

单词 置诸高阁

See also:


fig. shelve sth
high building

External sources (not reviewed)

诸位高级官 员分别代表其各自的代表团作了发言:老挝人 民民主共和国工业与商务部副部长 Siaosavath Savengsuksa 先阁下; 俄 罗斯联邦外交部专员 Oleg Senchenko 先生;中国政府商务部国际贸易与经 济事务司一等秘书李树森先生;斯里兰卡政府出口发展和国际贸易部增设 秘书 Janaka Sugathadasa 先生。
Representatives of the following countries made statements on behalf of their delegation: China; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Russian Federation; and Sri Lanka.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦
[...] 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸置 障 碍 和检查站; 以色列阁规定 犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新 [...]
通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and
General Assembly
[...] resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the [...]
Arab-Israel population
in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through a referendum or the approval of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations that time will not permit us to list.
其中包括 Map 3D 图元类的默认样式置,以及诸 如在创建文本对象时使用表达式高 级 功 能。
This includes the default style settings for the Map 3D feature class, as well as advanced [...]
functionality such as the use
of expressions in the creation of the text object.
主席先生诸位阁下、 女士们、先生们: 各位在本届区域会议上将了解粮农组织在本区域开展的活动,有机会讨论《粮 农组织革新图变近期行动计划》的优先重点和实施情况、下放办事处网络的建立和 世界粮食安全委员会的改革。
At this Thirtieth Regional Conference, you will be informed of FAO’s activities in the region and you will have an opportunity to discuss priorities and implementation of the Immediate Plan of Action (IPA) for FAO renewal, establishment of the network of decentralized offices and reform of the Committee on World Food Security.
用户可使用该创新性的市场插件完成各项工作 诸 如 提 高 审 核 转化率, 自动控制过度销售, 通过系统置的自 动email以及html广告功能提升销售以及交叉销售。
Use the innovative ActiveMarketing Plug-in Suite to increase trial conversions, automate overuse>sale, up-selling and cross selling via automated email and html advertising built-in to the system.
通 讯 可 采 用 专 人 交 付 丶 邮 寄 丶 传 真 丶 电 传 丶 透 过 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 或 电 邮 等 方 式 作 出 , 如 属 专 人 交 付 , 则 于 面 交 或置 于 阁 下 最 後 通 知 本 行 之 地 址 时 即 视 作 由 阁 下 收 悉 ; 如 属 邮 寄 , 如 地 址 位 于 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 则 于 邮 寄 後 4 8 小 时 视 为 送 达 , 如 地 址 位 于 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 以 外 则 于 邮 寄 後 七 天 视 作 由 阁 下 收 悉 ; 如 以 传 真 丶 电 传 或 电 邮 传 送 , 则 于 传 送 往 阁 下 最 後 通 知 本 行 之 传 真 或 电 传 号 码 或 电 邮 地 址 後 视 作 即 时 由 阁 下 收 悉 。
Communications delivered personally, sent by post, facsimile transmission, telex, through Hang Seng Business e-Banking or e-mail shall be deemed to have been received by you (where delivered personally) at the time of personal delivery or on leaving it at the address last notified in writing by you to us, (where sent by post) 48 hours after posting if such address is in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) and seven days after posting if such address is outside the HKSAR or (where sent by facsimile transmission, telex or e-mail) immediately after transmitting to the facsimile or telex number or e-mail address last notified in writing by you to us.
Garmin 的某些导航应用程序和产品可能收集并上 诸 如 您的 位 置 、 速 度和方向之类的信息,以 高 交 通 数据及 Garmin 或其内容提供商提供的其他内容的质量。
Some of Garmin's navigation applications and products
[...] may collect and upload information such as your location, speed and direction in order to enhance [...]
the quality of
the traffic data and other content provided by Garmin or its content providers.
我愿借此机会阁下致以最高的敬 意。
I should like to avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate,
[...] Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
我关切地注意到,以色列在位 于巴勒斯坦东耶路撒冷 Ras-al-Amud 社区中心的 Ma'aleh Zeitim 定居点举行了有以色列议会议长高 级内阁成员出席的落成仪式。
I note with concern the conduct of a dedication ceremony at the settlement of Ma’aleh Zeitim, in the heart of the Palestinian East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, in the presence of the Knesset Speaker and senior Cabinet members.
如果教科文组织既要切实有效地开展实现全民教育目 标的工作,同时又要满足各国日益增长的需求, 诸 如 高 等 教育这样的领域提供援助,或开 展尖端科学研究,那么就必须在正常计划内长期提供更多的资金,加强该计划和工作人员的 预算。
If UNESCO is to work more efficiently to achieve EFA, while responding to the increasing demand of countries to also provide assistance in areas such as higher education or be at the cutting edge of research, significant further resources must also be provided on a permanent basis within the regular programme to reinforce both the programme and staff budgets.
诸位阁下、 女士们、先生们
Your Excellencies, Ladies and [...]
奥地利代表在第三委员会发言时,综述了 各方面对《宣言》的重视。他指出:《宣言》通过后,不应当束 高阁 、 被人遗 忘,而应当加以实施、使之充满活力,从而帮助消弭涉及少数群体的紧张局势(见 A/C.3/47/SR.47,第 89 段)。
The importance attached to it was summed up by the representative of Austria, who, speaking before the Third Committee, observed that once the declaration had been adopted, it should then not be filed and forgotten, but implemented and filled with life, so as to contribute to overcoming situations of tension relating to minorities (see A/C.3/47/SR.47, para. 89).
在802.11ac的高能源效率上,高的 数 据传输率能够很理想的提供用途于移动娱乐 置 , 诸 如 音乐播放器、手持式游戏设备、无 线相机与摄影机。
