

单词 亚伯



Abraham (name)
Abraham, father of Judaism and Islam in the Bible and Quran


Merriam-Webster (dictionary)


Novosibirsk (city in Russia)


Novosibirsk, city in Russia

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

就我们而言,我们将继续为一个新的黎明而努 力,到 那 时亚 伯 拉 罕 的所有孩子及其后人都将 在他们的三个伟大的一神教的诞生地共同生 活。
For our part, we shall continue to work for the new dawn when all the children of Abraham and their descendants are living together in the birthplace of their three great monotheistic religions”.
安哥拉、阿根廷、亚美亚、伯利兹、贝宁、 博茨瓦纳、巴西、布基纳法索、布隆迪、喀麦 [...]
隆、佛得角、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、 多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、赤道几内亚、加 纳、格林纳达、危地马拉、海地、印度、日本、 肯尼亚、马达加斯加、马拉维、墨西哥、蒙古、
纳米比亚、瑙鲁、尼泊尔、巴拿马、巴布亚新 几内亚、巴拉圭、秘鲁、卢旺达、东帝汶、特 立尼达和多巴哥、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉 圭、瓦努阿图、赞比亚。
Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Belize, Benin, Botswana, [...]
Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mexico, Mongolia, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Zambia.
本周初,以色列总理宣布了进一步加强对被占巴勒斯坦领土上的巴勒斯坦考古和遗产 区之控制的计划,其中包括希伯伦已有上千年历史的哈拉姆·易卜拉欣( 伯 伦 的 亚伯 拉罕 圣地或易卜拉欣清真寺始祖墓穴)和古老的比拉尔宾拉巴清真寺(伯利恒的拉结墓),挑衅 地宣布这两处属于以色列国家遗产地的组成部分。
Earlier this week the Israeli Prime Minister announced plans to further consolidate control over Palestinian archaeology and heritage areas in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Hebron’s 1,000-year old Haram Al-Ibrahimi (Sanctuary of Abraham or Tomb of the Patriarchs Mosque of Ibrahim in Hebron), and the historic Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque (Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem) by provocatively declaring them part of Israel’s national heritage sites.
亚伯拉罕 ·林肯是一个假想的笔没收Mac的老师后,她抓住了他帮助他的创造者的历史测试中作弊。
An imaginary pen resembling Abraham Lincoln is confiscated by Mac’s teacher after she catches him helping his creator cheat on a history test.
的Mac拟订计划营救的朋友 - 随着他的互惠生麋鹿 - 从教室的壁橱里,但虚诚实亚伯不 太辜负他的名字命名时,他的缺点女士福斯特,并开始销售的朋友以盈利为目的。
Mac hatches a plan to rescue the friend – along with his au pair Moose – from the classroom closet, but the imaginary Honest Abe doesn’t quite live up to his namesake when he cons Madam Foster and starts selling the friends for profit.
2011 年 7 月 31 日,法院的组成如下:院长:小和田恒(日本);副院长:彼 得·通卡(斯洛伐克);法官:阿卜杜勒·科罗马(塞拉利昂)、奥恩·肖卡特·哈 苏奈(约旦)、布鲁诺·西马(德国)、龙 尼 · 亚伯 拉 罕 (法国)、肯尼斯·基思(新 西兰)、贝尔纳多·塞普尔韦达-阿莫尔(墨西哥)、穆罕默德·本努纳(摩洛哥)、 列昂尼德·斯科特尼科夫(俄罗斯联邦)、安东尼奥·奥古斯托·坎卡多·特林达 德(巴西)、阿布杜勒卡维·艾哈迈德·优素福(索马里)、克里斯托弗·格林伍德 (大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)、薛捍勤(中国)和琼·多诺霍(美利坚合众国)。
As at 31 July 2011, the composition of the Court was as follows: President, Hisashi Owada (Japan); Vice President, Peter Tomka (Slovakia); and Judges, Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone), Awn Shawkat Al Khasawneh (Jordan), Bruno Simma (Germany), Ronny Abraham (France), Kenneth Keith (New Zealand), Bernardo Sepúlveda-Amor (Mexico), Mohamed Bennouna (Morocco), Leonid Skotnikov (Russian Federation), Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade (Brazil), Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (Somalia), Christopher Greenwood (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), Xue Hanqin (China) and Joan E. Donoghue (United States of America).
莫图依卡青年旅舍坐落在尼尔森和黄金湾(Golden Bay)之间的中心位置,是前往探 亚伯 塔 斯曼公园和该地区其他风景胜地的理想住宿选择。
Centrally located between Nelson and Golden Bay, an ideal accommodation base to explore the Abel Tasman National Park and experience all that this area has to offer.
WAI的作品、研究和写作在杂志、期刊上发表,其中包括纽约和柏林的Pin-Up杂志,鹿特丹的城市规划杂志MONU,奥斯陆的Condition杂志,阿姆斯特丹的Mark杂志和Pop Up
[...] City杂志,Horizonte杂志在魏玛,米兰的Domus杂志以及Studio杂志,DPR-巴塞罗那杂志在巴塞罗那,以 亚伯 达 的 On Site期刊,等等。
