

单词 亘古不变

See also:


throughout time
from ancient times (up the present)

不变 adj

intact adj


(math.) invariant

External sources (not reviewed)

亘联网并不是安 全的媒体,往来本网站之通讯可能在转送途中被截取或修改。
The Internet is not a secure medium and communications to and from the Website may be intercepted or altered in transit.
显然,美国没有丝毫变对 古巴政策的意图,也丝不想执 行联合国大会就终止这种不人道政策而多次通过 的决议。
It is clear that it has no intention of changing its policy towards the island, [...]
or of complying with the repeated United
Nations General Assembly resolutions requesting it to put an end to this inhumane policy.
然而,批准的内容没有变有关对古 巴 封锁的任何法律条文,从本质上讲只 是放宽一些限制不向美 国政府机构提供资金来实施在 2000 年商业制裁与促进 贸易改革法框架下通过的制裁措施以及布什政府通过的极端措施。
However, the foregoing did not modify
[...] any legislative provision relating to the embargo against Cuba. They merely eased some restrictions and failed to provide [...]
funds to United States
Government agencies for the implementation of the measures adopted under the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 and extreme measures adopted by the Bush Administration.
对古巴持续的经济、商业和金融封锁 不 断 变 化 的 区域政策相矛盾,最近的 显变化是古巴重 返美洲对话与合作论坛。
The maintenance of the economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba
is inconsistent with
[...] the dynamic regional policy that has recently been marked by the return of Cuba to dialogue and [...]
cooperation forums of the Americas.
显然,美国政府无意变对古巴的 政策, 不 遵 守 联合国大会呼吁该国政府 终止对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁的多次决议。
It is clear, then, that the United
States Administration has no
[...] intention of changing its policy towards Cuba, nor of complying [...]
with the repeated United Nations
General Assembly resolutions calling upon the United States Government to end the economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba.
古巴支持裁军谈判会议通过工作计划,并多次表示愿并行地谈判一项关于销 毁并禁止核武器的条约、一项禁止外层空间军备竞赛的条约、一项 古 巴 等 不掌 握 核武器的国家提供有效安全保证的条约、一项禁止生产用于核武器或其他核爆 炸装置的变材料的条约。
Cuba supports the adoption of a programme of work in the Conference on Disarmament, and has said on various occasions that it is prepared to negotiate in parallel a treaty which eliminates and prohibits nuclear weapons, a treaty prohibiting the arms race in outer space, a treaty providing
[...] security assurances for States which, like Cuba, do not possess nuclear weapons, and a treaty which prohibits the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other [...]
nuclear explosive devices.
然 而,随着形势变化,古城目 前正承受着新的发展压力和挑战,这些压力和挑战在三十多年 前--即 1976 年--通过教科文组织关于城市景观问题的最后一项建议书(《关于保护历史或传 统建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》)之时是根 不 存 在 的。
However, conditions have changed and historic cities are now subject to new development pressures and challenges not present at the time of adoption of the last UNESCO Recommendation on urban sites more than 30 years ago, in 1976 (UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas).
因此,我们对该决议投赞成票,要求立即终止这种使该加勒比岛国痛苦不 堪的种族灭绝式措施。几内亚比绍的立 不 会 改 变 , 支 持 古 巴 与封锁作斗争的事 业。
Guinea-Bissau’s position will always be that
[...] of unflagging unity with Cuba’s cause in the fight against [...]
the embargo.
通过这些因素,我们可以找到亘在 网 络崛起和中国这一强大民族得以“复兴”之间的一种平行联系,中国拥有一个朝气蓬勃的社会,而我们还能看到,在时下年轻人面对家长的超高期待和巨大学业压力的时候,网络平台在其创建人际关系,建立自我人格中所扮演的角色。
Amongst these factors we can cite the parallel between the rise of the internet and the “re-emergence” of China as a strong nation with a vibrant society and the role of web platform in allowing youths facing high parental expectation and a stressful academic environment to create social connections and build their identities.
她指出, 人人都有责不断打破横亘在无 数妇女面前的容忍暴力和排斥的沉默之墙。
She pointed out that it is everyone’s responsibility to continue breaking down the wall of silence surrounding the countless women who face violence and exclusion and to counter the underlying prejudices and discrimination with holistic strategies.
这照片是亘里移 转至仙台再次恢复营业的 亘 里   ARA滨」的「鱼仔饭」。
