

单词 原定

原定 ()

originally planned
originally determined



Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927)


specific part


antigen determinant (causing immunological response)

External sources (not reviewed)

总体而言,预计该项目将在 A/62/828 号文件 规定的 34 个月原定时间内完成。
Overall, the project is expected to be completed within
[...] the 34-month original timeline as set out in document [...]
[...] 段可能出現變數,我們須待項目完工時,才能確定正在施工的項目會否提 早原定竣工限期前完成。
As circumstances may change during the construction stage, we will be in a better position to confirm
whether any of these on-going projects will be completed
[...] earlier than the scheduled completion date [...]
upon project completion.
減 值 貸 款
[...] 及 應 收 款 項 之 利 息 收 入原 定 實 際 利 率 確 認。
Interest income on impaired loan and receivables are
[...] recognised using the original effective interest rate.
並 及 時 反 饋 給 公 司 有 關 部 門,同 時 審 計 委 員 會 以 函 件 的 形 式,兩 次 發 函 給 會 計 師 事 務 所,要 求
[...] 項 目 審 計 人 員 按原 定 的 時 間 表 及 時 推 進 [...]
審 計 工 作。
The Audit Committee also issued two letters to the accountants’
firms requesting auditors in charge of the assignment to expedite their work in
[...] accordance with the original timetable.
(b) 香港銀行公會( 下稱"
[...] 銀行公會")或其轄下專責 小組須提供有關銀原定於20 08年 12月展開的 "回購"計劃的詳情(包括文件資料);雷曼的律師 [...]
提出的申索詳情,及該律師向雷曼迷你債券受 託人 豐銀行轉達申索一事的函件副本;以及
銀行公會或其專責小組就雷曼的申索尋求的法 律意見,如已取得該等意見,需提供其詳情。
(b) the Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) or its dedicated Task Force to provide details
(including the documentations) of the
[...] banks' buy-back plans originally scheduled to commence [...]
in December 2008; details of the
claim of Lehman's legal counsel and copy of the legal counsel's letter to Lehman Minibonds' Trustees, HSBC, conveying the claim; as well as the legal advice sought by HKAB or its Task Force on the claim of Lehman, and if such advice had been obtained, its details.
[...] 论会的费用将在现有资源范围内匀支,因 原定 报 告 员将向理事会第十四届会议 提交其年度报告。
Should the draft resolution be adopted by the Council, the participation of the Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression in the
panel would be absorbed within existing
[...] resources, as he is scheduled to present his [...]
annual report to the Council at its fourteenth session.
另外,勘探開發組合預期於二 零一一年底開始生產,原定時間 有所提前。
In addition, our E&P portfolio is expecting first production by late 2011,
[...] ahead of the original budgeted timeline.
阿根廷代表请求,在规定加速完成定于 2011
[...] 年后完成的个别氟氯烃淘汰投资项目的 国名中,将阿根廷删除,因为阿根廷在遵 原定 时 间表方面是准时的。
The representative of Argentina requested that her country be removed from the list of countries being requested to expedite the completion of individual CFC
phase-out investment projects planned to be completed after 2011 because it was on track
[...] according to the original schedule.
(2) 港燈就購置增設機組機電設備的合約作出確實承諾之後,只要能
[...] 夠向政府證明消費者因延期安裝增設機組而要承擔的整體成本淨 現值,低於原定的裝 機時間表並計算過剩發電容量調整在內的 [...]
(2) HEC may defer installation of the Additional Unit after they have entered into a firm commitment on a contract for procurement of the M&E equipment of the Additional Unit, only if they are able to demonstrate to the Government
that the net present value (NPV) of the
[...] overall cost to consumers of the Additional [...]
Unit with such a deferral would be lower
than the NPV, incorporating the Excess Capacity Adjustment, assuming the original installation schedule were not changed.
108 委任代表於股東大會上表決的文書須:(a)獲視為授權委任代表在認為適當時 要求或聯同其他股東要求對會議提呈決議的任何修改進行投票表決並作出表 決;及(b)除委任代表文書另有規定外,只要大 原定 於 該 日期後十二個月 內舉行,該委任代表文書於有關會議的任何續會仍然有效。
