

单词 不穷



boundless joy


beat the snake death or it will cause endless calamity (common saying); nip the problem in the bud


help the starving but not the poor [idiom.]


innumerable succession
more and more emerge
breeding like flies [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

化学工业不断发展,新化学品层 不穷 , 而 有关这些化学品的风险信息却 常常无处找寻或者有所限制。
The chemical industry continued to evolve, new chemicals were being developed, and access to information regarding the risks associated with those chemicals was often unavailable or limited.
苏丹南方的生命损失仍是一项重大关切,因为尽管当 局采取了若干地方举措,争夺资源的部落纠纷和冲突仍层 不穷。
The loss of life in Southern Sudan remains a major concern as tribal
disputes and clashes over resources
[...] continue to occur in spite of some local initiatives undertaken by the authorities.
有关“水资源污染物层不穷——水质问题新挑战”的研讨会也讨论 了水质方面的挑战。
Water Quality Challenges were also addressed in a seminar on Emerging Pollutants in Water Resources – A New Challenge to Water Quality.
科索沃塞族人被迫变卖财产离开科 索沃的事例层不穷,令人遗憾,但这种情况仍得不 到重视。
Unfortunately, there still are numerous instances of Kosovo Serbs being forced to sell their property and leave the district, a situation to which no attention has been paid.
随着遇到的消化功能紊乱的患者越来越多,以及层 不穷 的 医 生难以治愈的病症,我开始思考功能医学是否真的是解开这些谜团的密匙。
It seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层不 穷;海 洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
中国正在飞速发展,新的公路和高速公路层 不穷。
China is growing at an exceptional rate,
[...] which means it needs new roads and highways to keep up with the boom.
正在根 据层不穷的问 题为一些地区尤其是非洲地区设计需求评估和能力建设新战略, 如,将海洋法与海洋科学研究相结合的培训课程。
A needs assessment and a new strategy for capacity development are being devised based on emergent issues, such as training courses on the combination of Law of the Sea and Marine Scientific Research, especially in Africa.
出口市场在边境和边境后面实施的各种复杂和限制性的非关税措施层不 穷,是 大多数依赖初级商品的发展中国家,尤其是最不发达国家关切的问题。
The proliferation of complex and restrictive non-tariff measures applied “at and behind” borders in export markets is of concern to most CDDCs, and particularly to LDCs.
由于缺乏可持续药物信息和监测系统,仍然难以监测不断变化和层不穷的趋 势、实行循证对策,评估这些对策有效性的能力也受到了限制。
The lack of sustainable drug information and monitoring systems continues to hinder the monitoring of changing and emerging trends, the implementation of evidence-based responses and the ability to assess the effectiveness of those responses.
现在的金融服务行业机遇与挑战并存:新的市场正在不断壮大,监管条例和法规时时变化,虽然如此,金融服务行业依然希望能满足对客户对新产品和新服务层 不穷 的 要 求。
Nowadays, finance service industry is full of opportunity and challenge. New market is developing, variety regulations and laws are changing constantly, but finance institute hope to catch up the new and complex product and service request.
的问题也层不穷,但 让我们走慢是肯定的。
The questions are endless, but let's go [...]
slow for sure.
广大发展中国家 发展资金不足、技术手段缺乏、能力建设不够的问 题亟待解决,金融危机、地区局势动荡、粮食危机、 自然灾害等新挑战层不穷,可 持续发展事业面临 更为艰巨和复杂的形势。
While problems besetting the developing countries, such as lack of finance, technology and capacity, required urgent solution, multiple new challenges had emerged, such as financial and food crises, regional unrest and natural disasters, making the pursuit of sustainable development even more difficult.
随着时空的变换,新的挑战层不穷 , 我 们发现有必要阐明我们如何解释这些要求并期望员工去遵守。
From year to year and region to region, new challenges emerge and we find it necessary to clarify how we interpret the requirements and expect employees to adhere to them.
我们不仅采用最高加密标准,而且不断更新我们的系统,以应对层 不穷 的 威 胁。
