

单词 置身

置身 ()

place oneself



not get involved
stay out of it

External sources (not reviewed)

在监测停火和在交战方之间部署部队之外,今天 的维持和平行动置身于冲突之中,面对错综复杂的 任务和挑战。
After monitoring ceasefires and interpositioning, peacekeepers today find themselves in the midst of conflicts and facing complex tasks and challenges.
有人担心,这种活动如在受冲突影响地区进行,可能 会让儿置身危险 之中,使他们容易成为非法武装团体成员随后进行报复攻击的 对象。
There is a concern that such activities, when undertaken in conflict-affected areas, may put children at risk and expose them to subsequent retaliation by members of illegal armed groups.
事實 ㆖,倘能保護納稅置身於類似這樣的動議之外,反能令他或她更受益,因為如此的動議 最終只會令納稅㆟及消費者耗用更多、更多的金錢。
Indeed, the taxpayer would be better served if he or she were protected from such a motion as this, which will only end up costing the taxpayer and the consumer more and more money.
虽然两个最主要的武装反叛运动(正义运动和苏丹解放军/瓦希德派)愿意 继置身多哈 和平进程之外,但该进程仍为苏丹政府与解放运动之间可能达成的 和平协定提供了一个框架。
While two of the most prominent armed rebel movements, JEM and SLA/AW, continue voluntarily to remain outside the Doha peace process, it still offers the framework for a possible peace agreement between the Government of the Sudan and LJM.
带您穿越山脉、荒地,林地、河流、湖泊,蓝石达一路让您宛 置身 天 堂
Leading you through landscapes of mountain, moorlands, mature woodland, rivers, lakes and sea, the
[...] Bluestack Way is a rambler’s paradise.
從自己置身其中 的地方,開始練習誠實對待自 己 ;這是一切問題的解答。
The solution is to begin to practice self-honesty from where I am.
我們須進㆒步探討首置身於電磁場內的年齡、長 置身 於 電 磁場內,以及診斷 患㆖癌病的年齡之間的複雜關係,還要探討電磁場與其他因素可能產生的互相作 用。
The complex relationships between age at first exposure, cumulative exposure and age at diagnosis have to be further explored, as well as the possible interaction of electromagnetic fields with other factors.
最后,各缔约国必须 加大努力,促成《条约》的普遍进入,避免向无核 武器国家转让核材料和技术,否则将鼓励这些国置身《条 约》之外,从而损害不扩散机制以及国际 和平与安全。
Lastly, States parties must intensify efforts to bring about universality of the NPT and refrain from transferring nuclear materials and technology to non-States parties, as doing so would encourage them to remain outside the Treaty, thus undermining the non-proliferation regime and international peace and security.
学习英语的最佳方式置身英语 环境之中与英语是母语的人交流。
The best way to learn English is to live among, and converse with, native speakers.
最后,有些并不反对《公约》的国家仍 置身 于 《 公约》之外,原 因仅仅在于行政资源匮乏,而批准或加入《公约》只不过是在资金分配上互有冲 突的众多优先事项之一。
Finally, some States with no objections to the Convention remain outside it simply because ratification or accession to it is one of many competing priorities for scarce administrative resources.
呼吁仍置身于 《 不扩散条约》之外的国家加入该条约和接受国际原 子能机构对其所有核活动的保障监督,既不符合这一 原则,也未反映目前现实。
The call to those States remaining outside the NPT to accede to it and to accept International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards on all of their nuclear activities is at variance with that principle and does not reflect current realities.
以色列必须避免在实现和平的道 路上设置任何障碍,而且必须在国际法的范围内行事, 而不置身于国 际法之外或者凌驾于国际法之上。
Israel must avoid putting any obstacles in the way of achieving peace and must operate within the ambit of international law, not outside or above it.
关于置身份不 明个人的遗骸问题,该国政府告知工作组它已在这方面通 过程序。
In reference to the disposal of the remains of the unidentified individuals, [...]
the Government informed the Working Group of
its adopted procedure in this regard.
夜幕降临,您可置身于Di amond Heart曼妙的音乐之中,细品最爱的饮品和小吃,度过一个放松惬意的夜晚。
Music from the Diamond Heart Duo complements a relaxing evening with your favourite beverages and snacks in the popular hotel meeting place.
[...] 合作伙伴,来安排国际社会落实在达喀尔所做的资助承诺,它不应而且也不 置身 于 该 领域 之外。
With regard to the financing of EFA, while UNESCO must rely on its partners such as the World Bank and bilateral donors to organize the
international community to deliver on the financing promise made at Dakar, it should not and
[...] will not absent itself from this area.
除了基于领域的办法外,还认识到需要确立处理多领域管理的充分机制框架 问题(例如基于生态系统的管理),然后EAF/E AA 将 置身 于 这些更广泛框架内。
In addition to sector-based approaches, the need for developing adequate institutional frameworks to address multisectoral management is also recognized (e.g. ecosystem-based management), and EAF/EAA will then be nested within these broader frameworks.
为缓解与安全性和合规性相关的顾虑,并确保性能和可靠性,解决方案提供商会通过发展和共享其云特定的专业知 置身 增 长 位置。
In addition to allaying concerns regarding security and compliance, as well as ensuring
performance and reliability, solution providers
[...] will position themselves for growth [...]
