

单词 不穿衣服的

See also:


not give in to
not accept sth.
refuse to accept as final
refuse to obey or comply
remain unconvinced by
want to have sth. overruled or changed


wear clothes

衣服 n

clothes n
clothing n
dress n
dresses pl
apparel n
array n

External sources (not reviewed)

為何 出版者如果有權選擇刊登穿 整齊的㆟類照片,而無權選 不穿衣服的 ㆟ 類 照片?
Why is it that the publisher has the right to
choose to publish pictures of humans
[...] in proper attire but no equal right to publish pictures of humans with no clothes on?
(d) 为了减少有不罚现 象,在执行公务中未穿 服(穿 “ 便 衣 ”) 的 警 察,在 实施逮捕和押解被剥夺自由者的时候,必须表明自己的姓名和警衔。
(d) With a view to reducing impunity, police
[...] officers who do not wear uniforms when carrying out police duties (in “plain clothes”) are obliged to [...]
identify themselves by
name, surname and rank at the time of arrest and transfer of persons deprived of their liberty.
私营军事和安保公司人员不总是穿 戴 特 定 的 制 服 和 标志徽章,并常常 驾驶配备有色玻璃、不悬挂车牌的无标志越野车,因而更加无法辨别。
Private military and security company
[...] personnel are not always wearing distinctive uniforms and identification [...]
badges and often drive
unmarked sport utility vehicles with tinted glasses and no plates, which add to the confusion.
[...] 報告,察悉就石議員作為港鐵公司董事而違反了《議事規則》第83A 條一事,監察委員會曾仔細、全面和認真地考慮當中的事實,所知悉 的事實是:石議員已在《議員個人利益登記冊》登記他是港鐵公司獨 立非執行董事此項個人利益,並在過往交通事務委員會及鐵路事宜小 組委員會就其他事項舉的會議上(不 論 是剛才劉健儀議員所說他可 能在炫耀,又或如陳偉業議員所說他是否也 穿 件 衣服 來 表 達)多次 申報他是港鐵公的獨立非執行董事。
The CMI has considered the facts of the case in a detailed, comprehensive and serious manner and the facts known are: Mr Abraham SHEK has recorded in the Register on Members' Interests his personal interest that he is an INED of the MTRCL and during the previous meetings of the Panel on Transport and the Railway Subcommittee or meetings held on other matters, and irrespective
of whether he might be simply
[...] showing off as Ms Miriam LAU has said or as Mr Albert CHAN has suggested that he should wear a T-shirt to demonstrate this fact, he has on numerous occasions declared that he is an INED of the MTRCL.
舉例來說,在㆒九九㆕年六月,由於㆝氣惡劣及發生嚴重交通意外, 令葵青區出現嚴重的交通擠塞情況,當局遂提供來往 衣 與 荃 灣之 的穿梭 渡輪服務; 同年八月,由於發生山泥傾瀉,以致鴨 洲大橋須局部封閉,小 輪公司便特別調派渡輪至鴨 洲。
For example, in June last year, special ferry shuttle services were provided between Tsing Yi and Tsuen Wan because of serious traffic congestion in Kwai Tsing District caused by a combination of poor weather and bad traffic accidents, and in August last year, special ferries were deployed to Ap Lei Chau because of the partial closure of the Ap Lei Chau Bridge caused by a landslip.
We were forced [to go] for months without clothes.
但很少有 人知道这个丹麦公司生产的所有儿童 不 只是 爱,但还优越设计器宝的衣服,穿 你 最 喜欢 乐高和他们的父母。
But few know that this Danish
[...] company produces not only loved by all children, but also superior designer baby clothes, WEAR your favorite [...]
LEGO's and their parents.
您的女儿挑选了一衣服试穿,您迫 不 及 待地想看到她穿上最新款的“小冒险家朵拉”衣 的 样 子 ...然而,您看到的现实却是:牛仔裤包得太紧而且裤腰太低;裤裆也太短了,是的,她的肚脐露得全世界都能看到了。
Your daughter picks out some outfits to try on and you can’t wait to see the latest “Dora the Explorer” fashions on her…then [...]
reality bites: The jeans are too
tight and riding too low; the top is too short and yes, that’s her belly button out for the world to see.
(d) "樂 齡 健保計劃": 於 2002年設立的殘 疾 保險計劃,旨在 為 那不 能進行基本日常 生 活活動( 例如進食穿衣和 如 廁 )的 長者提供經濟保障。
(d) ElderShield: It is a disability insurance scheme set up in 2002 to
provide financial protection for
[...] the elderly who are unable to perform basic activities of daily living such as eating, dressing and toileting.
例如,呼吁全国民主联盟 与军政权之间的对话,收集一项请 的 签 名 , 穿 白 色 衣服 和 要求其他人穿白衣 服,发 起请其他宗教的人一起为和平解决缅甸政治问题祈祷的一次祈祷运动,鼓 励公民写信向军事当局解释他们苦难。
