

单词 无缝


无缝的 adj

seamless adj


seamless connection

See also:


seam n
crack n


sew v

narrow slit

External sources (not reviewed)

在音乐和通话之无缝切换Jabra PLAY 可方便您轻松控制音乐和通话,并保证二者都具有高性能的数字音质,支持无线串流,听筒设计可隔离外部噪音。
Switch between
[...] music and calls - seamlessly Jabra PLAY gives [...]
you easy control of music and calls, all with high performance
digital sound quality, wireless streaming and earphones designed to isolate the noise from outside.
如此的合作对于以一种 连贯的和天无缝的方 式来制定针对从农场到餐桌的食物链的健康保护和食品贸易 措施来说也是至关重要的。
Such collaboration is also critical to the development of health-protection and food-trade measures that address the food chain from farm to table in a coherent and seamless manner.
The seamless integration between headset [...]
and softphone allows users to benefit from enhanced mobility and the ability to multitask while on a call.
会议提出了 SGXML 的目标:“国际海洋资料 交换系统/教科文组织 SGXML
[...] 将利用或制订促进来自分布式数据源的数 无缝 交 换的国际 标准,为此将利用单参数词典、精确标记的元数据和一个共同的 [...]
XML 数据结构,存储所有 内容,并向用户提供有独立平台或可与因特网连接的数据集和软件工具”。
The Group developed a Vision for SGXML: “The ICES/IOC SGXML will
utilize or establish international standards
[...] to promote the seamless exchange of data [...]
from distributed data sources, by using
a single parameter dictionary, well-defined and explicitly tagged metadata, and a common XML data structure, packaging all content and providing to the client datasets and software tools that are platform independent or web-enabled”.
[...] 贸易和交通运输便利化方面采取最佳做法,从而在亚太区域所有国家间实无缝连接 ,那么本区域落在后面的经济体就能够进入世界上最大和最有活力 [...]
If development gaps in physical infrastructure could be closed and best practices in trade and transport facilitation adopted,
thus enabling all countries of the region
[...] to be connected seamlessly, the region’s [...]
lagging economies would be able to access
the largest and most dynamic markets in the world, contributing to a more balanced pattern of regional economic development.
[...] 检察官办公室正在采取一切步骤,以确保从侦查阶 无缝 过 渡到起诉阶段,并且 尽快进行审判程序。
Therefore, all possible steps are being taken to ensure that the transition from the
investigative phase to the
[...] prosecutorial phase will be seamless and that the trial [...]
process will move forward as expeditiously as possible.
数据仓库项目管理员将负责数据仓库项目的整体实施情况;牵头分析和记 录本组织在报告方面的业务需要;负责数据仓库的设计;协助设计数据方面;确 保与传统记录系统(如综管系统、PMStars 系统、”核心”和”银河”系统)的无缝 整合 ,确保数据仓库数据的提取和输入;设计同新的 Inspira 数据交换和报告生 成系统的整合办法,确保数据仓库的数据质量和完整性;监督自助服务的报告门 户网站的建设;设计和确保数据安全规则和模式的执行;确保数据仓库所有方面 的实施都符合行业最佳实践和秘书处的标准。
The Data Warehouse Project Manager would be responsible for implementing the data warehouse project overall; leading analysis and documentation of the Organization’s business needs in reporting; overseeing data warehouse design; providing assistance in designing data dimensions; ensuring tight and seamless integration with such legacy systems of record as IMIS, PMStars, Nucleus and Galaxy for data extraction to and from the data warehouse; designing integration with the new Inspira system for data exchange and report generation; ensuring data quality and integrity in the data warehouse; overseeing the building of the selfservice reporting portal; designing and ensuring implementation of data security rules and models; and ensuring that all aspects of the data warehouse are implemented in line with industry best practices and Secretariat standards.
[...] Xilinx 生态系统和工具进行其无缝集成 ,ADI 提供了 HDL 接口代码、设备驱动器和参考设计。
For additional seamless integration with [...]
Xilinx ecosystems and tools, ADI offers HDL interface code, device drivers, and reference designs.
俄罗斯联邦 在发展交通运输系统方面取得了若干重大成就,包 括:(a)
[...] 赤塔-哈巴罗夫斯克公路竣工,从而使东部和西部边界之间实 现交通运无缝连接 ;(b) 在执行修复韩半岛纵贯铁路项目方面取得 [...]
进展;(c) 在 2015 年前把西伯利亚铁路的跨越时间减少至 7 天(7
日 横跨西伯利);以及(d) 以及通过全球轨道导航卫星系统(全球导航 卫星系统)和全球导航卫星系统/全球定位系统利用卫星追踪系统。
The Russian Federation had made a number of major achievements in the development of its transport system, including: (a) completion of
the construction of Chita-Khabarovsk road,
[...] which provided a seamless transport connection [...]
between the eastern and western