by developing and sharing their cloud-specific expertise.
雖然特殊教育服務修訂工作在進行中,三藩市聯合校區正著手加強遵守法律的力度,以符合美國殘障兒童教育法案(IDEA)規定以 最少限制的環境(LRE)安置身心障 礙學生的目標。
While the redesign of Special Education services is
under development, the SFUSD is embarking on
[...] expanding the ability to meet Least [...]
Restrictive Environment (LRE) goals under
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
雷达桅杆上的碳纤维T形飞桥,侧面通道进入沙 龙区的玻璃入口等,融合以上所有设计的20米的蒙地卡罗游艇可使您感 置身 于 超 级游 艇之上。
The Portuguese deck forward, the radar mast to support the all-carbon T-top of the fly bridge, the splendid glass supports that protect the lateral walkways up to the side entrance to the saloon: 20 metres of length that give the impression of being aboard a mega yacht.
設於油門前鋁合金位置的前置低音喇叭系統 (Frontbass),與低音揚聲器加強共振效果,令車內氣氛猶 置身 於 出 色的演奏廳。
The likewise unique Frontbass system intelligently uses the free spaces in the aluminum structures in front of the footwell as resonance spaces for the bass loudspeakers.
此外,在政府间关系方 面置身其外 的参与方很难评估信息公开实际上会在多大程度上危害国家安全。
Furthermore, as with inter-governmental relations, it is difficult for outside actors to assess the extent to which the disclosure of information might really affect national security.
当两个成员国在 2011 年违反东盟宪 章及根本性协议时,东盟既不能袖手旁观也不置 身事外,这两种做法均不现实。
ASEAN did not have a realistic option to do nothing or recuse itself when two members violated its own fundamental documents treaty and charter in 2011, but it was lucky that Jakarta was in the chair when major hostilities erupted.
從法國來港視察新店的董事總經理Eric Vallat表示,從中環IFC舊店移師The Galleria,是希望營置身家居 的舒閒感覺。
According to the directeur général Eric Vallat, in town specially to supervise on the new store, a home-like cosiness is the main focus on the shift from IFC to The Galleria.
如果您对出现的情况或会谈的适当性有任何疑问, 请立置身于外 并向您当地的经理报告。
Should a situation or conversation arise in which you have any doubt of its appropriateness in this context, you should remove yourself from the situation immediately and report the matter to your local manager.
我们吁请过渡联邦政府尤其在政治和解和外联、 制宪进程、安全、稳定及提供服务等方面加强努力, 我们敦置身于吉 布提和平进程之外的所有团体尽 早参加该进程。
We call upon the TFG to intensify its efforts, especially in the areas of political reconciliation and outreach, the constitution-making process, security, stability and the delivery of services, and urge all groups outside the Djibouti peace process to join it as soon as possible.
成千上万名妇女与女童追寻家务工作所提供的机遇,在向社会提供有价 值的贡献同置身于风 险之中,因为她们的权利、平等的人的尊严和自治权没有 得到充分的保护。
Millions of women and girls, pursuing the opportunities that domestic work provides, while providing a valuable contribution to society, are at risk because their rights, equal human dignity and autonomy are not adequately protected.
我 们 要 完 成 这 个 目 标 , 需 要 聘 用 合 格 且 坚 定 的 教 育 工 作 者 , 需 要 开 展 研 究 、 评 估 我 们 的 发 展 、 调 整 适 应 学 生 的 要 求 , 需 要 投 资 于 技 术 和 专 业 的 发 展 , 需 要 创 造 特 定 的 课 程 比 如 我 们 高 级 数 学 课 程 、 磁 性 课 程 以 及 混 合 课 程 , 需 要 使 我置 身 于 文 化 的 指 引 和 支 持 中 , 需 要 鼓 励 对 文 化 、 视 角 和 旅 行 的 探 索 , 需 要 促 进 和 支 持 服 务 式 学 习 , 还 需 要 将 家 长 纳 入 教 育 和 指 导 过程中来。
We accomplish this goal by employing qualified, committed educators who believe in our mission; by conducting research, assessing our progress, and adjusting to meet student needs; by investing in technology and professional development; by creating specialized programs such as our advanced math track, magnet programs, and hybrid courses; by grounding ourselves in a culture of guidance, and support; by encouraging exploration of cultures, viewpoints, and travel; by promoting and supporting service learning; and by involving parents in the education and guidance process.
Club Aster的裝潢融合自然與時尚元素,配合輕鬆的音樂和舒緩第心的香薰,加上免費提供的茶點和全天然香薰草茶,讓 置身 完 全 放鬆的環境下,暫時忘卻日常生活的壓力與煩惱,盡情紓解身心和享受憩適的時光。
Club Aster decor and fashion fusion of natural elements, with relaxing music
and soothing
[...] aromatherapy first heart, with free refreshments and all-natural Lavender tea, puts you completely [...]
relaxed environment,
temporarily forget the daily life stress and worry, enjoy relieve physical and mental fitness and enjoy recreation time.
但是我只是想说, 当我去看我住在Laurel Village的母亲时,我觉得我仿置身于 英国小说的场景 中,大雾猛烈穿过我的头发,而我正在寻找Healthcliff——英小说中的人物。
(But Let’s just say, when I visit my mother in Laurel Village, I feel like I am in a British novel where the fog is whipping through my hair and I am searching for Healthcliff.




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