

单词 位名

名位 ()

fame and position
official rank



honorary degree
academic degree Honoris Causa


Doctor Honoris Causae
honorary doctorate

External sources (not reviewed)

因此拟设立 2 个新的一般临时位:1 名授标审查委员会执行秘书(P-4)和 [...]
1 名研究和行政助理(一般事务(其他职 等)),用以协助授标审查委员会。
It is therefore proposed that 2 new general
[...] temporary assistance positions be established: [...]
1 Executive Secretary of the Award Review
Board (P-4) and 1 Research and Administrative Assistant (GS (OL)) to support the Award Review Board.
在乌兹别克斯坦费加纳省的第二中学, 位名 叫 “ 马斯夸若鲍兹.托扎沃伊”的小丑先生教儿童如何正确洗手。
Masqaraboz Tozavoy', the clown, teaches children at Secondary School Number Two, in Ferghana Province, Uzbekistan, how to wash hands correctly.
首位培育杰克罗素梗的是位 名叫 John Russell 的牧师,他是位狩猎爱好者。
The Jack Russell Terrier was first bred by a Reverend called Mr. John Russell, who was a hunting enthusiast.
两个月前,位名叫 Tal Yehoshua Koren 的以 色列外交官离开我国驻新德里的大使馆,到学校去接 [...]
Two months ago, an
[...] Israeli diplomat named Tal Yehoshua Koren [...]
left our Embassy in New Delhi to pick up her children from school.
條例草案第11條建議加入第67(2A)及 67(2B)條,以訂明 如選舉呈請關乎某人的姓名列入遞補 位名 單 , 或關乎某人的 姓名沒有列入遞補位名單,則在該呈請的審訊完結時,原訟 法庭須裁定該人的姓名須否列入該名單;以及如選舉呈請關乎 某人在遞補位名單上 的排名名次,則在該呈請的審訊完結 時,原訟法庭須裁定該人在該名單上的排名名次是否正確,如 非正確,則須裁定該人的正確排名名次為何。
Clause 11 of the Bill proposes to add sections 67(2A)
and 67(2B) to the
[...] effect that at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the inclusion of the name of a person in, or the exclusion of the name of a person from a precedence list, CFI must determine whether the name is to be included in the list, and at the end of the trial of an election petition that relates to the ranking of a person [...]
on a precedence list,
CFI must determine whether the ranking of the person on the list is correct and, if not correct, what is the correct ranking.
(d) 按照遞補位名單填 補獨立議員離任時引起的空缺,可保 持有關制度的一致性和劃一性。
(d) Using the
[...] precedence list of candidates to fill a seat left vacant by an outgoing [...]
independent Member can maintain the
consistency and uniformity of the system.
因此,在“日常”管理范围内,调动津贴办法依然几乎没有约束力,尚未推行切实有效实施这 一政策的所需手段,没有公布空缺 位名 单 , 内部沟通也没有使工作地点变化的这一潜在强制性特 [...]
Thus, under the “standard” system of management, the application of the mobility scheme remains limited, the mechanisms needed to make the
policy fully effective have not yet been
[...] deployed, the lists of vacant posts are not disseminated [...]
and the internal communication
system has still not informed the staff of the potentially mandatory nature (at the end of the transition period) of rotation.
享受清楚显示当前记录的位名及其 值。
Enjoy a clear
[...] display of field name and its value with [...]
focus on current record.
根據條例草案擬議第58B(6) 條及新訂的擬議 第 58B(6A)條 (由政府當局曾答允動議的修正案訂明),如選舉主 任公布的遞補位名單因 有人成為議員、去世或不接受議席, 或議席空缺沒有由遞補位名單上排首位並接到通知的人填補 而被修訂,選舉主任必須公布該項修訂並公布已修訂的遞補位名單。
Under the proposed section 58B(6) of the Bill and the new proposed 58B(6A) (which was prescribed in the CSAs the
Administration had agreed to
[...] move), if a precedence list published by the RO was revised because a person had become a Member, had died, or did not accept the seat, or the vacancy was not filled by the person who ranked highest on the precedence list to whom a notice was delivered, the RO must announce the revision and publish the list as revised.
安全部队的人往往以便衣出现,因而看不到其 名 或 单 位名 称。
The victim was put into a military vehicle
and taken away. The security forces often appeared in plain clothes,