borders; (b) progress in the implementation of the project for the rehabilitation of the trans-Korean railway; (c) reduction of transit time on the Trans-Siberian Railway to seven days (Transib 7 days) by 2015; and (d) the use of satellite tracking systems with the Global Orbital Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) and GLONASS with the Global Positioning System (GPS).
此外,列入了原计划没有考虑的两项举措,包 括对项目第一阶段期间编制的需求说明进行一次广泛的自下而上的审查,以 及 探 索新技术,以此为手段建立更好的界面,在养恤金综合管理系统与成员组织的人 力资源系统和财务系统之间实现发薪系 无缝 衔 接 ,并能更好地利用现有的数据 库对缴款的计算进行自动核查,同时建立其他数据质量规程(见 A/66/299,第 14-15 段)。
In addition, two initiatives not considered in the original plan were incorporated, including an extensive bottom-up review of the statement of requirements produced during the first phase of the project and exploration of new technologies as the means to develop better interfaces that would allow a seamless payroll connection between the integrated pension administration system and member organizations’ human resources and finance systems, and that would enable better use of existing databases to automate verification of contribution calculations and establish other data quality protocols (see A/66/266, paras. 14-15).
[...] 成本的攀升,而且亦未能实现一 无缝 连 接 或一体化的区域市场(图 示 1)。
Its complexity adds to the cost of trade and does
[...] not provide a seamless or integrated [...]
regional market (figure 1).
然而,先利用7753型PULSE™模态测试顾问进行基于图形驱动的数据采集和确认,然后将数 无缝 导 入 到8720/8721型PULSE Reflex模态分析软件中作分析和验证,可以构成一个综合集成、易于使用的,强大的模态测试和分析系统。
However, using PULSE™ Modal Test Consultant™ Type 7753 for
geometry-driven data acquisition and
[...] validation, then seamlessly transferring data [...]
to PULSE Reflex Modal Analysis Type
8720/8721 for analysis and validation, comprises a truly integrated, easy-to-use and powerful modal test and analysis system.
它提供一个类似于Rails的平台可 无缝 与 Ja va平台相集成使得开发者能利用当前在Java和JDK方面的投入。
It provides a platform
[...] like Rails can be seamlessly integrated with [...]
the Java platform allows developers to use Java and
JDK in the current in the input .
她还解释说,为了确保该战略与《20082009 年计划与预算》之间无缝衔接,战略性计划目标被转化为各重大计划项下为数有限的双年度部门优先 [...]
事项、为数有限的工作重点和相关预期成果,并落实到 12 个跨部门平台中。
She also explained that in
[...] order to ensure a seamless transition between [...]
the Strategy and the biennial Programme and Budget
for 2008-2009, the strategic programme objectives were translated into a limited number of biennial sectoral priorities under each major programme, a limited number of main lines of action and related expected results, and into 12 intersectoral platforms.
[...] MyOODB是一个面向对象数据库,真正快速的分布式数据库,支持真正的分布式对象,支持真正的分布式事务,支持隐式/显式事务, 支无缝高速 Web服务访问,支持数据库自我恢复,支持多个并发嵌套事务并且数据库大小只占磁盘很小的空间。
Project Information: MyOODB is an object-oriented database , real fast , distributed database that supports true distributed objects, support true distributed
transaction support implicit/explicit
[...] transaction support seamless high-speed Web service [...]
access , support for database self-healing
, support multiple concurrent nested transactions and database size, only a very small disk space .
锥形和螺纹卡套管是 1/8 硬度 316 不锈无缝卡套管,这些卡套管采用略小的 [...]
外径,以便使用锥形和螺纹接头时进行 锥形制作和螺纹连接操作。
Cone and thread tubing
[...] is 1/8-hard 316 seamless stainless steel [...]
tubing that has an undersized outside diameter to assist
in coning and threading operations when the tube is used with cone and thread fittings.
柯达的票据印刷产品组合可以提 无缝 式 、 无 差 错 的可变数据工作流程和印刷解决方案,在生产高度个性化的印刷资产的过程中,能够优化效率并且降低成本。
Kodak’s transaction printing
[...] portfolio delivers seamless, error-free variable [...]
data workflow and printing solutions that
optimize efficiency and drive reduced costs in the production of highly personalized printed assets.
XDS快速成份分析仪是建立在早期的成功的近红外仪器基础上的,可以在一个易于使用的平台上进行方法 无缝 转 移 和提供优秀的性能。
The XDS Rapid Content Analyzer is an advanced near infrared NIR analyzer for rapid non-destructive measurements of solid and liquid formulations in the laboratory.
这些器件可在多个产品系列之间轻松迁移,从而为所有产品提 无缝 的 程序存储器扩展、引脚兼容性和统一的开发环境。
These devices provide easy migration across product
[...] families, offering seamless program memory [...]
expansion, pin compatibility, and a unified
development environment for all products.
真正的全渠道顾客体验:从任意设备对产品和计划的浏览;包括网上购买和店内提货 无缝 隙 体 验,以及长尾产品在店内的可利用性。
A true omni-channel experience for customers: a single
view of product and plan offerings from any