The picture is harako-meshi of “Watari Arahama”, which was relocated from Watari to Sendai and opened.
鱼仔饭(HARAKOMESI),这是在热腾腾的米饭上放上大马哈鱼鱼肉和鱼仔(HARAKO),这就是宫城 亘 里 地 方的传统乡土料理。
Harako-meshi is one of
[...] traditional dishes in Watari area in Miyagi [...]
Prefecture, which consists of salmon and salmon roe (harako) on cooked rice.
封锁继续是一种荒谬的、 非法的、不道德的政策,不能、将来 不 能 实现它的目的,即 变古 巴 人民保全 其主权、独立和自决权利的决心;它只会造成人民贫困和痛苦,限制和推迟国家 [...]
The embargo continues to be an absurd, illegal and morally unsustainable policy
that has not succeeded and will not succeed in its purpose
[...] of crushing the resolve of the Cuban people to preserve its sovereignty, [...]
and right to self-determination; however, it leads to shortages and suffering for the people, hampers and delays Cuba’s development and seriously harms the economy of Cuba.
江 苏省昆山市在最近二十年中从江南水 古 镇 演 变 成 了 一个新兴的工业城市。
In the last two decades, Kunshan, Jiangsu
[...] Province, China has transformed itself from an ancient canal town to [...]
a modern industrial city.
以下发言者作了发言:佩特科·德拉加诺夫先生,贸发会议副秘书长古 巴代 表,代表 77 国集团和中国发言;尼泊尔代表,代表 不 发 达 国家发言;孟 加拉国代表,代表亚洲集团发言;埃及代表,代表非洲集团发言;比利时代表, 代表欧洲联盟发言;多米尼加共和国代表,代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发 言;美利坚合众国代表;中国代表;土耳其代表;莱索托代表;法国代表;埃 塞俄比亚代表;泰国代表;委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表;也门代表;以及安 哥拉代表。
The following speakers made statements: Mr. Petko Draganov, Deputy
Secretary-General of UNCTAD; the
[...] representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; the representative of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; [...]
the representative
of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Belgium, speaking on behalf of the European Union; the representative of the Dominican Republic, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of the United States of America; the representative of China; the representative of Turkey; the representative of Lesotho; the representative of France; the representative of Ethiopia; the representative of Thailand; the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the representative of Yemen; and the representative of Angola.
阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴巴 多斯、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚 古 巴 、 塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、埃 及、芬兰、加蓬、德国、加纳、希腊、匈牙利、印度、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、爱尔 兰、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马拉维、马来西亚、 马耳他、墨西哥、新西兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、 卡塔尔、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡、南非、斯里兰卡、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合 酋长国、不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、乌拉圭和南斯拉夫。
Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and [...]
Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay and Yugoslavia.
这笔经费将用于本组不具备 、 超出系统集成合同范围之外,属于下列领域的专门知识 变 化 管 理领 域;技术领域,包括移动通信技术、报告设计和实施、数据仓储和商业 智能;职能领域,包括差旅、中央事务、外勤业务和后勤、薪金、预算 编制和规划;以及管理咨询人,用于交叉检查主要承包商/系统集成商提 [...]
The provision would provide for specialized expertise not available in the Organization, outside the
[...] scope of the systems integration contract, in the area of change management, in technical areas, including mobile technology, [...]
report design and implementation, data warehousing and business intelligence, and in functional areas, including travel, central services, field operations and logistics, payroll, budgeting and planning, as well as management consultants to cross-check the project management services provided by the main contractor/systems integrator.
这项战略的核心原则仍然保不变, 即 多国办事处是在国家一级开展活动的主要平 台,考虑到要具有适不断变化的 计划目标和优先事项所需的灵活性,加强多国办事处的力 量仍然是正在进行的改革的重点。
The central tenet of the strategy – cluster
[...] offices as the principal delivery platform at country level – stands unchanged, and their strengthening will continue to be the main thrust of [...]
the ongoing reform, taking
