

单词 吸尘机

See also:


absorb v
syphon v

suck in

External sources (not reviewed)

小孩长大后开始玩装扮游戏时,推拉玩具可做成非玩具物件的仿真形汽车、 手推车吸尘机等形状。
As children get older and engage in pretend play, push and pull toys can be made to resemble non-toy objects such as cars, wheelbarrows, and vacuum cleaners.
云技术让家电成为一体 智吸尘机器人 可以使用平板电脑作为智能操控,能够装配摄像头,而且自带识别软件,一改以往吸尘器又聋又瞎又傻的传统形象,只需安装了应用软件,用户手中的平板电脑就可以成为遥控器,指挥吸尘器在家中任何角落工作,同时平板电脑也能成为监视窗口,它的主人可以实时了解家中儿童或宠物的生存状态,而视频监控数据则能通过集成的Wi-Fi芯片发送给主人。
[...] technologies - binding all appliances into one   Intelligent [...]
vacuum cleaning robot may make use of tablet PC as intelligent
control, could be equipped with camera and recognition software, face-lifting the vacuum cleaner from the past traditional image of deaf, blind and dump.  By installing suites of application software, the tablet PCs currently in use could be transformed into remote control, directing the VC robot to work in any corner within the household; at the same time, tablet PC could also be turned into a surveillance window, enabling its master to monitor, in real-time, the current status of children/pets at house whereas video monitoring data could be streamed through Wi-Fi chip to the master.
阿美德格是全球真空马达领先的制造商和创新者,这些真空马达在地板清洁行业中使用,如真空吸尘器,自动洗涤地板,地毯清洁,中央吸尘器,工 吸尘机 和 清 洗机器,加上如材料处理,干手器,空运,喷雾器应用,雾化机,宠物美容,温泉游泳池清洁,网球场服务器,船电梯等等。
Ametek is the world leading manufacturer and innovator of vacuum motors and these motors are used in the floorcare industry applications such as vacuum cleaners,
automatic floor scrubbers, carpet
[...] extractors, central vacuums, industrial vacuums and ride [...]
on cleaning machines, plus in applications
such as material handling, hand dryer, airlift, sprayer, fogging machine, pet groomer, spa pool, tennis server, boat lift and many more.
如果这文件经常损坏的情形不止发生在一部电脑,有可能是受到未屏蔽的电磁马达 ( 例如:电梯、工业吸尘机、冷 气压缩机、损坏的工业用微波炉 ) 所造成的磁场的影响。
If the problem regularly happens on more than on computer a large magnetic field; perhaps from a large unshielded electric motor (elevator, industrial vacuum, air conditioner compressor, damaged industrial sized microwave) should be suspected.
而且,在美国的销售也开始启动。作为新客户之一的NASA,使用Nilfisk真 吸尘 器 去 除航天 机 上 的 有害灰尘。
Sales in the USA started to take off and NASA became a customer of Nilfisk, using its vacuum
[...] cleaners to remove harmful dust from the space shuttles.
此外,他们还喜欢有点逼真的工具 和道具,包吸尘器、剪草机、厨 房玩具或清洁工具如扫帚、拖把、畚箕和地毯清洁机等。
They are also attracted to tools and props that are [...]
somewhat realistic, including vacuums, lawnmowers, kitchen toys, or
cleaning tools like brooms, mops, dustpans, and carpet sweepers.
不论是吸尘器、电磁炉, 还是家居水池或洗机, 它的“内在价值” 无处不见 。
Whether a vacuum cleaner, a ceramic stovetop, a sink or a washing machine – it´s always the hidden facts making the difference.
吸 尘软管的端头放到负极 (下部的)电刷座上,同时把压 缩空气吹入正极 (顶部的)电刷座。
Place the end of the hose over the negative (lower) brush holder while blowing compressed air into the positive (top) brush holder.
在压缩机的主空气供应管路上安装一个空气管路 过滤器 (H),以清除压机供气中的有害 尘和 污染物。
On the main air supply line from the compressor, install an air line filter (H) to remove harmful dirt and contaminants from the compressor air supply.
为期 不远的未来的家将成为一种“智能型”的家,一种网 络式的家;我们家中所拥有的各种发明和家用电 器──电冰箱、电机、炉子、真 吸尘 器 、机,都 会象一棵树的枝杈一样连接在一起。
The home of the not-so-distant future will be an “intelligent” home, a networked home. A home in
which the various
[...] inventions and everyday appliances – the refrigerator, the telephone, the oven, the vacuum cleaner, the television [...]
– are linked together, like branches on a tree.
[...] 戏水用的铲子、小铲子、耙和水桶。而他们对中低度逼真 吸尘 器 、剪 草 机 、 厨 房玩具和 碗碟、玩具之家清洁工具(如扫帚、拖把、畚箕和地毯清洁器)等依然兴趣不减。