[...] so that no personal names or unit names were visible.
这一新的位名为“ 管理信息系统能力中心”,由行政管理部门助理总干事 (ADG/ADM)负责协调,将与文献、信息技术服务和电信局(DIT)和使用单位密切配 [...]
合,协调教科文组织各个信息系统的使用和改进,它将在各个系统、各种工作和使用者之间 起联络作用,使教科文组织从新的管理信息系统的使用中获得最大的收益。
This new unit, named MIS Competence Centre, [...]
under the coordination of ADG/ADM, will work closely with DIT and the user units
coordinating the introduction and evolution of UNESCO information systems.
(e) 早前有意見引用例子,指在某些情況下用遞補 位名 單填 補空缺可能引致一些不合理的情況,例如可能由其他獲票 [...]
(e) Some earlier submissions have
used examples to illustrate how the
[...] use of the precedence list of candidates to fill casual [...]
vacancies may give rise to unreasonable
situations in certain circumstances, for example, the vacancy may be filled by candidates from another list which may have obtained only a small number of votes.
[...] 号决议,非政府组织可争取获得三种咨商地位之一:一般咨 商地位、特别咨商地位或列入咨商 位名 册。
Under resolution 1996/31, non-governmental organizations can seek one of
three kinds of consultative status: general consultative status, special consultative status
[...] or a listing on the Roster.
预算用于部署 240 名军事观察员、19 315 名军事特遣队人员、3 772 名联合 国警官、2 660 名建制警察部队人员、1 555 名国际工作人员、3 365 名本国工作 人员(本国专业干事和本国一般事务人员)、38 名一般临时人员项下供资的人员 (24 名国际人员位和 14 名本国人员位)、620 名联合国志愿人员和 6 名政府 提供的人员。
The proposed budget provides for the deployment of 240 military observers, 19,315 military contingent personnel, 3,772 United Nations police officers, 2,660 personnel of formed police units, 1,555 international staff, 3,365 national staff (National Professional Officers and national General Service), 38 positions funded under general temporary assistance (24 international and 14 national positions), 620 United Nations Volunteers and 6 government-provided personnel.
2009 年,位名叫 Or Ben-David Katz 的 19 岁 以色列女孩曾说,她打算藐视以色列的法律,拒服兵 役。
In 2009, Or Ben-David Katz, a 19-year-old Israeli girl, stated that she fully intended to flout Israeli law by refusing to perform military service.
1986 年 6 月,位名叫洛 伦·米勒的美国人获取了美国第 5751 号植物专利,专利内 容是被他称为“Da Vine”的 B. caapi 的变种。
An American, Loren Miller obtained US Plant Patent 5,751 in June 1986, granting him rights over an alleged variety of B. caapi he had called "Da Vine".
除了索马里最著名的派别以外,监察组获悉,由 位名叫 M ohamed Arab Hiirey 的指挥官领导的索马里西部联合解放阵线(索西联阵)的一小部分战斗人 [...]
In addition
[...] to the better-known Somali factions, [...]
the Monitoring Group has learned that a small number of fighters from the
United Western Somali Liberation Front headed by a commander named Mohamed Arab Hiirey may also be fighting against the Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu, under the umbrella of Hizbul Islam.
註 : 各政府部門一般泛稱中介公司僱員為臨時人手,不會為他們設定 位名 稱。
Note: Agency workers are generally referred to as temporary staff and are not
[...] assigned any post titles.
院長須出任其所屬學院的院務委員會屬下所有委員會的成員,並須推薦可獲頒授該學院各科 位 ( 名 譽學 位除外)的人選。
The Dean shall be a member of all
committees of the Board of the Faculty and
[...] shall present candidates for degrees (except honorary [...]
degrees) in the subjects of the Faculty.
有人聲稱,五世達賴喇嘛與位名為 安 旺‧秋 登 (Ngawang Chogden) 的格魯派喇嘛排斥雄登修 法,這是錯誤的。
Some people claim that the Fifth Dalai Lama and a Gelugpa Lama called Ngawang Chogden rejected the Shugden practice, but this is false.
在国民议会中,2 317 名候选人竞逐 270 个地域选区议席,1 026 人角逐 112 个妇名单席位(即全 国议会中分配给女性的 25%的席位),793 人竞选 68 个政名单席位;395 名候选人竞争苏丹南方立法议会席位。
In the National Assembly, 2,317 candidates are contesting
the 270 geographic
