

单词 下台

下台 ()

disentangle oneself
get off the hook
go off the stage
step down (from office etc)
fall from position of prestige

台下 ()

off the stage
in the audience


将...赶下台 v

chase v


ten years of practice for one minute on the stage [idiom.]


extricate oneself
way out


find oneself in an awkward situation
be put on the spot

External sources (not reviewed)

2008 年,全球粮食
[...] 危机对海地造成破坏性影响,基本生活必需品价格空前上涨,并迫使当时的政下台。
The global food crisis of 2008 had a devastating impact
on Haiti, causing an unprecedented surge in the price of basic necessities and bringing down
[...] the Government of the day.
这成 为亲建制派实现政治目的的有力武器,直接导致外下台,政府解散。
It became a powerful weapon to further their agenda, forcing the foreign minister to resign and destabilising the government.
2008 年,民盟发起运动力图关闭曼谷机场 从而导致僵局,法院通过判决解除了对峙,同时迫 使他信的“代理”党——人民力量党— 下台。
The PAD’s campaigns to close down Bangkok airports in 2008 created deadlock that was resolved by a court ruling that removed Thaksin’s “proxy” party – People Power Party – from power.
把领导人下台 可能只需要几个月时间,而建立这样一个民主社会就 需要更长的时间,要作出更大的牺牲。
While a leader may be ousted in a few months, establishing such a democratic society requires more time and greater sacrifices.
他认为,如果这个期限未得到遵守,安 理会则应要求总下台。
If that deadline is not respected, in his view, the Council should demand that the President step down.
正如奥巴马总统今天所说的那样,当一个领导人 继续掌权的唯一办法是动用大规模暴力来对付本国
[...] 人民的时候,他就失去了统治的合法性,就需要做对 他的国家来说是正确的事情,也就是立 下台。
As President Obama said today, when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence
against its own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his
[...] country, by leaving now.
其中包含五大專案:「建立客 戶 導 向 的 企 業 文 化 」 、 「 持 續 優 化 通 訊 品 質」、「帳單及帳務流程改造」、「客戶區 隔」、及「經營忠誠客戶」,相信在全公司 大規模的持續努下,台灣大 哥大可以將顧 客滿意度提升到最高點,並以此明確地與競 爭者區隔。
With across-the-board commitment from its entire work force, the Company aims to set a top record in customer satisfaction and loyalty to strengthen its long-term competitiveness.
间距要求下台作为 一个中立的一方的承诺,他的牙齿的记忆。
Pitch urges him to step aside as a neutral party with the promise of his teeth’s memories.
另一方面,於曾經參與遊行的260名被訪者中(表十六),高達九成三有關被訪者謂遊行是來表達其對政府總體表現的失望(92.9%;佔總樣本20.9%;表十八);因反對第二十三條立法而參與遊行者,佔八成五(85.3%;佔總樣本19.1%;表十七);此外,次樣本的八成四表示,他們參與遊行是希望特區政府進行改組(83.6%;佔總樣本18.7%;表二十);六成則謂遊行是要求董建 下台 ( 59 .8%;佔總樣本13.4%;表十九)。
As far as the opinions of the 260 respondents who joined the march are concerned (Table 16), as high as 93% said they took to the streets to express their disappointment towards the overall performance of the SARG (92.9%, accounted for 20.9% of the total sample, Table 18).
有九成回應者認為董建華應下台, 甚 至有八成多人主張以"人民力量"的方式把董建華 下台 , 民 眾對董建華的忿恨可以想見。
More than 80% of our respondents agree that Tung Chee-hwa should step down, and a similar number of people supported the idea of exercising "people's power" to force Tung to step down.
即使穆巴拉克总统及其政 府被下台,但 军队和安全警察仍然是革命之前的同一些组织。
Even if President Mubarak and his Government had to leave, the military and security police are still the same organizations as before the revolution.
[...] 如果未付诸实施,就构成不信任动议,可能遭到有 力谴责;正是这样的投票结果导致他所任职的上届 政下台。
The policy statement had been the watchword during the country’s presidential elections and in the event that it was not implemented, a motion of no confidence offered the possibility for
effective censure; the prospect of such a vote had led the
[...] previous Government, of which he had been [...]
a member, to resign.
3月3 日,有3,000 多名妇女聚集在阿波波Anador
[...] 环形交叉 路口准备游行,打算前往火车站,以要求巴博总 下台。
Witnesses described how on 3 March, more than 3,000 women gathered at the Abobo Anador roundabout to start a
demonstration with the intention of marching towards
[...] the railway station in order to [...]
demand the departure of President Laurent Gbagbo.
1998年日本经济形势最艰难的一年,第一季经济成长率下降到-5.3%,第二季为-3.3%,银行坏帐严重,同时期东南亚金融风暴对日本海外出口市场和投资市场冲击巨大,而日本政府对经济衰退束手无策,频繁出炉的经济政策毫无作用,民众的不满引发桥本内阁 下台 ; 8月 底开始,日圆大幅回升,原因在于美国经济成长放缓,美日贸易进一步扩大,导致日圆在短短2个月内反弹到114.33(期货在8月底贬值到1日圆:0.6807美分)的价位。
