

单词 报酬

酬报 noun ()

reward n

酬报 ()



有报酬 adj



return on investment
rate of return


marginal returns

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

这些问 题需要向公众公开和介绍。能否使 报酬 与 一定比例的国民生产总值挂钩,这可以作为一个基 准尺度。
These issues need to be given public visibility and exposure.
新的男女平等报告自愿方案“考虑、行动、报告”将改 报酬 透明度和实现更广泛的工作场所平等。
The new voluntary framework for gender equality reporting, “Think, Act, Report”, would improve transparency on pay and wider workplace equality.
然而,如果发现任何人在执行国家征兵计划中实施不人道和有 辱人格的待遇、酷刑,或实行强迫、 报酬 劳 动,政府绝不宽恕。
Nevertheless, the Government spared no effort in prosecuting anyone found guilty of subjecting people to inhuman and degrading treatment, torture or exacting forced and/or free labour of youth in the national service programme.
司法和法律事务司继续:(a) 向审判分庭和上诉分庭提供直接司法协助,如 法律研究、起草文件和提供其他司法支助、编制司法日历、维护和安排审判室以
及司法程序记录、记录誊本、动议、命令、裁决、判决和宣判的备案、保存和登 记;(b) 履行与法庭有关的其他职能,包括提供和维护拘留设施、编制和维持辩
[...] 护律师名单、建立和维持向辩护律师提 报酬 的 系 统、口译和笔译服务、协助控 方和辩方证人在法庭作证以及法律图书馆服务。
The Judicial and Legal Services Division continues to provide: (a) direct judicial assistance to the Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, such as, legal research, drafting and other judicial support; the preparation of the judicial calendar; the maintenance and scheduling of courtrooms; and the recording, maintenance and registration of records of judicial proceedings, transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; and (b) other court-related functions, including the provision and maintenance of the detention facilities; the development and maintenance of a list of defence
counsel; the establishment and maintenance
[...] of a system to remunerate defence counsel; [...]
interpretation and translation services;
assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; and legal library services.
[...] 预先限定不足,所以教科文组织决定根据完成的工程量按比例支 报酬 , 主要包括 固定酬金、任选酬金和最后提到的临时雇用酬金(该部分酬金最终的数额与工程总 [...]
顾问建筑师支付酬金,教科文组织应该将其工程计划做的足够详细和明确,以便候 选人递交一些更省钱、更可靠的投标书,但教科文组织未能这样做。
For the particular case of the mission of consultant architect, the inadequate
prior definition of the programme led
[...] UNESCO to calculate remuneration as a percentage of [...]
the works carried out, most of it
in firm and optional phases, and even, in the final analysis, remuneration by unit of time, the final volume of which would indirectly be closely linked to that of the works: in order to be able to remunerate its consultant on a flat-rate basis, as is usual practice in public works contracts, UNESCO would have had to define the detailed programme for the operations with sufficient precision to enable the candidates to submit bids that were economically advantageous and credible, but the Organization was unable to do so.
这包含,但 并不仅限于,雇报酬以及包括含培训在内的所有技术援助的费用。
This includes but is not limited to funding for employee compensation and all technical assistance including training.
咨询委员会还获悉,联合国秘 书处人力资源管理报酬和叙 级科近期对这些 D-1 员额进行了审查,并裁定可将 其改叙为 D-2 职等。
The Committee was also informed that the Compensation and Classification Section of the Office of Human Resources Management of the United Nations Secretariat had recently reviewed the D-1 posts and determined they could be reclassified at the D-2 level.
这些原则 和机制包括:在公司的业务开始、增长和关闭方面的一个扶持性监管环境;为创
[...] 业提供第一笔种子资本的公共方案;使成功的企业家能够收获成功 报酬 的 税务 制度;灵活的劳动力市场。
These included an enabling regulatory environment for companies to start, grow and close a business; public programmes that provided the first seed capital for
start-ups; tax regimes that allowed successful
[...] entrepreneurs to reap the rewards of success; and [...]