[...] constituency seats, 1,026 are contesting the 112 Women’s List seats (representing the 25 per cent allocated to women in the National Assembly), and 793 are contesting the 68 Party List seats; 395 candidates are running for Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly seats.
而且澳門銀河」的餐飲團隊包括澳門大倉酒店、亞洲美食坊的 位名 廚 亦 為大家帶來一系列讓人垂涎的亞洲特色美食,讓饕客可一邊大啖美食、一邊痛快地暢飲啤酒,爽呀! [...]
Chefs from Hotel Okura Macau, Banyan [...]
Tree Macau and the resort‟s gourmet food plaza – Tastes of Asia, have created a delicious
selection of Asian-inspired snacks and dishes for guests to pair with the selected beer.
和中国社会网络有关的话题当中,最常被提起的人之一是 位名 叫 郭 美美的年轻女子,她伪称自己是中国红十字会的 总经理,“然而在她的微博上张贴的照片中,她坐在Maserati跑车里,带着好几个昂贵的手提袋。
And one of the most talked about topics on Chinese social networks involved Guo Meimei, a young woman who falsely described herself as general manager of the Red Cross Society of China "while posting photos on her microblog showing her in a Maserati sports car and carrying several expensive handbags" (Reuters).
薪资研究局在其 2003 年发表的最后一份报告中,针对同等级别
[...] 的 雇 员,以性别中性 名称取 代 了所有基 于性别 的位名称。
In its last report issued in 2003, the PRB has
replaced all the job appellations based on gender by
[...] gender-neutral appellations in regard [...]
to the same grade of employees.
A local man, Cai Junnian, is nicknamed by his friends [...]
and relatives Cai the Roman, and is one of many villagers convinced
that he is descended from the lost legion.
位名叫“马斯夸若鲍兹.托扎沃伊(Masqaraboz Tozavoy)”的小丑先生,或称“卫生先生”,来到费加纳省奥田瑞克(Oltiarik)区的第二中学,将这场洗手活动推向高潮。
The highlight of the hand-washing campaign was ‘Masqaraboz Tozavoy’, or Mr. Clean, a clown who came to Secondary School Number Two in Oltiarik District, Ferghana Province .
作者对著作该指南的个人描述是:希伯来历 827 年 7 月 (1424 年 5
[...] 月),他从大马士革前往圣城耶路撒冷(巴勒斯坦境内),在那里他碰见了 位名叫 Ismā‘īl ibn Sharaf 和 Zayn al-Dīn [...]
Māhir 的学者。
The author gives the following personal account of the writing of this guide: In Rajab 827 A.H. (May 1424) he traveled
from Damascus to Quds al-Sharīf (in Palestine), where he
[...] met two scholars named Ismā‘īl ibn Sharaf and Zayn [...]
al-Dīn Māhir.
丹·霍兹沃斯(Dan Holdsworth)是位名闻遐 迩的英国摄影师,其所创作的影像将自然景观、建筑和技术与时空交融,产生鲜明有力的现代视觉影像,并以此见称于世。
Dan Holdsworth is a
[...] celebrated English photographer renowned for creating images [...]
in which nature, architecture and technology
merge with light and space to produce powerful visions of the contemporary world.
中国国际广播电台(CRI)8月17日举行仪式向一位挪威妇女转交她1990年代在北京遗失的家庭照片。 位名 叫 乔安娜•叙松(Joanna Syson)的挪威妇女在仪式上与这些照片重新团聚,而照片的失而复得要归功于中国演员王卫国(音)的不懈努力和中国国际广播电台的帮助。
China Radio International (CRI) hosted an event on 17 August where Joanna Syson, a Norwegian woman who lost her large collection of family photos in Beijing in the 1990s, was reunited with her photos due to the persistent efforts of Chinese actor Wang Weiguo and the help of CRI.
(3) 如屬任何股份之聯名登記持有人,則任何一名該等持有人(不論親身或由代表)均有權 於股東特別大會上就該等股份投票,猶如彼為唯一有權投票者;惟倘超過一名該等聯
[...] 名持有人(不論親身或由代表)出席股東特別大會,則就該等股份出席之上述其中一位 人士之名位列本 公司股東名冊之首位者,方有權就此投票。
(3) Where there are joint registered holders of any share, any one of such persons may vote at the EGM, either personally or by proxy, in respect of such share as if he were solely entitled thereto; but if more than one of such joint holders be present at the EGM personally or
by proxy, that one of the said persons
[...] so present whose name stands first on the [...]
register of members of the Company in respect
of such share shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.




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