WAI’s work, research and writings have been published in magazines and journals around the world including Pin-Up Magazine in New York and Berlin, MONU Magazine on Urbanism in Rotterdam, Conditions Magazine in Oslo, Mark Magazine and the Pop Up City in Amsterdam, Horizonte Magazine in
Weimar, Domus Magazine and Studio Magazine in Milan, DPR-Barcelona in Barcelona, and On
[...] Site Journal in Alberta, among others.
五名当选法官分别来自巴西(安东 尼奥·奥古斯托·坎卡多·特林达德)、法国(龙 尼 · 亚伯 拉 罕 )、约旦(奥恩·肖 卡特·哈苏奈)、索马里(阿布杜勒卡维·艾哈迈德·优素福)及联合王国(克里斯 托弗·格林伍德)。
The five elected judges came from Brazil (Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade), France (Ronny Abraham), Jordan (Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh), Somalia (Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf) and the United Kingdom (Christopher Greenwood).
哈苏奈法官亚伯拉罕 法官在法院判决书后附上了反对意见;基思法官在法院判 [...]
决书后附上了声明;坎萨多·特林多德法官和优素福法官在法院判决书后附上了 联合反对意见;多诺霍法官在法院判决书后附上了反对意见;加亚专案法官在法 院判决书后附上了声明。
Judges Al-Khasawneh and Abraham appended dissenting [...]
opinions to the judgment of the Court; Judge Keith appended a declaration
to the judgment of the Court; Judges Cançado Trindade and Yusuf appended a joint dissenting opinion to the judgment of the Court; Judge Donoghue appended a dissenting opinion to the judgment of the Court; Judge ad hoc Gaja appended a declaration to the judgment of the Court.
在 2 月 3 日第 7 次会议上,委员会进行了关于“社会发展筹资特别活动”的 小组讨论。副主席(苏丹)和调节员(经济和社会事务部发展筹资办公室主任)致开 幕词后,委员会听取了以下小组成员的陈述:国际货币基金组织驻联合国特别代 表埃利奥特·哈利斯、国际劳工组织社会保障部技术合作和国家义务小组组长克 里斯蒂娜·伯克斯塔尔、“全球发展中的社会公正”共同发起人和主任爱娃-玛 丽亚·汉夫斯塔恩格勒,以及委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国国家统计所所长埃利亚 斯·埃尔胡理·亚伯拉罕
Following the opening remarks by the Vice-Chair (Sudan) and the Moderator, Director of the Financing for Development Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Commission heard presentations by the following panellists: Elliot Harris, Special Representative of the International Monetary Fund to the United Nations; Christine Bockstal, Chief, Technical Cooperation and Country Operations Group, Social Security Department, International Labour Organization; Eva-Maria Hanfstaengl, Co-founder and Director, Social Justice in Global Development; and Elias Eljuri Abraham, President, National Institute of Statistics, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
我在华盛顿特区的办公室的外面,刻 亚伯 拉 罕林肯的一句话,他自己也是一名专利持有人,上面写道:“专利制度为天才之火添加利益之燃料。
Outside my office in Washington, D. C., is engraved a quote by Abraham Lincoln, a patent holder himself, which reads, “The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.
耶和华亚伯兰说 ,你要离开本地、本族、 父家,往我所要指示你的地去。
The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your [...]
country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.
基金秘书处审查了环境规划署代表阿尔巴 亚 、 伯 利 兹 、马拉维、纳米比亚、尼加 拉瓜、巴拉圭、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯与坦桑尼亚联合共和国提交的体制建设最终报告和 [...]
行动计划,提交文件采用了第 61/43 号决定所核准的体制建设项目延长的修订格式。
The Fund Secretariat reviewed the IS terminal reports
and action plans submitted by UNEP on
[...] behalf of Albania, Belize, Malawi, Namibia, [...]
Nicaragua, Paraguay, Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines and the United Republic of Tanzania, which were provided using the revised format for IS renewals approved by decision 61/43 and noted that the countries are in compliance with the CFC, CTC and halon phase-out targets of the Montreal Protocol.
亚伯拉罕 必要成为强大的国,地上的万国都 必因他得福。
Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.
1995 年在摩洛哥发起《信仰之路》计划,其意图是促进耶路撒冷周 亚伯 拉 罕 三大宗 教的和平与和解,耶路撒冷不仅对这三大一神论宗教,同时对整个人类都是一个具有多方面 意义和象征意义的城市。
The Roads of Faith programme, launched in Morocco in 1995, was designed to contribute to peace and reconciliation among the three Abrahamic religions, with a focus on Jerusalem, a polysemous and symbolical city for the three monotheistic religions and also for the whole of humanity.