flexible labour markets.
但这些方 案往往达不到预期效果,因为它们未创造净就业,而是仅仅以临时的 报酬 工作 替代长期的报酬工作 以使后者数量减少。
However, these programmes often did not work as projected since they
did not create net employment but simply reduced the
[...] number of permanent well-paying jobs with temporary low-paying jobs.
(b) 给予本公司任何董事、高级人员或受雇人在任何特定业务或交
[...] 易中的权益,或是参与当中的溢利或本公司的一般溢利,以上 所述可以是额外加于或是代替薪金或其 报酬。
(b) To give to any Directors, officers or servants of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits
thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a
[...] salary or other remuneration.
实际上,农村地区从事经济活动人口 2007 年占总人口的 55.1%,他们可以 在两种机会之间做出选择:――接受可以带来一定收入、但工作条件非常恶劣而 且有患职业病的风险较高的工作和贫穷的生活或移居城市、找到一份更有吸引 力报酬更高 的工作,或是出国找一份可以养家糊口的工作。
Practically, the economically active population from the rural areas, the share of which in 2007 constituted 55.1% is given the choice between two opportunities: – to accept work that brings a modest income, performed under unfavourable employment conditions and with a high risk of illness and a poor life, or immigrate in the urban areas and find a more attractive and more motivated job or leave the country in search for a job that would ensure sufficient income to sustain the family.
雇员收到一个特定的任务,完成这些任务, 取得一个特定的结果,雇主有义务按照合同 条款的规定向完成任务的雇员支 报酬。
Service contract – Based on the contract, the employee receives defined tasks and activities which must be realised by the employer.
在 2011 年加入 Blackstone 之前,Harvey 先生是摩根大通公司执行董事,拥有逾 13 年人力资源各种职务的丰富经验,任职范围遍及伦敦、欧洲大陆及亚洲,其中包括:担任 Investment Bank(投资银行)的 HR 业务合伙人,领导该行在欧洲的高级管理 报酬 事 务;担任 Benelux(比荷卢经济联盟)的 HR 领导职务,以及担任新加坡薪酬及福利地区主管。
Prior to joining Blackstone in 2011, Mr. Harvey was an Executive Director with JPMorgan Chase, having spent 13 years in a diverse range of Human Resources roles in London, Continental Europe and Asia, including HR Business Partner in the Investment Bank, leading the bank's Executive Compensation practice in Europe, HR leadership roles in Benelux, and as the Regional Head of Compensation and Benefits based in Singapore.
委员会建议缔约国制定针对青年和妇女的有效就业战略以及旨在改善正式部门和 非正式部门工作条件报酬的立 法和政策。
The Committee recommends that the State party develop effective employment strategies focusing on young people and women, as well as legislation and policies aimed at improving the working conditions and wages in the formal and informal sectors.
(b) 协助拟报酬和服 务条件及人力资源共同事务的审查和扩大等领域的 共同制度人力资源政策;促进机构间机关的工作,包括管理问题高级别委员会和 人力资源网,并在国际公务员制度委员会内代表联合国;监督薪金、津贴和其他 应享权利等方面的政策指示和指导方针的执行情况;在立法机关审议这些问题时 向他们提供实务支助。
(b) To contribute to the development of a common system human resources policy in the areas of compensation and conditions of service, and in the review and expansion of common services in the human resources area; contribute to the work of inter-agency bodies including the High-level Committee on Management and the Human Resources Network, and represent the United Nations at the International Civil Service Commission; and monitor the implementation of policy instructions and guidelines related to salaries, allowances and other entitlements, providing substantive support to legislative bodies during the consideration of these issues.
该 集团同意秘书长在其关于联合国内部司法的报告 (A/63/314)中阐述的有关法官报酬的建 议,认为需 要用有吸引力报酬来征 聘高质量的法律从业人 员。
The Group endorsed the Secretary-General’s proposals for the
compensation of judges, as set
[...] out in his report on administration of justice at the United Nations (A/63/314), considering that attractive remuneration was needed to recruit [...]
highly qualified legal practitioners.
