单词 | 台东县 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 台东—Táidong or Taitung city and county in Taiwan
池上米是指由台东县池上乡地区生产的米。 sfgourmet.com | Chihshang Rice” (aka “Ikegami Rice”) refers to the rice produced in [...] Chihshang Township, Taitung County,Taiwan. sfgourmet.com |
B.台北医学大学宿舍及屏东县来义高中宿舍,地下室有投币式洗衣机及烘乾机,请自备零用钱,洗 衣备用。 taiwan-usylcecamp.org | B. The dormitories in Taipei [...] Medical University andPingtung County have coin-operated [...]self service laundry facilities. taiwan-usylcecamp.org |
股东周年大会是与股东直接对话的主要平台,股东可於大会中就本公司的营运及财务资料作出提问。 asiasat.com | The AGM is the principal forum for direct dialogue with shareholders at whichshareholders are invited to ask questions on the Company’s operations or financial information. asiasat.com |
现时华民航空提供 [...] 通宵货运速递服务,前往亚洲七个目的地,分别为 曼谷、大阪、槟城、首尔、新加坡、台北及东京。swirepacific.com | AHK now operates overnight express cargo services to seven destinations in Asia, namely Bangkok, Osaka, Penang, [...] Seoul, Singapore, Taipeiand Tokyo. swirepacific.com |
主要是由於年内本集团淘 汰山东省邹平县魏桥镇生产基地的落後生产设施,而其 减值损失於二零零九年一次性确认。 wqfz.com | Such decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the Group overseas sales through intermediate traders which resulted in a drop in the commission paid. wqfz.com |
这些报 道和一些事实的引述均提到,当时可能聚集了一些电视台的记者及县警。 legco.gov.hk | Such reports and some factual statements pointed [...] out that on these occasions, some reporters [...] from television stations andcounty police mighthave [...]gathered at the scene. legco.gov.hk |
较早前 日本关东多个县的滤水厂,亦被发现水中含有辐射物质,其含量更是 婴儿无法承受的。 legco.gov.hk | Earlier, water from water treatment centres in a number of prefectures in Kanto has been found containing radioactive substances, exceeding a level to which infants can be exposed. legco.gov.hk |
位於蒲台东面之前滨及海床,其范围在一份存放於市区土地注册处编号为ISM 875的图则中划定 [...] 并加上黑边显示(即1992年第2363号政府公告所述者)。 legco.gov.hk | The foreshore and sea-bed situated [...] in an area at Po ToiEast asdelineated [...]and shown edged black on a plan deposited in [...]the Urban Land Registry and numbered ISM 875 (as mentioned in G.N. 2363 of 1992). legco.gov.hk |
而较早前,东森电视台亦以相当复杂的方法,公布双方阵营的预计得票会有三十至六十万的差距,即三个百分点左右,但亦没有公布领先者。 hkupop.hku.hk | Previously, ETTV has also utilized a very complicated [...] method to announce that the votes obtained by the two camps would [...]have an anticipated difference from 0.3 million to 0.6 million, that was around 3%, but did not announce who was in the lead either. hkupop.hku.hk |
据对㆒九八九年发生的十㆓起此类案件分析, 属於深圳市内㆟员搅的㆕起,广东省内其他市县㆟员、外省区㆟员到深圳市搅的各㆕ 起;其㆗企业㆟员擅自搅的有七起,有公安、检察㆟员参与的五起;被绑架、扣押的 [...] 企业负责㆟和职员有七㆟,港商㆕㆟,个体户、当事㆟家属各㆒㆟。 legco.gov.hk | According to an analysis of the 12 cases of this nature in 1989, four cases involved officials of Shenzhen, four cases involved officials [...] from other [...] countries or townships ofGuangdong Province and another [...]four involved officials from other provinces; seven of these cases were startedby staff of enterprises who took [...]the law in their own hands and five involved the participation of public security and procuratorate personnel; of the people who were kidnapped and detained, seven were persons-in-change or staff of enterprises, four were Hong Kong businessmen, one was a private trader and one was the family member of an uninvolved party. legco.gov.hk |
台北都会区可就近使用桃园县的「桃园国际机场」(桃园县位於台北都会区西边)。 seagate.com | The city [...] is servedby theTaiwan TaoYuanInternational [...]Airport, west of the city in Taoyuan. seagate.com |
