

单词 无伴奏合唱

See also:


accompany (musically)

合唱 n

choir n
choral n



External sources (not reviewed)

我只能表示遗憾你可能在听到他 唱无伴奏合唱 在 街 上的圣诞小合唱团由天像昔日那样。
I only regret that you might over
[...] hear them sing a cappella in the streets on the day of Christmas by small choirs as it once did.
来自英国的Gordonstoun学校的学生近两小时的音乐演出,演出项目包 无伴奏合唱 ( 阿 卡佩拉)、Queen的《波希米亚狂想曲》和流行音乐剧的几首曲目。
Students from Gordonstoun School in UK will be [...]
performing almost two hours of music from sacred acapella to Queen’s Bohemian
Rhapsody and several numbers from popular musicals.
按照成分和未来一年或一学期的行动编入预算的行动安排、过去一个 学期的执行报告以及事先进行合作 伙 伴无 异 议 的任何可能的重新定 向有效。
The validation of budgeted action programmes by component and activity for the following year or
semester; of implementation reports on the past six months; and of any
[...] possible reorientation acceptable to the partners.
无论声 音多低或多高,Dolby Volume 均可保持 声音的平衡:对话、音乐、声道效果以及音唱 片中歌唱家或乐器奏家的精彩表演。
No matter how soft or loud
[...] you play it, with Dolby Volume everything is always in balance: dialogue, music, and effects on soundtracks, and vocalists and instrumentalists on music recordings.
我從來不唱歌的 材料,但我一定會細心聆聽,幫手拍和 伴奏。
I am not a good singer, but I am an attentive listener, happy enough to accompany and clap along.
合的微 芯片让律动爱芭(OhMiBod)随着最爱的音乐韵律与 奏 来 震动 , 无 论 是自己聆听或是 伴 侣 共 享时。
The audio enabled integrated microchip allows the OhMiBod ipod massager to vibrate to the beat and rhythm of your music while you listen.
其中包括:以艺术形式展示私刑这一令人憎恶的做法,在美国不少地方, 许多前奴隶及其初期的后代曾遭受私刑;朗读前奴隶奥卢达·艾季阿诺(人称非 洲人古斯塔夫·瓦萨)的自传摘录,11 岁的他经历了奴隶制以及中间航程的恐怖; 以及著名的喀麦隆唱家卡 伊萨扣人心弦 无伴奏 表 演 ,她提请大家注意纪念的 主题,唱了一首内省的歌曲,主张对涉及非洲某些社会妇女的传统惯例和文化惯 例作出积极变革,以保障能更多地表达集体自由。
They included an artistic interpretation of the abominable practice of lynching, to which many former slaves and their early descendants were subjected in parts of the United States; a reading of excerpts from the autobiography of the ex-slave Olaudah Equiano, also known as Gustavus Vassa the African, who experienced slavery and the horrors of the middle passage as an 11-year-old; and a riveting a cappella performance by Kaïssa, a celebrated Cameroonian singer, who drew attention to this year’s theme with an introspective song advocating positive change in aspects of traditional and cultural practices pertaining to women in some African societies, in order to guarantee an even greater expression of collective freedom.
邀请了澳大利亚南十字星大学的无伴奏式 乐队与美浓加茂市当地无伴奏式乐 队一起举 办合音乐会。
Isabello a capella, from Southern Cross University, Australia, [...]
have invited a local Minokamo City a cappella choir to join them for a concert.
在这次活动期间有一个特别节目,一个日本青合 唱团在一名钢琴伴奏下表 演了一个节目,钢琴家使用的钢琴是一架在广岛遭轰 炸过程中受损的 [...]
Hibaku 钢琴。
A special feature of the event included
[...] performances by a Japanese youth choir accompanied by a pianist playing [...]
a Hibaku piano that had been
damaged during the bombing of Hiroshima.
应当强调的是,2007 年除在三家音乐机构(国家交响乐团、管风琴演奏厅 和“摩尔多瓦音乐会”)内部开展演出活动的 9
[...] 家专业艺术团外,另外成立了 2 家 新的艺术团体:“Ginta Latină”文化艺术中心下属吉卜赛歌舞团和管风琴 奏 厅下 属手风琴合唱团“Concertino”。
It is to be underlined that in 2007, besides the 9 professional artistic groups which have their activity within three concert institutions (the National Philharmonic, The Organ Hall and “Moldova-Concert”), another 2 new groups have been founded: The Choir of Gypsy Songs and
