

单词 力大无比

See also:

无力 n

weakness n

无力 adj

helpless adj


lacking strength

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,埃塞比亚对要求政府大力 度 解 决种族冲突根源的建议给予 积极考虑。
Ethiopia therefore
[...] considered favourably the recommendation requesting the Government to strengthen efforts made to address [...]
the causes of ethnic conflicts.
在整个双年度期间,正大量 的 自利信托基金安排给教科文组织带来了若干问题, 两个突出的问题是,教科文组织是否具有适当处理这 些安排的行政力,以 及所开展的活动的内容与教科 文组织的主要职责是否一致还有担心,某个国家在这 些安排中处无比重要 的位置,可能会影响在统计上 如实说明从地理上实际分配教科文组织预算外捐款的 情况。
The very large volume of self-benefiting funds-in-trust arrangements has raised a number of issues for UNESCO throughout the biennium, notably with regard to the adequacy of UNESCO’s administrative capacity to handle these arrangements, as well as the compliance between the content of the activities implemented and UNESCO’s key mandate.
鉴于这无法量 化但非常重要的意义,持续联合主持会议的安排得到 大力 支 持
In view of these unquantifiable but important benefits, the continuation of co-hosting arrangements was strongly supported.
小组委员会工 作经费缺乏是大挑战 ,它造成:(a) 面对面会议数量有限;(b) 发展中国家在 小组委员会中代表性不足;(c) 委员会成员对小组委员会会议的参与不足;(d) 工 商界在某些小组委员会的代表性有时被认为不 比 例 , 尤其是在出席会议方面; (e) 秘书无力为此 类会议提供支持,并以研究、专家论文和起草建议对各小组 委员会提供充分支持。
Lack of funding for the work of the
[...] subcommittees is a major challenge resulting in: (a) a limited number of face-to-face meetings; (b) underrepresentation of developing countries on the subcommittees; (c) insufficient participation of Committee members in subcommittee meetings; (d) what is sometimes perceived as a disproportionate representation of the business sector on certain subcommittees, especially in attendance of meetings; and (e) the inability of the secretariat [...]
to support such
meetings, and to sufficiently support the subcommittees with research, expert papers and drafting suggestions.
一般的生活常识告诉我们,当使用高压锅完成蒸煮食品时,需放汽减压方可打开锅盖,此时我们会发现锅内食品是热的,约100℃;当我们在一个容器底部放置一个“快放”阀门做热喷试验时,我们会发现喷出物的温度同样在100℃附近;当我们利用汽爆工艺试验台做汽爆试验时,我们测得:当采用4Mpa的蒸汽压,即250℃温度汽爆后,其爆出物料温度在0.00875秒瞬间降至约20℃ 比 室 内温度略低),其反应过程时间与 力无 关 ,与装料多少容 大 小 无 关。
General knowledge of life tells us that when using a pressure cooker to complete cooking the food, the need to put the steam vacuum before opening the lid, then we will find the pot of food is hot, about 100 ℃; when we put a bottom in a container "quick release" valve for thermal spray test, we will find that the temperature of ejecta around the same at 100 ℃; when we used to do test-bed steam explosion process steam explosion experiments, we measured: When using 4Mpa of vapor pressure, steam temperature is 250 ℃ after the explosion, which broke the moment the material temperature in 0.00875 seconds to
about 20 ℃ (slightly
[...] lower than room temperature), the reaction time has nothing to do with the pressure, volume and number of loading size.
Honeywell 无补偿和非放大的基本板安装型力 传 感 器 NBP 系列专为提出以下要求的客户而设计:在医疗和工业应用中使用简单、高性 比 、 基 本性能、mV 输出、非大、无补偿 、高品质、高分辨率的解决方案。
Honeywell's Basic Board Mount Pressure Sensors: NBP Series - Uncompensated and Unamplified are designed for customers who require a simple, cost-effective, basic performance, mV output, unamplified, uncompensated, high-quality, high-resolution solution for medical and industrial applications.
来自在土耳大国民 议会中未获组成党团资格的政党的议员以 无 党 派 议员可按其 力比 例 加入计划与预算、人权调查、与欧盟接轨、国有经济组织和男女机会平等委员会。
The deputies who belong to a political party not having a party group and independent
deputies may be
[...] members of the Committee on Plan and Budget, the Committee on Human Rights Inquiry, the Committee on EU harmonization, the Committee [...]
on Public
Economic Enterprises, and the Committee on Equal Opportunity for Women and Men according to their size.
据16岁的瓦妮莎(Vanessa)说,“儿童 —— 他们有无限的潜能,他们的内无比 强 大 , 我 认为他们需要被倾听,让别人知道,他们能够做到。
According to Vanessa, 16, “Children – they
[...] have limitless potential, and whatever they set their hearts to, I think that [...]
they need to be heard
to be able to let them know that they can do it.
大赦国 际呼吁迅速、公正和有效地调查所有对侵害妇女的 力 的 举 报,政府 应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践 无 保 留地 享有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective
[...] [...] investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to justice and the victims granted reparations and that women be granted unqualified equality with men in [...]
law and in practice.
此外,由于得到教育、卫生和社会福利服务的机会有限,有大比例的人口仍无法实 现其经济和社会权利。
