

单词 阿飞

See also:

prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc indicate familiarity
used in transliteration

External sources (not reviewed)

白色 ", Bernie Bonvoisin也是非常有趣,那些古怪的角色我们制作出来像修女或是歌伎亦或 阿飞 , 非 常个性十足。
White”, the film by Bernie Bonvoisin was also very interesting, with oddball characters like these nuns that we made up like geishas or punks with very electric shades.
(a) 2010 年 12 月 10 日,一架注册号为 TU-TCV 的索非亚航空公飞机,从 阿比让到达洛飞行了两次。
(a) On 10 December 2010, a Sophia
[...] Airlines aircraft, registered TU-TCV, made two flights from Abidjan to Daloa.
分 机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,直至 2 时 50 分阿尔马萨阿布上空飞 离。
They circled over all regions of Lebanon before [...]
leaving at 0250 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.
这 2 架 飞机飞在什卡和南部之间的上空盘旋,直至 18 时 25 分阿尔马萨阿 布上空飞离。
They circled between Shikka and the South before leaving at 1825 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.
11 时 4 架以色列敌方战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入基拉 村上空。飞机在黎巴嫩全境上空盘旋,然后在 11 时 50 分阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。
1307 An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, circling over the South before leaving at 2038 hours.
该机拥有50英尺7英寸(约合15.42米)长的3区客舱和无与伦比的0.90马赫(i)高速巡航能力,可搭乘8名乘客从伦敦 飞阿 德 莱 德、从香港直飞纽约和从孟买直飞多伦多(i),并有最好的舒适度。
With its superior three-zone cabin offering a 50 ft 7 in (15.42 m) passenger compartment and an unsurpassed M 0.90(i)
high-speed cruise
[...] ability, it will fly eight passengers in ultimate comfort between cities such as London and Adelaide, Hong Kong [...]
and New York, and Mumbai and Toronto(i).
至于专家小组的报告(S/2009/640)第 129 段,Snowe 先生写道:“我毫不含糊 地声明,我从未于 [2009 年]1 月 27 日乘坐阿联酋航空公司 788 航班或任何航班阿比让飞往阿克拉
With regard to paragraph 129 of the Panel’s report (S/2009/640), Mr. Snowe writes: “I state without equivocation that I never travelled to Accra on 27 January [2009] aboard Emirates Airline flight 788 or any flight from Abidjan.
业务费用项下净支出节余为 29 659 700 美元,相当于 9.9%,这主要是由于: 设施和基础设施项下所需经费减少(44 135 000 美元),主要是由于未能就建造部 队营地同建筑承包商达成协助通知书安排,未能建造航空车间 阿 贝 歇 飞 机场(见 A/64/556,第 38 和 39 段);空运项下所需资源减少(4 066 600 美元),因为 仍在与乍得当局就恩贾梅纳和阿贝歇机场设施的使用费进行谈判。
The net underexpenditure of $29,659,700, or 9.9 per cent, under operational costs was attributable mainly to reduced requirements for facilities and infrastructure ($44,135,000), due primarily to the failure to conclude letter-of-assist arrangements with the contractor for the construction of camps for troops and the non-construction
of the aviation
[...] workshop and the Abeche airfield (see A/64/556, paras. 38 and 39); and reduced requirements for air transportation ($4,066,600) owing to the fact that airfield facilities usage charges in N’Djamena and Abeche were still being [...]
negotiated with Chadian
authorities, offset by additional requirements with respect to the rental and operation of helicopters owing to higher than budgeted costs (ibid., paras. 41 and 42).
23时08分1 架敌方以色列侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空, 阿 尔 马 萨 阿 布 上 空入境飞 机在 Riyak、Baalbek 和南部上空盘旋,直至 2010 年 4 月 24 日 10 时 55 分飞离。
2308 hours An Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha’b. It circled over Riyaq, Baalbek and the South before leaving at 1055 hours on 24 April 2010 over Naqurah.
此外,除了伊瓦图-塔那那利飞机 场和 图 阿 马 西 纳港之外,马达加斯加国 际飞机场和港口的安全程度,尚未达到打击恐怖主义所需。
Other than the Antananarivo-Ivato Airport and the Port of Toamasina, Madagascar’s international airports and ports do not have a sufficient level of security in terms of counter-terrorism.
与此相反,阿根廷共和国根据阿根廷第 256 号总统令试图限制南大西洋的海上交通,禁止悬挂某些旗帜的船只进入其港口, 而且自 2003 年以来禁止包租航班阿根廷领空飞 往 和 飞 离 福 克兰群岛。