Along with the highest encryption standards, we continually update our system to tackle emerging threats.
过去20年间,区域一体化和合作进程 在加快,各种区域协定层不穷,其 范围扩 大远远超过了传统的贸易领域,覆盖到投 [...]
资、货币、竞争政策、移民、劳工制度、环 境、反腐、良政、反恐、粮食安全和卫生等 其他领域。
In the past two
[...] decades, there has been an acceleration [...]
in the regional integration and cooperation processes as well as
a proliferation of regional agreements whose scope has widened far beyond the traditional areas of trade to cover other aspects such as investment, currency, competition policy, migration, labour regimes, the environment, corruption, good governance, terrorism, food security and health, among others.
它是一汪活水,近乎于人的情感,引导人最基本的常识和立场;从实用的角度从事漆艺,有时你可以设想为自己在从事着一种具体的心安理得的劳作,有着听天由命的宿命色彩;而这又那么容易给人以另外“形而上”的启示,由于它的层 不穷 的 变 化天性,又总能返回自身初始状态,并且仅仅意味着它自己。
And this can very easily become a “metaphysical” enlightenment, because it is the nature of paint that it goes through endless changes, and yet can always return to its own primitive state, where it means nothing other than itself.
这两股强大力量相互交 融,不断改写着零售行业的格局,各种创新与创业活动由此层 不穷。
The convergence of these two powerful forces is transforming the retail landscape and unleashing a surge of innovation and entrepreneurship.
加上新媒体、智能移动终端等的层 不穷 , 2012伦敦奥运,势必引发一场媒体变革。昨天下午,上海广播电视台副台长林罗华与传统电视、新媒体、广告营销领域的众多嘉宾, 围绕“伦敦奥运,新看法——全媒体时代的新传播方式”的主题, 展开了全面讨论。
The impact of new media on traditional TV and industry development trends were hot topics at the first industry summit titled "Post 2012- TV Series Market" held yesterday at Shanghai Exhibition Center.
近期,一些区域的局势动荡不安,恐怖事件频频发生,种族纷争更是层 不穷。
We have recently witnessed with great concern [...]
many instances of regional unrest, acts of terrorism and racial conflicts.
联邦机构正面临着不断演变的技术形势,它们发现,要开发能让它们在变化层 不穷 的 过 程中控制、管理并创造价值的企业架构,堪称一项挑战。
Federal agencies are facing an evolving technology landscape and are finding it challenging to develop an enterprise architecture that allows them to harness, manage, and deliver value in the midst of tremendous change.
对于奥运主办者来说,如何在数字营销这一日新月异的领域依照自己的计划来迅速整合层 不穷 的 新 平台不是一件易事。
Keeping up with the pace of change in the field of digital marketing has been a major challenge for organizers who have had to quickly integrate new platforms in their communication plan as they developed.
法国艺术品拍卖市场是所有矛盾的结合体:面对悲观的市场气氛、放缓的 经济增长速度和处处受到限制的预算,法国市场凭借充满活力的艺术博览会 (FIAC国际当代艺术博览会、巴黎艺术博览会、巴黎摄影展和层 不穷 的外围展)经受住了考验,甚至还吸引了美国高古轩和奥地利Thaddaeus Ropac等 知名画廊来到巴黎近郊开设新的展览空间。
The French marketplace was a paradox: in a relatively sluggish context with an economic slowdown and budgetary restrictions, it remained in the picture thanks to dynamic art fairs like the FIAC, Art Paris, Paris-Photo and numerous fringes, and even attracted illustrious gallery owners like Larry Gagosian, from America and Thaddaeus Ropac, from Austria, who opened new exhibition areas in the Paris suburbs.
数个世纪以来,各类加密技术层 不穷 , 但 它们的原理与上锁的箱子和钥匙类似;一旦某个秘密信息被放入带锁的箱子并用钥匙上了锁,那么它就只能被拥有同一把钥匙的人读取。
Many kinds of encryption techniques have been developed over the centuries, but they all tend to resemble a lockbox and key; once a secret message is put into the lockbox and secured with the key, it can only be read again by someone possessing the same key.
[...] 经历了民主化;公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自由主义改革;市场 (金融、贸易、服务业、制造业)的全球化以及信息时代的到来;此外还有不断增 加的世界性问题,例如穷、不平等 、安全、移民、恐怖主义和气候变化。
