

单词 持牌


持牌人 n

licensee n

持牌者 n

licensee n

External sources (not reviewed)

不過,持牌人/租戶沒有按協議在須停業的日期停止經營活家禽業,政府便 [...]
However, if any licensee/tenant concerned [...]
fails to cease live poultry business so required under the agreement on the termination
date, the Government will no longer be bound to pursue the agreement further and to provide the EGP.
任何人士如對彼等應採取之行 動有任何疑問,應諮詢彼等持牌證 券 交易商、註冊證券機構、銀行經理、律師或其 [...]
Persons who are in doubt as to the action they should take should
[...] consult their licensed securities dealer, [...]
registered institution in securities,
bank manager, solicitor or other professional advisers.
有 關的廢物只可持牌化學 廢物收集商從廢物產生者收集並運 持牌 處 置 設施處 置。
Only licensed chemical waste collector may collect and transport the waste from waste producers to licensed disposal facilities [...]
for disposal.
(c) 有意見贊成若延長酒牌的最長有效期,應推行週年檢討機 制,讓當局更有效地回應市民持牌 處 所的投訴及關注。
(c) There was support for an annual review mechanism, if the maximum duration of liquor licences were to be
extended, for the authorities to effectively respond to public complaints and
[...] concerns in respect of licensed premises.
(2) 凡有㆟被控犯第(1)(a)款所訂罪行,而有任何證據證明被告㆟曾作 出涉及經營、料理、管理或以其他方式控 持牌 遊 戲機㆗心的作為,則在沒有 任何證據證明被告㆟沒有經營、料理、管理或以其他方式控 持牌 遊 戲 機㆗心 的情況㆘,該等證據即為被告㆟經營、料理、管理或以其他方式控 持牌 遊戲 機㆗心的證明。
(2) Where an offence under subsection (1)(a) is alleged to have been committed, any evidence which proves that a defendant did any act in connection with the operation,
keeping, management or
[...] other control of a licensed amusement game centre is, in the absence of any evidence which proves that the defendant did not operate, keep, manage or otherwise have control of a licensed amusement game centre, proof that the defendant operated, kept, managed or otherwise had control of a licensed amusement game centre.
除了上文 (c)段所述勸諭食物業處所持牌人外 ,當局會考慮發出警告信 和採取其他執法行動。
In addition to giving
[...] advice to the licensee of the food [...]
premises as stated in (c) above, warning letters as well as other
enforcement actions should be considered.
股東應就該等交收安排詳情,以及 該等安排如何影響彼等的權利及利益諮詢 持牌 證 券 交易商或其他專業顧問的意 見。
Shareholders should seek advice from their licensed securities dealer or other professional adviser for details of those settlement arrangements and how such arrangements will affect their rights and interests.
(7) 從事下列所有或任何業務(即建築商及承建商、裝修商、石材商、磚瓦製造商、
[...] 礦主、石灰製造商、木材商、酒店經營者 持牌 售 酒 商,以及房屋及地產代理), 以及從事本公司可能認為直接或間接有助於本公司(無論以擁有人、承租人、 [...]
(7) To carry on all or any of the following business namely, builders and contractors, decorators, stone merchants, brick and tile makers, quarry
masters, lime burners, timber merchants,
[...] hotel keepers, licensed victuallers, house and [...]
estate agents and other businesses the
carrying on of which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested, either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
19.6 除非閣下事先已向吾等發出書面披露,閣下並不是任何交易所、商會、結算所、銀行或信託公司的職員 或僱員、或證券及期貨條例下任 持牌 法 團 或註冊機構的連絡人、或介紹經紀人、或任何證券經紀商或 [...]
19.6 Unless you have previously disclosed in writing to us, you are not an officer or employee of any Exchange, board of trade,
clearing house, bank or trust company, or an
[...] affiliate of any licensed corporation or [...]
registered institution under the SFO, or
an introducing broker, or an officer, partner, director or employee of any securities broker or dealer.
(f) 進行下列所有或任何業務,即:建築商與承包商;裝飾商;石材、砂材、石灰、磚材、木 材、硬件及其他建築必需品;磚材及磁磚及陶器的商人及買商;製造商;汽車出租商;運輸 商持牌旅館 經營人;以及房地產經紀。