[...] device, plus a seamless experience including [...]
buy online / pick up in store and
long-tail product availability in store.
[...] 领域开展的工作也应当适当考虑到支持企业和政府之 无缝 电 子 互动的可取 性,包括在电子单一窗口设施的框架内。
It was further indicated that possible future work of UNCITRAL in other areas of electronic commerce should take
into due consideration also the
[...] desirability of supporting seamless electronic interaction [...]
between business and governments,
including in the framework of electronic single window facilities.
美商传威的TXC-44144是一个全集成解决方案,采用了公司专利的HDP(TM)技术,无须任何转换,即可在单一物理层器件上支持HDMI 1.4和DisplayPort 1.1设备并实无缝连接
TranSwitch's TXC-44144 is a fully integrated solution that utilizes the Company's patented HDP(TM) technology, which
eliminates the need for switching and enables HDMI 1.4 and DisplayPort 1.1
[...] devices to work seamlessly together in a single PHY.
认证转换 -
[...] 如果您正在考虑从其他CE通告机构转到 UL,那么 UL 可为您提供利于业务运作无缝转换 流程。
Transfer of certification - If you
are considering switching to UL from another Notified Body,
[...] UL can offer a painless, business friendly, [...]
transfer process.
运用hybris备受赞誉的主数据(MDM)来管理所有产品信息和关系的能力,满 无缝 跨 渠 道的用户体验需求。
The ability to manage all product information and relationships with
hybris’s highly acclaimed master data management (MDM) — a
[...] requirement for a seamless cross-channel [...]
consumer experience.
名单中的机械制造工厂:张钢分条机切割(断头台剪切机)卷圆机集装箱边缝焊机同时折叠咬口机双端翻边机双端翻边机(凹凸型)电力出版社冲压复合顶部底部应用与切割机烘干炉回合固定缝合机,试验机双头耳片焊接焊机机构改革者手模具镶边可以缝合生产能力:4,000至20,000罐/ 8小时显着特点无缝对接:无缝焊接接头可自动不断。
List of machinery in the manufacturing plant: Gang Slitting Machine Cutting Of Sheets (Guillotine Shearing Machine) Round Rolling Machine Container Side Seam Welder Simultaneous Folding-Locking Machine Double Ended Flanging Machine Double Ended Flanging Machine(Bump Type) Power Press Stamping Top Bottom Ends Compound Applying & Cutting Machine Drying Oven Round Stationary Seaming Machine, Testing Machine Dual Head Ear Lug Welder Body Reformer Hand Die Flanger Can Seaming Production capacity: 4,000 to 20,000 Cans/8 Hrs STRIKING FEATURES: SEAMLESS JOINT: Seamless welding joint can be obtained automatically continually.
结合联合国地理信息工作组的活动于 2001
[...] 年发起了第二行政级边界数据集 项目,项目将提供对国家到全球一 无缝 收 集 、管理、形象显示和分享国家以 下层级数据与信息的工作平台加以利用的机会。
The Second Administrative Level Boundaries data set project, launched in 2001 in the context of UNGIWG activities, provides access to a working platform for the collection, management,
visualization and sharing of subnational data and
[...] information in a seamless way from the national [...]
level to the global level.
审查小组认为,迫切需要确保及 无缝 地 更 新非法、无管制和未报告的捕 捞船只清单,并确保尽可能广泛地分发这些资料。
The review panel considered that there was an urgent need
[...] to ensure the seamless and timely updating [...]
of illegal, unreported and unregulated
fishing vessel lists and the widest possible circulation of such information.
[...] Synergy由一套贷款及决策管理技术组件组成,它们可 无缝 地 协 同工作,共同构成一个高度可配置的贷款系统,帮助全球金融机构可控、灵活和及时地开展信贷业务。
The CRIF Credit Framework and CRIF Synergy are comprised of a suite of lending and
decision management technology components
[...] that work together seamlessly to offer a highly [...]
configurable lending system, delivering
control, flexibility and time to market to financial institutions around the globe.
我们位于北京的姊妹医院——北京和睦家医院,在2011年开业的启望肿瘤中心里设有中西医结合科,将传统中医与康复治疗相结合;联合我们在上海的理疗和康复科,为患者们提供独特的癌症治疗和康复项目;遵循国际联合委员会(JCI)的标准,确保了连贯性护理在肿瘤科、外科和康复科医护人员之间 无缝 衔 接
BJU, our sister hospital in Beijing has an Integrative Medicine department which combines Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with rehabilitation, and the New Hope Oncology Center, which opened 2011.
世界动物卫生组织的观察员鼓励食典所有成员参加将于 2009 年 3 月 17-19 日在 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)举行的世界动物卫生组织动物标识和可追溯性国际会议(“从
[...] 农场到餐桌”),该次会议的目的是促进食典和世界动物卫生组织在这一领域各项标准无缝实施
The Observer from OIE encouraged all Codex members to participate in the OIE International Conference on Animal Identification and Traceability (‘From Farm to Fork’), to be held in Buenos
Aires (Argentina) from 17-19 March 2009,
[...] aimed at promoting seamless application of [...]
both Codex and OIE standards in this area.




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