

单词 无罪

无罪 ()

not guilty (of crime)


无罪的 adj

sinless adj


plea of not guilty


don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously

See also:


sin n
guilt n
sinner n
fault n
guild n

External sources (not reviewed)

重审时未提出新证据,第二次判决与宣 无罪 所 依 据的事 实和证据完全相同。
No new evidence was produced in
the retrial and the second judgment was based on exactly the same facts and evidence
[...] as the judgment that acquitted him.
因此,该决议草案忽略 了应有的程序无罪推断
As a result, there was
[...] a disregard for due process and for the presumption of innocence in the draft [...]
法院和法庭的组织和运行仍符合基本原则,尤其是国际司法条约确立的基 本原则:司法独立和公正,法律面前人人平等、不受歧视 无罪 推 定 ,犯罪和刑 罚的合法性,两级司法机关以及获得司法辩护、援助和帮助的权利。
The organization and functioning of the courts and tribunals remain in line with the fundamental principles established in particular by international instruments on justice, these being: the independence and impartiality of the judiciary; equality before
the law without
[...] discrimination; presumption of innocence; the rule requiring that offences and punishments [...]
shall be strictly
defined by law; the right to a second hearing and the right to a defence, to assistance and to legal aid.
在一些情况下,通常从有利于犯罪人的角度权衡条件,在下列条件下,不会 进行起诉:(a) 如果犯罪人已在外国服完被判的刑罚,或根据国际协定,决定犯 罪人应在法院地国服完在外国做出的判决;(b) 如果犯罪人已被外国法院宣无 罪,或 其刑期已被赦免,或执行判决涉及法定时效问题;(c) 若根据外国法,只 有受害方提出指控,相关刑事罪行才可以被起诉,而受害方没有提出指控(如斯 洛文尼亚)。
In some instances, the conditions were weighed generally in favour of the perpetrator; and would not be prosecuted (a) if he had already served the sentence imposed on him in the foreign country or if it was decided in accordance with an international agreement that the sentence imposed in the foreign country was to be served in the forum State; (b) if the perpetrator had been acquitted by a foreign court or if his sentence had been remitted or the execution of the sentence had fallen under the statute of limitations; or (c) if according to foreign law, the criminal offence concerned may only be prosecuted upon the complaint of the injured party and such complaint had not been filed (e.g., Slovenia).
[...] 界接触,而且家人不了解这些人的下落和命运,所造成的隐秘不定的状况违反无罪假设,而且便利了严刑逼供或其他形式的虐待。
Even if detainees are criminally charged, the secrecy and insecurity caused by the denial of contact to the outside world and the fact that family members have no knowledge
of their whereabouts and fate violate the
[...] presumption of innocence and are conducive [...]
to confessions obtained under torture
or other forms of ill-treatment.
另外,在各类 罪行之间建立一种自动或是长久的联系是对人权领 域公认无罪推定原则的否定。
Furthermore, the establishment of an automatic or permanent link was a denial of the presumption of innocence, a universally recognized principle in the area of human rights.
在提交人权理事会的年度报告 (A/HRC/13/30,第66段)
中,工作组重申,军 事法庭审判平民对享有人身自由的权利、受到公平审判的权利、对被拘留上诉的
[...] 权利、由依法设立的独立、公正的主管法院公开审判的权利、被推 无罪 的权 利、诉讼手段平等和取得证据的权利、得到免费充分辩护的权利等等,通常有负 [...]
In its annual report to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/13/30, para. 66), the Working Group reiterated that the trial of civilians by military tribunals usually has an adverse effect on the enjoyment of the right to liberty of person, the right to a fair trial, to appeal against detention and to be tried in public by a legally established, independent,
competent and impartial court, the right to a
[...] presumption of innocence, to equality [...]
of arms and to access to evidence, the right
to a free and adequate defence, etc.
我向安理会保证,我们准备、愿意并有能力接受 移交卢旺达审理的案件;接收犯人到卢旺达服刑;无罪获释 人员和刑满释放人员进行重新安置,并让他 们向国家社区生活过渡;而且同法庭合作建立信息和 文件中心,向公众广泛提供卢旺达问题国际法庭的记 录和档案。
I assure the Council that we are ready, willing and able to receive cases
referred for trial in Rwanda;
[...] to receive convicts to serve their prison terms in Rwanda; to provide resettlement and a transition to national community life for acquitted persons and convicts [...]
who have finished
serving their sentences; and to collaborate with the Tribunal in establishing information and documentation centres to make the records and archives of the ICTR widely available to the public.