The main changes inside and outside the State were the fiscal and managerial reforms undertaken by States to overcome their fiscal deficits and related problems; the democratization of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization of public power; the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society organizations; economic liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance, trade,
[...] manufacturing); and the rise of the information age, in addition to increasing world problems like poverty, inequality, [...]
security, migration,
terrorism, and climate change.
总的来看,大幅度逐步增加一般发展援助,很可能减少与保护责任有关的犯罪和 侵害行为,因为一些最严重的大规模国内暴力发生在非常贫穷的国家,最穷的人
[...] 没有抵抗能力(不过,对犹太人的大屠杀以及最近在巴尔干发生的暴行证明,穷不是必要条件)。
On balance, substantial increments in levels of general development assistance could well reduce the aggregate incidence of crimes and violations relating to the responsibility to protect, because some of the worst cases of mass domestic violence have occurred in very poor countries, where the poorest of the poor lack the capacity to resist
(the Holocaust and the more recent atrocities in the Balkans, however,
[...] attest that poverty is not a necessary condition).
确认《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》所载的各项目标还没有完全实现,最不发达国家 在世界经济中继续被边缘化,依然存在极端 穷 、 不 平 等 和结构性弱点
that not all the objectives and goals set in the Brussels Programme of Action have been fully achieved and that least developed countries remain marginalized in the world economy and continue to suffer from extreme poverty, inequality and structural weaknesses
该报告确定了若干必须加以促进的广泛政策 方向,具体如下:(a)
政府应越来越多地在城市中发挥更为重要的发展作用;(b) 经
[...] 过改革的城市规划系统必须充分和明确地应对当前和正在出现的城市挑战,包括 气候变化、快速城市化和穷、不断 缩 小的城市、老龄化、城市的多元文化组成、 [...]
非正规性和安全;(c) 各国应制定国家城市政策,以更加系统地应对城市挑战和
预期;以及(d) 应高度优先地重视并根据现实标准发展很多发展中国家缺乏的强 制执行城市规划监管的能力。
It identified a number of broad policy directions that must be promoted, as follows: (a) Governments should increasingly take on a more central development role in cities; (b) reformed urban planning systems must fully and unequivocally address the current and emerging urban
challenges, including climate change, rapid
[...] urbanization and poverty, shrinking cities, ageing, [...]
multicultural composition of cities,
informality and safety; (c) countries should formulate national urban policies in order to address urban challenges and prospects more systematically; and (d) capacity to enforce urban planning regulations, which is seriously lacking in many developing countries, should be given very high priority and should be developed on the basis of realistic standards.
大会第六十四届会议注意到在促穷 人 法 律权益方面,各国的经验 不相 同 ,确认一些国家作为本国战略和目标的组成部分为推动促 穷 人 法 律权益而采 取的举措和取得的进展,强调推动交流国家最佳做法的重要性;并请秘书长考虑 到各会员国的经验和观点,向大会第六十六届会议提交一份关于决议执行情况的 报告,以继续审议促进穷人法律权益问题(第 64/215 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General
Assembly took note of the
[...] broad diversity of national experiences in the area of legal empowerment of the poor; recognized the initiatives undertaken and progress made by some countries in advancing legal empowerment of the poor as an integral [...]
part of national strategies
and objectives; stressed the importance of sharing best national practices in the area; and requested the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on the implementation of the resolution and to continue the consideration of legal empowerment of the poor, taking into account national experiences and the views of Member States (resolution 64/215).




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