In contrast, the Republic of Argentina has attempted to restrict maritime traffic in the South Atlantic under Argentine Presidential Decree 256, has banned some flagged vessels from its
ports, and has since 2003
[...] banned charter aircraft travelling to/from the Falkland Islands when transiting Argentine airspace.
慢慢来,你的相机摄影审视复制14双和22蓑羽,桑托斯杜蒙设计建造的第一架飞机在世界大赛中,的水上飞机Jahu,在1927年试行由约翰·里贝罗·德巴罗斯在第一横渡大西洋不间断的,几代战机,包括幻影 I I I 阿 亚 顿 ·塞 飞 到 19 89年3月,当然也可以发现如星座,德兰特,福克27和福克100飞机。
Go slow, take your camera photographic look closely replicates the 14-bis and 22 Demoiselle, Santos Dumont and designed by first airplane built in the world series, the Seaplane Jahu, which in 1927 was piloted by John Ribeiro de Barros in the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean nonstop,
several generations of warplanes,
[...] including Mirage III in which Ayrton Sena flew in March 1989, [...]
and of course can also be found
airliners such as Constellation, Bandeirante, Fokker 27 and Fokker 100 .
[...] 内部情报报告的三个国家政府的官员也分别与监察组交流他们的看法,认为那几 天没飞机飞往拜多阿。
Officials of three Governments with access to their own internal intelligence reports also
separately shared with the Monitoring Group their
[...] assessments that no flights to Baidoa had taken place [...]
on those dates.
2012 年 6 月 22
[...] 日,本地时间 11 时 58 分,一架未武装的土耳其 RF-4 型军飞机在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国海岸以外 13 海里国际空域 7 400 英尺高度单独飞行 [...]
On 22 June 2012, at 11.58 local time, a
Turkish RF-4-type
[...] military aircraft was shot down by Syrian forces while flying solo and without [...]
arms 13 nautical miles
off the coast of the Syrian Arab Republic in international airspace at an altitude of 7,400 feet.
专家组回顾,专家组一名成员 2010 年 2 月 14
[...] 日见到一架类似型号的、 不属于中立部队(联科行动和独角兽部队)的无人驾 飞 行 器 飞 越 阿 比 让上 空。
It recalls that a member of the Group of Experts witnessed a UAV of
similar type, which did not belong to the impartial forces (UNOCI and
[...] Licorne), in flight over Abidjan on 14 February 2010.
安理会第 1970(2011)号决议决定,旅行禁令和资产冻结应适用于被委员会指 认的以下个人和实体:(a) 参与或合谋下令、掌控或以其他方式指挥 阿 拉 伯 利 比亚民众国境内的人施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下 令或进行违反国际法的针对平民和民用设施的袭击,包括 飞 机 进行轰炸者; 或(b) 为(a)分段所述个人或实体或代表他们或按他们的指示行事者。
In its resolution 1970 (2011), the Council decided that the travel ban and asset freeze should apply to the individuals and entities designated by the Committee (a) involved in or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, the commission of serious human rights abuses against persons in Libya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting attacks, in violation of international law, including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations and facilities, or (b) acting for or on behalf of or at the direction of individuals or entities identified in subparagraph (a).
早在1960年当美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)对登月舱要求的方案时 (实际上太飞船尼尔·阿姆斯 特朗在月球上着陆) ,格鲁曼希望获得合同,但是他看到可靠性的规格上的困难。
When NASA asked for proposals for the
Lunar Module (the space ship that
[...] actually landed Neil Armstrong on the moon) in the [...]
early 1960's, Grumman wanted the contract
but saw a trap in the reliability specifications.
1992 年 1 月 28 日,一飞行在阿格达 姆至舒沙沿线上的民用直升机在阿塞 [...]
拜疆达赫利戈卡拉巴赫地区的舒沙市上空被恐怖分子击落,导致 41 名乘客(其中 大多数为妇女和儿童)和机组人员身亡。
On 28 January 1992, a
[...] civilian helicopter flying on the Aghdam-Shusha [...]
route was shot down by terrorists over the Azerbaijani
town of Shusha in the Daghlyq Garabagh region, killing 41 passengers, most of them women and children, as well as the crew.
后来证实,这架飞机可以飞行,因为 8 月 3 日一架民飞机在(阿比让 附近 的)Attinguié附近坠毁时,科特迪瓦空军派出直升机前往应对。
The aircraft was later
[...] confirmed to be in flying condition when, on 3 August, a civilian aircraft crashed close to Attinguié, near Abidjan, and the Ivorian [...]
