单词 | 小吃店 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小吃店—snack barlunch room小吃店noun—snack barsplSee also:小吃—snack refreshments 小吃n—snackspl 小店—small store 吃v—eatv consumev absorbv stammerv eradicatev
岛上的餐饮选择正在逐渐增加,包括披萨和凯卡特小吃店(Kai Kart)的炸鱼薯条(fish and chips)和汉堡。 cn.yha.co.nz | There is a growing selection of eateries on the island including pizza, fish and chips and burgers at theKai Kart. yha.co.nz |
他们喜欢尝试所有形形色色的食物及挑战新开幕的餐厅、餐车和小吃店。 cn.asiafriendfinder.com | They love trying all types of food as well as trying new restaurants, food trucks and hole-in-the-walls. asiafriendfinder.com |
(11) 作为酒店、汽车旅馆、旅馆、宿舍、公寓、餐厅、茶点和茶室、咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜总会及所有类别之俱乐部拥有人及/或管理人、酒馆、 啤酒屋及宿舍管理人、持牌食品供应商、葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商人、啤酒 制造商、酿酒师、蒸馏酒商、充气、矿泉和人造水及其他饮料的进口商及 制造商,及在其各自分公司作为承办人及承包商,以及作为剧院、电影院 [...] 、歌舞厅、音乐厅、体育馆、桌球室、保龄球中心及所有娱乐场所、电台 及电视台及播音室的拥有人及/或管理人经营业务。 mmg.com | (11) To carry on business asproprietors and/or [...] managers ofhotels,motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, cafes and milk andsnack bars,night-clubs [...]and clubs of all [...]kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, malsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios. mmg.com |
下山后,他们在荷伯特海滨附近的一家小店尝到了被Raja称为她一生中吃过的“最好吃的炸鱼和薯条之一”的美食。 australia.com | After their descent,the groupenjoyed what Raja described as “one of the best fish and chips” [...] of her life, from a little shop near the Hobart waterfront. australia.com |
所有的乘客都可以叫客房服务来预定小吃和饮料或者咨询信息和寻求帮助。 msccruises.com.cn | All passengers can use our Room Service facility [...] to order extra snacksanddrinks or to [...]request information or assistance. msccruises.com.eg |
爱尔兰全国拥有众多相当精美的手工艺品小店,就连最小的一些村庄内也能找到独特的雕刻品、本地艺术品和独具创新的手工作品。 discoverireland.com | Small but interesting craftstores are dotted around [...] the country, and even the tiniest village is likely to have an intriguing [...]variety of handcrafted sculptures, local artwork and original craftworks. discoverireland.com |
至於在圈中的零钱,大家可以收集起 來买一些小吃在下一课时一同享用。 global.gofamilylife.com | Then gather all the coins together and have someone buy [...] a treat(however small) foryournext meeting. global.gofamilylife.com |
如果我们 到大快活快餐店吃东西,发现最近一份餐加了 4 元至 5 元,我们会问有没有 弄错? legco.gov.hk | If we go to Fairwood Fast Food and find that the price of a set meal has recently been increased by $4 to $5, we may ask them if anything has gone wrong. legco.gov.hk |
良好的睡眠后,你可以享受与选定的饮料和小吃的餐厅用餐,享用美味的早餐。 instantworldbooking.com | After a good sleep you can enjoy tasty breakfast with [...] selected drinks andsnacks served in our restaurant. instantworldbooking.com |
刚才我跟一些同事 开会时谈及,现时通胀厉害,令小市民生活很苦,以前到快餐店吃一个餐是 包括饮品在内的,原来现时连饮品也不包括,而我们刚看见一则报道,得悉 [...] 甚至年青人喜欢到 Pizza Hut 吃的薄饼,直径也由 12 寸减至 10 寸。 legco.gov.hk | Just now, we also read a report in the press which says [...] that even the diameter of [...] pizzas, which young people like to eatwhen theygo to the Pizza Hut, had [...]been reduced from 12 inches to 10 inches. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我昨天在“大家乐”吃饭,原来在屋邨内的快餐店吃饭,每顿也要40元。 legco.gov.hk | President, I took a meal at Café de Coral yesterday only to find that $40 was required even for a meal in a fast-food restaurant inapublic housing estate. legco.gov.hk |
梁耀忠议员:主席,我们现实的社会是一个资本主义社会,经济模式不单是 [...] 强调自由经济,但在自由经济的概念下,却出现了一些现象,而且是一些很 残酷的现象,包括弱肉强食和大吃小这些资本主义的模式和特质。 legco.gov.hk | The economic model of our society not only places emphasis on free economy. Under the concept of free economy there prevail some phenomena, and very cruel [...] ones they are, that include such characteristics of capitalism as the law of the [...] jungle andbig fish eatingsmall ones. legco.gov.hk |
哆啦A梦做购物:当他读列表的最下方,他认为,日本小吃铜锣烧,他最喜欢的食物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Doraemon ends up doing the shopping: When he reads the list at the very bottom he sees [...] Dorayaki, a Japanese snack, his favourite food. ja.seekcartoon.com |
舢板酒吧日间可供应怡神的饮品与小吃。 shangri-la.com | The Sampan Bar serves [...] refreshing drinks and snacksduring the day. shangri-la.com |
夜幕降临,您可以置身于Diamond [...] Heart曼妙的音乐之中,细品最爱的饮品和小吃,度过一个放松惬意的夜晚。 shangri-la.com | Music from the Diamond Heart Duo complements a relaxing evening with your favourite [...] beverages and snacks inthepopular [...]hotel meeting place. shangri-la.com |
