单词 | 原核细胞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 原核细胞 —prokaryotic cellprokaryoteExamples:原核细胞型微生物—prokaryotic cell type microorganism See also:原核—prokaryotic (cell) 细胞 n—cytoplasm n 细胞—cell (biology) 细胞核—nucleus (of cell)
该中试平台拥有2500平方米的中试场地,划分为细菌发酵区、细胞培养区、纯化区、粉针制剂线、分析实验室等实验区域,配备有50L细胞罐、500L带传感器细胞罐、5L/30L发酵罐、100L细胞反应器、连续流离心机、层析系统 AKTA pilot冻干机 [...] 、50L酵母表达系统、百克级纯化设备等先进设备,可提供细菌发酵, 细 胞 培 养 , 原核细胞 、 真核 细 胞 表 达的生物药物的生产工艺放大的研究、优化和验证,临床前研究、临床研究的药物的中试生产,通过新药审批申报,获得GMP证书后的药物生产基地,以及多种蛋白类辅料的商业化生产等服务。 biobay.com.cn | It is provided with 2500m2 pilot test site, divided into the bacterial fermentation zone, cell culture zone, purification zone, powder injection preparation line, analytical laboratory, etc.; equipped with the 50L cell vessel, 500L cell vessel with sensor, 5L/30L fermentation tank, 100L cell reactor, continuous flow centrifuge, chromatography system, AKTA pilot freeze-dryer, 50L enzyme expression system, 100g class purification equipment and other advanced equipment; available to provide the bacterial fermentation, cell [...] culture; [...] research, optimization and verification of production process scale-up [...]of prokaryocyte or eukaryote expressed biomedicine; pilot [...]test scale production of drugs in pre-clinical and clinical studies; production base for drugs passing new drug review and obtaining GMP certificate; customized production of various protein auxiliary materials and other services. en.biobay.com.cn |
娇韵诗研究中心发现,番泻叶富含苯酚酸、类黄酮及鞣酸,是一种理想的保护剂,能保护细胞结构在阳光曝晒下免受损害 ( 细胞核 和 线粒体DNA)。 clarinsusa.com | Clarins Research discovered that Senna leaves contain high levels of phenol acids, flavonoids and tannins, [...] making them ideal protectors against damage to cell structure during [...] sun exposure (cell nucleus and mitochondrion DNA) . clarinsusa.com |
基因兴奋剂 以下方法禁用: 为提高运动能力,非治疗原因使用 细胞 、 基因、遗传构件,或调控基因表达。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements, [...] or of the modulation of gene expression, having the capacity [...]to enhance athletic performance, is prohibited. unesdoc.unesco.org |
亮紫色421(TM)抗体与目前使用的缓冲剂和定色剂及常用细胞染色技术完全兼容,同时适用于表面 和 细胞 内 抗 原 染 色。 tipschina.gov.cn | Brilliant Violet 421(TM) antibodies are fully compatible with currently used [...] buffers and fixatives, and common cell staining techniques, suitable for both [...] surface and intracellular staining of antigens. tipschina.gov.cn |
在过去五年中,遗传材料的合成从有关病 毒、细菌、哺乳动物细胞器官到利用 真 核细胞 部 分 合成染色体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Over the past five years, synthesis of genetic material has moved from viral settings, through bacterial settings, and mammalian organelles, to partial synthesis of a chromosome from a eukaryote. daccess-ods.un.org |
在凋亡的柄细胞中,自噬泡内酶反应强烈,凋亡中期的前 柄 细 胞 的 细胞核 中 出 现酶反应颗粒,均匀分布 在 细胞核 中 ,直 至 细胞核 与 自 噬泡融合。 actazool.org | The activity of acid phosphatase was very high in the autophage vacuole of the prestalk cells. [...] The acid phosphatase was [...] found in the nucleus of prestalk cells, dispersed evenly in the karyoplasm and disappeared until nucleus was engulfed by autophagic vacuoles. actazool.org |
当单核细胞增生 李氏杆菌被认为是食源性 病 原 体 ( 熏鱼是被牵连的 商品之一)时,一些国家的风险管理者采用“零容忍”办法,而另外国家的风险 管理者选择按每克产品菌落形成单位100 [...] cfu/g的微生物学标准(最高水平细菌 量)。 fao.org | When Listeria [...] monocytogenes was recognized as a food-borne pathogen (smoked fish was one of the incriminated [...]commodities), [...]risk managers in some countries adopted a “zero tolerance” approach, while risk managers in others chose a microbiological criterion in terms of colony-forming units per gram of product (this provides a maximum level of bacterial presence) of 100 cfu/g. An FAO/WHO risk assessment showed that predicted illness depends on how many non-compliant products reach the market. fao.org |
有关这一话题的更多信息,包括更多有关路博润 审 核 销 售 代表、代理商和经销 商的详细指导原则, 可以在路博润内网法律页面的了解公司 审 核 流 程 和反海外 腐败法 (Understanding the Corporate Review Process and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act [...] (FCPA))中找到。 lubrizol.com | Additional information on this topic, including more detailed guidance on Lubrizol’s review of sales representatives, agents and distributors may be [...] found at Understanding the Corporate Review [...]Process and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on the Legal page of the Lubrizol intranet. lubrizol.com |