108 The instrument appointing a proxy to vote at a general meeting shall: (a) be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll and to vote on any amendment of a resolution put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit; and (b) unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates, provided that the meeting was originally held within 12 months from such date.
倘 獲 准 保 釋 者 或 其 律 師 申 請 延 長 保 釋,使 獲 准 保 釋 者 可 在 一原 定 報 到 日 期 為 後 的 日 期 才 前 往 報 到,有 關 方 面 應 通 知 獲 准 保 釋 者 必 頇原 定 報 到 日 期 前 前 往 廉 政 公 署,重 新 具 結 或 再 繳 付 現 金,以 取 得 [...]
批 准 在 一 較 後 日 期 才 報 到 。
When a request is received from a bailee
or his legal
[...] adviser to extend the bail to enable the bailee to report on a later date than the original reporting date, he should be informed that he must surrender to his bail before [...]
the existing reporting
date and enter into a fresh recognizance or deposit cash to appear at the later date.
只要分算 分摊会费安排起原定的作用(即成员国按适当比例的美元和欧元缴纳会费), 欧元-美元汇兑风险得到减少,因此不需要特别储备金帐户来处理这种风险。
To the extent to which the split assessment arrangement functions as intended (i.e. Members are billed and pay the right levels of US Dollars and Euro to meet obligations in these currencies), the Euro-Dollar exchange risk is mitigated and there is therefore no requirement that the SRA address this risk.
3.4 不停原定港口 假如船長或承運人認為,原定登岸 港口靠岸會造成船隻、任何乘客、 行李或貨物之不便、延誤、損壞或危險,不論為何原因(包括不違背 前述之限制、疫情及罷工或要挾罷工)該船可以放棄在船票指定的登 [...]
岸港口停靠,並可由承運人全權決定將乘客及其行李載往任何其他港 口登岸。
If, in the
[...] opinion of the Master of the Vessel or the Carrier, entry into the port of disembarkation [...]
may result in inconvenience, delay,
damage, or danger either to the Vessel or any Passenger or Luggage or cargo for any reason whatsoever (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing restriction, 9 epidemic and whether actual or threatened strikes), the Vessel may omit to call at the port of disembarkation named on the Ticket and may carry the Passengers to any other port in the Carrier’s sole discretion and land them and their Luggage there.
港燈在 即將就購置原定時間 啟用,以應付預期的電力需求增長的增設 機組的合約作出確實承諾之前,會根據最新的電力需求預測與政 [...]
Near the time for
[...] and before making a firm commitment [...]
on a contract for procurement of an Additional Unit to ensure that
it will be commissioned at the original scheduled time to meet the expected growth in demand, HEC will assess the actual installation and commissioning schedule in the light of the latest forecast demand in consultation with the Government.
3.1 調換船隻
[...] 承運人可隨意以其他,不論是否其所擁有之船隻在船票所示航班時間 代原定船隻(不論船票上是否有印明該船名)由指定港口開航,以 履行本條款之全部或部份。
The Carrier is at liberty to substitute any vessel for the
Vessel (whether named on the
[...] Ticket or not) scheduled to sail at the time stated on the Ticket [...]
from the port of embarkation
named thereon, whether owned by itself or not, for the purpose of fulfilling this contract whether wholly or in part.
有鉴于此,并且在原子能机构和伊朗之间信函往来之后,双方定原子能 机构小组将访问伊朗进行会谈。
In light of this, and following an exchange of letters between the Agency and
[...] Iran, it was agreed that an Agency [...]
team would visit Iran for talks.
而且就它们正规出口的黄金而言,依然很难 定原 产 地 ,因为卖给它们的 黄金通常没有矿业当局应在矿山或附近地方发放的运输许可。
As for the gold they do officially export, it remains
[...] difficult to determine the origin because it is [...]
generally sold to them without transport
authorizations that should be delivered by mining authorities at or near the mine sites.
她感到关切的是,为防止委员会 就实质内容作出决定,而有计划地对该非政府组织采取歧视性做法,正因为这一定原因,有关决定被推迟了好几年。