Air Force sent the helicopter in response.
2011 年 2 月 24 日格林尼治平时 15 时
[...] 30 分,一架Helog公司运营、注册号为 D-HAXR的IAR-330 型直升飞离阿比让国际机场。
At 1530 GMT on 24 February 2011, an IAR-330 helicopter, registered D-HAXR and
[...] operated by Helog A. G., departed Abidjan International [...]
[...] 2011 年 2 月 28 日的信中写到:飞机为阿尔及 利亚武装部队运送军用物资;未向阿尔及利亚 [...]
Algeria’s letter of 28 February 2011
[...] stated that the aircraft had delivered military [...]
materiel for the armed forces of Algeria; had not presented its
cargo manifest to Algerian authorities and that the aircraft had not loaded equipment or materiel in Oum El Bouaghi.
欣赏自然美景:乘船前往塔斯曼冰川(Tasman glacier),也可以乘坐观飞机穿越南 阿 尔 卑 斯山和西海岸,然后降落在冰川之上。
Get scenic: take a boat ride to visit the Tasman glacier
[...] or a scenic flight over the Southern Alps and the West [...]
Coast with a glacier landing.
2011 年 1 月 21
[...] 日格林尼治平时 0900 时,中立部队在执行一次空中监测任务 时,拍摄到一架伊留申-76TD型飞机 停靠 在 阿 比 让 国际机场的货物航站楼(见图 二)。
At 0900 GMT on 21 January 2011, during an aerial surveillance mission, Impartial
Forces photographed an
[...] Ilyushin-76TD aircraft stationed at the cargo terminal of Abidjan International [...]
Airport (see figure II).
2010 年 5 月由美国宇飞 船阿特兰蒂斯 STS-132 号(可重复使用的空间运输系统)发射了国际空间站俄 罗斯舱(微型研究舱 1——拉斯韦特号(“黎明号”))。
A Russian module of the International Space Station (ISS) (Mini-Research Module 1 — Rassvet (“Dawn”)) was launched aboard United States space shuttle Atlantis STS-132, a reusable space transportation system, in May 2010.
自 2004 年 11 月 6 日科空军把其作飞机转移到阿比让 空军基地以来,该空军基地从未运营过有人 驾驶飞机。
No piloted aircraft have operated from the airbase since 6 November 2004, when FACI transferred its operational aircraft to Abidjan Airbase.
决议草案让安理会拥有了保护利比亚平民的手 段,首先是通过设立飞区,授权阿 拉 伯 联盟成员和 愿意采取必要措施来执行决议规定的会员国开展这 项工作。
The draft resolution provides the Council with the means to protect the civilian
populations in Libya, first by
[...] establishing a no-fly zone and by authorizing the members of the Arab League and those [...]
Member States that
so wish to take the measures necessary to implement its provisions.
鉴于 U 公司向 T 公司交货的最后期限迫在 眉睫,UI
[...] 公司向另一家运输公司寻求帮助,那家运输公司由公路将装甲车运到 伊斯坦布尔,准备装飞机,经阿曼 空 运到巴格达。
The deadline for the duty of delivery by company U to company T was imminent, so company UI sought the services of another transporter, which
undertook to take the vehicles by road to Istanbul, where they were to be
[...] loaded on to an aircraft to Baghdad via Amman.
[...] 中附上了飞机的飞越请求表(见附件三),该表明确说明 飞 机 载有 给 阿 尔 及 利亚 国防部的 12 吨航空器备件,搭乘的机组人员为 [...]
10 人,这几乎是正常人数的两倍。
) to its letter (see annex III),
which specifies that the aircraft carried 12
[...] tons of aircraft spares for the Algerian Ministry of [...]
Defence and carried a crew
of 10 persons, nearly double its normal strength.
实现项目包括2000年汉诺威世博会荷兰馆,埃因霍温创新创业园 飞 行 论 坛” 阿 姆 斯 特丹Silodam住宅群,日本Matsudai文化中心,德国慕尼黑附近的Unterföhring [...]
办公园区,阿姆斯特丹的Lloyd酒店,在Hague Ypenburg
的一个城市规划和住宅设计,鹿特丹的Didden Village天台屋 - 房屋扩建项目,埃因霍温的Effenaar文化中心,在东京的Gyre精品购物大厦,荷兰德霍芬千里马医疗中心,和在马德里的标志性米拉多住房。
Realized projects include the Dutch Pavilion for the
World EXPO 2000 in Hannover, an
[...] innovative business park 'Flight Forum' in Eindhoven, [...]
the Silodam Housing complex in Amsterdam,
the Matsudai Cultural Centre in Japan, Unterföhring office campus near Munich, the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam, an urban plan and housing in The Hague Ypenburg, the rooftop - housing extension Didden Village in Rotterdam, the cultural centre De Effenaar in Eindhoven, the boutique shopping building Gyre in Tokyo, Veldhovens Maxima Medical Centre and the iconic Mirador housing in Madrid.




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