They develop a greater interest in toy shovels and trowels, rakes, and buckets for
sand and water play, and maintain
[...] an interest in vacuums, lawnmowers, kitchen toys and [...]
dishes, and toy house cleaning tools
(like brooms, mops, dustpans, and carpet sweepers) that have low to moderately realistic detail.
使用真吸尘器或 带喷嘴的压缩空气罐清除切纸器刀片周围的灰尘或碎屑。
Use a vacuum or can of compressed air with a nozzle around the area of the cutter blade to remove any dust or debris.
说到做到, Sonderhoff 开发的产品为领先的过滤器系统生产商提供了保证, 并把应用范围吸尘器的 过滤扩展到了纯净空间的高质量过滤。
No sooner said than done – developments from Sonderhoff support leading manufacturers of filter systems and enable a range of applications from vacuum cleaner filters to clean room filter quality.
咖啡机、洗碗机、洗机、熨斗、真 吸尘 器 、 厨具、冰箱、抽油烟机、炉座、烘箱、板式散热器、缝纫机和吹风机等。
Coffee machines, dishwashers, washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, refrigerators, cooker hoods, cooking hobs, kitchen ovens, panel heaters, sewing machines and hairdryers, etc.
用真吸尘器清洁扫描仪 清洁成像区之前,建议您用真吸尘 器 清 洁扫描仪的内部以吸除所有的 灰尘和污垢。
Vacuuming the scanner Before cleaning the imaging area, it is suggested that you vacuum the inside of the scanner to remove any dust and debris.
艾默生专业工具是 Emerson 的业务品牌之一,其技术与工程机 结 合 ,设计并生产世界上优质的工具和设备,涵盖从干湿两 吸尘 器 到 行业畅销的管道检测系统。
RIDGID is part of Emerson Professional Tools™, a business of Emerson, which brings technology and engineering together to design and produce some of the highest-quality tools and equipment in the world.
机箱保护压机免受灰尘及阳 光辐射的干扰
The containers protect the
[...] compressors against dust and intense insolation.
Vacuum, dry mop or sweep to remove any loose dirt or grit.
[...] cooperateion经过我们多年的经验,我们已经获得了客户的活动领域建立全面的知识和定制的应用专用车辆及配套设备:法拉盛车辆在不同的版本,例如对拥挤的安装条 吸尘 以 及冲厕等各种运输半挂车和钩升 机 街 和 法拉盛清洁调整支腿固定在特殊的汽车产业体系建设街的车辆几何隧道洗繁荣载波系统的单位,同样闻名凯塞无可挑剔的重视技术设计,工艺,服务的可靠性和可用性备件的质量。
developed in partnerlike cooperateion Through our many years of experience we have gained a thorough knowledge of our customers’ sphere of activity and build special vehicles and ancillary devices for customised applications: Flushing vehicles
in different
[...] versions, e.g. for cramped conditions Mounted vacuuming and flushing units for various transport [...]
and carrier systems
such as semi-trailers and hook lifts Street and tunnel wash booms with adjusted outrigger geometry Flushing vehicles for street cleaning Stationary system construction In the special vehicle sector, KAISER is equally renowned for impeccable attention to technical design, quality of workmanship, service reliability and spare parts availability.
不适合就业的任何土地,他们遭受了水和 尘 渗 入 心脏 机 制 侮 辱。
Unsuitable for employment any land, they suffered the
[...] indignity of the water and dust that infiltrated the heart of the mechanisms.
为了保护加机免受灰尘及强 烈的太阳辐射的影响,在与压力机相连的机箱进出气口装有沙粒过滤装置。
In order to protect
[...] the compressors against the dusty atmosphere and [...]
the intense insolation, feed and return air vents and
sand traps are installed in the large enclosing containers.
咨询委员会回顾,其关于 2006-2007 两年期方案预算的第一次报告鼓励继续 努力在切合实际和切实可行的情况下,例如在各区域委员会、联合国内罗毕办事 处和联合国各新闻中心机构吸引并 聘用本国专业干事(见 A/60/7,第 70 和 71 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in its first report on the programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007, it encouraged a sustained effort to attract and employ National Professional Officers wherever practical and feasible, such as in the regional commissions, the United Nations Office at Nairobi and in the United Nations information centres (see A/60/7, paras. 70 and 71).
吸尘器同 样可与管子出口连接,控制排空并提供额外的分散。
A vacuum cleaner may also be connected to the tube exit to control exhaustion and provide additional dispersion.