(f) To carry on all or any of the following businesses namely, builders and contractors, decorators, merchants and dealers in stone, sand, lime, bricks, timber, hardware and other building requisites, brick and tile and terra-cotta, makers, jobmasters, carriers, licensed victuallers, and house agents.
閣下如對本通函任何方面或應採取之行動有任何疑問,應諮詢 閣下持牌證券 交易商、銀 行經理、律師、專業會計師或其他專業顧問。
If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular
or as to the action to be taken, you
[...] should consult your licensed securities dealer, [...]
bank manager, solicitor, professional
accountant or other professional adviser.
(11) 作為酒店、汽車旅館、旅館、宿舍、公寓、餐廳、茶點和茶室、咖啡、牛
[...] 奶及小吃店、夜總會及所有類別之俱樂部擁有人及/或管理人、酒館、 啤酒屋及宿舍管理人持牌食品 供應商、葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商人、啤酒 [...]
製造商、釀酒師、蒸餾酒商、充氣、礦泉和人造水及其他飲料的進口商及 製造商,及在其各自分公司作為承辦人及承包商,以及作為劇院、電影院
、歌舞廳、音樂廳、體育館、桌球室、保齡球中心及所有娛樂場所、電台 及電視台及播音室的擁有人及/或管理人經營業務。
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of hotels, motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk and snack bars, night-clubs and clubs of all
kinds, tavern, beer-house and
[...] lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer [...]
and spirit merchants, brewers, malsters,
distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.
[...] 連續三年簽署『食物安全「誠」諾』,其『食物安全「誠」諾』證書及標貼將獲加添星 章持牌食物業處所如連續三年簽署『食物安全「誠」諾』,並在過去兩年符合食物安 [...]
FTA signing up to the FSC for three consecutive years and successfully encouraging their members to sign up to the same for three consecutive
years would be awarded Star Award in Charter
[...] and Sticker; licensed FP signing up [...]
to the FSC for three consecutive years and
meeting the food safety and hygiene requirements in the past two years would be awarded Award in Charter and Sticker.
(丙 ) 如屬附設於會所或酒店內持牌按摩 院,則須存放有關當局 為該會所或酒店簽發的有效合格證明書、豁免證明書或旅館 [...]
(c) In respect of licensed premises inside [...]
the premises of a club or hotel, a copy of valid Certificate of Compliance, Certificate
of Exemption or Hotel Licensed issued by the relevant authority in respect of that club or hotel.
[...] 恆科的已發行股份),代價為港幣40,000,000元,將會由買方在完成買賣後之三十天內 以現金或由香持牌銀行發出的本票或其他收購協議之訂約方同意的方法支付予賣方。
Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, the Vendor has conditionally agreed to sell and the Purchaser has conditionally agreed to purchase the Sale Shares, representing 30% of the equity interest of Ever Tech at a consideration of HK$40,000,000, which shall be settled by the Purchaser to the
Vendor in cash or by way of cashier
[...] order issued by licensed bank in Hong Kong and in any other [...]
manner as agreed by the parties
to the Acquisition Agreement within 30 days after the Completion.
在銀行存款方面,所有銀行存款均存放在有聲譽的香 持牌銀 行
For bank deposits, they are placed
[...] with reputable licensed banks in Hong Kong.
閣 下 如 對 收 購 建 議 、 本 綜 合 文 件
及 ╱ 或 接 納 表 格 任 何 方 面 或 應 採 取 之 行 動 有 任 何
[...] 疑 問 , 應 諮詢 閣 下持 牌 證 券 交 易 商 或 註 冊 [...]
證 券 機 構 、 銀 行 經 理 、 律 師 、 專 業 會 計 師 或 其 他 專 業 顧 問 。
If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of the Offers, this Composite Document and/or the Form(s) of
Acceptance or as to the action to be taken, you
[...] should consult a licensed securities dealer [...]
or registered institution in securities,
a bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.
(e) 首次警告信通常應以掛號郵件方式送交有關公司,而最後警告信則 應由警方派員親自送交有關公司的代表,促 持牌 人 注 意不遵從警 告的後果。
(e) The first warning letter shall normally be sent to the company by registered mail.
The final warning
[...] letter shall be served on the company’s representative(s) by the Police in person, drawing the licensee’s particular [...]
attention to the consequences of non-compliance.
