

单词 阿难陀

See also:

difficult (to...)
not good


difficulty n
problem n
disaster n

steep bank

External sources (not reviewed)

古德寺创建于清光绪三年(1877年),其建筑风格独具一格,仿照了缅 阿难陀 寺 的艺术形式;其艺术风格在我国内地汉传佛寺庙建筑中独一无二。
Gude Temple was built in 1877 and is the only Buddhist temple in China that combines Burmese, Indian and Western architectural styles.
Ayurveda is the ancient healing system of India.
在美国教授威廉D惠特尼阿塔发吠陀 的 婆 罗门文本的理解和其他宝贵的贡献。
In America Professor William D. Whitney made valuable contributions to the
[...] understanding of the Atharva Veda and other Brahmin texts.
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广泛 地发放了阿姆哈 拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读 光盘和网站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术高级培训班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 (SUST)和比陀利亚 大学为教育学硕士开展的利用教育信息传播技术的联合计划。
Modalities of action have included: a series
[...] of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University joint programme [...]
for the M.Ed in
the Use of ICTs for Education.
与亚美尼亚方面所声称的相反,公认的情况是:在冲突的军事阶段之前通过 了一系列非法宣言和决定,目的是确保 Daghlyq Garabagh 从阿塞拜疆单方面分 离;还于 1987 年底和 1988
[...] 年初在该地区和亚美尼亚境内对阿塞拜疆人发起攻击, 造成平民伤亡及大阿塞拜疆难民和境内流离失所者。
In contrast to what the Armenian side asserts, it is well established that the military phase of the conflict was preceded by a number of illegal declarations and decisions taken with a view to securing the unilateral secession of Daghlyq Garabagh from Azerbaijan, as well as by attacks at the end of 1987 and the beginning of 1988 on the Azerbaijanis, both in that
territory and Armenia, resulting in civilian casualties and a
[...] flood of Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced [...]
摩洛哥外交部长还多次对廷杜夫难民营中撒哈拉人 的人道主义状况阿尔及利亚难民 署 在此方面的责任表示关切。
On several occasions, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Morocco also conveyed his concern at the
humanitarian situation of Saharans in
[...] the Tindouf refugee camps and the responsibility of Algeria and UNHCR in that regard.
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩洛序幕,或马拉的,主 阿 弥 陀 ( 1叙 利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本四福音中的希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取(约翰8),其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿”书第八,三,赋予- [...] [...]
A curious chapter gives the Prologue of Moro, or
[...] Mara, Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer [...]
whose works appear to have been lost), to
his edition of the four Gospels in Greek, to which the writers appends as a curiosity the pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) which Moro had inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document.
1993-1995 年
[...] 俄罗斯联邦外交部国际人道主义和文化合作司一等秘书;格 鲁吉亚/阿布哈兹难民问 题国际四方委员会成员。
1993-1995 First Secretary, Department for International Humanitarian and Cultural Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Russian Federation; member of the International
[...] Quadripartite Commission on Refugees in Georgia/Abkhazia.
上一 个双年度关闭了十八个办事处阿比 让 、班吉、罗安达、卢萨卡、波多诺伏、比 陀 利 亚、 突尼斯、吉隆坡、魁北克、维也纳、华盛顿、亚松森、布里奇顿、布宜诺斯艾利斯、加拉加 斯、巴拿马城、西班牙港和圣萨尔瓦多办事处。
Eighteen offices were closed in
[...] the previous biennium: Abidjan, Bangui, Luanda, Lusaka, Porto Novo, Pretoria, Tunis, Kuala Lumpur, [...]
Quebec, Vienna, Washington,
Asuncion, Bridgetown, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Panama City, Port of Spain and San Salvador.
在此背景下,缔约国忆及,瑞典政府 阿 富 汗 政府 难 民 署 已经缔结了一份 重新接纳阿富汗寻求庇护者的谅解备忘录,而若寻求庇护是一项犯罪,则不可能 [...]
In this context, the State party recalls