The increased data rate and higher energy efficiency of 802.11ac are ideal for applications in mobile entertainment devices such as music players, handheld gaming devices, and wireless-enabled cameras and camcorders.
(c) 在整个司法程序必须列入秉持尊重和尊严的态度, 诸 司 法 处 置 女性 受害者及其家属
(c) Include in the obligation of access to justice a requirement to treat women victims and their relatives with respect and dignity throughout the legal process
这要求理诸如置信区 间、18 与普通行政记录和统计调查有关的抽样误 差和偏差等概念。
This requires, for example,
[...] understanding concepts such as confidence [...]
interval,18 sampling errors and bias associated with
common administrative records and statistical surveys.
海地共和国总统勒内·普雷瓦尔先 阁 下 、 该区诸多外 交部长、美洲国家组织秘书长何塞·米格 尔·因苏尔萨先生以及美洲开发银行行长路易斯·阿 [...]
尔韦托·莫雷诺先生参加本次会议有力强调了我们致 力于满足海地人民的需求和应对他们面临的挑战。
The participation in this meeting of the President of the
[...] Republic of Haiti, His Excellency Mr. René Préval; a [...]
great number of Ministers for Foreign
Affairs from the region; the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Mr. José Miguel Insulza; and the President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno, strongly underscores our commitment to addressing the needs of and challenges facing the Haitian people.
贺利氏公司的这些产品被广泛应 用于功率电子设备诸多控制装置中 ,包括变速 器、引擎、ABS(防抱死制动系统)及安全气囊 等。
Heraeus products are used, for instance, in power electronics and many control devices, e.g. for the transmission, engines, ABS (Antilock Braking System), and airbags.
當 然,他可能要出賣靈魂和良知,當然也有部分人士聲稱是因為專業知 識或能力而獲得委任,但大家都清楚知道其實是政治 置高 於 一 切。
And certainly there are people who claim that they are appointed because of their expertise or ability, but we all know very well that the reason is nothing other than their political position.
基于支持政府战略行动计划各项成果的具体结果将在 2009 年 12
[...] 月中旬召开的战略规划研讨会上进行讨论,并于 2010 年 1 月 19 日召开的由副总统和阁参 加的高级别会议上通过。
Specific results-based outcomes for support to the strategic action plan of the government were discussed at the strategic
planning workshop held in mid December
[...] 2009, and endorsed at a high level meeting on 19 [...]
January 2010 with the Vice-President and cabinet.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或
'幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財
[...] 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府置廣深港高速鐵 路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 [...]
知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under
paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand
[...] that the Government shelve the funding proposals [...]
of the XRL and assess the public awareness
of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
主席宣读了联合国文明同高级代表 Jorge Sampaio 阁下的致词。
The Chairperson read the
[...] address of the United Nations High Representative for the Alliance [...]
of Civilizations, H.E. Jorge Sampaio.
粮农组织助理总干事兼亚太区域代表 Hiroyuki Konuma 先生、庆尚北道知事金 宽容 (Kim Kwan-Yong)
[...] 先生以及韩国农林水产食品部部长刘正福 (Yoo Jeong-Bok) 阁下在高级官员会议的开幕式上讲话。
The Senior Officers Meeting was opened with addresses by Mr Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative of FAO, Mr Kim Kwan-Yong,
Governor of the Province of
[...] Gyeongsangbuk-do, and His Excellency, Yoo Jeong-Bok, [...]
Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries, Government of the Republic of Korea.
[...] 个主要领域:职业培训的直接交付;劳动力 置 ( 帮 助 诸 如 青 年、妇女、长期失 业者、少数民族、残疾人和前战斗人员等被排除在外的群体获取技能和获得新的 [...]
The UNDP also has programmes to support labour-market restructuring through vocational education and training focused on three main areas: the direct delivery
of vocational training; workforce
[...] integration (assisting such excluded groups as [...]
youth, women, the long-term unemployed,
ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and ex-combatants in acquiring skills and accessing new employment opportunities); and capacity-building for such labour-market institutions as line ministries, public employment services and vocational training centres.
选择“host” 决定了IRMA TRUpoint的连续性数据转送(例如: 直接持续性连接、外部调制解调器或与网络侍服器的连接诸 如Lantronix装置)的波特率高为9600。
Selection of “host” sets the IRMA TruPoint serial data transfer (i.e., direct serial connection, external modem, or connection to a network server such as the Lantronix device) baud rate to 9600.
问题核心为这些委员会是否具有宪 法所定义的“联邦级别”(Union-level)资质—— 即与阁、最高法院 、宪法法庭、公务员委员会、 选举委员会等处于同一级别。
At issue was whether they could be considered to have “Union-level” status as that term is used in the constitution – that is, a status equivalent to the cabinet, Supreme Court, Constitutional Tribunal, civil service board, election commission and so on.
济南和青岛的服务外包业目前正在蓬勃发展,目前澳大利亚已有三家公司在此站稳了脚跟:澳派景观设计工作室(ASPECT Studios)、高登(Gruden) 和阁(Argyle)。
In Jinan and Qingdao, where service outsourcing is developing vigorously, three Australian companies have found footholds: ASPECT Studios, Gruden and Argyle.
主席先生诸位阁下, 女士们、先生们, 在1996年“世界粮食首脑会议”召开之际,各国元首和政府首脑做出承诺,要 在2015年之前将饥饿人口数量减少一半。
At the World Food Summit of 1996, the Heads of State and Government pledged to halve the number of people suffering from hunger by 2015.




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