For instance, calling for dialogue between the National League for Democracy and the military regime, collecting
signatures for a
[...] petition, dressing in white and asking others to dress in white clothes, initiating a prayer [...]
campaign in which people
of all religions were asked to pray for a peaceful resolution to Burma’s political problems and encouraging citizens to write letters explaining their plight to the military authorities.
They put on the clothes then Doraemon puts [...]
his Familiar Light to make them breathe underwater.
几代人的构成的tannaim和亚摩兰历史框架序列可决定从犹太法典中的典故,轶事和来自院校的故事,文学及其他有价值的材料,它展示的历史​​条件下,事件和人士的时间, 不 是 除 在该事实已在传说或神 的 外 衣穿的 案 件
The sequence of generations which constitute the framework of the history of the Tannaim and Amoraim may be determined from the allusions contained in the Talmud, from the anecdotes and stories of the academies, and from other valuable literary material, which exhibit the historical conditions,
events, and personages of the time, not
[...] excepting cases in which the facts have been clothed in the garb of legend or myth.
如果您需要让志愿者穿 T 恤衫或戴 帽子,公司可能愿意支付印刷费用,从而可以将公 的 名 字印 在 衣服 上。
If you need t-shirts or caps for
[...] volunteers to wear, a company could pay for the printing costs in exchange for having the company name printed on the t-shirt too.
讨价还价现象在澳大利亚并不普遍,除非在二手市场或在一家店铺购买一衣 的 全 新 衣服 , 在 这种情况下,问店家要一个小小的折扣可 不 会 被 认为不妥。
Bargaining is not the norm in Australia, unless
[...] [...] you're at a second-hand market or buy a whole new wardrobe from one store, in which case it probably wouldn't [...]
hurt to ask for a small discount.
申诉的父母 还指出,在还押期间,申诉人被单独监禁,牢房极 冷衣服不够, 从不熄灯,并且遭到虐待。
The complainant’s parents further
submit that during his
[...] detention on remand, the author was kept in solitary confinement in freezing conditions without appropriate clothing, constant light [...]
and that he was ill-treated.
由於香港許多㆟不想興波作浪,或希望保持安定繁榮,所以對許多事情 不 願 說 出來, 但我這個小孩子見到卻會「嘩」然㆒聲:「為什麼皇帝 的 沒 衣服穿?
Many Hong Kong people would not wish to rock the boat; they would wish to maintain stability and prosperity; that is why few would speak out.
看 護護理是不需要 受過訓練的醫療或醫療輔助人員持續監督的個人照護,例如協助您進行洗澡穿 衣等日常活的護理
Custodial care is personal
[...] care that does not require the continuing attention of trained medical or paramedical personnel, such as care that helps you with activities of daily living, such as bathing or dressing.
[...] 濕度、風速、熱輻射、涉及工序的性質,以及個人因素如工人本 身的健康狀況、所使用藥物的影響和 穿的衣服 等 , 均會影響引 致中暑的風險。
Rather, all relevant factors should be taken into account, including environmental factors such as the temperature, humidity, wind speed and radiant heat in the workplace, and the precise nature of work as well as individual
related factors such as the health condition of workers, the effects of any drugs
[...] being taken and the clothing worn by them.
妇女要给孩子喂穿衣,照顾他们不光要干所的活 , 而且非干不可, 但她们却得不到丈夫工作的福利,在第三世界国家尤 其如此。
Women end up feeding, clothing and looking after children, not only doing [...]
all the work but having to do it; yet they do
not get the benefit of their husbands’ employment, especially not in the Third World.
提交人看的儿子 只穿了一件运动裤和一件 T 恤,就要军人给他点时穿衣服。
As her son was wearing only a tracksuit and tee-shirt, the author asked the soldiers to allow him time to dress.
基金会的目标是为Aleksandra及其团队所照 的 孩 子 提供物资 衣服 、 鞋 子、玩具、书籍及尿布等等。团队成员发现,一些人之所 不 愿 意领养儿童,是因为受到既定印象所影响,以为孤儿都较悲伤、不健康、且较抑郁。
The aim of the foundation is to provide for the
[...] material needs of the children Aleksandra and her team are taking care of: clothes, shoes, toys, books, diapers, etc. The team realize that sometimes parents [...]
