view to abating the discontent [...]
of the young people
of Hong Kong arising from the construction of the XRL by the Government.
本會促請政府肯定紡織及製衣業對香港整體經濟的貢獻,並就紡織品 配額制度即將在 2005 年取消,以及即將推行“內地與香港更緊密經
貿關係安排"而可能帶來的嶄新商機或在各方面造成的影響,及早作 出部署,同時亦應積極研究及制訂策略,包括盡快成立“邊境工業 區"和“時裝及設計中心",以協助香港發展成為“亞太區時裝中
[...] 心",提升業界整體競爭力,推動行業增長,並為本港提供更多就業 機會,尤其年青人喜愛的就業機會。
That this Council urges the Government to affirm the contributions of the textile and clothing industry to Hong Kong's overall economy, and to make early preparations in anticipation of the impending abolition of the textile quota system in 2005 and the forthcoming implementation of the "Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" which may bring about new business opportunities or have impact in various respects; at the same time, the Government should also actively explore and formulate strategies, including setting up expeditiously a "border industrial zone" and a "fashion and design centre" to help Hong Kong develop into the "Fashion centre of Asia Pacific", enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry and promote its
growth, as well as to provide more employment opportunities, in particular
[...] those popular with young people, in Hong Kong.
乌 兹别克斯坦指出,2008 年被宣布为青年年,采取了具体措施来改 年青人 和 年青家 庭的教育、保健、住房和信贷,而 2009 年已被宣布为发展与改善农村年。
Uzbekistan recalled that 2008 was declared
[...] the Year of Youth, and specific measures were taken to improve education, health, housing and credits for young people and young families [...]
while 2009 had been declared
the Year of Development and Improvement of Countryside.
我们希望,我们的一系列互动家庭项目以及参与性活动将激励孟 年青人 思 考 未来的城市生活以及他们在打造未来城市生活中的作用。
We hope that our series of interactive family
programs and participatory activities will
[...] inspire Mumbai's youth to consider the [...]
future of urban life and their role in shaping it.
a. 使 1997 年在西伯伦成立并于 2002 年加盟教科文组织青年信息网的巴勒斯坦国际青年 联盟的一年青人,在哈勒侯勒、杜拉和西伯伦举办的约 30 期讲习班中,尝试使用新 的信息和传播技术,并为在比尔宰特青年试验中心建立一个计算机培训部做出贡献。
(a) initiate young people from the International Palestinian Youth League established in Hebron in 1997, and a member of UNESCO’s INFOYOUTH Network since 2002, in the use of ICTs during some 30 workshops held in Halhoul, Dura and Hebron and contribute to the setting-up of a computer-training section at the Pioneer Centre for Youth in Birzeit
In these patients the condition may be caused by rare genetic diseases that lead to deficiency in a particular protein.
改革教育,以培養下一代的創意和創業精神,同時資助計劃,宣揚企業家和創新者的重要性, 以樹立榜樣;此外,亦要鼓年青人 創 業,以及在業務上追求終身學習。
Reform education to train the next generation to be creative and entrepreneurial; fund media initiatives in education to publicize the importance
of entrepreneurs and innovators as role
[...] models; encourage young to start businesses; [...]
pursue lifelong learning in business.
我们希年青人以主 人翁的姿态投入到和 平日及 2012 年全球停战活动中。
We want young people to take ownership [...]
of Peace Day and the Global Truce 2012 campaign.
今日獲獎的三名優秀業務代表,正好是成功的典範,證明課程內容有 效地幫助具潛年青人在保險界開創個人事業,取得業界的崇高榮譽。
The programme aims at setting a new benchmark in professionalism for the insurance industry in Hong Kong. The three young insurance talents presented with awards today are excellent demonstrations of this goal and serve as
proof that the training programme is
[...] effective in identifying young people with potential [...]
and assisting them in developing their
personal careers and in acquiring industry recognition for their competency.
联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾滋病署)和联合国儿童基金会 称,世界各地 15 至 24 岁年青人占所有 15 岁以上新增艾滋病毒感染 者的 42%,青年妇女占新增青年感染者的 64
According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and
the United Nations
[...] Children’s Fund, young people worldwide between the ages of 15 and 24 account for 42 per cent of all new HIV infections among people over 15, with young women [...]
accounting for 64 per
cent of the new infections among youth
在 Kinigi、Ruhengeri、Mudende、Gisenyi、Mukamira 和 Bigogwe
[...] 行动的 招募协调中心负责指明要招募 年青人 并 把 他们集合起来,移交给卢旺达国防军 [...]
Recruitment focal points operating at Kinigi, Ruhengeri, Mudende, Gisenyi,
Mukamira, and Bigogwe, are tasked with
[...] identifying and gathering young men for recruitment [...]
and handing them over to RDF soldiers.
除了在傳統渠道,包括電視、公共交通公具等投下富有創意的廣告外,還借助豐富之網路資源,包括企業網站、 微 博 及 線 上 遊 戲,有 效 地 拉 近 與 消 費 者 的 距 離,特
[...] 別 是 增 強 了 與 白 領年 青 人、兒 童 及 網 路 消 費 群 [...]
體 的 互 動, 促 進維 達 產品的 市場 滲 透力。
Besides placing creative advertisements in conventional media such as
television and on public transport, the Group also successfully utilized internet resources to strengthen its interaction with consumers,
[...] particularly office-ladies, young people, children [...]
and online consumers.
大會於五月經網上投票年青人及公 眾選出四項討論課題,分別為「我們理想的出路」、「我們理想中的安樂窩」、「我們理想中的教育」及「我們理想中的關愛社會」。
The four discussion topics selected through
[...] online voting by young people and the [...]
public in May are "Our Ideal Career", "Our
Ideal Home", "Our Ideal Education" and "Our Ideal Caring Community".