本基金的基金經理是大福投資經理有限公司(“大福投資經理”),前稱爲 富環球基金管理有限 公司,為香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會根據香港法例第 571 章證券及期貨條例註冊持牌法 團,獲准進行第 1 類(證券交易)、第 4 類(就證券提供意見)及第 9 類(提供資產管理)的受規管活 動。
TFIM is registered with the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong as a licensed corporation under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of The Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”) to conduct Type 1 (dealing in securities), Type 4 (advising on securities) and Type 9 (asset management) of the regulated activities.
(a) 若處長根據上文第 3(II)(c)段提出申請,管理委員會的秘書 須就該項申請擇定聆訊日期,並須給予處長及有 持牌人 14 日通知,及在該項通知內,促持牌 人 提 出理由,說明為何不 應命令將其牌照撤銷(見條例第 25(2)條)。
(a) Where an application is made under 3(II)(c) above, the Secretary to the Authority shall fix a date for the hearing of the application and give 14 days’
notice to the
[...] Commissioner and the licensee; and that notice shall call on the licensee to show cause as to why an order for the revocation of his licence ought not [...]
to be made (as provided
for under s.25(2) of the SGSO).
(14) 經營酒店、餐廳、咖啡室、酒館、啤酒館、小食店、公寓 持牌 食 品供應商、 葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商、釀酒商、麥芽製造商、蒸餾酒商、汽水、礦泉水、 蒸餾水及人造水及其他飲品之進口商及製造商、伙食承辦商、筵席承辦商等 業務。
(14) To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer-house, refreshment-room, and lodginghouse keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer, and spirit merchants, brewers, maltsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral, distilled and artificial waters and other drinks, purveyors, caterers for public amusements generally.
(dd) 《證券及期貨(專業投資者)規則》(第 571D 章)第 3 條所指 的專業投資者,而該等客戶在購買迷你債券時,除本身同意被視
[...] 為專業投資者外,亦獲分銷銀行按照《證券及期貨事務監察委員持牌人或註冊人操守準則》第 15.3 及 [...]
15.4 段的規定列為專業 投資者;或
(dd) professional investors under section 3 of the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules (Cap. 571D) and classified by the Distributing Bank and agreed by the customers to be treated as such in accordance with
paragraphs 15.3 and 15.4 of the Code of Conduct
[...] for Persons Licensed by or Registered [...]
with the Securities and Futures Commission
at the time they purchased the Minibonds; or
(c) 確保向閣下發出指示的人遵守期交所規則內所訂明的有關保證金及變價調整的規定,以致在期交所 與持牌人或註冊人之間持牌人或 註冊人應負責確保傳遞指示的人士都遵守該等有關綜合帳戶的 規定,猶如他們每人都是該綜合帳戶的客戶。
(c) ensure that the persons from whom you receive Instructions comply with the Margin and Variation Adjustment requirements as stipulated in the Rules of HKFE, with the result that, as between HKFE and the Company, the Company should be responsible for ensuring that such requirements are complied with by all persons through whom instructions pass with respect to the omnibus account as if each in turn was you for whom such omnibus account was operated.
證券交易服務及商品交易服務由康宏証券投資服務有限公司(CE NO.: API164) ( "康宏証券" ) (根據證券及期貨條例獲發牌進行第一類 ( 證券交易 )受規管活動持牌法團 及香港聯合交易所之參與者 ) 及 ( 根據證券及期貨條例獲發牌進行第二類 ( 期貨合約交易 ) 受規管活動持牌法團 及香港期貨交易所之參與者 ) 提供。
Securities dealing services and commodities dealing services are provided by Convoy Investment Services Limited (CE NO.: API164)("CIS"), a corporation licensed to conduct Type 1 (dealing in securities) regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance
(the "SFO") and an
[...] Exchange Participant of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") and, a corporation licensed to conduct Type 2 (dealing in futures contracts) regulated activity under the SFO and an [...]
Exchange Participant
of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited.