Furthermore, owing to limited access to education,
health and social welfare
[...] services, a large percentage of the population remain unable to realize their [...]
economic and social rights.
还应当着重指出,古巴是销毁和不扩 大 规 模 毁灭性武器的国际文书和区域 文书(《化学武器公约》、《生物武器公约》、《不扩散核武器条约》和设立拉丁美 洲和加比无核武 器区的特拉特洛尔科条约)的缔约国,而且严格遵守这些文书 的所有规定。
It should also be stressed that Cuba is a State party to the international and regional instruments for the destruction and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Biological Weapons Convention, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which established a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Latin America and the Caribbean) and has complied strictly with all provisions thereof.
曾经笨无比、只能传送语音的庞 大 物 ,如今已发展为具有多种功能(例如相机、GPS 和 MP3 播放器)的时尚手机。
What started as a clunky voice-only device is now a sleek handset [...]
with multiple functions such as cameras, GPS and MP3 players.
粮食安全问题世界首脑会议认可并支持其他地区的类似 力 , 例 如《2025 年 拉丁美洲及加比无饥饿倡议》和东南亚国家联盟(东盟)《全面粮食安全框架》。
The World Summit on Food Security
recognized and
[...] supported similar efforts in other regions, such as the Latin America and the Caribbean without Hunger 2025 initiative [...]
and the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Integrated Food Security Framework.
它们无比的执着、力 和对寻求和平与安全的坚定不移承诺开展工作,包括 努力在安理会解决巴勒斯坦问题。
They served with consummate dedication, ability and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of peace and security, including with regard to their efforts to address the question of Palestine in the Council.
任何这类大政治 改革无可避 免要经受严峻考验,但缅甸政治精英们就根本性变 革的必要性已达成广泛共识,这意味着局势逆转的 风险较小;同时心怀不满的民众没有结成有组织的 团体,因而无力阻挠改革进程。
Any such
[...] program of major political change must inevitably face serious tests, but the broad consensus among the political elite on the need for fundamental change means that the risk of a reversal appears low; there is no coherent group of disaffected individuals with the power to undo the [...]
[...] 储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》和《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细 菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》等所有禁止大规模毁灭性武器的主 要条约并充分遵守这些文书的规定,伊朗伊斯兰共和国已采取切实步骤,支持建 立中无大规模 毁灭性武器区,并敦促该区域所有国家 大力 度 , 消除本区域大 规模毁灭性武器的威胁和相关威胁。
In this context, by ratifying all major treaties banning weapons of mass destruction, namely the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, and fully complying with their provisions, the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken practical steps in
support of the
[...] establishment of a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and urges all countries of the region to intensify their efforts for the elimination [...]
of weapons of mass destruction
and related threats from this region.
然而,由于资金匮乏、挑战大,比如保 证索马里人道主义机构的人身安全等,他 呼吁在联合国安理会的领导下建立更加健全的国际 响应机制,以增加非洲自身的力, 尤 其是与索马里 问题相关的力。
However, in view of their meagre resources and the immense challenges, such as guaranteeing physical security for humanitarian agencies in Somalia, he appealed for a more robust international response under the leadership of the United Nations Security Council to augment Africa’s own efforts, particularly with regard to Somalia.
這個水平,比不在法定管制範圍的其他公用事業公司的利潤水平略低,特別是加㆖我 們考慮到與力有關的資產,壽命長達㆓、㆔十年 比大 部 分 工業的資產壽命長得多, 因此我們不認為㆖述利潤水平過高。
This level is somewhat below that of other public utilities which are not subject to regulatory control and we do not believe it to
be excessive,
[...] particularly having regard to the fact that electricity related assets have life spans of 20 [...]
to 30 years, much longer than in most industries.
受过职业教育的移民占大比例, 这说明 劳力市场 对具备一定资质和专业技术的移民的需求很大(见附件 1 表 16)。
Emigration of a considerable part of persons with vocational education demonstrates the high demand for emigrants with certain professional qualifications and expertise (Table 16 from Annex No. 1).
就其本身而言,俄罗斯联邦 政府随时准备力扩大无核武 器区,加强中东的核 不扩散制度,并加强旨在打击核恐怖主义的机制的 [...]
For its part, the Government of the Russian Federation
[...] stood ready to work towards expanding nuclear-weapon-free [...]
zones, strengthening
the non-proliferation regime in the Middle East and enhancing the effectiveness of mechanisms designed to combat nuclear terrorism.
虽然诸多目标尚待完成,但对于 Emerson 做出的贡献以及我们在当今世界许多关键事务中所提供的技能和引发的 力 , 我 们仍感 无比 自 豪
While much remains for all of us to accomplish, we take enormous pride in Emerson's contributions and in the skills and momentum that we bring to critical issues in today's world.