into account the necessary flexibility for adjustment to shifting programme objectives and priorities.
因为 按定义来说,保留在保留方与所有其他各方之间的关系中产生效果,所以在某种 程度上,法律关系的相对性的确仅限于这些公约的情况;然而,对于其他缔约方 相互间的关系没有效果,其关系维 不变。
It is true that the relativity of legal relations is, to some extent, limited in the case of these treaties, since by definition the reservation produces its effects in the relations between the author and all other
parties; however, it
[...] has no effect with regard to the other States parties’ relations inter se, which remain unchanged.
这 种变不会发 生在儿童发展过程中的固定点上,而是随着儿童受到鼓励表达意见 而稳步增加的。
This transformation will not take place at a [...]
fixed point in a child’s development, but will steadily increase as the child
is encouraged to contribute her or his views.
[...] 顾工作和家庭生活,并鼓励他们也为雇员提供类似的机会,从而帮助 变古 老的 性别角色,消除陈见。
The aim of the project was to help male leaders and managers to better reconcile their work and family life and to encourage them to
provide similar opportunities for their employees,
[...] thus helping to change archaic gender roles and [...]
eliminate stereotypes.
在联邦国会也提出了两党支持的立法倡议,如关于自由旅行的法律草案(在 众议院和参议院分别有 178 名和 38 名共同提案者)和参议员理查德·卢格(印第 安纳州共和党)分发的报告要求变对 古 巴 的 政策和限制。
Legislative initiatives that enjoy bipartisan support, including the bills on freedom of travel (with 178 and 38 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively) and the report circulated by Senator Richard Lugar
[...] calling for a change in Cuba policy and the ending of restrictions on Cuba, have been introduced [...]
in Congress.
古巴主张不同文化和文明之间开展对话,并严词拒绝所谓“文明冲突”的陈 旧借口,因为这一借口被用于为威胁到各国人民之间和平的、富于侵略性的军国 主义开释。
Cuba advocates dialogue among cultures and civilizations and the vigorous [...]
rejection of the stale pretext of the so-called
“clash of civilizations”, which is used to justify an aggressive militarism that threatens peace among peoples.
挖掘与保存、培训及文化旅游:“文化路线--耶稣基督之路”,涵盖从加沙地带 (Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村和圣乔治教 堂)的文化、宗教和古景点,不仅 包 括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括 那布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教传统和民间传统。
Excavations and preservation, training, cultural tourism “Cultural Itinerary Jesus Christ Route”, covering the cultural, religious and archaeological sites from the Gaza strip (the site of Nusseirat, location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) to the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos) including not only the sites and the traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ, but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
次主题 2.2 下审查的问题包括:最近棉花、咖啡和其他部门在组织供应链和 保障小农生计方面开展改革所取得的经验教训;管理从自给自足转至大规模市场 农业的创新模式(包括让小农协会有能力从事质量水平保 不变 的 生 产);可持续 地管理生物燃料的兴起,同时维护小农的谋生手段,特别是获得土地的创新模式。
The issues considered under sub-theme 2.2 included lessons learned from recent experiences with the reform of the cotton, coffee and other sectors with respect to organizing supply chains and securing the livelihood of smallholders; innovative models aimed at managing the transition from self-sufficiency to a larger-scale, market-based agriculture (including providing associations of small farmers with the capacity to produce at a consistent level of quality); and innovative models aimed at sustainably managing the biofuels boom while upholding smallholders’ means of livelihood, in particular access to land.
[...] 18)大概是指称,以雷比内第一个完整的书面副本犹太法典正确;雷比内曾作为合作者的Saboraim许多,给谁一 古 老 的 ,而且 不 容 置 疑的传统分配无数增加的塔木德文本。
When Ashi undertook the final redaction of the Talmud he evidently had at his disposal notes of this kind, although Brüll (lcp 18) is probably correct in ascribing to Rabina the first complete written copy of the Talmud;
Rabina had as collaborators many of
[...] the Saboraim, to whom an ancient and incontrovertible tradition [...]
assigns numerous additions to the Talmudic text.




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