are reluctant to adopt a child because of stereotypes and the idea that orphans are sad, ill and unhappy.
穿着粉色的衣服,外 面裹了一条同色毛毯。
Now sitting at home, Fatma gently holds Rama,
[...] wrapped in pink clothes and a matching blanket.
他说,“他们与家人一起住在流离失所者避难所,10至12个人共用一个房间;几乎没有什么财物可言 —— 也许只有随穿的衣服和窗 户上的塑料布。
They were living in displaced shelters – 10 to 12 in a room with their
families, with really very minimal possessions
[...] – maybe just the clothes on their backs and [...]
some plastic sheeting on the windows.
它是在地球上空,它的居民是“有光明和永 穿衣服 , 吃 的 生 命 树”(同上lviii。
It is above the earth, and its inhabitants
[...] are "clothed with garments of light and eternal life, and eat of the [...]
tree of life" (ib. lviii. 3) in the company of the Lord and His anointed.
9. 衣著
[...] 任何人如被公司的任何受僱人認為其衣著或衣服會弄污或破壞公司的任何船隻或公司的 碼頭的座位或裝置,或會弄污或破壞其他乘客 衣 著 或 衣服的 , 又 或任何人如被公司的 任何受僱人認為會因任何其他適當的理由令乘客感到厭惡的, 不 得 進 入公司的任何碼 頭或乘搭公司的任何船隻;而公司的受僱人可藉給予任何上述理由而阻止任何該等人士 進入公司的任何碼頭或乘搭公司的任何船隻。
No person whose dress or clothing may in the opinion of any servant of the Company soil or
damage the seats or
[...] fittings of any of the Company's vessels or of the Company's piers or the dress or clothing of any other passenger, and no person who in the opinion of any servant of the [...]
Company may for any
other appropriate reason be offensive to passengers shall enter upon any of the Company's piers or travel in any of the Company's vessels, and it shall be lawful for any servant of the Company to prevent any such person from so doing by giving any of the aforesaid reasons therefor.
买牛仔裤,ECKO品牌“上丁方形卡普里 的 第 三 个赛季,他们是完 穿不 褪 色 ,在太阳zastiryvayutsya,在洗其 衣服 , 不 脱 落 ,不舒展而不是其他品牌。
Is the third season of buying jeans, Ecko brand "Asscher Capri", they are perfectly worn not fade in the sun zastiryvayutsya, do not shed on the other clothes in the wash and [...]
do not stretch as opposed to other brands.
该记录的14 AD期间,不久他 在他的诺拉家死了,我们都告诉苏埃托尼乌斯的奥古斯都喜欢打电话,告诉如何希腊人和罗马人谁在岛上生活,分享他 的衣服 和 交 谈的语言给对方;作为青少年参加游戏和年轻的岛民宴会谁放弃了比赛,推出水果如他想象的“Apragopoli”无所作为的,并已取得根据“使用友好的希腊”两城在Masgaba第一建设者和海岛的帝国遗产管理人荣誉希腊诗句。
The documented stay of 14 AD, shortly before he died at his home in Nola, we are told by Suetonius that
[...] Augustus liked to call that tells how the Greeks and Romans who lived on the Island to share their clothes and talk to each other in the language of; as of the youths attending the games and the banquet of [...]
the young islanders who abandoned the race to launch fruit as he had imagined a city of "Apragopoli" that of doing nothing and had made according to "use friendly greek" two greek verses in honor of Masgaba first builder and administrator of the estate of the Island Empire.
(a) 「高度照顧殘疾人士院舍」是指提供住宿照顧、
[...] 監管及指導予殘疾人士的機構,而該等殘疾人士 一般健康欠佳、缺乏基本的自我照顧技巧,並在 處理日常起居方面需要專人照顧、料理和協助, 例穿衣、如廁及用膳方面,不需 要高 度 的專 業醫療或護理
(a) a “high-care-level” home, namely an establishment providing residential care, supervision and guidance for PWDs who are generally weak in health, lack basic self-care skills, and require intensive personal care, attention and assistance in activities of daily
living, such as dressing,
[...] toileting and meals, but do not require a high degree of professional medical or nursing care
整体和局部的分隔都是属于表现的,局部在整体中的风格 不 同 ( 如:从右到左,第一张,有一个女人从大楼里探头出来 衣服的 一 段 画面和后面的画面的风格全 不 同 ,而它却是漫画样式的,后面的第二画幅确实纯粹表现主义的)。
There are some local variations in style (e.g. the first image reading from the right, the picture of a woman sticking her head out of the window to fetch the washing in is completely different, in a cartoon style, while the next two images are pure expressionist).




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