In 1998 the economic situation in Japan the most difficult year in the first quarter economic growth rate dropped to -5.3% -3.3% for the second quarter, the banks severe bad debt, in the same period of the financial turmoil in Southeast Asia to Japan from overseas export markets and the tremendous impact of the investment market, The Japanese government on the economic recession at a loss, often out of economic policy at all, the people's discontent
caused the Hashimoto cabinet to step down;
[...] start by the end of August, the yen [...]
rebounded sharply, due to slowdown in U.S.
economic growth, the United States and Japan to further expand trade, leading to Yen in just 2 months to 114.33 rebound (in futures by the end of August to 1 yen depreciation: 0.6807 cents) price.
就此 而论,他想知道某些联合国会员国的领导人和外长 要求叙利亚总下台的声 明,是否可以视为公然违 反国际法和《联合国宪章》,且不说这是粗暴干涉叙 [...]
利亚内政,煽动叙利亚民众反对合法领导和国家对 话。
In that connection, he wondered whether the statements by some leaders and foreign ministers
of States Members of the United Nations
[...] calling for the ouster of the Syrian [...]
president might be considered a flagrant violation
of international law and of the Charter of the United Nations, not to mention a gross interference in Syrian internal affairs and incitement of the Syrian street against the legitimate leadership and national dialogue.
尔·班尼);发布命令允许瓦塔拉先生成为总统选举的候选人;让反对党在独立 选举委员会占有大多数席位,并接受反对派人士担任该委员会主席;接受 萨基 姆公司为技术经管部门,并且,由于他希望举行干净的选举,接受了联合国对选
[...] 举进程进行核证的作用;以及任命一名曾企图将他 下台 的 叛乱运动领导人担任 总理。
Those concessions included accepting two Prime Ministers imposed by the international community (Seydou Diarra and Charles Konan Banny); issuing a decree that allowed Mr. Ouattara to become a candidate for the presidential election; giving the opposition parties majority representation in the Independent Electoral Commission and accepting a President of the Commission from the opposition; accepting Sagem as a technical operator and a United Nations role in certifying the electoral process
because he wanted clean elections; and
[...] giving the post of Prime Minister to the [...]
head of a rebel movement that had attempted to remove him from office.
我们呼吁巴 沙尔·阿萨德现在下台,以便现在就开始政治改革, 我们呼吁国际社会对大马士革加紧施压,促使其回应 要求合法自由的叙利亚人民的呼声。
We call on Bashar Al-Assad to step down now, for political reform to begin now, and for the international community to intensify its pressure on Damascus to respond to the voices of the Syrian people demanding their legitimate freedom.
歷 史 學 家 畢 士 禮 : 「 這 並 不 表 示 它 們( 蘭 學 )直 接 地 導 致 德 川 幕 府下 台 , 這 次 下 台 將 會 是 現 代 化 的 序 幕 及 成 功 的 關 鍵 。
about the fall of the Tokugawa, which was to be the prelude to modernization and the key to its success.
下一步是套杯,然后奶牛开始移动,直到出口位置,在这里奶牛从挤 台下 来 之 前由最后一个机器人为其进行喷淋消毒。
The next step is the teat cup attachment and after that the cow moves on until the exit bail position where a last robot sprays her before she is released.
[...] NT平台——您的应用程序即使是在Windows 9x/ME平台下,同样也能够正确支持统一字符编码标准。
Unicode support is not limited
[...] to Windows NT platforms - your Delphi [...]
applications can truely support Unicode even on Windows 9x/ME!
劉慧卿議員表示,在審 計 署署長提交 第四 十五號報告 書 後 , 行政長 官 立 即 委任獨 立 調查小
組 對 西灣河發 展項目進行調查, 而 在 審 計 署署長提交 第四十六號報告 書 後 , 工商及科
[...] 技局局長 即時要 求 廣播處 長在3 個 月內就 報 告 書內列 舉 的香港台( 下 稱 “港台”)的 違 規 情況提 交 報 告 。
Ms Emily LAU said that following the tabling of Report No. 45 of the Director of Audit, CE immediately appointed an independent committee of inquiry (independent committee) to inquire into the Sai Wan Ho Development, and following the tabling of Report No. 46 of the Director of Audit, the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (SCIT) immediately requested the Director of Broadcasting to
submit a report within three months on the