(ix) 於二零零五年一月三十一日订立的经营租约协议,於二零零五年二月一日开始,及於二零一 [...] 零年二月一日届满,年租金为人民币600,000元,该协议乃就应於中国山东省邹平县经济开 发区魏纺路1号的一幢楼宇而订立。 wqfz.com | (ix) Operating lease agreement dated 31 January 2005 with the commencement date and expiry date on 1 February 2005 and 1 February 2010, respectively, was entered at an annual rental of [...] RMB600,000 for a building located at No. 1, Weifang Road, Economic [...] Development Zone,ZoupingCounty,Shandong Province, [...]the PRC. wqfz.com |
东湾阿拉米达县从今天起实施购物袋新法规,所有销售食品和饮品的商店,禁止使用塑胶袋。 ktsf.com | Alameda County’sretail stores selling packaged foods or alchhol is banned [...] to give out plastic checkout bags. ktsf.com |
本公司於2002年3月成立於台北县新店市,专业代理销售压缩空气净化设备,目前代理的厂商有:英国Walker Filtration Ltd.、荷兰Besseling Industry-Technic B.V.及义大利MTA等世界品牌之高品质工业设备,提供如雷射切割、半导体、液晶显示器及IC封装业等高科技产业洁净空气(CDA)与高纯度氮气等(PN2)之需求。 tmpm.tmta.org.tw | With high quality industrial facilities, the products are from Walker Filtration Ltd. of UK, Besseling Industry-Technic B.V. of Nederland, MTA of Italy, providing high-tech industries such as laser cutting, semi-conductor, LCD-TFT and IC packaging with Clean/Dry/Air (CDA) and High Purity Nitrogen (PN2). tmpm.tmta.org.tw |
阳东县位於广东省西南沿海、珠江三角洲西缘,五金刀剪工业基础雄 厚,燃气消费企业亦较多,用气市场潜力可观。 towngaschina.com | Situated at the coastal area of [...] southwestern GuangdongProvince and [...]on the western edge of the Pearl River Delta, Yangdong [...]County has a strong cutlery and hardware industrial base with large number of gas-consuming enterprises, which provides tremendous market potential for gas business. towngaschina.com |
两枚卫星均采 用 SS/L 1300 系列卫星平台,为亚洲、中东及澳纽地区提供服务。 asiasat.com | The two SS/L 1300 [...] satellites will serve Asia, the Middle East andAustralasia. asiasat.com |
日前,我看到一则报道,指台湾的宜兰县政府为了照顾65岁以上弱势长者,由特约牙科医疗所为中 低收入户的老人装置假牙,以每人装10颗假牙为上限,解决老人缺牙、 [...] 无牙之苦,令他们重拾饮食的乐趣。 legco.gov.hk | Some time ago I came across a report [...] which said that in Taiwan, thegovernment of YilanCounty in a bidto take [...]care of the disadvantaged [...]elderly above the age of 65 had commissioned certain dental clinics to install false teeth for the low and middle income elderly persons, with the maximum amount of false teeth limited to 10 per person. legco.gov.hk |
有关上述持续交易的公告已於二零 零八年三月三日发布。 本公司与集团公司签署相关租赁协议,据此,集团公司 已同意向本公司出租位於中国山东省邹平县魏桥镇齐东路34号及西外环路西侧的土地的土地使用权,以及位 於中国山东省邹平县县城以东的经济开发区内土地的土 地使用权,以供进行本公司的营运,本公司可行使其权 利续约。 wqfz.com | The Company and Holding Company entered into relevant leasing agreements pursuant to which, Holding Company agreed to lease to the Company land use rights in respect of land [...] respectively located at No. 34 QidongRoad and west of Xiwaihuan Road, [...] Weiqiao Town, Zouping County, ShandongProvince, the PRC, and the land use rights in respect of land located to theeast ofZoupingCounty,ZoupingEconomic Development Zone, Shandong Province, [...]the PRC, for the Company’s [...]operations, with a right of renewal exercisable by the Company. wqfz.com |
俞弟兄和我,去年九月搬家到Anaheim,决定选 择柑县台福教会做我们属灵的家。 efcoc.org | Last September, my husband and I moved to Anaheim, and decided to make EFCOC our spiritual home. efcoc.org |
如果我们 在地图上一看,就会明白海西地区实际上跟香港的关系非常密切,就 是广东东部的潮汕、梅县地区,再加上海西的核心区域福建省,另外 还有江西和浙江的一部分地区。 legco.gov.hk | The areas covered under the West Coast include Chaoshan and Meixian regions in the eastern part ofGuangdong,the focal region in Fujian Province, as well as some regions in Jiangxi and Zhejiang Provinces. legco.gov.hk |
我们共收到40张画, 分别来自橙县,东区, 及本区。 cpad.org | We totally received 40 paintings from our children; all of them are very creative and well thought. cpad.org |
最新的报告显示,湾区买房及租房价格普遍上涨,其中南湾Santa Clara县房价升幅最大,而租屋价格则是东湾阿拉米达县上涨最多。 ktsf.com | Santa Clara County asking price for homes for sale rose 16.3%, followed [...] by San Mateo County, a15% increase and ContraCosta County, a 13.8% increase. ktsf.com |
