单词 | 寄生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 寄生—parasiticless common: parasitism live by taking advantage of others live in or on another organism as a parasite 寄生noun, plural—parasitesplExamples:寄生生活—parasitic life-style parasitism 槲寄生—mistletoe 寄生物—parasite See also:寄v—sendv mailv 寄—depend entrust lodge live (in a house)
业界应采用“食物安全重点控制系统”控制水产养殖活动受寄生虫污染的风险。 cfs.gov.hk | Trade should apply the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system to control the risk of [...] contamination of fishculture by parasites. cfs.gov.hk |
这些活动强调正确的洗手方法与寄生虫及其他疾病预防之间的关系。 unicef.org | These activities emphasized the link between proper hand-washing and the prevention of worms and other diseases. unicef.org |
而且,健康者比那些身患与水有关的疾病者尤其是蠕虫感染者能够更好地吸收食 物中的养分,因为蠕虫会消耗其所寄生者的热量。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, healthy people are better able than those suffering from water-related diseases, particularly worms, which rob their hosts of calories, to absorb the nutrients in food. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如少量的杂散寄生电感可能导致栅极至源极电压发生较大的过 冲现象,进而有可能损坏器件。 epc-co.com | For example, small [...] amounts of strayparasitic inductancecan cause [...]large overshoot in the gate-to-source voltage that could potentially damage devices. epc-co.com |
这些外形小巧的器件具有寄生电感和热阻低的特点,因此适用于多种市场,其中包括 [...] WLAN、WiMAX、蜂窝手持设备、 蜂窝基础架构、汽车、CATV/卫星通信、智能能源、医疗、军事、RFID 以及测试和测 量市场。 skyworksinc.com | These small form factor [...] devices offer low parasitic inductance and [...]low thermal impedance, making them ideal for a variety [...]of markets including WLAN, WiMAX, cellular handset, cellular infrastructure, automotive, CATV/Satcom, smart energy, medical, military, RFID, and test and measurement. skyworksinc.com |
食物安 全五要点”内的安全烹煮措施足以杀死各种寄生虫。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. Ken CHONG advised that the public should not eat raw or undercooked freshwater fish. cfs.gov.hk |
这是对学校供餐的补充,并有助于改善生活在寄生虫病高 发地区的儿童的出勤和学业。 daccess-ods.un.org | This complemented school meals and contributed to [...] improved attendance and academic performance of children living in the areas [...] with a high prevalenceofparasitic infection. daccess-ods.un.org |
实验室助理员额任职者将负责提供血液学研究、免疫血清学、生物化学、常 规尿便分析、微生物学和寄生虫学等基本实验室服务;根据医生要求收集转诊病 [...] 人的样本;提供化验结果报告,编制每周、每月和每年的实验室报告;盘存设备、 试剂及其他消耗品,确保实验室设备保持清洁、符合标准和妥善储存。 daccess-ods.un.org | The incumbent of the post of Laboratory Assistant would provide basic laboratory services, such as haematology study, immuno-serology, [...] biochemistry, routine urine and stool analyses, [...] microbiology and parasitology; collect samples [...]from referred patients as requested [...]by doctors; provide a report of the test results and prepare weekly, monthly and annual laboratory reports; take inventory of equipment, reagents and other consumables; and ensure that laboratory equipment is kept clean and up to standard and is stored correctly. daccess-ods.un.org |
蝙蝠——它们是唯一能够持续飞行的哺乳动物,且它们身上还寄生着一些在世界范围内有着最高致病性的病毒——其中包括埃博拉病毒和SARS病毒。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Bats -- they’re the only mammals capable of sustained flight, and they’re also hosts to some of the world’s most highly pathogenic viruses, including Ebola and SARS. chinese.eurekalert.org |
附录二:2011年8月至12月期间於中大校园录得有鸟类使用的植物,共83种,另有一种寄生生长於水松Glyptostrobus pensilis 之上,未有记录。 greeneducationcuhk.net | Appendix II: From August to December 2011, birds on the Chinese University [...] campus used 83 species of [...] plants except for a parasitic plant (Taxillus. [...]Sp) growing on Water Pine (Glyptostrobus pensilis). greeneducationcuhk.net |
这种设计 技术存在的限制是在一定程度上使可用带宽降低,原因 [...] 是隔直电容的阻抗包括电容电抗以及电容的寄生电感的 电抗,因而可能产生共振。 skyworksinc.com | One limitation to this design technique is that the usable bandwidth is somewhat reduced since the impedance of the blocking capacitors is composed of [...] capacitive reactance as well as the reactance of the [...] capacitors’parasitic inductance, thus [...]making resonances possible. skyworksinc.com |
卫生部在联合国儿童基金会的援助下,迅速采取措施,组织“卫生宣传及除寄生虫运动”,并与联合国儿童基金会共同制定长期的水、环境卫生和个人卫生宣传战略,以在健康与卫生领域取得可持续的成果。 unicef.org | The Ministry of Health took the immediate step of organizing the [...] Hygiene Promotion and Deworming Campaign, [...]with UNICEF assistance, and jointly designed [...]a longer-term water, sanitation and hygiene promotion strategy for sustainable results in health and hygiene. unicef.org |