可通过几种方法将基因序列植入细胞 核,例如通过机械手段或通过 DNA 改变细 [...] 菌的导入传输(如同快递服务)。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Several methods exist for the introduction of DNA [...] sequences into the cell nucleus – by mechanical [...]means or by transformation through the [...]introduction of DNA altering bacteria (as if by courier service). netzhammerbreiholz.de |
结果表明:无小核细胞的交配反应能力明显下降;接合双方第一次皮膜形态发生如常进行,但纤毛 器 原 基 分 化往往出现异常;接合后体照常进入拟包囊阶段, 但 原 有 纤毛器多不从皮膜上消失; 由于没有新核器形成,均不能启动第二次形态发生并于拟包囊早期解体死亡。 actazool.org | Second, differentiation and positioning of the ciliature primordia in amicronucleates became abnormal, such as: some bars of the primordium of marginal cirri rows were not divided into the single cirri; the frontal cirri differed from each other in size and arranged disorderly and unsystematically; there was only one row of the ventral cirri in some section; the primordia of adoral zone membranelles (AZMP) in length at the same development stage of the first reorganization were shorter; the number of AZM membranelles and frontal ventral transverse cirri (FVT) after the reoganization was more reduced than in the normal; and finally, the exconjugants, without losing all or almost all ciliature after the first reorganization, transformed into the paracysts and perished inevitably before initiation of the second reorganization. actazool.org |
2008年,世界卫生组织(WHO)更新了真性 红 细胞 增 多症 和 原 发 性 血小板增多症的诊断标准,添加“有JAK2 V617F或具有类似功能的突变的存在,如JAK2基因的12号外显子的突变”作为主要的标准。 labtestsonline.org.cn | In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its diagnostic criteria for PV and ET, adding as a major criterion the "presence of the JAK2 V617F or other functionally similar mutations, such as JAK2 exon 12 mutations. labtestsonline.org.br |
修改财务条例和细则的原因是:(a) 2012 年 1 月 1 日开始采用国际公共部门 会计准则;(b) 执行局第 2011/1 号决定核可在 综合预算中采用新的费用分类。 daccess-ods.un.org | of: (a) the adoption of the International Public Sector [...] Accounting Standards on 1 January 2012; and (b) new cost classifications under the integrated budget approved by the Executive Board in its decision 2011/1. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出 红 细胞 、 单 核细胞 、 大 淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和血栓细胞;嗜中性粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型;嗜中性粒细胞分为Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。 actazool.org | The ultrastructural study revealed that the neutrophils include three types of cells according to their special granules(A,B and C special granules):type Ⅰ(included A,B and C special granules)、type Ⅱ(included A and C special granules)and type Ⅲ(included C special granules). actazool.org |
但是,一旦细胞 DNA(细胞的线路)被损坏,变异细胞 就 开 始脱 离 原 来 的线路并迅速繁殖。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | But when cell DNA (the cell’s wiring) is damaged, mutated cells begin to rapidly reproduce without following the pre-wired plan. beyondtheshock.com |
当固定在不同时间点的刺激后,免疫协议显示NE To s i s 细胞 扁 平 ,核小叶的损失,损失颗粒 , 细胞核 完 整,导致核(即组蛋白)和颗粒(即增加重叠期间的形态学变化序列中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶)染色。 jove.com | When fixed at different time points after stimulation, the immunostaining protocol shows the sequence [...] of morphological [...] changes during NETosis cell flattening, loss of nuclear lobules, loss of granule and nucleus integrity [...]which leads to an increasing [...]overlap of nuclear (i.e. histone) and granular (i.e. Neutrophil Elastase) staining. jove.com |
Qiaomei Fu及其同事从北京附近的田园洞遗址发现的一个4万年前的腿骨中提取 了 细胞核 D N A , 即便在存在着大量的来自土壤细菌的DNA的情况下,他们使用的技术也可以识别出一个考古发现物的古代遗传物质。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Qiaomei Fu and [...] colleagues extracted nuclear DNA from a 40,000-year-old [...]leg bone found at the Tianyuan Cave site located [...]outside Beijing using techniques that can identify ancient genetic material from an archaeological find even when large quantities of DNA from soil bacteria are present. chinese.eurekalert.org |