張先生於2005年加入康宏,現為香港證監會第一 牌 照 持牌 人 、 認可強積金中介人及香港專業保險經紀協 持牌 人 ,更是 CFPCM 認可財務策劃師及 CWMTM 特許財富管理師,曾獲頒香港銀行學會「2007年傑出理財策劃師大獎」銀獎。
Mr. Cheung joined
[...] Convoy in 2005 and is a holder of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission's Type 1 license, a registered MPF [...]
individual intermediary,
member of the Professional Insurance Brokers Association, a Certified Financial Planner and a Chartered Wealth Manager.
你的孩子有權利持牌英語 教師接受英語教學 ( 亦稱之為英語為第二語言,或ESL),以確保你的 孩子學習得到能聽、能講、能寫及能閱讀英文。
Your child has a right to receive English language instruction (also known as English as a Second Language, or ESL), by a licensed ESL instructor, to ensure that your child will learn to listen, speak, write and read in English.
凡 一 切 於 網 站 上 使 用 及 展 示 的 材 料 (包 括 但 不 限 於 文 字 、 照 片 、 錄 像 、 聲 音 及 圖 形 、 音 樂 、 標 識 、 標 誌 、 連 結 、html 代碼 、 商 標 、軟 件 以 及 其 他
在 網 站 上 出 現 的 材 料) ("內 容") 均 為 tokyobuy.com 及
[...] 其 專 營 商 所 擁 有持 牌 , 因 此 受 到 版 權 法 [...]
、 商 標 法 、 服 務 標 誌 法 , 和 / 或 其 他 香 港 特
別 行 政 區 或 其 他 國 家 的 專 利 權 法 律 所 保 護 ("知 識 產 權"); 而 現 在 及 將 來 一 切 包 涵 在 [內 容] 中 和 屬 於 內 容 的 知 識 產 權 , 無 論 任 何 時 間 均 為 tokyobuy.com 的 專 有 財 產 。
All materials used and displayed on the site (including but not limited to text, photographs, video, audio and graphics, music, logos, marks, links, html code, trademarks, software and other materials that appear on the site) ("contents") are owned by or licensed to Tokyobuy.com and its proprietors and are protected by copyrights, trademarks,
services marks, and/or other proprietary
[...] laws of hksar or other countries ("the [...]
intellectual property rights") and all present
and future intellectual property rights in and to the contents shall at all times be the sole and exclusive property of Tokyobuy.com. you agree that the use of the contents on the site is solely for personal and noncommercial (other than for the purchase of merchandise from the site) purposes (the "permitted use") provided that no right, title or interest of any nature in the contents downloaded or copied for the permitted use shall be transferred to you.
金融中介機構必須是《銀行業條例》訂明的認可機構、根據《證券及期貨條例》獲發牌以進行第1、4或9 類受規管活動持牌法團 ,或獲准許經營《保險公司條例》附表1第2部所指定的類別C業務的保險人。
The financial intermediary must be an authorized institution as defined in the Banking Ordinance, a licensed corporation licensed to perform Type 1, 4 or 9 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance or an insurer authorized to carry on Class C business as specified in Part 2 of the First Schedule to the Insurance Companies Ordinance.
(iii) 倘 閣 下之股 份 已 經 中 央 結 算 系 統 遞 交 閣 下持 牌 證 券 交 易 商 ╱ 註 冊 證 券 機 構 ╱ 託 管 商 銀 行 , 則 須 於 香 港 中 央 結 算( 代 理 人 )有 限 公 司 訂 定 之 限 期 或 之 前 , 指 示 閣 下持 牌 證 券 交 易 商 ╱ 註 冊 證 券 機 構 ╱ 託 管 商 銀 行 授 權 香 港 中 央 結 算( 代 理 人 )有 限 公 司 代 表 閣 下 接 納 股 份 收 購 建 議 。
(iii) if your Shares have been lodged with your licensed securities dealer/registered institution in securities/custodian bank through CCASS, instruct your licensed securities dealer/registered institution in securities/custodian bank to authorise [...]
HKSCC Nominees Limited to accept the Share Offer on your behalf
on or before the deadline set by HKSCC Nominees Limited.
既然小販排檔的位置及面積均是固定的,只要售賣的貨品沒有安全問題,及該排檔是 持牌 人 或 助手直接經營,當局不應因為小販的做法不符合官僚程序的規定便需除牌。
As long as the stall is managed by a licensed hawker or registered assistant and the commodities being sold have no safety problem, there is no strong reason toward cancellation of hawkers’ license simply because they failed to comply with obsolete bureaucratic procedures.




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