内建移除寄生效应的补偿常式,能确保连接到待测装置 (DUT) 的完整性。 keithley.com.tw | Built-in compensation [...] routines removeparasitic effects and ensures [...]the integrity of connections to the DUT. keithley.nl |
第 一类包括传染病和寄生虫病,呼吸道感染,孕产妇和围产期病症,以及营养不足, 也就是说,它包括了所有与贫穷有关的传染病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Group I includes [...] infectious and parasiticdiseases,respiratory [...]infections, maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutritional [...]deficiencies, that is, it includes all the communicable diseases associated with poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
生态系统 通过捕食者和寄生生物的活动控制害虫和疾病。 teebweb.org | Ecosystems regulate pests and diseases through the [...] activities of predators and parasites. teebweb.org |
另外,关于食品卫生规范委员会请求粮农组织和世卫组织承担分析食品中寄生虫风险的新工作,该代表提醒食典委注意提交数据的最后期限,以协助粮农组织/ [...] 世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议就此事项进行风险评估。 codexalimentarius.org | In addition, in relation to the requests of [...] CCFH to FAO and WHO to take up new work [...] on therisksof parasitesin foods,the Commission [...]was reminded of the deadline for [...]submission of data to assist in the future risk assessment activities of JEMRA on this matter. codexalimentarius.org |
新工作是旨在制定食品中寄生虫全球准则的更具常规性项目的一部分 codexalimentarius.org | The new work was part of a more general project aimed at [...] global guidance on parasitesinfood codexalimentarius.org |
某些传染性病原体或寄生病原体与癌症有关:病毒性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎会导致肝癌;幽门螺旋杆菌会增 [...] 加患胃癌的风险;血吸虫病会增加得膀胱癌的风险;肝吸虫感染会增加得胆管癌 的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Certain infectiveorparasitic agents arelinked [...] to cancer: viral hepatitis B and C cause cancer of the liver; the bacterium [...]Helicobacter pylori increases the risk of stomach cancer; schistosomiasis increases the risk of bladder cancer, and liver fluke infection increases the risk of cancer of the bile ducts. daccess-ods.un.org |
硅基GaN非常 像SOI,在元件之间没有显着的寄生交互,因此设计师能够很容 易在单个芯片上开发出单片电源系统。 epc-co.com | GaN on silicon, much like SOI, has [...] no significant parasiticinteraction between [...]components, allowing designers to easily [...]develop monolithic power systems on a single chip. epc-co.com |
Parasites寄生虫 生活在人或动物体内或皮肤表面的细小蠕虫或 动物,可引起疾病。 hesperian.org | Parasites tiny worms or animals that [...] can live in or on a person or animal, and may cause disease. hesperian.org |
当然也提到了登革热、黄热病、霍乱及其他地区性流行病:肝炎、寄生虫感染、镰状细胞贫血症、镰形 细胞病(贫血)、糖尿病、癌症、营养不良等疾病。 traditionsdavenir.info | Dengue, yellow fever, cholera and other epidemics; [...] hepatitis, parasitical infections, [...]sickle-cell anemia, drepanocytosis, diabetes, [...]cancers, nutritional deficiencies and other diseases were of course referred to. traditionsdavenir.info |
由生活在钉螺中的寄生虫引发的疾病。 hesperian.org | Schistosomiasis a disease caused by worms that live in water snails. hesperian.org |
旅行者容易感染的与食物或水有关的典型的寄生虫包括:贾第鞭毛虫、环孢子虫和隐孢子虫。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Viruses are commonly responsible for three food-borne illnesses: Diarrhea and Hepatitis A or E. Food or water-relatedparasite infections typical in travelers include Giardia, Cyclospora and Cryptospora. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
接下来是“症状、体征、异常、不明原因” [...] (11.8%)、呼吸系统疾病(10.5%)、内分泌、影响和代谢疾病(4.8%)、消化系统疾 [...] 病(4.3%)、外部死因(4.2%)、泌尿生殖系统疾病(2.7%)、神经系统疾病和感觉器 官(2.4%),以及传染病和寄生虫病(2.1%)(图 33)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Next come “symptoms, signs, abnormal findings, ill-defined causes” (11.8%), respiratory diseases (10.5%), endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (4.8%), digestive diseases (4.3%), external causes of death (4.2%), diseases of the genitourinary system [...] (2.7%), diseases of the nervous system and the sense organs (2.4%), and [...] infectious and parasiticdiseases (2.1%) [...](Chart 33). daccess-ods.un.org |
有理由限制自由流动措施的疾病指世界卫生组织相关文书界定 为可能是流行性的疾病,以及接待国为保护其国民而规定的其他感染性疾病或寄生虫病。 daccess-ods.un.org | The only diseases justifying measures restricting freedom of movement shall be the diseases with epidemic potential as defined by the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation and other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases if they are the subject of protection provisions applying to nationals of the host Member State. daccess-ods.un.org |