that the Government of Sweden, the
[...] Government of Afghanistan and UNCHR have concluded [...]
a memorandum of understanding on the
readmission of Afghan asylum-seekers, which would not have been concluded if seeking asylum had been a criminal offence.
关于巴勒斯坦难民的财产及其收益的决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.11 重申了巴勒斯阿拉伯难民的各项权 利,并敦促双方把解决这一问题作为最后地位谈判的 [...]
Draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.11 on Palestine refugees’ properties and
their revenues reaffirmed the rights of
[...] the Palestine Arab refugees and urged the two [...]
sides to address the issue as part of
the final status negotiations.
它注意到,尽管面对政治、经济和社会 难 , 阿 富 汗 和国际社会在创 建一个政治制度,确保法律和司法改革以及通过法律以维护人权标准方面取得了 [...]
It noted that, despite political and
[...] economic and social difficulties, Afghanistan and the international [...]
community had made important
achievements in creating a political system, ensuring legal and judicial reform and adopting laws in keeping with human rights standards.
以弗所约翰,也称为亚洲的约翰,是一个529叙利 阿 弥 陀 , 在 那里他成为一个执事。
John of Ephesus, called also John of Asia,
[...] was a Syrian of Amida, where he became [...]
a deacon in 529.
人类使用肉桂已超过一千年的历史,如将其用 阿 育 吠 陀 和 中 草药来治疗皮肤病、消化不良和疼痛,今天用作宠物和人类食品的胶凝剂。
It has been used for more than a thousand years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat skin ailments, indigestion and pain, and is used today as a gelling agent in pet and human food applications.
[...] 巴基斯坦政府和伊拉克伊斯兰共和国政府正在制定 一项针对该次区阿富汗难民的共同战略,他希望该 战略在 2012 年初召开的一次国际利益攸关方会议上 [...]
He noted that the Governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Islamic
Republic of Iraq were developing a joint
[...] strategy for Afghan refugees in the sub-region, [...]
which he hoped the international community
would support fully when it was presented at an international stakeholders conference in early 2012.
香 港大多數的好建設都位於市區,例如文化中心、中央圖書館、政府總部, 各方面方便市民的設施均設在這裏;而不太好的建設先在青衣發展,現阿彌陀佛, 青衣已發展完成,沒有地方了。
Most of the good developments in Hong Kong are located in the urban area. For example, the Cultural Centre, the Central Library, the Government Secretariat, and all kinds of facilities for the convenience of the people are located on this part of the territory, while those not-too-good developments are found first in Tsing Yi, and thank God that the developments are now completed in Tsing Yi as no more space is available.
and of the Atharva-Veda, a collection [...]
of popular exorcisms and magical incantations largely inherited from primitive Aryan days.
根据《2006 年宪法令》,直布陀总督阿德里 安·詹姆斯·琼斯爵士海军中 将自 2010 年 10 月在该领土代表英国王室。
Under Constitution Order 2006, the
[...] Governor of Gibraltar, Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian James Johns [...]
since October 2009, represents
the British Crown in the Territory.
总的来说,阿拉伯地区在实现千年目标方面取得 了显著进展,但欠发阿拉伯国家 难 以到2015 年 实现这些目标,特别是有鉴于它们和整个阿拉伯地区 [...]
In general, the Arab region has made tangible
progress in achieving the
[...] MDGs, but it will be difficult for the less developed Arab States to achieve [...]
the Goals by the year
2015, especially in the light of the challenges that they continue to confront along with the Arab region as a whole.
有趣的“史记杂记”,通常被称为伪撒迦利亚, 阿 弥 陀 组 成 12个书籍在叙利亚由一位不知名的作家,似乎谁住有。
The interesting "Historia Miscellanea", often referred to as Pseudo-Zacharias, was composed in Syriac in twelve books by an unknown author who seems to have lived at Amida.
集安条约组织对派驻阿富汗的打击毒品国际安 全援助部队更多的参与表示赞赏并衷心呼吁军队和
[...] 阿富汗政府之间加强合作,同时注意到,为应对这 一难,阿富汗 需要更多更加协调的国际援助,以 及政府无保留的承诺。