Dances within the Culture and Art Centre
[...] “Ginta Latină” and the Choir of Accordionists “Concertino” within the Organ Hall.
开幕式在国民大会堂举行,首先由安哥拉 合 国 教 科文组织全国委员会的一名委员介 绍会议的宗旨,然后由青年人致和平颂词,有青年和儿 伴唱。
The Opening Ceremony which took place at the National Assembly started with a presentation of the objectives of the
meeting by a member of
[...] the Angolan National Commission for UNESCO, followed by a message of peace by young people, and was accompanied by a chorale of young people and children.
近年来,挪威已在许多项目上与各类合作伴 合作, 支持裁军、不扩散与和平利用核能,其中包 括消除欧洲战术武器、核裁军的核查方式和区无 核武器区。
Norway had worked with various partners in recent years on numerous projects to support disarmament, non-proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including [...]
the elimination of tactical
weapons in Europe, modalities of nuclear disarmament verification and regional nuclear-weapon-free zones.
在这里,人的Whoville和动物讷收集的歌曲和朗 合唱 “ 无 法 抗拒这种感觉”。
Here, the people of Whoville and the animals of Nool gather in
[...] song and recite the chorus from “Can’t Fight [...]
This Feeling”.
揭幕典禮由兩位視障青少年李顯癸及張偉德與一班視障小天使,在展能藝術天使李軒先生的鋼 伴奏 下 ,一 起 唱 出 大 會主題曲-「記住驗眼睛」,希望藉著小朋友熟悉的歌曲,生動的歌詞,令大眾緊記定期驗眼的重要性。
At the Kick-off Ceremony, two visually impaired teenagers and
eight visually impaired
[...] little angels sang the theme song with piano accompaniment by Mr. Lee Hin, [...]
Angel of The Arts with the
Disabled Association to bring out the important message of eye care for children and youth.
目前正在建制全世界最高的声音雕塑,而他的第二 无伴奏 录 音 也即将完成。
Currently building the world tallest sound sculpture, he is
[...] also finishing his second solo record.
学生们在柔和的背景伴奏下演唱《 欢 乐世界》《铃儿响叮当》等欢乐曲目,烘托节日气氛。
It was another momentous and magical way to start the
[...] festive period with the choir singing joyous tunes [...]
such as “Joy to the World” and “Jingle
Bell Rock” to a gentle musical backing.
活動詳情 深水埗 10月 11日 荔枝角花園 社區藝術日 學校銀樂隊演奏、兒合唱團表 演、街頭舞蹈、話劇、木偶戲、 默劇、二胡演奏、伴奏清唱表 演、民族舞表演及各種街頭藝術 工作坊等。
School brass band performance, children choir performance, street dance, drama, puppet show, mime, Erhu performance, a cappella [...]
performance, ethnic minority group
dance and a variety of street arts workshops.
朴素而颇有风度的唱,在 简单而丰富的钢 伴奏 下 , 会把你带入一个陌生又熟悉的音乐国度。
Humble singing simply accompanied by piano and yet rich in expression, the songs will take you into a foreign and yet familiar realm of music.
演出團體包括英國廣播電合唱團、 現代樂團、威尼斯 奏 家 合奏 團 及 交響樂團音樂中心。2010年被選入科文特花園的皇家歌劇院VOX 計畫。
In 2010 he was selected for the VOX programme at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
根据成果 1.3,合国教 科文组织欧洲地区科学和文化办事处将通过进行中的预算外项目解决以下问 题:“用于保存和复原文化遗产的能力建设”,“吉诺卡斯特区历史中心的复原”以及“保 护阿尔巴尼亚民伴唱复调 音乐--教科文组织人类口头与非物质遗产代表作
Under outcome 1.3, BRESCE will contribute through ongoing extrabudgetary projects addressing the following issues: “Capacity-building for preservation and restoration of cultural heritage”, “Restoration of the historical centre of Gjirokastra”, and “Safeguarding Albanian folk Iso-polyphony – A UNESCO masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity”.
音乐与运动的经验,由大会和观众用乐团、 管风琴或乐伴奏唱时贷 款本身的细符号励志片。
An inspirational piece of music with fine notation lending itself to
a moving experience when sung
[...] by choristers and audience either with orchestra, pipe organ or brass band accompaniment.