然而,若考虑行使普遍管辖权的国家刑事司法当局有 重大理由认为,嫌疑人或受害者的领土国和国籍国显然不愿意或无能力起诉嫌疑 人,而且嫌疑人是行使代表国家职能的外国国家官员,则国家刑事司法当局应设 法下达出庭传票,或采取同等措施,而不是下达逮捕令,以便嫌疑人能够出庭, 并在律师协助下,提供一切其掌握的证 无罪 的 证 据。
However, where the national criminal justice authorities considering exercising universal jurisdiction have serious reasons to believe that the territorial State and the State of nationality of the suspect or the victims are manifestly unwilling or unable to prosecute the suspect, and the suspect is a foreign State official exercising a representative function on behalf of his or her State, they should seek and issue a summons to appear or equivalent measure, rather than an arrest warrant, to enable the suspect to appear before the court and to produce, with the assistance of counsel, any exculpatory evidence in his or her possession.
他还无罪推定的权利遭到侵犯,因为控方的证据――他向警方作出的 [...]
供词和警方在审判期间提交的报告――是在未充分考虑宪法保障的情况下获得 的。
He also claimed that his right to
[...] presumption of innocence had been infringed, [...]
since the prosecution’s evidence — his statement
to the police and the police report submitted during the trial — had been obtained without due regard for constitutional guarantees.
显然值得商榷的 是,应被推无罪的还 押犯人的处境不应该比被判处还押犯人被控罪行的犯人更 [...]
It is clearly arguable that remand prisoners, who
[...] are to be presumed innocent, should not be in [...]
a worse situation than prisoners sentenced
for offences of which the remand prisoners stand accused: sentenced prisoners are eligible to be considered for discretionary release through a judicial process.
[...] 到了侵犯:由合格、独立、公正的法庭进行公正、公开的审判的权利;被推无 罪的权利;作为被告的权利。
2.12 In his complaints to the Bishkek City Court and to the Supreme Court, he claimed that his rights to a fair and public trial by a
competent, independent and impartial tribunal, his
[...] right to be presumed innocent, and his rights as [...]
a defendant, were violated.
无罪推定的 《宪法》局限妨碍了《公约》第 20 条的执行。
Constitutional limitations pertaining to the
[...] presumption of innocence hinder the [...]
implementation of article 20 of the Convention.
[...] 犯权、名誉与尊严保护权、公正审判 无罪 推 定权、免受酷刑权,以及思想、言 [...]
The course of studies covers the theory and practice of incorporating the following international standards into Uzbekistan’s domestic legislation: the right to life; the right to liberty and security of person; the right to protection of honour and dignity; the right
to privacy; the rights of due process and
[...] presumption of innocence; the right to [...]
protection against torture; and the freedoms
of thought, speech, opinion, conscience and religious belief.
澳门居民在被指控犯罪时,享有尽早接受法院 审判的权利,在法院判罪之前均假 无罪。
When charged with criminal offences, Macao residents shall enjoy the right to an early court trial and
[...] shall be presumed innocent before convicted.
它积极参 与 执 行 在 该 领 域 已 获得通过的一系 列 建议,除其他外, 其 中
[...] 包括:家庭和国籍 法规、 死 刑 、儿童权利、监 狱 条件无 罪 推 定、审 前 拘留、正当程序 、言论自由、社团 [...]
It takes an active part in implementing in the field a series of recommendations it has adopted, concerning inter alia: the family and nationality codes, the death penalty,
the rights of the child, prison
[...] conditions, the presumption of innocence, pre-trial [...]
detention, due process, freedom of expression,
the activities of associations, trade union rights, persons with disabilities and the elderly.
没有对抗性讼诉制度,没无罪推定 ,并且法官和检察官非常典型地使用了纠问式的提问方式审讯往往作为惟一证人的被告。
There was no adversary system, no
[...] presumption of innocence, and judges [...]
and prosecutors typically used an inquisitorial style
to question the defendant, who was often the only witness.
对于没有任何证据证明需要进一步调查的指控,必须奉 无罪 推 定 原则,该 原则也适用于安全部队的被指控成员”。
The presumption of innocence, which applies to the accused members of the security forces, must prevail over an accusation for which there is not the slightest evidence to justify any further investigation of the allegations.
所依据的基本原理是,由于被告享 无罪 推 定 ,在受审期间不一定需要被拘 押,因而可被允许以亲自出庭或视频会议方式或通过自己选择和指示的辩护律师 [...]
The rationale is that, since the accused enjoys the
[...] presumption of innocence and therefore [...]