我们张开双臂欢迎中国旅行者,并提供一些世界上最好的旅游目的地和最好 大 学 , 而我们知道,去美国的访问者会发现我们 无比 美 丽 的国家公园,我们充满精彩娱乐的城市,我们提供高品质、实惠客户体验的商店和餐馆。
We welcome Chinese travelers with open arms and offer some of the best tourist destinations as well as universities in the world, and we know
that visitors to
[...] America will find our national parks to be of unparalleled beauty, our cities to be full of great entertainment, [...]
and our shops
and restaurants to provide high quality, affordable customer experiences.
[...] 金融危机和气候变化所起的作用最小,但它们受到 的影响却是大的;因此,它无力 实 现 包括确保 环境可持续性在内的某些千年发展目标。
Developing countries, while contributing the least to global financial crises and
climate change, were the most
[...] affected by them; hence their inability to meet some of the MDGs, [...]
including that of ensuring environmental sustainability.
大会必 须解决包括叙利亚在内的无核武器 国家深感担忧的问题:以往的审大 会 及筹备委员 会未能针对核武器国家制订一份有时限、有约 力、 无条件 的计划,用以消除其武器库,即呼吁裁军谈 判会议设立一个小组委员会,就这样的一份计划进 行磋商。
The current Conference must address the grave concern of
non-nuclear-weapon States, including Syria,
[...] regarding the failure of past review conferences and preparatory committees to set forth a time-bound, binding, unconditional programme for nuclear-weapon States to eliminate their arsenals, namely, by calling on the Conference [...]
on Disarmament to establish a subcommittee to undertake negotiation of such a programme.
预计联刚特派团和国家工作队将通过刚果民主共和国东部地区国际安全与 稳定支助战略,继续支持稳定和重建计划,不过,规划部长等几位对话者强调, 必须支持全国各地巩固和平与建立和平的 力 , 特 别是在西部地区,相比较而言, 西部地区已被国际伙伴忽视并且公共行政仍然薄弱,政府估计其人类发展指比 大部分东部地区更糟。
While MONUC and the United Nations country team would be expected to continue to support the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan through the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, several interlocutors including the Minister of Planning stressed the need to support peace
consolidation and
[...] peacebuilding efforts throughout the country, particularly in the western part which, comparatively, has been neglected by international partners and where public administration remains weak and human development indicators are estimated by the Government to be worse than in much of the east.
(i) 审议对援助需求的区域处理办法以及为满足这些需求所作的 力 , 包 括 通过区域组织或由海关联盟、自由贸易区、无核武器区 无大 规 模 毁灭性武器区 成员国共同提出的援助请求。
(i) Consider regional approaches to assistance needs and efforts to meet them, including assistance requests made through [...]
regional organizations, or jointly by States
members of Customs unions, free trade zones or zones free of nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction.
它为热爱自然的人提供了绚无比的 自 然风光;为民族研究者提供了简单坚决的民族个性;为领导者树立了宗教,自由以及财产安全方面的榜样;而对于文人墨客,没有任何一个国家比瑞士更能激发他们的想 力。
To the admirer of nature it offers scenes of
[...] grandeur almost unrivalled; to the observer of national manners, a people of great simplicity and firmness of character; while to the statesman it displays in a striking light the salutary effects of religion, freedom, and security of property; nor can the poet or painter find scenes more calculated to exalt the imagination.
世界上现有近 23 000 件核武器,其中每一件都比重创广岛和长崎的原子弹大无比;这 些核武器中,只要一百件,就会迎来核冬天,在很短时间内导致人 类灭绝、地球环境遭到毁坏。
Of the nearly 23,000 nuclear weapons currently existing in the world,
each incomparably more
[...] powerful than those that cast a pall over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would take no more than about a hundred [...]
to usher in a nuclear
winter that would in a short space of time cause the death of all human beings and destroy the earth’s environment.
作为反周期的战略的一部分,公营银行在许多国家中发挥了积极的 作用,但它们抵消私人银行信贷缩减的 力 不 大 , 巴 西是一个例外(巴西的公营 银行在信贷总额中占大比例)。
The public banks then played an active role in many countries as part of countercyclical strategy although, with the exception of Brazil (where public banks
account for a large
[...] proportion of total credit), the capacity to offset the contraction in private bank credit was fairly small.
航機著陸後無法停止的主要因素,乃是未能放出擾 流板以減低速度,且飛航組員於濕滑跑道上,僅使用略 大於 1.3 EPR(引擎排/進氣力比)的反推力(MD-80s 建議 使用大反推力)。
The crew’s subsequent use of reverse thrust at levels greater than 1.3 engine pressure ratio on a wet runway (the recommended maximum for MD-80s) significantly reduced the effectiveness of the rudder and vertical stabilizer, and contributed to their directional control problems.




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