除非得到公司或其任何人員的書面特准,任何人不得在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路 處所的任何部唱歌、跳舞或奏任 何 樂器或其他器具,亦不得使用收音機、卡式機、雷射碟機 [...]
No person unless authorized in writing by the Corporation or any of its officials while upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway
or any part of the railway
[...] premises shall sing, dance or perform on any musical or other instrument [...]
or use a radio, cassette
recorder, compact disc player or similar device, television or any other such electrical or mechanical device which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to any other person.
IODA旗下的艺术家唱片种类无可匹 敌,我们渴望与其开 合 作 , 以享我们这里的乐迷。
IODA's catalog of artists and labels is unparalleled, and we are eager to start working [...]
together to reach fans in our part of the world.
在此建议制 定黑海区域框架,用于建立观测系统并协调、传输、共享、合并和管理信息, 以便向所有合作伙伴提供高质量的最新数据,而这是 合 作 伙 伴无 法 单 独做到 的。
Here, a Black Sea region framework is proposed for setting up observation systems and the harmonization, transmission, sharing, integration and management of
information so as to provide all
[...] partners with quality, up-to-date data, which is almost impossible for each partner to do alone.
关于立法承无论性伴侣之 间的关系问题,马耳他认为,这是一个国家管辖权问题。
On the question of legislating to recognize the
[...] relationship between two partners irrespective of their [...]
sex, Malta believed that this was
a matter of national competence.
JUNO家族加入了新的成員,JUNO-STAGE,一款為專業舞台演出所特別設計的 76 鍵 合 成 器鍵盤!配備大型LCD顯示屏, U S B 伴奏 音 軌 ,可送出給鼓手的拍子機輸出端子,專用的演出旋鈕,腳踏切換音色,即時MIDI控制處理,JUNO-STAGE能滿足現場演出的各種需求,絕對是鍵盤手在舞台上的強大武器。
Designed from the ground up for live performers, JUNO-STAGE is a
new breed of
[...] synthesizer that every gigging keyboardist will love. Decked out with an extra-large display, USB backing-track functionality, [...]
a Click output for
drummers, dedicated performance knobs, hands-free patch select, instant master MIDI control functionality and much more, JUNO-STAGE sets a new standard for powerful onstage performance at a friendly price.
最 著 名 的 是 歌 舞 伎(
[...] kabuki) -- 這 種 歌 舞 劇 統 一伴 奏 樂 器 和 使 台 上 的唱 成 為 敍 述 唱 誦 部 份 , 這 亦 [...]
反 映 了 能 劇 對 跳 舞 環 節 的 影 響 。
The most famous one was kabuki---It
[...] unitized instrumental accompaniments and an on-stage chorus to chant narrative [...]
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是 无 论 合 规 督 察干事的个人专业才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
社会变革领域的政策制订工作侧重于移徙和城市化,且发布了关 无 人 陪 伴 的 儿 童这 一特别弱势群体的移徙情况。
The work to develop policies in the field of social transformation focused on migration and urbanization, with a major work having been published on the migration of the particular vulnerable group of unaccompanied children.
[...] 情严重、截肢、患绝症、救助遭贩卖或绑架的人、遣 无 人 陪 伴 儿 童 回国,处境 艰难的妇女和老年人、寻找在移民期间失踪的人口,以及紧急援助通过空运及陆 [...]
These funds are allocated to persons of limited means in cases such as repatriation of remains, serious ill health, amputation, terminal illness, assistance to
victims of human trafficking or kidnapping,
[...] repatriation of unaccompanied minors, women [...]
and older people in vulnerable situations,
tracing of persons who go missing in the course of migration, and immediate aid to migrants deported by air or overland.




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