She expressed her concern that a discriminatory approach had been systematically used towards the non-governmental organization in order to prevent the Committee from taking a decision on the substance, and that for that particular reason the decision had been delayed for a number of years.
该协 议的定原则是不超过原合同的要求。
The agreement should be concluded in this way that the scope does not exceed the obligation under offer.
政府所做的是制订补 充 条例,这 些条例造成了处理对受害者赔偿问题的拖延,如:第 3275 号法律,该法为提交申 请规定了一个新的限
期,但 也 使 在新限 期 之前已 经 提 出赔偿申 请 的 受害者的 赔偿
[...] 程序被拖延;第 3449 号法律,该法定,原受总 统府部领导的 CONREVIP 现在改 [...]
为受司法部领导,立法机关的两名成员成为 CONREVIP 的成员,这使得向受害者
提供赔偿被进一步拖延;第 29214 号法令,其中为 CONREVIP 规定了新的限期, 因而造成了更多拖延。
Rather, the Government enacted complementary rules that are causing delays in the processing of compensation to victims, such as: Law 3275, which determines a new deadline for the submission of requests but also determines a delay in the procedure of compensating victims who had already applied
for reparation before the new deadline;
[...] Law 3449, which determines that the CONREVIP [...]
Presidency, which was under the Ministry
for Presidency, is now under the Ministry for Justice, and that two members from the legislative power become members of CONREVIP, which involves further delays in providing the victims with reparation; and Statutory Decree 29214, which establishes new deadlines to CONREVIP causing further delays.
法院没有支持原告主张的金额为 1,951.90 加元的损害赔偿以及相
[...] 应利息,因为尽管依据 ZPP 第 219 条第 2 款的定,原告应 承担举证责任,但 是原告未能提供证据对其遭受的损害以及损害金额加以证明。
The Court rejected the plaintiff’s claim regarding compensation for damages in the
amount of $1,951.90 plus corresponding
[...] interest because the plaintiff had failed to [...]
provide evidence of the damages sustained
and of their amount, although he had the burden of proof under article 219, paragraph 2 ZPP.
国家化学试验室针对 DFD 加工进行了技术核查,以定原料使 用 加工情况,因为在加工中四氯化碳被全部转化。
The technical verification of the DFD process was conducted
by the National Chemical
[...] Laboratory which determined the process as a feedstock application [...]
since CTC was totally transformed in the process.
关于《条约》第三条第 2 款的执行情况,会议注意到一些原料或设备
[...] 的供应国在向非《条约》缔约国的无核武器国家出口某些物项时已采纳有关 原子能机构保障监督措施的一些最低标准 定(原 子 能 机构 INFCIRC/209 号 文件和增编)。
With regard to the implementation of article III (2) of the Treaty, the Conference notes that a number of States suppliers of material or equipment have adopted certain minimum, standard requirements for IAEA safeguards in connection with their
exports of certain such items to
[...] non-nuclear-weapon States not party to the Treaty (IAEA document INFCIRC/209 [...]
and addenda).
委员会要求缔约国考虑撤回它对《公约》第十三条第二款所作的保留,不再“保 留其推迟实施《公约》第十三条第二款的权利,尤其是有关初等教育的 定 ,原 因是 ,虽然马达加斯加政府充分接受上述条款中 定 的 原 则 , 并承诺采取必要措 施尽早充分实施这些原则,但由于执行问题,尤其是财力问题,现阶段不能保证 [...]
The Committee calls upon the State party to consider withdrawing its reservation to article 13, paragraph 2, of the Covenant not to further “postpone its application of article 13, paragraph 2, of the Covenant, more particularly insofar as it relates to
primary education,
[...] since, while the Malagasy Government fully accepts the principles embodied in the said paragraph and undertakes to take [...]
the necessary steps
to apply them in their entirety at the earliest possible date, the problems of implementation, and particularly the financial implications, are such that full application of the principles in question cannot be guaranteed at this stage”.
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢原因 , 以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are
expressed to bind, or apply to,