会议强调了下列行动对最不发达国家发展的重要性:(a) 调集国内资源; (b)
[...] 增加向最不发达国家提供官方发展援助的数量和质量;(c) 通过本国激机 制吸引对 最不发达国家优先部门的外国直接投资;(d) [...]
利用创新的资金来源,包 括移民汇款促进最不发达国家的发展;(e) 为最不发达国家创建缓解危机和建立 复原力的特别融资机制,使它们能够应对冲击的影响;(f) 为最不发达国家建立 能够为这些国家的社会经济发展作出重大贡献的长期的“全球金融安全网”。
The meeting stressed the importance of the following actions for least developed country development: (a) domestic resource mobilization; (b) enhancing the quantity and quality of official development
assistance to least developed
[...] countries; (c) attracting foreign direct [...]
investments to least developed countries’ priority sectors through home country incentives; (d) tapping innovative sources of finance,
including migrant remittances for least developed countries’ development; (e) the creation of a special crisis mitigation and resilience-building facility for least developed countries to enable them to respond to shocks; and (f) the establishment of a “global financial safety net” for least developed countries on a permanent basis that could make a major contribution to their socio-economic development.
z 户内空气中的汞水平也可由于中央采暖控温装置的泄漏、发生温度计破损其他溢出后使用真 吸尘器 而提高。
z Indoor air mercury levels can also become
elevated due to leaks
[...] from central-heating thermostats and by the use of vacuum cleaners after thermometer [...]
breakage and other spills.
产品已形成立体车库、立体仓库、立体货架、低噪声节能轴流风机、锅炉配套离心风机、一般离心风机、高压离心风机、混流(斜流)风机、通风排烟(两用)低噪声风机箱、DF、DFW空调风机、高温排烟机、消防风机、特殊防腐防爆 机 、 排 尘 风 机 等 多 种系列以 吸尘 器 等 各类微型通风设备铝合金风叶等各类冲压配件,广泛应用于机械、制冷、化工、矿山、轻纺、治金、电子、宾馆等工矿企业及民用建筑等的通风、空调系统。
Products form a three-dimensional garage, warehouse, dimensional shelf, low-noise, energy-saving axial fan, the boiler supporting centrifugal fan, the general centrifugal fan, high pressure centrifugal fan, Francis (diagonal flow) fan, ventilation exhaust (dual) low-noise wind chassis DF DFW air conditioning fan, high temperature smoke
machines, fire fans, special
[...] corrosion proof fan, dust exhaust fan and other series, as well as vacuum cleaners [...]
and other types of
micro-ventilation aluminum alloy fan and other kinds of stamping parts, widely used in machinery, refrigeration, chemical, mining, textile, metallurgy, electronics, hotels and other industrial and mining enterprises, civil construction, ventilation, air-conditioning system.
正如该主题报告所指出的,现在日益明显的是,一般性政策辩论的目前形式已不能完 全应对会员国的需求,即一方面希望利用大会使本组织更为人知,提高其知名度,另一方 面,将大会视为一个机,吸引各 代表团团长在属于联合国教科文组织主管领域的各个方面 参与实质性辩论。
As stated in the report on this subject, it is increasingly obvious that the General Policy Debate (GPD), in its current form, no longer thoroughly responds to the needs of Member States which, on the one hand, wish to take advantage of the General Conference to make the Organization better known and improve its visibility and, on the other, see the General Conference as an opportunity to engage heads of delegation in substantive debates in areas that fall within UNESCO’s fields of competence.
压力控制装置用于:依据设备的控制压力来自动启动和断开泵-和压缩机发 机 , 吸 入 口 调节阀和电磁阀,油-和压缩空气供给设备。
Pressure control devices are used for automatic switching on and off of motors on pumps and compressors, intake controllers and solenoid valves, oil / compressed air supply systems as a function of the pressure existing within the system.
[...] 得的成果包括安装了助推器、控制器、电子回旋加速器和助推器之间的转换线、真 吸尘装 置、以及辐射屏蔽墙之外的电子架。
Efforts undertaken during the biennium resulted in the installation of the booster and
transfer line between the microtron and
[...] booster, as well as the control, vacuum and electronic [...]
racks outside the radiation shielding wall.




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