历届政府奉为核心原则的是,确保人权基 本原则纳入立法措施之中,民间社会尽量广泛地参与新立法的制定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Successive governments [...] have made it a core principle to ensure that fundamental human rights principles are incorporated [...]into legislative [...]measures and that civil society participates in the preparation of new legislation to the largest extent possible. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种POR(细胞色素P450氧化还原酶)条件性靶向性敲除不会在肝脏表 达 细胞 色 素 P4 50 还 原 酶 , 这样,对药物体内分布起重要作用的肝脏细胞色素P450变得无效。 tipschina.gov.cn | This conditional, targeted knockout of Por does not express cytochrome P450 reductase in the liver, and thus liver cytochrome P450s, [...] known to play [...]a major role in drug disposition, are inactive. tipschina.gov.cn |
请批 7 200 美元的经费,用于授标审查委员会书记官长和执行秘书与研讨 会/会议/讲习班相关的差旅费,出席国际公共采购会议以获得关于行业最佳做法 [...] 的经验和知识(3 400 美元);出席内部管理顾问协会年会,这是北美的一个主要 [...] 论坛,旨在交流改善组织业绩的最佳做法,以及让工作人员参加有关研讨会,讨 论核心原则、 模型、工具和组织设计范例等问题,以推动秘书处内的管理战略和 [...]创新(3 800 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision of $7,200 is requested for travel related to seminars/ conferences/workshops for the Registrar and Executive Secretary of the Award Review Board to attend the International Public Procurement Conference to gain experience and knowledge about best practices in the industry ($3,400), and for attendance at the annual conference of the Association of Internal Management Consultants, which is the key forum in North America for the exchange of best practices for improving organizational [...] performance, as well as for staff to [...] attend workshops on core principles, models, tools and [...]examples of organizational design [...]to facilitate strategies and innovation for management within the Secretariat ($3,800). daccess-ods.un.org |
通过研究发现,艾氏腹水瘤细胞对原 卟啉 Ⅸ有一定的选择性吸收和瀦留作用,原卟啉 Ⅸ主要定位于细胞的线粒体中;在超声结合原卟啉 [...] Ⅸ作用下,艾氏腹水瘤细胞的存活率明显下降;细胞的超微结构发生明显损伤;线粒体膜电位下降;ROS生成量显著增加;脂质过氧化水平显著增加。 actazool.org | In the ultrasound plus PPⅨ group, the survival rate of cells was significantly [...] lower. The ultra-microstructural damage of [...]treated cells was the most remarkable, the loss of mitochondria membrane potential was the most noticeable, levels of ROS and lipid peroxides were remarkably increased. actazool.org |
删除原细则 3.19(特派任务),因为大会在第 65/248 号决议中核准了 国际公 务员制度委员会关于统一不带家属工作地点指定办法的建议,即根据安全评估, 而非特派任务指定此类工作地点,并在 3 或 6 个月后改变任职地点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Former rule 3.19, Mission assignments, has been deleted since the General Assembly, in its resolution 65/248, approved the recommendations [...] of the International [...]Civil Service Commission regarding the harmonization of the designation of non-family duty stations on the basis of a security assessment, rather than by mission, and the change of official duty station after three or six months. daccess-ods.un.org |
娇韵诗强大的纯植物萃取精华,蕴含有机青香蕉、柠檬百里香、酸枝和燕麦醣,能够重建肌肤内部骨 胶 原 、 弹 力蛋白 和 细胞 之 间的合成密度——层层强化肌肤的组织结构,从而达到紧致提拉、均匀肤色的功效。 clarinsusa.com | Clarins’ powerful plants extracts of organic Green Banana, Lemon [...] Thyme, Bocoa and Oat Sugars rebuild [...] the bonds between collagen, elastin and cells—strengthening [...]skin’s architecture to firm, lift and tone on every level. clarinsusa.com |
这项战略的核心原则仍 然保持不变,即多国办事处是在国家一级开展活动的主要平 [...] 台,考虑到要具有适应不断变化的计划目标和优先事项所需的灵活性,加强多国办事处的力 量仍然是正在进行的改革的重点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The central tenet of the strategy – cluster [...] offices as the principal delivery platform at country level – stands unchanged, [...]and their strengthening will continue to be the main thrust of the ongoing reform, taking into account the necessary flexibility for adjustment to shifting programme objectives and priorities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
首次明确了Mreg 存在于成熟的melanosome上,通过被称为RILP的连接蛋白形成马达蛋白质・动力蛋白的复合体,把 melanosome从细胞膜周边逆行输送到 细胞核 附 近。 tohoku.ac.jp | It has been revealed that Mreg on mature melanosomes forms a complex with dynein, a kind of motor protein, via Rab interacting lysosomal protein (RILP) and transports melanosomes in a retrograde fashion, that is, from near the plasma membrane to the perinuclear area in the cell. tohoku.ac.jp |
嗜酸性细胞内有电子密度低的膜包分泌颗粒;接近表面的细胞内颗粒部分融合;表 层 细胞核 消 失 ,胞质充满融合的颗粒,游离面侧的胞膜呈角质样增厚。 actazool.org | The superficial cell were flat which cytoplasm were filled with fused venom granules and degenerating mitochondria. actazool.org |