need not necessarily be in custody while
standing trial, he or she may be allowed to take part in the proceedings either in person, by videoconference or through defence counsel whom he or she has chosen and instructs.
这些进步提 高了刑事司法系统在侦查犯罪、给犯罪者定罪和证明无辜之 无罪 方 面 的效 率。
Such advances have enhanced the efficiency of the criminal justice system in
[...] detecting crimes, convicting offenders and exonerating innocent people.
[...] 然是一纸空文,各州应加快强化体制的进程,采取紧急行动消除目前与公诉服务 不相等的情况,因为这种不相等不利于被拘留者,而他们在经审判被证明有罪之 前具有推无罪的权利。
The Subcommittee believes that, in order to ensure that this change actually occurs and the initiative does not remain on paper only, the various states should expedite and accelerate the process of institutional strengthening, taking urgent action to eliminate the current disparities with respect to the public prosecution services as those
disparities work to the detriment of detained persons, who have the
[...] right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty at trial.
在高级别对话的前奏期,我希望会员国以人权为中心来处理移民事务;我鼓励会员国在全国一层采取措施,使非常规移 无罪 化 、制定有效的移民羁押替代措施,并确保公共服务提供者(如护士或教师)的职能同移民局人员的职能严格分开。
In the lead-up to the High-level Dialogue, I hope that Member States will approach human rights as a central issue in migration governance; at the national level I
encourage them to take such
[...] measures as decriminalizing irregular migration, setting up effective alternatives to immigration detention, and ensuring [...]
that the functions
of public service providers such as nurses or teachers are kept strictly separate from those of the immigration authorities.
vs 3 这并不是说他们无罪的, 这只是说他眼瞎不是由于他或他父母犯的某个罪。
vs 3 It is not
[...] that they were sinless, but rather that his blindness was not due to a particular sin which he [...]
or his parents committed.
[...] 益为一项单独的犯罪,因为考虑到这与《西班牙宪法》第 24 条所载无罪推定 和宪法法院就其所作的解释不符。
Among the non-mandatory offences contained in UNCAC, illicit enrichment has not been established as a stand-alone offence in Spain, as it
is considered to be inconsistent with the
[...] presumption of innocence contained in [...]
article 24 of the Spanish Constitution and
its interpretation by the Constitutional Court.
同样,pH值和0.20不适用,作为一项规则,在第四世纪,基督人性的,因为人类是不是“自然”中的“感”完全像我们的性质,因为它 无罪 的 , 且 无 所 有的不完善而产生的Natura原罪(不普拉的Natura但IP互通),它没有自己的人的个性的,它是ineffably增光和工会歌颂其与Word。
Again, ph&úsis was not applied, as a rule, in the fourth century, to the Humanity of Christ, because that Humanity is not "natural" in the sense of "wholly
like to our nature",
[...] since it is sinless, and free from all the imperfections which arise from original sin (not pura [...]
natura but integra
natura), it has no human personality of its own, and it is ineffably graced and glorified by its union with the Word.
其中载有以下主要原则:法律面前人人平等、 推无罪、有 权由独立和无偏倚的法庭进行公正和公开审讯并享有为被控刑 [...]
事罪的任何人进行辩护所必需的所有保证以及其他最低限度的保证,以及审 理不得无故拖延
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1 which enshrines the key
principles of equality before the law and the
[...] presumption of innocence, as well as [...]
the right to a fair and public hearing by an
independent and impartial tribunal, along with all the guarantees necessary for the defence of anyone charged with a penal offence, other minimum guarantees and the entitlement to be tried without undue delay
a) 刑事调查中所采集的被调查个人的人类基因数据在该被调查对象未被控犯罪或被 宣无罪时就不得再保存。
(a) Human genetic data collected in the course of a criminal investigation shall not be retained if the person investigated is either not charged with an offence or is found not guilty of the offence in respect to which the genetic data were collected.
一项从2月28日开始生效的最高人民法院条文清楚地说明了最高人民法院应该批准、修改、或发回重审的死刑判决情况;在大多数情况下,最高人民法院如果发现原判决出现疏漏,亦无权做出新的决定,或宣布被 无罪。
An SPC regulation effective February 28 clarified circumstances in which the SPC should approve, revise, or remand death sentences; in most cases the SPC does not
have the authority to issue a new decision or
[...] declare a defendant innocent if it discovers [...]
errors in the original judgment.




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