[...] the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
最後,在上星期六,經過數次討論,黨員在難以決定的情況下 也要作出決定,便是我們會按當事人本身的感覺 定 。 原 因 是 我們認為 在現時基本上只有輿論和道德面前,而當事人(我把他視作受害者)仍未 [...]
員會,按照第49B(2A)條的方法進行調查,並認為這是合適的,或他們 是願意接受的。
Finally, last Saturday, after repeated discussions, members of my party had to make a decision, albeit
difficult, and that was we
[...] would make our decision based on the feeling of the person concerned because we [...]
think that …… There
are only public opinions and ethical concerns before us now, but the person concerned (I regard him as the victim) has not had any opportunity to present his case, other than having chosen the course pursuant to Ms Miriam LAU's motion, that is, to set up an investigation committee and conduct an investigation in accordance with Rule 49B(2A), which in his opinion is appropriate, or acceptable to them.
显然,为了铲除敌对行动的根源,必须完成许多 任务,包括处理火箭弹供应和武器走私问题;确保边
[...] 界安全,以便我们能够为在 2005 年《通行进出定》 原则的基础上重新开放过境点铺平道路;以及为以色 [...]
Obviously, there are many tasks to be done to root out the causes of the hostilities, including dealing with the provision of rockets and the smuggling of weapons, securing the borders so that we can lay
the basis for the reopening of
[...] crossings based on the principles of the 2005 Agreement [...]
on Movement and Access, and providing
security for the Israeli people and a better life for the people of Gaza.
32.8 委员会工作方案的总体目标是:(a)
[...] 继续维持薪金、津贴和福利的共同制度;(b) 建立和维持 适用服务条件定原则的 程序和(或)方法;(c) 建立和维持全世界大约 200 [...]
个国家和地区的工 作地点差价调整数等级和每日生活津贴标准;(d)
为各总部工作地点一般事务工作人员调查最 佳一般雇用条件;(e) 制订和维持工作评价标准;(f) 就各种人力资源管理问题向各组织提供 指导和咨询。
32.8 The overall objectives of the Commission’s programme of work are: (a) to continue to maintain a common system of salaries, allowances and benefits; (b) to establish and
maintain procedures and/or
[...] methodologies by which the principles for determining conditions [...]
of service should be applied; (c)
to establish and maintain post adjustment classifications and daily subsistence allowance rates for approximately 200 countries and areas around the world; (d) to conduct surveys of the best prevailing conditions of employment for General Service staff at headquarters duty stations; (e) to develop and maintain job evaluation standards; and (f) to provide to the organizations guidance and advice on various human resources management issues.
在“定原则、政策和战略以扩大获得信息和知识的机会”分计划范围内,曼谷多国 办事处地区五个会员国中的三个会员国参加了亚太信息网,并在于泰国举行的创始会议 [...]
(2002 年 12 月 11 日至 13 日)上举行了首次会晤,会议创建了亚洲—太平洋地区信息社会
观察站,作为交流信息、制订和实施信息与传播技术扫盲计划、发展用当地语言表述的电子 形式当地内容的一个平台。
In the framework of the
[...] subprogramme “Formulating principles, policies and strategies [...]
to widen access to information and
knowledge”, three out of five Member States in the Bangkok Cluster have joined the Asia Pacific Information Network (APIN) and met for the first time at the Founding Meeting (11-13 December 2002) in Thailand, where the Regional Observatory for the Information Society for Asia-Pacific (ROISAP) was created as a platform for information sharing, development, the conducting of ICT literacy programmes and development of electronic local content in local languages.
除提供参考之外,《不同文明联盟报 告》指出,公民素质教育与和平教育的 定原 则 同时被写入《世界人权宣言》和《教科文组织世界 [...]
In addition to many references, the Report of the High-Level Group on the
Alliance of
[...] Civilizations states that the principles inherent in civic [...]
and peace education are enshrined in both the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity.




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