亚伯拉罕 死了,下一代成为注目的焦点。
Abraham died and the next generation became the focus of attention.
这是事实(一些机关,如西底家 亚伯 拉 罕 和以赛亚德特拉尼,年轻的)国家规定的必要性时强调讲话的翻译圣经成,但犹大Azahel德尔拜奈(费拉拉角1650 [...]
It is true that some of the authorities (such as Zedekiah
[...] ben Abraham and Isaiah de Trani, the [...]
younger) laid stress upon the necessity of
translating the Bible into the speech of the country; but Judah 'Azahel del Bene (Ferrara, c. 1650) advised against the practise of teaching girls Italian, as he feared they would conceive a love for amorous poetry (Vogelstein and Rieger, "Juden in Rom," ii. 300).
Born in 1968, Abraham Cruzvillegas is a conceptual artist using “findings” to make works, and also became renowned for this.
Walton 公司是在地产研究、选择、购买、辛迪加、规划、开发管理和出售方等面具有创新精神的领导者,截至目前已经将位 亚伯 达 省 、安大略省、亚利桑那州、得克萨斯州和佐治亚州等地20多亿美元的土地置于辛迪加管理之下,拥有53,600多位投资者和购买者。
Walton companies are innovative leaders in the research, selection, acquisition, syndication, planning, development management and sale of land, having to date syndicated over $2 billion of land in Alberta, Ontario, Arizona, Texas and Georgia with over 53,600 investors and purchasers.
亚伯拉罕 诸教都主张和平, 都教导我们在别人需要帮助的时候要伸出援手。
Those are religions that preach peace and teach us to extend our hand when others are in need.
他说, 阿尔及亚、伯利兹 、文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、 中非共和国、厄瓜多尔、几内亚比绍、印度尼西亚、 [...]
老挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、马里、尼泊尔、 尼加拉瓜、巴布亚新几内亚、菲律宾、塞内加尔、 苏丹、塔吉克斯坦和津巴布韦加入到提案国行列。
(Thailand), introducing the draft resolution,
[...] said that Algeria, Belize, Brunei Darussalam, [...]
Cambodia, the Central African Republic, Ecuador, Guinea-Bissau,
Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mali, Nepal, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Senegal, the Sudan, Tajikistan and Zimbabwe had joined the sponsors.
他在美国内战期间成为美国总亚伯拉 罕 ·林肯的顾问,并与联邦战争部和林肯总统合作起草联邦军队的法律准则。
He became an adviser to President Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, and worked with the Union War Department and President Lincoln to draft legal guidelines for the Union Army.
如果说黄金湾是背包客的旅行天堂,那么塔卡卡镇则是探索黄金湾周围不计其数观光名所,特别 亚伯 塔 斯 曼国家公园(Tasman National Park)的完美留宿地。
Golden Bay is a mecca for backpackers and Takaka town is the perfect base for exploring the many nearby sights and attractions, especially Abel Tasman National Park.
2011 年的捐助来自以下国家:阿尔及亚 、 伯 利 兹、博茨瓦纳、 哥伦比亚、加蓬、格鲁吉亚、危地马拉、牙买加、哈萨克斯坦、黎巴嫩、马达加 斯加、墨西哥、蒙古国、摩洛哥、尼日利亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞拉利昂、阿伯叙利亚共和 国、乌拉圭和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。
The 2011 contributions were from Algeria, Belize, Botswana, Colombia, Gabon, Georgia, Guatemala, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Syrian Arab Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
马诺河联盟秘书亚伯拉 罕 ·布雷于 9 月 16 日访问了西非办,就加强该联盟和联合国之间的合作、支持 [...]
在马诺河流域(科特迪瓦、几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂)实现稳定所进行的努力 以及建设该联盟的机构能力进行了讨论。
The Secretary-General of the Mano River Union, Abraham Bouré, visited [...]
UNOWA on 16 September to pursue discussions on enhancing
cooperation between the Union and the United Nations in support of stabilization efforts in the Mano River basin (Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) and in building the Union’s institutional capacity.
在诸如澳大亚、伯利兹 、 巴西、哥斯达黎加、肯尼亚、马达加斯加、墨西 哥、南非共和国及坦桑尼亚等许多国家中,生物多样 [...]
性都是其主要的旅游亮点(Christ 等,2003 年)。
In many countries,
[...] such as Australia, Belize, Brazil, Costa [...]
Rica, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, South Africa and Tanzania,
biodiversity represents the primary tourism attraction (Christ et al. 2003).




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