这些措施包括特派团营地服务商店小卖部和自助餐厅不再使用塑料袋;将空调设在摄氏 26 度的经济温度和下班后强 制关闭空调;双面打印节约纸张;一个非政府组织为回收瓶子和马口铁罐,并收 [...] 集切碎的纸张做成烧火做饭的煤球;采购再生纸用于打印,发放少于要求 15%的 供应物,将其作为“绿动溢价”;特派团还参加了海滩清理和世界环境日活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The measures included the withdrawal of [...] plastic bags from the [...] Mission’s Post-Exchange commissary facility and cafeteria; the use of air conditionersat the economical [...]temperature [...]level of 26 degrees Celsius and their compulsory shut-down after working hours; paper saving, resulting from double-sided printing; the collection, by a non-governmental organization, of bottles and tin cans for recycling, and shredded paper for the fabrication of cooking briquettes; the procurement of recycled paper for printing and the issuance of 15 per cent less than requested stock as a “greening premium”; as well as the Mission’s participation in beach cleaning and World Environment Day activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
会所拥有友好的氛围,并提供各种菜单,从点菜一天thoughout的小吃。 hotelspreference.com | The Club House has a friendly atmosphere and offers various menus, [...] from à lacarte to snacksthoughoutthe day. hotelspreference.com |
根据联邦统计局2003年的调查:在业余时间,读书、散步、听歌剧、看电影、参观展览、进行体育锻炼、修整花园,进行手工活动、跳舞、去饭店吃饭以及观看体育比赛都是受瑞士人欢迎的休闲方式。 swissworld.org | Spending time with friends, reading and going for walks are among the most popular pastimes, according to a Federal Statistical Office survey of 2003. swissworld.org |
两所监狱都 有囚犯经营的小店,有条件的囚犯可以在这里买到质量更好的食品。 daccess-ods.un.org | At both prisonsthereareoutlets run by theinmates, [...] where those who have the means to do so can purchase better quality food. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,他们有一组 600 人的专业人士,当 [...] 中包括会计师、律师和管理人员,分组协助正获政府支持的社会企业经营他 们的小公司或小店,直至一两年後他们能“站出来”,这个小组便会再帮助 其他社会企业。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, they have a team of 600 professionals comprising accountants, lawyers and management personnel who work in small groups to help [...] government-supported social [...] enterprises operate their smallcompanies or shopsuntil oneor two [...]years later when these enterprises [...]can stand on their own, and assistance will then be provided to other social enterprises. legco.gov.hk |
我们将带您前往敖德萨老城中心的杰里巴斯大街购物,那里小店和摊贩鳞次栉比。 msccruises.com.cn | We will take you shopping along Deribasovskaya Street in the heart of old Odessa, where [...] government storesrubshoulders with majorretailoutlets. msccruises.com.hk |
无论您是在去往新大陆的旅途中,或与您家人享受登山的乐趣,还是在沙滩边的咖啡店小憩,STONE衬衫都可以抵御紫外线以及褶皱的骚扰。 salomon.com | Whether you are traveling to a new land, hiking with your family to a landmark, or chilling at a beachside café, the Stone shirt provides wrinkle-UV protection and relaxed style. salomon.com |
受香港的“art jams”的启发, Raw Canvas [...] 采用创新的方式来创建他们的品牌,他们不仅提供通常的食物,比如有机咖啡,茶,葡萄酒,啤酒和小吃,而且他们已经将咖啡屋空间改变成艺术工作室。 labbrand.com | Raw Canvas, inspired by Hong Kong’s “art jams”, built their brand in a creative way- they not only provide the usual [...] product selection such as organic coffee, tea, [...] wine, beer, and snacks, but theyalso [...]have turned their space into an art studio. labbrand.com |
从全球范围来看,像亚洲太平洋地区,拉丁美洲和印度等地区,未来小吃和烘焙产品销量将呈现最好的增长势头,”PMMI商业智能总监Paula Feldman说。 foodtechchina.com | From a global perspective, as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and India and other regions, the future food andbaking products sales will present the best growth momentum, " PMMI business intelligence director Paula Feldman said. en.foodtechchina.com |
您将置身于小众精英宾客之中,享受多种特惠服务,下午茶、餐前鸡尾酒小食、免费Wi-Fi上网、全天供应的咖啡、茶、水果和小吃。 tipschina.gov.cn | Be among a small selected group of elite guests and enjoy special privileges, such as breakfast, afternoon tea and pre-dinner cocktails with canapes complimentary computers with Wi-Fi, all day coffee, tea, fruit and snacks, as well as a baris also available in this tranquil atmosphere of relaxing comfort. tipschina.gov.cn |
带有自动面团排放装置的新的DSP 300 [...] E高级设备,完善了DIOSNA不锈钢和面机的产品范围——并带来了很多优势:高效率和混合时间短, DSP 300 E高级设备尤其适合于大型和工业面包店,小时产量高。 diosna.com | The new Premium DSP 300 E with automatic dough discharge completes the powerful programm of DIOSNA stainless Steel Mixers - and brings along a lot of advantages, Efficency and a [...] short mixing time make the Premium DSP 300 E especially [...] suitablefor high hourlyoutputsin large [...]and industrial bakeries. diosna.com |