[...] 积极参与,与世界上每一个国家的其年 青人携手 并肩,成为有史以来为和平而开 展的最伟大活动的一部分。
They are being asked to participate, to stand
[...] alongside other young people in every [...]
country of the world and become part of the
greatest campaign for peace in recorded history.
年齡由十五至二十四歲年青人可由 今日(九月十八日)起,登入青年事務委員會網站www.coy.gov.hk,報名參加於十一月二十四日舉辦的「青年高峰會議2012」,就他們所關注的課題與政府官員及嘉賓交換意見。
Starting from today (September
[...] 18), young people aged from 15 to 24 can log on to the Commission on Youth (COY)'s website [...]
(www.coy.gov.hk) and
sign up to participate in the Youth Summit 2012 to be held on November 24 and exchange their views on issues of concern with government officials and guests.
例如,毛利人往往比非毛人年青, 结 果,较 年青人 口 的现 象往往过度地反映了毛利的状况。
For instance, Māori tend to be younger than non-Māori and, as a result, phenomena involving a younger population tend to over-represent Māori.
香港 設立專屬的健康生活網頁,為大眾提供多元化的健康資訊、健康活動焦點以及友邦香港的全面化 醫療保險產品簡介,提倡新世代思維的健康生活態度,藉此將宣傳層面擴闊 年青人 市 場
By advocating a healthy lifestyle and encouraging an
innovative mindset
[...] towards life, the online campaign has succeeded in reaching out to and engaging the younger generation.
母亲死后,他的父亲迁到 利比里亚边境 2.2 2003年1月1
[...] 日,利比里亚叛乱分子攻击Para, 逮捕了村里年青人。
2.2 On 1 January 2003 Liberian rebels attacked Para and took the
[...] village’s young men captive.
一個針年青人,集社交、娛樂、消費、教育於一身的「POPCON 普及民意平台」,已於2011年2月23日,即財政司司長曾俊華發表財政預算案當日,正式啟動,迄今已經錄得點擊接近五千次,當中「青少年財政預算論壇專頁」由香港小童群益會與香港大學民意研究計劃(民研計劃)合作策劃。
It carries a
[...] "Budget Forum for Youths" run by the Public [...]
Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong, and the
Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA).
[...] 日雖然工作忙碌,但仍以正面積極的態度面對,配合健康飲食和有益身心的活動 來紓緩壓力,可說是時年青人的好 榜樣。
Despite his hectic work schedule, Leo’s
positive attitude and pursuit of a balanced diet and regular exercises to relief stress stand a
[...] good example for the younger generation.
Parkland Music總監Eddy
[...] Wong表示︰「很多人每日都長時間上網 年青人 的 上 網時間更長,所以我們選用了雅虎搜尋推廣服務來推廣我們的服務。
Eddy Wong, CEO of Parkland Music said, “Many
people spend a long time on the Internet
[...] every day and youngsters usually spend [...]
an even longer time, so, we have chosen Yahoo!
[...] 大利亚国防部队通过“工作经验计划”积极以学校作为征兵的对象,可能会年 青人、特 别是边缘人群和来自不同语言背景的人造成不当压力,在没有全面知情 [...]
Furthermore, the Committee is concerned that the ADF active targeting of schools for recruits
through ‘work experience programs’ may unduly
[...] put pressure on young persons, especially [...]
from marginalized populations and from
different linguistic backgrounds to volunteer, without full informed consent.
(c) 根据《任择议定书》的精神,禁止所有儿童操作和使用任何火器; (d) 确保不同的语言背景和/ 或边缘人群年青人,不 致过分被作为征兵对 象,并制定知情同意措施
(c) Prohibit the handling and use of firearms and other explosives for all children under the age of 18 years in line with the spirit of the Optional Protocol
在 “來臨,”之後加上“加上政府政策不 青年人 , ” ;及在緊接句號 之前刪除“及 (四 ) 從教育和社會文化入手,投放資源,提升網絡公 民素質,以及推廣理性、互信、互相尊重的溝通模式,從而有效 凝聚社會智慧”,並以“(四 ) 推廣社會對青年議政採開放態度,包 括其表達意見的形式,以維護其表達的權利;(五 ) 完善選民登記 制度,使年滿十八歲青年人可以 盡快參與投票;及(六 ) 修訂《電 訊條例》及廣播政策,提供大氣電波及電視廣播平台, 青年人 可以充分行使言論及發表自由”代替。
To add "coupled with the fact that the
Government's policies are not
[...] beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to enhance the quality of the network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing together social wisdom effectively" immediately before the full stop and substitute with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards young people's political commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can participate in voting as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise [...]
their freedom of speech and expression.
委员会请秘书处协助成员国制定与经济、教育和社会保护政策相结合的就业 战略;加强成员国把年人、青年和 残 疾人关切的问题纳入国家发展计划的能力; [...]
协助成员国加强参与式社会对话并建立公共、私人和民间伙伴关系,从而改善社 会服务的提供及获得服务的机会;同时,在收集所有社会群体的数据方面加强与
成员国的合作,传播制定政策和方案方面的良好做法和交流经验,以期在生活的 所有领域促进社会包容、提供平等机会。
The Commission requested the secretariat to assist member countries in developing employment strategies that are integrated with economic, education and social protection policies; strengthen the capacity of
member countries to mainstream the
[...] concerns of older persons, youth and persons with disabilities [...]
into national development plans;
assist member countries in strengthening participatory social dialogue and building public, private and civic partnerships aimed at enhancing the delivery and accessibility of social services; and strengthen cooperation with member countries in the collection of data on all social groups, disseminate good practice and exchange experience in designing policies and programmes aimed at promoting social inclusion and providing equal opportunities in all aspects of life.




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