其获报酬的目 的并非为了确 保生计,因为国家已经为已决犯提供了基本需求。
The purpose of their remuneration is not to secure [...]
their subsistence, as the State provides the convicts’ basic needs.
[...] 为他们的技能和资源投资而得到适 报酬 的 权利与使用者在合理条件下获得版权 [...]
While there does not exist a Copy rights Law, the Government understands the need to balance the rights
of copyright owners and creators to
[...] receive appropriate rewards for their investment [...]
of skill and resources, with the rights
of users to access copyright material on reasonable terms.
不平等的服务条件进一步妨碍了机构间的流 动:各基金和方案的整报酬办法更好,改善了不带 家属工作地点的工作——生活平衡状况。
Inter-agency mobility was further impacted by unequal conditions of service: the funds and programmes offered better compensation packages that also improved work-life balance at non-family duty stations.
[...] 作的目的――即让他做好准备重新融入其社区――无法证明 报酬 方 面 的差别待遇 有理。
He asserts that the alleged purpose of his employment,
to prepare him to reintegrate into his community, cannot justify the differential
[...] treatment regarding his remuneration.
一些发展中国家特别看重第 30
[...] 款的解决方案,认为该款解决了第 31 款的双报酬问题, 取消了出口国家强制许可的必要性。
Some developing countries particularly favour the Article 30
solution, noting that it solves the
[...] problem of double remuneration under Article 31, [...]
and removes the need for a compulsory
licence in the exporting country.
由于有了这些组织,作者和表演者可以在别人使用 自己的作品和表演时获得应得报酬 , 使 用者得到使用作品和表演的 许可也更加方便。
Thanks to these organizations, authors and performers receive the payments they deserve when their works and performances are used, and users can more easily obtain permission for the use of such works and performances.
17 著作权保护机制的基本原理与专利权大同小异,尽管从历史上来说,与激励作用相比,人 们更重视具有创造性的艺术家的创作应获取公 报酬 的 固 有权利。
17 The rationale for copyright protection is not dissimilar to that of patents, although historically greater weight has been
given to the inherent rights of creative artists
[...] to receive fair remuneration for their works [...]
than to the incentive effects.
最后,与会者提出了为传统知识所产生的效益以及为开发化工产品过程中使 用的生物多样性提供足报酬的问题,并强调需要就《生物多样性公约》规定的 利用和利益共享达成一项公正、公平的协议。
Finally, participants raised the issue of adequate remuneration for the benefits of traditional knowledge and for the use of biodiversity in developing chemical products, and emphasized the need to reach a fair and equitable agreement on access and benefit-sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity.
为确保在就业的各个阶段和一切形式的就业中残疾人免受 歧视,承认残疾人在与其他人平等的基础上享有工作权, 特别是同值工作同报酬的权 利而采取的立法措施 通过第 027-2007-PCM 号最高敕令,将第 27050 号残疾人 基本法中关于各公共实体必须将其职位总数中的 3%预留 给残疾劳动者这项规定确定为公共部门必须强制遵守的国 家政策。
The legislative measures taken to ensure protection against discrimination in all stages of employment and in any form of employment and to recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work on a basis of equality with others, in particular the right to equal pay for equal work Supreme Decree No. 027-2007-PCM establishes that the Omnibus Act on Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 27050) reflects a national policy and requires all institutions within the public sector to abide by the provisions of that law under which at least 3 per cent of the total workforce of each public body must be composed of workers with disabilities.
(b) 公司的董事、副职董事、官员和雇员如非当地本国公民、人民或其他性质的当地国民, 其自公司所得的薪金报酬,均 应免纳税。
(b) No tax shall be levied on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid by the Corporation to Directors, Alternates, officials or employees of the Corporation who are not local citizens, local subjects, or other local nationals.




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