当时,无线卫星台(TVBS)在选举日第一次进行台湾总统选举「出口民调」,东森电视台进行「改良式出口民调」,而民视则曾经宣布进行「即时动态民调」,但始终没有公布结果。 hkupop.hku.hk | This situation was very different from the Presidential election in March. At that time, TVBS carried out the first [...] exit poll on the first day of the [...] Presidential election, EasternTelevision conducted [...]'enhanced exit poll', whereas FTV announced [...]the operation of 'immediate interactive opinion survey', but the results have never been announced at the end. hkupop.hku.hk |
(b) 发展局在市区重建局(市建局)的支援下,已委聘政策研究顾问(香港大学研究 队 [...] ),就与香港情况相若的亚洲城市,即新加坡、首尔、东京、台北、广州和上海 的市区更新政策与做法,进行为期 [...]6 个月的政策研究。 devb.gov.hk | (b) The Development Bureau, with the support of Urban Renewal Authority (URA), has commissioned a policy study consultancy (by a research team of the University of Hong Kong) to conduct a six-month policy study on the [...] urban regeneration policies and practices in [...] other comparable Asian cities, namely, Singapore, [...]Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei, Guangzhou and Shanghai. devb.gov.hk |
(a) 与台湾各界、县市及有关当局建立和保持联系,以促进港台在经 济、文化及其他方面更紧密的合作和交流 legco.gov.hk | (a) establish and maintain contacts with various sectors, citiesand municipalities, and relevant authoritiesin Taiwan to foster closer economic, cultural and other co-operation and exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan legco.gov.hk |
(2)佳能企业为兴建营运总部及研发中心,於民国九十九年九月间參与台北县新庄市 副都心段之土地标售案,取得土地总价款为2,468,329千元,并已办妥变更登记, 帐列土地项下。 chs.pegatroncorp.com | Held-to-maturity financial assets are financial instruments that the Consolidated Company has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. jp.pegatroncorp.com |
中国当前面临的挑衅,是日本新的军事扩张,拟将钓鱼台、东海和台湾,藉着占领、掠夺或分离,直接据为己有,或结成同盟,以重振日本大东亚之 梦,重建日本的军事霸权。 legco.gov.hk | The provocation facing China currently is the resumed Japanese efforts of military expansion. Japan has intended to, through such means as occupation, seizure or segregation, directly achieve its purpose of taking forced possession of or forming alliance with the Diaoyutai Islands, East China Sea and Taiwan in order to rekindle its dream of reviving the Great East Asia and rebuild its military supremacy. legco.gov.hk |
该两项收购大大加强本集团於 [...] 渭南地区及陕西省中东部地区的地位及定价能力,消除了 渭南地区的竞争,并延伸市场覆盖范围至富平县及西安东北部。 westchinacement.com | These two acquisitions considerably strengthen the Group’s position and pricing power in the Weinan Region and eastern central Shaanxi Province, eliminating [...] competition in the Weinan Region, and extending market [...] reach into the FupingCounty andnortheastern Xi’an [...]metropolitan markets. westchinacement.com |
除了蔡栋强主任从北京远道来广东参加开幕典礼之外,还有来自WEO黑龙江李兆基眼科中心的吴香莲教授专程赴会。此外,参加者还有阳东及卫生局的领导参与,包括阳江市副市长陈芝岳,阳江市卫生局局长姜苗,阳东县副县长及县红十字会会长关璇,阳东县卫生局局长张华安,阳东县民政局局长林芬和,阳东县残联主席谭和贵以及阳东人民医院院长洪家文医师。 worldeye.org | In addition to the WEO delegation from Hong Kong, Professor Cai Dong-qian, WEO China Director from Beijing, and Professor Wu Xiang-lian, Director of WEO Heilongjiang Dr. Lee Shau Kee Eye Centre, came to join the Opening Ceremony which was attended by many local Government and Health Bureau representatives including Mr. Chen Zhi-yue, Vice Mayor of Yangjiang City, Mr. Jiang Miao, Chief of Health [...] Bureau of Yangjiang City, Ms. GuanXuan, [...] Vice Mayor ofYangdong County andalso Chairladyof Yangdong County Red Cross, Mr. Zhang Hua An, Chief of Health Bureau of Yangdong County, Mr. Lin Fen He, Chief of Civic Affairs Bureau in Yangdong County, and Mr.Tan He Gui, Chairman of Disabled Persons Federation inYangdong Countyand of course, Dr. [...]Hong Jia-wen, President [...]of Yangdong People’s Hospital. worldeye.org |