[...] irregularities in Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) identified in the Report.
此外,督導委員會亦就售樓說明書、價單、示範單位、樓面面積 資料、交易資訊、廣告、銷售安排、禁止作出失實陳述、罰則的性質
[...] 及水平、擬議執法機關的成立和物業市場資訊 台2 (下稱「資訊平 台」),以及豁免安排的各項規定,提出詳細建議。
It also came up with detailed recommendations on the requirements on sales brochures, price lists, show flats, floor area information, transaction information, advertisements, sales arrangements, prohibition on misrepresentation, the nature and levels of penalties, the
proposed set-up of an enforcement agency and the Property Market
[...] Information Platform (PMIP)2 , and exemption [...]
居民將公有公寓台下的死 角圍起來,存放園藝工具及其他「無用物品」。
[...] enclose dead space under the balconies of their public housing [...]
apartments to add storage space for gardening equipment and other ‘junk’.
(e) 在月台空隙較闊的台下裝有 照明燈光,以及在東鐵綫空隙較 闊的車站月台邊裝設閃燈,提示乘客注意月台空隙;及 (f) 港鐵公司於2010年推出新措施,在個別車站月台安排車站助理 在列車車門即將關上時,舉起「停」字牌及按動電哨子,勸喻 [...]
乘客切勿試圖在列車車門正在關上時走進列車,以確保乘客安 全。
(e) installation of
[...] illumination under the platforms and flashing lights at the edge of East Rail Line platforms at locations where [...]
the gap between the
platform and the train is relatively wide so that passengers would pay attention to the gap; and (f) introduction of a new measure in 2010 whereby Station Assistants are deployed on platforms of selected stations to help ensure passenger safety by raising a “Stop” sign and activating an electronic whistle to urge passengers not to rush onto train while the train doors are closing.
[...] 点击下载,手机扫描二维条形码下载、及于“安卓市场”、“苹果商城”、“广东电信掌上营业厅”、“天翼空间”搜索“广州文化市场服务 台 ” ” 下 载 以 及手机蓝牙相互传输等途径。
Installing the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications In parallel with the launch of “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications, GZCMMO provided various ways for the Public to choose and download from, which include : input the link
http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html on your phone and
[...] click, or scanning the QR code, or search in [...]
various online stores such as “Android
Market”, “App Store”, “廣東電信掌上營業廳”、“天翼空間”搜索“廣州文化市場服務平臺”.
援助侧重于下几个 方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和台, 使 会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an
integrated and coordinated way;
[...] (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
总干事提议从 36 C/5 开始将目前的跨部门平台数量减半,从 12 个减少到 6 个,
[...] 并将每个重大计划活动预算的 10%分配给台下的联 合倡议,从而提高计划的集 中度并改善跨部门工作。
The Director-General’s proposal to halve the current number of intersectoral platforms from 12 to 6, starting with document 36 C/5, and to allocate 10%
of each MP activity budget to joint
[...] initiatives under the platforms, in order to enhance [...]
both programme focus and intersectoral work.
本产品安装包附带有可在掌上电脑、Windows CE 以及智能电话台下使用的 VB.NET 以及 C#.NET [...]
NET samples for Pocket PC, Windows CE
[...] and Smartphone platforms, which can dramatically [...]
shorten the learning curve in terms
of how to integrate the PDF417 barcode into your application.
Winterhalter's range of front loading glasswashers has every aspect covered for you; smart colour coded electronic panel lets you know when the machine is ready for another rack, controlled wash-patterns to protect your fragile items, fully insulated cabinets to reduce heat loss so your business goes on uninterrupted, built-in fault diagnosis to locate faults quickly and cost effectively, door vent position which allows air to circulate within the wash chamber saving you precious space and time.
贝克索曾受邀在首部土耳其歌剧《欧兹索伊》(Ozsoy)中献唱 台下 观 众 之一是现代土耳其开国国父穆斯塔法·凯末尔·阿塔图克,一曲唱罢,凯末尔早已为贝克索的歌喉所所倾倒。
She was asked to sing in the first Turkish opera, “Ozsoy”, in the presence of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, who said he was stunned by her voice.




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