CSTO welcomed the growing input of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the fight against the Afghan drug infrastructure and called for increased cooperation between ISAF and the Government of
Afghanistan, noting that, in order to
[...] combat that scourge, Afghanistan needed increased [...]
and better coordinated international
assistance and the complete commitment of its authorities.
在阿富汗问题上进行合作,包括加强合作打击毒品贩运,支 阿 富 汗难 民回国方案;阿富汗重建方面进行合作;在保护伊朗阿富汗边界方面 进行合作。
Cooperation on Afghanistan, including on intensified cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking, support
for programmes on the
[...] return of Afghan refugees to Afghanistan; cooperation on reconstruction of Afghanistan; [...]
cooperation on guarding the Iran-Afghan border.
虽然石油成为 了谈判的主角,但还需要对债务、安全和代理冲 突、边界以及使谈难上加难的有 争议 阿 卜 耶伊 地区等方面达成协议。
While oil headlined the talks, the need also to agree on arrangements regarding debt, security and proxy conflict, borders, and the disputed Abyei region added layers to an already complex negotiation.
(d) 以下非政府组织的观察员:哈基姆基金会、阿拉伯人权委员会、阿拉 伯妇女总 联合会(同时代表国际妇女争 取和平 和 自由联 盟 )、
“ 阿 帕 赫·阿 马鲁” 印第安人运动(同时代表世界和 平理事会)、 消除一切 形
[...] 式种族歧视国际组织、伊斯兰人权委员会、反对种族主义和促进各国 人民友好运动、挪难民理事会阿 拉 伯 法学家联合会、联合国观察 社、国际犹太复国主义妇女组织。
(d) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Al-Hakim Foundation, Arab Commission for Human Rights, General Arab Women Federation (also on behalf of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom), Indian Movement Tupaj Amaru (also on behalf of World Peace Council), International Organization for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, Islamic Human Rights Commission, Mouvement Contre le Racisme
et pour L'amitié entre les
[...] Peuples, Norwegian Refugee Council, Union of Arab Jurists, United [...]
Nations Watch, Women's International Zionist Organization.
为 了帮助从利比亚涌出难民,阿尔及 利亚很快建立了 边界收容与通关中心,以便为难民提供避难所,提供 [...]
粮食和医疗服务,解决通关证件问题、组织难民重返 各自的原籍国。
To help the refugees pouring out of Libya, [...]
it had quickly set up border reception and clearing centres to provide shelter,
food and medical care, clear up documentation problems and organize the refugees’ return to their countries of origin.
重申迫切需要应对阿富汗境内的各种挑战,尤其是要处理塔利班、基地组织、 非法武装团体和从事毒品贸易的人特别是在南部和东部地区更加猖獗的暴力犯 罪活动和恐怖活动,组建包括地方一级的阿富汗政府机构,加强法治和民主进程, 打击腐败,加快司法部门的改革,在不妨碍执行安全理事会
1999 年 10 月 15 日 第 1267(1999)号决议和其他相关决议规定的措施的情况下促进民族和解,促进阿
[...] 富汗人主导下的过渡时期司法进程,实 阿 富 汗 难 民 和境内流离失所者安全有序 和有尊严地自愿返回,促进和保护人权以及推动经济和社会发展
Reiterating the urgent need to tackle the challenges in Afghanistan, in particular the increased violent criminal and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, illegal armed groups and those involved in the narcotics trade, in particular in the south and east, the development of Afghan Government institutions, including at the subnational level, the strengthening of the rule of law and democratic processes, the fight against corruption, the acceleration of justice sector reform, the promotion of national reconciliation, without prejudice to the fulfilment of the measures introduced by the Security Council in resolution 1267 (1999) of 15 October 1999 and other relevant resolutions, an Afghan-led transitional
justice process, the safe and voluntary
[...] return of Afghan refugees and internally [...]
displaced persons in an orderly and dignified
manner, the promotion and protection of human rights and the advancement of economic and social development




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